' "I K. t. it t f u ' i 13V ' S i"Y 1 1 1 MARSHALL N. C, MAR. ft, IS CTAGIT TEN "the news. record t- hlw(TATI0H i frM , Hi VoHd'i Moit Widely Used more uvciiock : Surgery Now Being Done Ori - Farms f Jirsf UNCommemorative Stamp of 195 THE A MERICAN WA Y t h Devotional Guido ., i -. i 1 The first United Nations Postal Administration stamp to be Isso in 1956 will be In honor of the International Teleconunnnicatl Union (ITU) , a specialised agency of the UN. Designed by H. Wort rwimmer, a member of the international panel of artists establish I by the Postal Administration, the stamps will be printed by Thou : de la Rue & Co. Ltd., London, and issued in 3-cent ,blue) and 8-ci ' (red) denominations. The stamps will be placed on sale 17 Februs, '-' -. v.- . , FOMJSmv-U.S.A. ami! i , PHftf- I I" .V : I I . ,tfaWaWW , I 1 D (Outi 18 "jnc It if 11 : 0JOYWIM0WTOW1W OMI ASUCEofVUIMUE FOREST UND? YOU DO- YOOR SHARE OFtHC HMWMAi FORESTS B SUWUt MORE WAN ONE ACRE, ABOUT THE SIZE OF A FOOTBALL FIELD. M4 ?5i YOUR ACRE, ALOM6 WITH THOSE OF WUR rmoiMMERlCAAUUCroP-fUBLICRJREST RESOtmCE, FttMMftt MAMY PRODUCTS AID IERVKE& TRULX-EVERYMAHSlPIft" ATTRACTS ATTENTION Phone This Nesppef AjmUYou'U Get Anention Cl)t Upper Uoom O THI WVfS ROOM NASHVtUE. TtNNCSSfE corf Matthew 16 :t 1-28 Whosoever will save his life shall lone it; but whosoever shall lose his life for mv , sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it. (Mark 8: :3a.) The giant in the circus performs dangerously as he has a rope tied around his throat and pulled until he is almost strangled. The animal trainer performs dangerously as he puts his head into the lion's mouth J and nearly loses his life. But Jesus lived dangerously. He was not performing feats of physical prowess to make an impression. He was, living His convictions. It was dangerous because Jesus upset the existing system of values.. It took 'Jesus Himself to the cross. Jesus calls us to follow Him. He does not call us to a life of ease and worldly security. He does not call us to a life of fame and worldly plenty. He calls' us to follow along a straight and narrow path the path of Tuth and righteousness. "In the world ye shall have tribula tion. ' But it is a call of hope, for He atided, "I have overcome the world." PRAYER Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the life of Jesus, for His loyal ly to Thee, to truth, to those He came to seek and to save. We thank Thee for this call of His to lis to live dangerously: Give us the courage to rvspond. Through Christ our Lord nve 'ask it. Amen. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Jesus challenges me to take up my cross and follow Him. Eva I. Shipstone, Educator (India) RUGGED WINTER Dublin, N.1L 7 According to the Old Farmer' Aknanac, the oldest periodical in America which is still continuously published" in t-e same name ri iffiglMflMTlVit'ii J winter was tmmtT been "as seme as any of "the Ttpntieth Century." Beginning with bleak November bad storms and blustery cold suc ceeding one another with very few mild spells or thaws and no real winter break until late March is forecast. NSW p j-WITfl ONLY 249.95 im im TUBE- 4 inMfarance pwKcHon won't in terfere with other sets. Double-shielded against outside interference. New path-pull o-o twitch with "set-and-Xorget"6lume controL Your TV comes on .at previous volume setting. New long-life tubes, G-E Dynapower speaker, and area control for best picture at all signal strengths. G-E ahuninised 90 picture tube for Ussest 21-mdi picture. n; Never before so many top qua! ilj .tares at th 1 Pce. Ctome in ;I--ompsre Tctirre-pare pries. ZrtU sire--ia TVyonrbest buy Is G-E I 1 . rs L :l I'm r "ffT! Model tlTOSft,- 21-inch table model. Rich Mahogany f mish. GE Alum inised tube. Hatchinc base at no ( s, r ' extra eost., 4js", ,j. y:$ilfMM tie st Tjrtis ij Jop! With more and more livestock sur gery being done on the farm, the American F&undation of Animal Health today cautioned that every jKissiible safeguard needs to be taken if such operations are to be success ful. Animals have great recuperative powers, but they still need much the same care and attention as human beings before, during, and following surgery, the Foundation said. "The longer an animal is sick, the poorer surgical risk it becomes. Prompt examination by a veterina rian will reveal whether there is a need for surgery, and if this is done early enough the surgery may be performed while the animal has the greatest amount of strength and re sistance, the Foundation report stated. Farmers should provide clean and sanitary quarters for the operation, and they should be moderately warm and free from drafts. The quarters should be prepared accord ing to instructions from the veteri narian, who will also list post-op erative care recommendations. The farmer should see to it that the an imal is clean and comfortable, both before and after surgery. Livestock owners should be alert for signs of complications following surgery, reporting the progress of the patient, or any unfavorable signs o the veterinary surgeon immediately. The Foundation added that ad vanced techniques are taking more No Rest for the Weary Taxpayer Tar Heel Farmers Lost By Not Planting Hybrid North Carolina farmers "threw risk out of farm animal surgery, and away' $19 million last year! How.' new and improved ontibiotics and, John C. Rice, director of the North drugs also are proving very help-1 Carolina Crop Improvement Asso- Pertinent Question ful. ciation, says Tar Hell farmers lost the money by failing to plant hybird seed for their corn production. Extensive tests at the North Caro- ' T ". - . O . 1 ' I .1 In a Washington school, a teacher !"na -per.meni ouuu.. ami was reviewing the story of the Brit- umciai variety lest, in. k,. ami ish attack on our national capital College, show that certified hybird in the War of 1812. corn seed planted in this state will "With the approach of the Brit- produce an average of 15.3 bushels In addition to the increase in yield, Rice says that certified hybrids pro duce corn that has a good shuck overage to resist weathering and veevil damage. He adds that the grain quality of the certified hybrids is much higher than that of .other hybrids not adapted to ina conditions. North Caro- ish forces," she related, "all Con gressmen left the city. Of course they came back later." "Teacher," interrupted one little boy wise in the ways of Washing- North Carolina were planted to hy- ton, "did they collect mileage both i briefer the loss in production is esti ways?". I nated at over 12 million bushels. ier acre more than crib corn or open 1 Kllinated corn. Because only 69V6 per cent of the wo million acres of corn planted in Rice says that a Tar Heel farmer hat to spend only $1.50 an acre for planting seed. This $1.50 will return him $22.50 more profit per acre with an increase in yield. Rice says these figures are based on N. C. Certified JUu6 Tag corn which is bred in North Carolina for North Carolina coun ties. For 1956 production, farmers will e offered high quality certified orn seed properly screened to plant accurately and assure good stands. Every litem In Store Come See! Reduced Gome Save! All MEN'S SHOES vIue To 10-95 5.19 All BOOTS Value. To $12.95 6.19 All COATS Value. To $11.95 4.49 All TOYS 's OFF MOST DISHES OFF PANTS & SHIRTS OFF Aluminum WARE Vi OFF All ENAMEL WAR E 98b: Al I Fl S H I N G T ACK LE 10 OFF ; LliHTsDUIIIr-; - OFF; All C B LD EWS SHOES OFF,; All.jARTICS- 3.50. - .: .... . . , .. . . . ...... ; . I , i .l-- --J i - j'M fc -J . . m mm i - w. m w . , a . i . i-- - , ! i ' ' - - v t-. tf v ;.; I f ": , . " . -J r , - ... fl v. ). 5. . AC" V