, . . . , . .: . .. . : v 1 . ,4 , -L 3 ; t J 'r, '' I . I J .- ,. :r--i.yittli.,. , ': 7ru.n;-W..,; ' n . r U j .N -V ! OIL: 551 flO. 10 10 PAGES iill:GipB6ys Win j'zajy Daskciball Championship MARSHALL, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1956 PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR Walnut Girl, Spring Creek t: Boys Lose Finals . Saturday Night . IjVith Dorothy Eatmon sinking bag kcta from all over the court while racking up 30" points and teammate, Edith Shepherd ably racking up crip after crip for 28 points and' Jo Whitt sinking 9 points, the Mars Hill girls won' the Madison County champ ionship Saturday night by defeating Walnut, 69-65. However, it took this typo of superb playing to del est an eaoallv rood team from Walnut. Martha McDevitt drove in 30 points with little Judy Henderson firing front eVery angle to score 25 points and IfOuise Goldsmith, with 8 points, toed Mars Hill throughout the V t game. Ellen Johnston scored the iLtlier two -points for 3oach Ralph 'i -'Sfeiil's sextet When the final whistle - 'ibW, the secret of Mars Hill's vict ory was-Jts abititjt-to control the ball on virtually every Jump. -Coach djiSe Peek's team-was indeed su yeit at ball hawking an control. Walnut- Tallied in the final minutes to 4eve the . spectators limp but MarsHill applied, the-''freeze-jist in time to protect its slim lead. As the1 final buzzer ending the game it:. MRS. LEONARD BAKER J. C CHANDLER RESIGNS FROM BD. COMMISSIONERS Physical Condition Is Reason; Successor Not Yet JVamed J. C. Chandler, chairman of the Madison County board of commiss ioners, resigned his post on the board following the meeting held here Monday. "Upon advice from my physician advising me to limit my activities, it is necessary that I resign as a member of the county commissioners. I wish to thank the public for its support during my stay in office and it is with deepest regret that I am forced to resign," Mr. Chandler stated. A successor has not yet jbeen named but will be before the meet ing next month, it was stated here this week. EASTER SEAL SALE TO GET UNDERWAY SOON sounded, the jubilant Mars Hill teamMrs. Leonard Baker Is Drive ell hut beat Coach Peek to bits as theykrietoriously let out their pent i up feelings. Although Walnut lost iathe finals, Coach Ralph Neill lct proved to everyone that, they one of: the finest teams ever ' led In Madison County. "ars Hill boys, not to be out ''eif girls' team, eked out ")-49wvlctory over the -print Creek quint to nshlp j in. the toys' jr fasl th JUrs Hill PpBf -he nttiwhls tue . .to ' Cieek team seemed .to , splutuk At hamime, the MarsAHiH five md, 10 point lead, 27-17 and ::'V' retired- at intermission with a com- i ifortafcle lead. As the second half stared, however, it was evident that i -VAPUU hWIPlft UIHMWU uU ' - i into' hii -players during the inter i mission. Gerome Willett and F. N. . .' ; Willett -Started pumping 'em in and J '.'"the score started to tighten. The i f apaclty audience, sensing a Sprmg ;:e ' (Continued ,to Page Six) ALL-TOURNAMENT . . TEAMS SELECTED; STAR PLAYERS t Chairman t Letters to be Mailed Soon Mrs. R. R. Ramsey, president of .he Madison, County Easter Seal Society announced this week that Mrs. Leonard Baker, of Walnut, will "serve as county drive chairman for the 1956 campaign for Crippled Children. Although the National Crippled Children's Drive officially ytartod March 1, the w actual cam paign will get underway fa Madison County In 3lhe next.ewdsysi.Misr iSloise Ward,f ' Marshall, 38 Wen named' secrstgry-treaatfrer and do nations lb this needed drive tosy bc sent directly to her or Mrs. Ramsey People in Madison County alwayr respond generously to the Eastei Seal Sale and it is hoped that thi drive will again be a success thi: year. Letters are being prepared b; Mrs. Baker and will be mailed in tht next few days, it was announced. CAMP AT MICAVJILLE Madison County citizens will also be glad to know that camping fa cilities for handicapped children will be met this year by conducting two camps for crippled children, one near Chapel Hill and the other near Mount Mitchell, it was ' announced by Dr. Leslie B. Hohman of Duke (Continued to Page Three) Civitans-Lions To Have Joint Meeting Monday The Marshall Civitan Club and the Marshall Lions Club will have a joint-meeting Monday night at the Presbyterian Church at which time Dr. Dibrell, of the Red Cross, will show a film. The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will prepare and serve" the dinner which will.be at 7:30 o'clock All members of both clubs are urged, to attend. ( INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL TO MEET TUESDAY Dinner-Meeting To . Be Held At School Cafeteria At 7:30 O'clock The Madison County Industrial Council will hold its third" meeting here on Tuesday night, March 13, it was announced here this week. The council, a compartively new organization, is being organized in hopes to make a concentrated effort to promote industry to Madison County and to also prepare brochures for advertising purposes. The Marshall Parent-Teacher As ssociation will be in charge of pre paring and serving the dinner which will be served at 7:30 o'clock. The principal objectives to be ac complished at the meeting are to sign the charter of incorporation and to also appoint committees, such as a Brochure Committee, A. V. Graves, of Hot Springs, is n charge of the program, it was announced this week.. Approximately ,100 persons are expected to 'attend, the dinner-meet ing and ticket can ybe purchased from D. M." Robinson at the RE A Building or W. B. Ramsey at the Citizens Bank. Plates will be $1.50 each. '. . Red Gross Membership Drive rioiv In Full Suing In County GOP CHAIRMAN -1 CLYDE M. ROBERTS ROBERTS ELECTED PASSES AT HOME HER Ecjualization Board To Hear ComplainU Here Read advertisement on Page Nine TUESDX W The" Spring Creek teams won h 'PRFMFAflRFMFlVT sportsmanship trophy in the Madi- 1 llljilJULiUllJLdULlil 1 son. County tournament which ended tj a jyr nyn rirVIl r t Walntot Saturday night with the iAUlJlll!l OEll I Mars UiU oors and girls the ctvam .tens; " . V IV K. Willett of the Spring Creek oy4 and Huncle Franklin of the Surel girls were voted outstanding iyer awards. The; all-tournament teams in- ided: Girls ( forwards Eula Cantrell, urer; Judy Henderson, Walnut; Edith Shepherd, - Mars Hill; Jean Thomas, Marshall; Dorothy Eatmon, Mars HiUYLonise Goldsmith, Wal nut;'! guards -Mfuncie Franklir Laurel; Paula's Roberts, Walnu Marian . Reese, Mars ' Hill ; Beatrix Ward, MarshsBj'Kkfi-'Pssk, Ma Hill! Irene Gosnelli.'Wainttt. -Bifytt N.'Wlllett Spring Creek Gerome Willett, Spring Creek; Lt ' oy AH. oT Marshall Dick Yaiei Tsrs HiUJ Milsm .Wall '"Mart .BUi Ramsey, Walnut; Ray Justice - Cieek; Ben..Gahsgan," Wa! a- Shelton, Laurel; Tomsni ; ,pot Springs. . C ' 'i Finer ; . ' . - v- .. , ' r Zrtx " FOR 'MARCH 15 A r :n" t f the new Steering -"'!?:; s Finer Carolina Ptw i t ' 'rirsjs was hel Fri . i o t' 9 home of Mrs. J. B. for tl yr were According to Ralph W. Ramsey, county ASC office manager, March 15 has been estahjished as the closing date whereby farmers Interested in securing official premeasurement of their 19&6 tobacco acreage could make application for such service, Ramsey said that many farmers in terested in this service let the dead- ,'ne for filing pass each year and en make inquiry concerning such '.rvice. The cost for tbjs service to te farmer is the larger of $5.00 per arm or $2.00 pr acre which amounts j only a fraction of the expense ' xne, farmer 'go to each year , when ejr loose labor, fertiliseri time and nd by esceedlng their ' ejuota and Ispose of the excess acreage. ' It is anticipated that premessure vent vork will begin as soon as joducers are notified of their 1066 evised . acreage qnota,.-, . In enclosioa Ramsey stated' that ill farmers who 'wish to have their .366 acreage cfficiaUy preraeasnr- ad and staked out,' should place their applications 'immediately with v the ASC office in MarshalL ' " . : , j i m " 1 CONVENTION HERE Plans Completed For 1956 Campaign; Chairman Appointed W. W. Candler Principal Speaker; iOther Officials I, jNanied New .officers were, elected Satur day at the biennial convention of the Madison County Republican par ty here in the Courthouse. CalyurB. Edney of Marshall, ohaMrman of the GOP executive com mittee, presided at the session attend sf" py approxhnatelv Si00 persons. Ilrinchial .! speaker' was W. W Candler' at Leicester ho said that that "GOP had inhttited national farm problems from we Democratic administration." Various,', committees were elected, R. Spencer Rice of Flag Pond, Tenn., RFP 1, and Jobie R. Henderson of Hot Springs were named members of the state GOP executive committee. Th group also endorsed C. L Rudisill Sr., of Marshall, as a dele gate to the national convention in San Francisco, Calif. . County convention officers elected included : Clyde M. Roberts of Marshall, chairman of the county GOP execu tive committee, succeeding Edney; William V. Farmer of Marshall, vice chairman; Mrs. R. B. Ramsey of Walnut, vice chairman; Kenneth Silver of Marshall, secretary; and Mrs. Roland Ramsey of Marshall, treasurer. CALVIN R. EDNEY Calvin IL Edney SqccBcb To Heart flifco!i flerff Dociy Funeral Today at Mara Hill; is.. r i . tt mu iinyunui SO Pontics Lowcill, Hast. - r:. r The hood of Jo- cr sc Calvin R. Edney, 67. a former state senator and prominent 'Mar shall attorney, died Tuesday,' March 6, 1956, at 9 p. m. in his. boms here. : He succumbed suddenly to a heart attacjc ' ti- - ' Edney-was succeeded; last Satur day by Glyde M.-Roberts -as chair man of tht Madison County Repub lican Executive kmaitUiMyit- 'Ee had been ill for several weeks prior to his death 1ut had.been able for the past two weeks te be at hit office, on his farm, and to teach a Sunday School last. W,1. 7.' "y ' forneriy taught s' st ". tv C T 'i-l': -ta Cc! '.-, , J"- T -a,'' ail it I '.:':'::..(' "y ii a' i r of the public welfare department in Madison County, and had been active In Republican party circles for a nutnber of years on the district and sUte levels. , - He was deacon of the Marshall First Baptist Church, where ha had taught the Whltehnrst. Bible Oass foft many years. , . . "j ' t " Edney Jad served twice as state senator from the former 80th sena torial district, representing Avery, Madison, Mitchell, and. Yancy coun ties, and was a f irmer Federal Land Bank field 'repi-.rnutita,';v.5v 5 Ee was 'a WvtlJ War -T veteran, serving as a 't : nt withthe U. STORES TO START CLOSING HALF-DAY NEXT WEDNESDAY Employers and employees will be glad to see next Wednesday after noon arrive because it will be on this date that most of Marshall's stores will" start closing each Wed nedajr . afternoon throughout the summer, until October 17. Shoppers are reminded to "stock, up", on Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings.. " i; The half-day holiday gives ; the employers and employees an oppor tunity to "get out" from under the regular grind and work in. gardens, yards, homes and to enjoy outfngs, fishing and picnics. ; JOIIETCALF IS MIED mt LCS .ACuSiT.'' John M. Metcalf, 4$, of the Middle Fork section of Madison "County, was killed iast,tntly,TTe-' I'srch 7, ic:3, v ' -i a log r 1 til at Mrs. Fred O. Tilson is chairmaa for Madison County for the Ameri can Red Cross 1950 campaign with Rev. R. N. Barefoot serving as Co- chairman. The Mars Hill drive is headed ly Adam Dycus, assisted by The Woman's Club with Miss Irene Olive and Mrs. S. W. Vance aa chairmen, The Civitan Club, and Mars Hill Collee-e with Dr. Robert Holt and M. H. Kendall as chairmen. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Hogan will head the drive for members and funds, assisted by Mrs. J. B. Tweed at Hot Springs. Mrs. Ezra Burnette is chairmaa of the drive for Walnut. Mrs. Tilson and Mr. Barefoot wiU be in charge of the Marshall drive assisted by Mrs. J. O. Corbett, Mrs. Jimmy Sprinkle, Mrs. James Baley, Jr., Mrs. Allen Duckett, Mrs Craig Rudisill, Jr., and Mrs. Walter Ram sey, Mrs. A. J. Ramsey, Home Dem onstration Clubs and Mr. Alonze Dennis and Mrs. Peggy Dotterer, rural communities. Mrs. C. D. Bow man has accepted chairmanship ef Nursing Services for Madison County which includes all Red Cross volun teer nursing activities. Assisting Mrs. Bowman will be Mrs. Edwia Mashburn, Mrs. James Baley Jt, Mrs. Leonard Baker and Mrs, Alias Duckett. Dr. W. A. Sams will be 1966 Bleed Program chairman assisted by Miss Virginia Hart, chairman for Mara Hill College. Mr. Glenn Painter will be water saa'ety chairman with Mrs. A. M. McElyea serving as co-chairman. Mrs. . George Shiipe is T chairman. 1 Mrs. Hilliard Teague is chairmaa J . (Continued to Page-Six) & ' 1 Office In! Courthouse To Close Wed. Afternoons It was announced here today that beginning next Wednesday after noon, March 14, offices in the court house will be closed each Wednesday afternoon during the summer month?. This schedule was adopted along with the stores in Marshall who be gin the half-day holiday next Wednesday. Sunday School ' Study Courses To Be In County T 1 , i I ' On March 12-16 there will be a Sunday School study course at the Gnon Baptist Church and the Chapel Hill Baptist Church for all people of those areas. On March 19-23, the same study course will be held at Forks of Ivy Baptist Church and Laurel Chapel Baptist Church for people of these areas. Some of the best qualified teach ers in western North Carolina have been secured to held these courses. All churches in the. French BroaA and Newfound Associations are ia vited toattend: "May we all dedicate, ourselves to these important study, courses in or der that w might have more efficient Sunday Schools,. Wade Huey. S. 8. Associational' Supt stated. ' EPiOTDSALE: iZO, 1.7.1 154' t i5 i i One of , the fint c9i horned and t 1 r ford cattle will is first annual' C;ric ? , Snsored by t'. e Ctroliha "Harefoil ." ..Tie ss'af .v"! I ' t" i ef r . : Hi S. Amy r- ' i in ini3 ad 153. r ' .""Hrri it he v 1.' i t .1