4 'r;.,il-.v-!,i ":.'! ... "',vr.:. ! ' 1 ii . L 5 i, 'V c r VOL: 55 NO 12 MEASUREMENT TE EXTENDED .1 TOBACCO ' J' jtfhe Madison County ASC Com i mittee at a recent meeting extend ed the date whereby tobacco produc ers could file for official premeas urement of their 1956 tobacco allot ment to March 30, according to Ralph W. Ramsey, county office manager. The original closing date established for this service had been set for March 15. Ramsey said that the Committee felt that many farm ers interested in applying for this service had neglected filing by March 15, and that sine? no field work on pienieasuiing couid ret un der way until sometime in April, and that the date should lie extended un til March -'iO. In closing it was painted out that any 1950 tobacco producer who de- sired official premcasurenn nt mtv ices should place his application and 1 deposit with the ASC office in !l:ir ; shall prior to March .'il. The cost to the farmer for this service is $5.00 per farm or $2.00 per acre whichever 'Is larger. The premeasured acreage ;.::will be accepted as the final acreage iT the farmer plants each and all fields in the exact manner as they were premeasured and there is no obvious error in the premeasure- ment. ' MADISON COUNTY PRE-SCHOOL IMS CUED he - Madison County Board of th this week released the fol g' dates set for pre-school clin- vch 29. 1986 Chapel ' iV " April 4 Spring Creek School April 4 9i00 . nu x . ; April 11 Marshall School 9:00 a. vi. April 16 White Rock School 9:00 a.'m. April 18 Hot Springs School 9:00 a. m. April 25 Mars Hill School 9:00 a. m. May 9 Beech Glen School 9:00 a. m. ' May 16 Walnut School 9:00 a. m. Train Hits Car, Driver Escapes Serious Injury A northbound freight flipped a 1950 sedan off the grade crossing of U; S. Highway 25-70 at Hot Springs at 12:30 p. m., Monday. The driver escaped "with superficial cuts and 'bruises. - Ehe'ear, driven by Paul Shipley jot Hot Springs, had almost made it ajrow the tracks when the diesel difven freight caught it in the side ai the rear, flipped It around and vm, and left it lying topside down . intfront f the station door. v .TIo estimate of damages to the ve- , hieles has been available. i! An ordinance designed to curb mo- ' torlsts from speeding, unnecessary horn-Mowing, -screeching of tires 1 ni reckless driving in the corporate ' its. of Marshall was unanimously ted -hers Tuesday night by the .1 aldermen.' The entire brdW nance, eirecUve' Friday; Marsh ; 2? and t' -ter,-aeli solely wit: the t - tf motor vehicles' in the fe- "-rriiaH- and-hould'...Je c ! ly every drirar.' t -,C f tlas ordinance for th r V ' '1 b fined not less t' : ore than tSO.00, ; ; r second ofienset f'.-Rra "shall be i s :.C3 and not I ' '. A ".' " ' j ' ". ' i ' ! v-' 8 PAGES THE RED CROSS NEEDS A RAISE; DRIVE NOW ON Disaster In 1955 Gven Chief Reason For More Funds As Floods, tornadoes and Hurricanes 'wept across the country during 1955 from North Carolina's coast to Canada; later to the West Coast California and Oregon. More than 28,000 families were assisted by the Red Cross, ; and nearly 27,000,000 used to get the families back on their feet. Red Cross disaster reserves are low, and the tornado season is oacniiig. (jive and give more n nerously than ever before. We cannot all go in person U help at 'he lime oT these trat.euics. but we can be there by joining Red Cross :!c .v and serve in time of disasieis h rough our contributions. In addition to its disaster service, lied Cross continues its other scr ccs: Blood Service, First Aid and Water Safety, Nursing Service. Ju nior Red Cross and Service to the Armed Forces. Mail your contribution to Ameri can Red Cross. Campaign Chairman. Lock Box D, Marshall, N. C. 29 MARS HILL SENIORS NOW IN WASHINGTON Group Left On Wednesday By Train; Will Return On Sunday Morning Twenty-nine seniors of Mars Hill shevjlle H Wednesday" afternoon' en twute to Washington, D. C-, Where they will spend more than two days touring the nation's Capitol. The group will return to Asheville Sun day morning. Seniors making the trip are: Jean Ramsey, Mildred Rice, An nette Hoyle, Lula Belle Sprinkle Edith Shepherd, Barbara Briggs, Jorothy Eatmon, Kay Peek, Shirley -Vilds, Caroleen Johnson, Larry 3rigmon, Jake Grigg, Lawrence Am nons, Gerald Tonnberlin, Nial Clark, j Charles Boone, Phillip Merrill, Rex Edwards, Charles Ramsey, V. J. Willis, L. C. Bradley, Herschel Mc Daris, J. C. Moss, Stanley Peek, Jimmy Ledford, Bruce Phillips, Lan don Wyatt, Harold Bailey, and Rob ert Phillips. Accompanying the group were Mrs. Fain Sprinkle, Mrs. Jim Story anci Mr. Clyde Peek. MHC Enrollment Highest In History With 1,080 This Year Mars Hill, March 1 .Enroll ment at Mars Hill Junior College has reached the highest total in the 100-year history of the school, As sistant Registrar Robert Chapman announced today. The enrollment this week of Miss Songlar Kendradomying of. Bang kok, Thailand, brought to 1,080 the total enrollment . for the 1955-66 school year. Last September 996 full time and 41 special students reg stored, making a total of 1,03?. New ' students entering for the second se nester pushed this, figure to 1,080. ' Chapman , said the previous recorc snrolhnent was reached during the 1947-48 term .when 1,051 students were registered. , This; was . during the peak enrollment; of World War n Veterans under theVirat G1 Bill." Huff, Fryman And Farmer Warned Ai ? ; . Board Of ElccUonf? w4J&tU: ' ? hXH ? f . Tbe State Board of ClecMona has named the Kadison County Board of Elections as follows z - , ' -E-rnn Eaff, Hot Springs, T- R MARSHALL, N. C, Prospects For Poultry Dressing Plant To Be Gieard CSere Tuesday Meeting To Be Held March 27 In Courthouse- In Marshall What do we desire in a new in dustry locating in our county? Here are some of the things we first think of: 1. Employment for laborer.; and management in the plant. 2. Business for scrvirng gro'.ips as transportation, financing, market ing purchasing anil others. A user of raw materia! - we can i'urnish. I. I'ossible sideline operation.; of fering jobs and busimss t' oihere. f. Stabilizing; we don't care for the "here today and gone tomorrow deal." These are a few of the things we would like to have in a new industry. We have many other things to con sider such as unnecessary racket, odors, smoke, influx of undesirable people in a community, et cetera. We in Madison County have come to realize that we just can't dream in a good thing. No sir; we musi go after what we want. We must be willing to do something about our own betterment besides dream and wish. The setting dog likes the rabbit, too, but all he ever swallows from his desire is saliva. Let's get into the race! We have a few hot trails to follow. One that could 'lead to a smokestack with' a payroll close by is a broiler dressing plant a dressing plant . targe ,wugbto.Jemploy aroundlOO Deome Derating the plant: a ore ing plant large enough to dress birds for out of State markets ;a dressing plant large enough to allow our farmers to build broiler houses and realize the fact that their birds would not have to be hauled to Ten nessee, South Carolina, Georgia, cJurke County or even Buncombe Jounty to be dressed. A dressing plant which would mean feed sales, .nedication sales, fuel and electrical sales, building material sales, serv .eing the farmers growing the birds and the haulers, financing et cetera equal to the gross business being carried on in Marshall now! Big business; yes sir, but not too big for Madison County. Gainesville, Georgia had to start and that area today is placing over 4,000,000 broil ers in houses per week. Madison County farmers built broiler housing space for 72,000 broilers in 1955. This space used 4 times per year can finish 288,000 broilers a year and would require . around 2,332,800 lbs. of feed to pro (Continued to Page Four) COMMUNITY TO OBSERVE LORD'S SUPPER MARCH 29 Service At Local Presbyterian Church; Public Invited ' To Amend A Community Candlelight Com munion Service will be celebrated in 'Jie Marshall Presbyterian Church Dn Thursday evening, March 29 (Maundy Thursday) at 7:80 o'clock, i This 'service will commemorate ihe Lord's Supper with Hia.Pisci pies, which took place in the tJpper Room the night of His betrayal. . Of all communion services held through out the church , year, the celebration of the Lord's, Last Sapper is the most significant. ::-r!&T'J f. Included V'JVl-tbe The Conversation in the Garden of Gethsemane, which ''..took place In 4he darkness, '-f rfi-f .:; Off kenr ' of 'the several churches willvdistribnta: the alanienta. 'A . All people in the community "are encouraged and Invited to participator ta wis noiy Bscramenv THURSDAY, MARCH BANQUET SPEAKER CHARLIE JUSTICE JUSTICE SPEAKER NIGHT Famous All-Ameni H-AmeriCan And Annual Event Charlie "Ohoo-Choo" Justice, AU American football player at the Uni versity of North Carolina, and for mer star halfback of the Washing ton Redskins, will be the principal speaker at the annual Marshall High School Athletic Banquet to be held in the school cafeteria Friday night. Although Justice ihas visited Mar shall before, this will be the first time he has appeared on a program here. The banquet will begin at eight o'clock with a delicious dinner pre pared by the personnel of the lunch room under the excellent direction of Mrs. Jack Sprinkle. Members of Miss Allene Hancock's home econom ics department will serve the meal. Approximately 110 students and guests are expected to attend the annual affair. I Gene Wyke, well-known humorist, of Asheville, will again serve as mas ter of ceremonies. Mr, Wyke, of the Sports Mart in Asheville, is always "tops" as a master of ceremonies and has appeared here several times. The high school octette, under the direction of Mrs. W. W. Peeke, with Mrs. Blanch Bryan at the piano, will sing several selections, it was announced. Next season s co-captains of the football team will be announced and the outstanding football player last season recognized. Pre-Easter Setrices To Be Held At Mars Hill Baptist Church K.y- The Rev. W. W. JPinTator, pastor of the First Baptist y Church of Elisabeth City, wm:'':-ktk;'tMt speaker at pre-Easter services to be conducted at the Mars Hill .Baptist Church beginning Monday Tening at 8 o'clock and continuing each ev. ning through Thursday when m ap elsi service of commemoration toi the Lord's Supper will be- held. - ; r ,On Good Friday a service f Med itation will be heldy at 2 o'clock to the aftornoon; ' t -Everyone is ordla!'y invited to attend these services. Cr- surface sstron 22, 1956 ZONE MEETING OF LIONS TO BE HELD Calendar Campaign Now Progress ; Deadline Next Thursday In The Marshall I. ions Club met in a special meeting Monday night at the Rock Cafe here and made final plans 'or the Zone I meeting which will be held at the Marshall High School ('aeteiia next Monday evening: at ?:;!() o'eloek. The zone meeting will lie preveJod by the regular meeting if the Mar-hall Club. Following the :e;'.o!ar meet il::;, members will he ox-U-eil oft'iriahs f I Olll the Vl'ile 'one u:i! holii an executive eonl'ei t llee. At the' meeting hei-' Momlav, ihe a!i.p:ii for new calenclai.- Iilarji1 neelin dates, liithda . and ai)!U ersaries was start' d. The cam paign will last for only cane Wee! .ml anyone wishing to have theii 'liithdays or other data primed 01 ne new calendars are asked to se i member of the club before ncx. Thursday, the deadline. The club also voted to send a dele gate to the International Convention in Miarry on June 27-30 and will give the delegate $100 as the club's part of the expenses. A delegate will be named later, it was stated. 14 members attended the meeting Monday with Bill Zink, president, presiding. NATIONAL 4-H CLUB WEEK OBSERVED IN COUNTY I served throughout We eountv March 3 through March 11. The Walnut clubs sponsored a chapel progranTfeH the student body at Walnut High School, consisting of greetings by Judy Henderson; a, song- led by Joan Hollifield; devotions by Joyce Ram sey; and prayer by McClellan Rice. Patsy Craine led the group in the 4-H Cluib pledge and Othella Rioe ?ave a report on her 4-H project. A report on outstanding activities of Junior 4-H members was presented by Aileen Burnette, president of the Walnut Junior 4-H Club Jovce Thomas discussed the activities of the Senior 4-H Club. 4-H camp life at Camp Schaub and Manteo receiv ed attention by Betty Johnson and Paula Roberts. Edwin Stines, dis trict talent show winner, gave a performance of his ability as a pi anist The 4-H County Council was discussed by Patsy MoDevitt. Judy Henderson recognized all officers of the Junior and Senior clubs and closed the program with the club motto. " Sleepy Valley Community 4-H CQub Observed National 4-H Club Week by placing window displays in the Citizens Bank at Hot Springs. The display consisted of some work done by 4-H members' some time during the past year. Some of the girls displayed such items as quilt, tops, pies, cakes, canned goods, corn muffins, and scarf made of huck toweling with the Swedish darning design. Special meetings were 'conducted at 4-H Club meetings at Walnut, Spring Creek, Ebbs Chapel, and Laurel. Events like these could not take place Without the assistance of 4-H adult leaders in the schools and com munities. Mrs. Dorothy Shups as sisted with the program at Walnuts! Mrs. Robert Davis at Spring Creek, Mrs. Evelyn English and Mr. Cline ,Whitt' at Ebbs Chapel, and Mrs. C MClapp at the Sleepy Valley Com munity ' Club. ',- . ; T Freda English To Be In fdli Festival In v ChpeHill Aijril7 -: Mrs. Freda English of the Lan rel section off Madison County, will, be a festered entertainer at the 9th anni-l CaroIIaa FoUr .'Festhrnl at j Crl n:U, April 6-7. Mrs. Etig, --,.f.Tt prist In fte. K. C. .- '.r ia J tt C l.-tt balls J : -. 1 r h - ' i-, tla .-, - , r . , t ' I -r i cx v . i. " ; . i PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR FIVE MADISON MEN CHARGED WITH ROBBERY Buncombe County deputy sheriffs arrested five Madison County men during the past weekend and charg ed them with a total of 1 counts of highway robhery. The men are allcred to have rob bed at least five men in Buncombes County and to have tahen amount.-! ranging from li'i cents' to $27 in the last six weeks They were I'-Usi Jr., Hi, (Jeter i. .. i Shclton, -I, l-iaal, Joe Kobcrls, 111. as Robert Reeves nt r, 2 1 , Kenneth Johnston, 'Z'l, and and Shclton were laxiimt"!! A ve nd Johnston and ed i.'i Saturday II. .ecves t d !!ii(4.ni- Friday o - a viile, ucio ,:c! in Mar.ih; ihe) 1 i lti:i tun and Job. ton are charged - i mint s Huberts lieeve aeh of highway rob s barged in three two, and Buekner oiia. me. The men will be j;-iyen preliminary learins before Magis-trate ("arroil Fowler. Bonds were set at $2,000 each for Johnston a.id Roberts, and $1,000 each for the other three. Aid Crippled Children By Buying Easter Seals The sale of 1956 Easter Seals will provide funds for many worthwhile services In addition to the helpful services to crippled children and adults, such as special clinics, hos pitals, schools, camps, therapeutist and medical consultants, it also pro vides special centersfor cerebral pal sied children, .The campaign, now underway, wiT close on April 10 and it is hop- 1 that, the total raised will exceed. 4 funds obtained in 1955. All of fundi raised in North Carolina, cept for 8.3 per cent, will be retain ed locally. Less than one-twelfth goes to finance the services of the national organization in its educa tion and research work. It is expected and hoped that the people, of this county will give gen erously to the fund that offers hope to the crippled of our state and na tion. Certainly, this is a drive to ivhich all of us should respond, cheerfully and liberally. SILVER WARNS ITS ALMOST FLEA BEETLETIME Harry Silver, county agent, says that tobacco farmers must fight a lot of pests in order to be sure of success. It's almost flea beetle time again in Madison County. One of the best flea beetle killers, and about the easiest to use is DDT. Farmers should have on hand and ready to use either 5 per cent or 10 per cent D. D. T. to use as a dust at the rate of 94 to IVi pounds per 100 sq. yard of bed space or V4 pound of 50 per cent wettable D. D. T. powder to use as a spray. As a spray one ounce will make 6 gallons of spray which should be applied on and immediately around the bed. Either treatment should be repeated in 10 days. Your. County Agent's office will be happy to give yon further infor mation and bulletins on insect con trol. MHS ANNOUNCES 1956 BASEBALL SCHEDULE (The "1956 baseball' schedule ' fop t, ; Marshall High School ws.Bnowoosd s- i today by Coachet Glenn Paiator aad - toy"Btta.'-:VJ? i raaacheauio it asvlaiiows: , i April 6-BakersvUle, her. April 10 Open April 13 sl-ersviile, her ;.Xf ra " - - . v.'Arr'l r ' - - , - Arr'i : s '" ' - " r-y 1- .' ' .... 'it it r 'L and WCiam V, tiis r.ovrra rrr' m m tii t r A r i tt ocraU , . .:sa. -

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