a; J i t V -- -1,'bWness, 1VJ 'y1 4neay',i!prif &, 3:I5rpy. mfjfc.- Hudib;i Vre'sfdont 4ftd;hjtr N,:WePcb Ejroad Tink 5!tt -, i. J v , . itiyvBtrtcKenwnen n (4!k.lvnuBi r v ye; , V. :K U4T,.Lh, u&v'S vv . will be- given 'thV MrhalLtHwfl '-i ".rila rtrently.w octe4 ' V 'net iSis-wlci ' ua,tot)hV mitio- tV -ft 1 T. .nJolice v jventTonrVfb,' 'A ive of, (t-vtav ' i.ountf lli as owner t -eraWr 61 theUJuiuicni,OTariei; Kopet, urv aix Vutu, i tea sua in.uv v,r jm r ; kal!, the Kot'Errlrij IIot4 at, Hot gpri anaii r ' servei - tbreo- f&tfii i l.u-ve been 58 ' years bid .al service , wfll,1tas iel4t arshaU Ptesbytetiaa Churc8 r afternoon; kB.' tnree'-o'deck. y.?4XcbT4'Walilr; pMto. ib Rev. A.!(?Ray Howlaiid. f or :astor;vwfll officiate- , Burial . . e ift the-frjScWrd Cemetery. a ..Jearar wtH ;be Bruce Murray. : v fishery' Stan Kennett, . Clyde ' Serts'X-' it -Baley Jr., DrA. . : jnsetabi Dr.. WO. Duck. aorary 'pallbearers will be mem s 6 the Marshall Civitan Club, j ; ! lera' of the Presbyterian Church . ; 1 Dlrectors'of the Bank of French ' - Junrlving are ' the widow, Mrs; . jie WDfong Rudlsill; two sons,, , ' 1omas of Orlando, Fla, and Craig :'x L-s Jr. of Marshall; three daughters, "fa, Mary Cohn of Mars Hill, Mrs. ; IlcleW Goddard of Knoxville, Tenn., anil " Mrs Sarah Louise Allen of 1 1 " BenninctoB, Vermont, and si grand- , 'ebJIdran.', 0 . V The.bodyjwill be taken to the borne ..v. mj. a:uu 0 ciocK 1 nursaay aiternoQn C , end . will remain there until 1:00 -S.- clock Friday where it IriU'lie-Ua ft rstat for one hour prior to the srv- .vt Bowman-Rector .Funeral Home, is in charge of arrangements. y j. Accor ' r -""at te - announcement by , F, i: 1 f Frlaby, window ' s'iJ t r .'!or will be dls t fd e Jy afternoon , " T' " -begia- 1 lobby i f 4 -.3 v, Vvj,' r ' :f i nifiit'.imi ii i .ilV I I M 1 i Ml m I . l sr m t. i j k. k ft' " 1 . . School tudifdriojfn, oiieJ5atUliy. asV-. Apfil , 14,' start) ng trl)t .oIock. Proceed - fro tho'iivA wil go. fo'Ka iCdpipIedChUdwttfaJ rt4 Ball will .aev ai;?8itafWf rei Sohedulcd to -appear t .S. Vnni quartet,-;Happy Rhythm; Meloj dy. JPive, West AahWll .TJrfoIIaii-J :stiaaM yreen gvwrKt; onfjaurBSivan treQnl'qiiarttiir Hlchlandsw qi'Ttel, Smith '(TrWC-' -GobcI UtU.-t-i' r. vrt ti. J,:Coinpetitonftfogr' .tbe,prtn.lst1er wcancy 'in this -oiy . hjusb' nT; u lest "2 yebrsf ef experience "showing thatHhev have the abQitv to conduct and manage the community's "pestafj business efficiently end to supervise employees s0 that fljtoxners ate sat isfied with the serlpe,- ...... . Competitors must show that they can- deakwith the publiorgreeably find effectively and that they are re liable citizens who would command the respect and confidence of pa trons of the post office. Applicants must take a written test. Those who pass will be as signed final ratings on the basis of this test and on their experience, ability, and character. There is a 1-year residence requirement and all applicants except those entitled to veteran preference must.be at least 25 years of age. ThereVs no max imum age limit. . Complete information about ' the Examination requirements and in struction for filing applications may be obtained at the post office for which this examination is 1eing an nounced. Application . forms must be filed with the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington 25, D. C, and must be received or postmarked not later than the closing date. UNITED STATESl CIVIL SRVJCE COMMISSION World War I Vt James H. Hensley JtiSen!r.,Vice Ccnand 3r Veterans' of Werid War ly aTincunoei this week that the Vet erf s ef Trll jSfaI, Aolding a " v 5"" ineet'ng jtV the X Buncombe Co r t- c""- ouge""'! m jili?" f? 1 lSjat;:W,eclock;ia 1 '.rirf'"of..''iTave "fen-. . ".'-ry 'X'--' Tr-.I .''" -1 "or ' -v..-. ivs fe- Sclrt.. stents' theifcfcamtaand Other jue(. ,ttended tWrt an; niial.j rsthti Son, t-Io'1ierr1?au,-r Ganquc' c J.Iarjaha" UigtoSch jI'b future era of A. tea ndTJV frWalte-,! . 'Ml by'tbg;mXlubrai4!u;lev, P. Dv7CWtp)! of;? he Marsf a;httiyliprpt(Hlipcl tv '.S'onowUiifi bit dirtnet: Bill- dradn; president' of hr"r introduced 'tna ests' prt f ffA FMrtPnd pf"vpd s lactiaina, ki : ' Ta-i iagjflg')itlo.u 1 - " tbelfc ne :"' tiict ' v . . .ian ianerico. Hequote qxee'rr rora L.tecen&i hesVie' had heard i.y.e p'eriencei 'm'en who hatf v?siU'dRus IarS 1 1 w v " l I- w Mjp. Smith also , stressed ,he im portance of mathematics a,nd science in our schoobj and enoour'igd the boys and girl' to 1 leartt.; .alf-they could in these fields. He. urged boys And girls to securest! .the training Dossiblo to make belter farmers and homt makers and alio toid of the im portance for qualified teaehers in our educational system. - He dwelled on the fouri? keys, of success and enumerated the as fol lows: 1. Preparation; Jlnjecializa tion; 3. Perspiration; iijisjfration. The banquet w8 gdjourned by i)he impressive closing (Ceremony by the FFA and FHA nlfllnbers and teachers. Mart Hill PTA To Meet April 10 At High School ,ii r' j ' :t ' The Mars Hill PTA will meet on Tuesday April 10, ai TtSO pi'm., in the higfi acbool auditorium. , The High School Glee Qub will present the program. Devotions will be given by Mrs. Hoy t BlackwelL Mrs. W. 0. Duck, president, will preside. - , t r isnernsen. t- - CD Crfcrrjie A DousIa Monday t .A- Mom Cittons Bank personnel, decided to tqwnd the day at DouglM fke . la spite of the rain, the fellows 'landed1 k.' total ot t3 erappiea. .r.f s t se ecj"-- te ; "fcg catch t &&ert . - 'Mr 1'iort a' r-.-T ' L.tt, frank , :,;awkm; mi,v J says f farmer io o t 1 : e lie think Id 'iip soil re. goii v- to keep i Wo bnoMf toaUoriji'lIl -bring; j A tp be teady. j ady" foVwbatey t j'-nB lfeaping jrvicnittiral r"t95f lis endurjnj la poiirt- rvatiofl.V 1 up; in : t call .iUl 1o- 1 15 baa sing'dRfce iririar ' s , practices. 1 t 1 i r viloff )vef nun . ". 9 Jed ai''t:., rJbns(riBd'''anf .atW.Mars: t.-jRepresentati ?antn, Marioi 31I Civitan Cli 3 ield, lit , t. J VB&it Building, t -irougltl efforts ivitan Culb.1 k from ' Marshall, .hevflle and Mars ittended the meet-' Also, pre was a delegatiMM rem the Junlo tiviUn Clubiof M : Am6hg othe. yOests andvpaakers at. the 'banquet heeting weVt Dallas Mackey of LexVgton, state extension director and 'ptM internatical chap lain, ..and Jmk$ Silver of Marion, Civitan lieutenant governor at large, who reported on plans for formation of new clubs in the zone. A music al program was presented following the dinner. Walnut High School Junior Class To Give Play, "Rest Assured" "Rest Assured," a comedy in three acts, will be presented by the junior lass of Walnut High School in the school auditorium Saturday, Apri 7, at g p. m. Gene CantreU and Rollan Bullman are playing the leading roles. Other members of the cast are Carta Caldwell, Paula Roberts, Lou 's Goldsmith, Joye 'Thomas, Bruce Roberts, Maryu,, Ramsey, Prince Thomas JAbi iXeanr-MeadowaAl-vn rame Jba ip W9pn,:a5?AUT Farmer 4ind Bosemary 'Sawyer., . t JChe produttioa tM iru Car-j Judie ' Henderson, WHm; Anderson, Elizabeth KensleyV: LucUli'BullmaftV Jinwiy Jack Roberts, Bl Mae free, man end Garth Anderson. ; ' Th play Is direvi hy'lSrCIUth ert Baref ooti Junior, eltta . apon- ? - . y - : " -v - v U 4 ' ' v.-- The C's : ty, 1 ' - tVltS jftUTH GUTHRIE SERVICES HELD BY OES HERE SAT. Miaa )RqU Guthrie j f ca Worthy ) !Mtron 0thr.Officr s An dpen insUllaMon of . offiors" for Marahal' (frvfrnfafa prder Whe Eastern Star, vaseld. Bat-, orday nlirht," March --Jl ft? 0ia Ka- ,Whlt, ast.. . Alfc3TWtf, ej..ajnplw.. - r Eliiabeth,. Sprinkl marabaii Urai Mrfe7Eids,organj.Bt; ' MieLnle Chandler, "Adah; lire, Louiae'deyj futh VvuSl Waldrup,V thetj. Mrfc' Waiiev Sftory, Martha? Miss Aldeen ' Waldrop,.' Electa i.'Mre. Kate Reed, warder;, -a n d Mrs. Blanche Peek, - sentinel. . Mrs. Hilda - S. . Halliburton, of Clyde," "Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of North Caroli na OES, was installing grand- of ficer. She was assisted by Mrs. Ev elyn Wilkersbn, of Asheville DDGM of the 20th District, installing grand marshal); Howard Setzer, of Cand ler, DDGP of the- 20th District, in stalling grand chaplain; and Mrs. LorettaVCoston, of Asheville, install ing grand organist. AIrs.-Mary Elizabeth Sprinkle, re tiring worthy vmatron, was present id 'a past matron's ring, a gift from .Vfrs. Sprinkle's husband and mem era of the 6fapter, by Mrs. Willie Story. ' Miss Aldeen Waldrup presented a past patron's pin to F. Ray Frisby jn behalf of the chapter. .'A social hour was held at the close of the meeting and refreshments, arrying out the Easter motif, were served, v ' -. -r Approximately., seventy ive mem bers and guest attended- the meet ing. .... , ; Walnut PuDll Is urea nn. ocooi t' Mishap esday vy. $etV; McD-vitt ll,; Sixth 'r- Tful'7 'it -t 1 " 3 i Walnut t: N', - 1 ...y'rjiwA-: ImporUnt Reptorta BsV Given rnblic Urged IFo Attend- The Madfson Cpunty PromotJW Council IB beginning to shift toto. high gear with ,fts coming diober meeting at the ttot Springe Hotel OS ne Thursday -night. Jl Much progress is to be reported By that date the organization wiB have been incorporated in the Statau C. E. Mashbum will report and tmkm up the matter of uniting the peopl of the county in this common effort !! ,.' I , 1 ',' , 1 ' 'AS BULLETIN! The Madison "County Promotion Council announces that it will have several prominent official of the Southern Railway .System as its guests at the dinner meet ing next Thursday night, tread ing the list is Mr. f Clifton Toel,. Assistant Vice-President in charge of Industrial Development,. Waaii ington, D. C; Mr.W. R. Belfield, General Industrial Agent, of Char lotte; Mr. Robert D. Darden, As sistant Freight Traffic Manage of Asheville; and Mr. Thomas X. Gragg, Commercial Agent of Ashe ville. to promote the economic and general welfare- of the people.' Another port will be made by the-eoiaaiittosr' in charge of locating a large poul try " processing plant near llarsnall ; The chairman; C; E. MashbunT, Bar it t Silver, 7Kne& Btigman;'. Jtgf Tweed'-ab4 D MrABoblnsoAVVw! l-ave-Sufiday; Jforv XU)lelgl'wbes y J na fepresentauyes or jpXOf iUl0. y Uf,v, , " U Ariother' report , Will, be , ma . John McLod,Maja Hilt nt i ber of the Btttmnre Committee, n booklet which will set forth the &- ural resources and general industri- f ' al advantages of Madison County )? will be printed and placed in-titer hands of engineering firms, stoUy $ -ailroad and other industrial agenv cies. . Rev. A. V. Graves will report o his recent visit to Washington where he spent two afternoons with the of ficials of the Southrn Railway. A pleasant surprise may be in store for those who attend the dinner, sub . one of these men promised to attend the dinner- if it is possible for bins . to get away from the many indus trialists who have been demanding: -hs time in their search for industri- ; a,siVes. The dinner will be in the Hot c Springs Hotel at 7:08 o'clock. It will be provided by the ladies of th Methodist Church. Tickets are on sale and may be purchased from D. M. Robinson of Mars Hill; C. E. Mashburn of Mar shall; and Rev. A. V. Grave of Hot . Spring. All names must be "in the pot" by Monday morning. Telephone and reserve tickets by Sunday night. Schedule For 4H OubMeitingi- j V-" h C' ' . Friday Apiil : "-rBeecn- GIes Monday; April 9 Sprin CrtiX 'tS " . 1 JankMV-tiOO '.avfSenioa.-Z ;"1 pmi s T .j . Tuesday, AprU-10 T.'aliwt Ce- nter, B:5 a; m.i Jank--, f : " b. ' s 1 , v Uot C prints, 2,'D p. u. , ' V. - 4 A3 Kome D- L 1 ire 1m-" I t ' . I te te 1 i 1- " ' . .1 it iE i 'CI' if...-:r.'.rr.'

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