' ' tV r f'?r' 'v. ",'r Willie ' C' " , ('fw -I 4 w' V- ; 'jx': M II illt .. 3 A , t - 3 f i j 0 J fc&?' L ,f. '.V i A ?V0US5 ;N0. 15 (Migtit Singing Here fSaturday Tb -DMit Crippled Children Proceed To Benefit Crippled Children's Drive; Crowd Expected An All-Night Singing program will be given at the Marshall High Schodl auditorium on Saturday nigit, April 14, starting at eight o'clock. Proceeds from the event will go to the Crippled Children's Drive. Ed Ball will serve as master of ceremonies and the following singers are scheduled to appear: Jubileera, Melotone quartet, Dixie Land quartet, Happy Rhythm, Melo dy Five, West Asheville Trio, Hap py Four, Maple Ridge, Redden Trio Hazel Qreen quartet, Toneaires, Can trell quartet, Highlands quartet, Smith Trio, Gospel Light quartet, Sunlight quartet, Roper Trio, Alex ander quartet, Metcalf Family, Ma rilyn Kay Rodgcrs and Trio. COUNTY SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN ARE NAMED PRE The school conunitteemen whose terms of fff ice expired on the first Monday in April, 1956, were either re-appointed or replaced, Superin tendent iW. W,' Peek announced this week. '''' .'School committees are now as fol lows; Marshall: C, T., Sprinkle, Roy Freeman, Jimmy Baldwin. ' V?WlnutA' K. Jake, Moody Brig ittjCb, .0reKRsaiyMiC - .Reuben Woaifell,' Leroy helton, . h, Claud, Co3y, l;L ZEnglisTi, "HardfjrWhift,f,Wiyne English. " ; ' 3Irs HIU p. M. Robinson,. Coy - ifeirani -Todors- llrUm.v' " :- School MOnnlttesr;?'for " Spring Creek,j Beech Glen ana Hot Springs Tvltt-i announced in the hear fu ture, . according to Superintendent Peek. Annual Grammar Grade Contest Here iFriday The annual Madison County Gram mar tirade Reading-Declamation Contest wil libe held in the high school auditorium here Friday eve ning at. 7:30 o'clock. Winners in each division will be presented trophies. The public is invited to attend. 33 M. H. S. SENIORS ARE NOW TOURING IN WASHINGTON . Excited Group Left Marshall Tuesday; Will Return On IFriday - S3 Marshall High School Seniors, i accompanied bf Mrs. Hardin Hensley and Roy Reeves, faculty nsmVbers, left by chartered bus at fiv o'clock Tuesday morning for Washington," D. C, where they will - twr the city and .Government Build ings before returning Friday night r Tb Queen City Tour will enable . the -students to visit many interest. Inf buildings Including Smithsonian Institute the Capitol, VTbite House, '; V ?"Trury, Library, -Monument, Ar lington, 1ft Vernon, eteciThey wiU : V J'be quartered at the MarUnque Hotel iy';'aia t Vashiigtoiw- ;ifl .i-' 1 jt "Those making the ;trip arei k v - Hanx Baldwin jNahcy Eector; V.' rjt -v, twner,jr jLwnam oweri viar t a. , Peggi lanfreace, Ponder, ;Her J Fector Bobby fTa-Tal Beese, ' ' x Shipley, ' W risner," Dale c .. r, Charles Huey, Jerry Plenv T-twmy Ball, ' Bobby, Swanni Tmdway.'TOiam.wllda, I ry Lee BsH, Ruby Eallew, Bar , ff- r-r"i, Linda Gunter, i 'Carol '".I f :'naTsti!'er, miie ,Ed- - Janice' Csmsev ' , C "'Vi.TT. XJn. i, Aiia IIa 10 PAGES RESIGNS POST HERE COACH GLENN PAINTER ?AMER QUITS GRID POST AT MARSHALL HIGH Glenn "Chief" Painter, veteran 'ootball coach, handed in his resigna ion at Marshall High School Friday ind simultaneously announced that le plana to coach .again next fall. Painter declined to be- specific ibout -the location of his new posi tion. Tie former Lee Edwards and High Point, College grid star took iver the reins' at Marshall Jast sea oa. fefter, .Wayns Bradburn moved over 'to Brevard. 4J -if- ' d. Jam .wjnyeft wy. stsy um shall -High nod have enjoyed work ing with the echoat officials,)- Kov evef, Tight, a I have sweral irans in. the fire' and I hope to better my self," Painter said. The likeable mentor piloted ' the Tornado grid team to a record of five wins, one tie, and four losses last season. Prior to accepting tha position at Marshall,. Painter" coached the Wal nut football squad for two years. Hot Springs Church To Be Dedicated Sunday Afternoon The dedication service of the Hot Springs Methodist Church, will be Sunday afternoon, at two-thirty (Continued To Last Page) MARSHALL LIONS NAME OFFICERS VT MEETING HERE George Shupe I s Nominated President; .Calendar Deadline Set The Lions Club nominating com mittee read its slate of officerss for the ensuing year and the members unanimously adopted the slate as read. The club will officially vote on the officers at its nsxt meeting on April 23. The new officers will iprobaibly be: George Shupe, president; R. G Franklin, secretary-treasurer; , Ly man Martin, assistant secretary- treasurer; first vice president, Earl Robjnson ; second vice president, Don West; third vice president, O. A. Gregory; tail twister, Joe Nix; Lion Tamer, Louie Zimmerman; directors A E. Leake, Walter Ramsey W. W. Peek and Page' Brigman.;- -' m ' The 'club also voted, t extend the calendar tolicitaaont . to April S3 winch, will positively be the last date names and dates can be added t the new , calendars-' bearing A birthdays, . neetlnga, anniversaries,, etc f? ; ;', ' Dr B. E. Bolinger- wag elected tt Lion representative "on e)he Pisgah Girt Scsut Council. v r v , Lions She2y Horton and Dan-Fos. r, of the Wet Asvevl"s Club, were prtat and 'e ti t" .If of Ed - li i ,ii : o '.Itrs were MARSHALL, N. C, GYMNASIUMAT IIOTSPRINGSTO BE CONSIDERED Citizens To State Views Public Hearing On May 7 At At a recent meeting of the Madi son County Hoard of( Education, the board received a petition from citi zens of No. !) Township requesting that a special school 'tax district )c set up for the purpose of voting bonds in the amount of $:tti,0(0 to oe used in building a K.vmnasiu.n at Hot Springs School. Indications are .hat additional money would be .nado available from state and coun ty sources if the board issue passes, Superintendent W. W. Peek stated. Acting under provisioss of Gen ral Statutes of North Carolina, the oard of education voted -to hold a uiblic hearing on the question cre .cing such a district, Mr. Peek said. This public hearing will be helu c ten o'clock Monday morning, May , 1956, at the regular meeting of -ne board of education. Legal notice of this public hearing will be found elsewhere in this is sue. Both, proprfients and opponents of Jie creation .f such a district will be given opportunity to state their views at the meeting, Mr. Pceksaid. Associational Training Union Meets At Forks Of Ivy Baptist Church The French Broad Baptist Train ng Union will have its regular jpring mass meeting .this Sunday ifternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the v?orks -of I w ehuM-h -n Mm mn rheahnWfrlUa an4tornanients will h tJiAi ih , wXt.Vi;.. for the Association to.thei Regional Conventioii .which, .wiQ be ' held ' on April 27 and 28 -in the First Bap tist Church of Canton,' The Junior Memory Work Tournament will be directed by Mrs. E. O. Burnett of Walnut, and the Intermediate Sword , Drill will be led by Miss Virginia Hart of Mars Hill. Mrs. David R. Roberts of Bull Creek wjll present the Young People speakers, and Mr, uan Hensley of Paint Gap is the Adult Scripture Readers' leader. All churches with Training Unions are urged to be represented Sunday af ternoon, and visitors from other churches are invited to attend. JAMES W. HUEY, 73, PASSES MONDAY; RITES WEDNESDAY James W. Huey, 73, a retired, "armer, died Monday, April 9, 1956, libout 5:46 p. m., in an Ashevil'e lospital after a brief illness. He was a, native and lifelong resi 'ent of Madison County. Funeral services were held Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Ae Walnut Creek Baptist Church. The Rev. Kimsey Ball, pastor, offi ciated, assisted by the Rev. N. H. Sriffin and the Rev, D. D. Gross. Burial was in the Rector Chapel ueanetery. Pallbearers were P. R. Elam, Har ry Silver, Howard Swann, Commo- uore Balk Hubert Rice and PlatJ Reece- Honorary pallbearers were John Corbett, Guy White, J. M. Baley J ., E. 0. Teague, Judson Reece, L. E Banks, Robert Teague, A. W. CoStes, u. w. Ferguson, Romeo Ferguson, Lymsn Martin, J. Frank Fisher, Herman' Pegg, Dr. J. B. Anderson, Dr. W. 0. Duck, Dr. Norman And erson, E. T. Ponder, Cleophns Rec tor and Rev. Dan Windsor. If embers 1 of the ; Tonng Ladies' Sunday School aass,, served as flowerbeartre. r-Kt;s., J ' ; : SurvMng are twe danghters, Mrs. Otto Reese and Mrs. Aaron Reese Marshall; two sons, "Wade. Huey ei Marshall and Psel Huey ef Rock dale, Texas; ; seven grandchildren and four f-i.t-grsndJiildren ' k Bowma T ' r Funeral Home, irss ta.ehSTffS ( .. r"- -- T. Till THURSDAY, APRIL Board Of Elections James Registrars, eludes Saturday; Republicans Protest FREEMAN DENIES ACCUSATIONS BY WM. V. FARMER Fred E. Freeiman, chairm;'.n of the Madison County board tif elec tions, denied that William V. Farm er, the Republican member of the three-member board, submitted a list of registrars and judges for con sideration at the meeting of the board here last Saturday. "I knew he had some sort of piece of paper in his hand but he would not give t to me," he said. Freeiman said Farmer's protest arose, instead, over efforts "to get rid of this pistol-packing bunch iown here." Freeman said he was referring to the Walnut Creek pre cinct. "Due to previous trouble at this polling place, we thought it best to change the Walnut Creek polling pljace to Marshall," Mr. Freeman stated. "We get in trouble sometimes down her," 1 Freeman said, "and I told him (Farmer) that we wanted to pick a bunch' of people who would give us an honest election." The board ordered a new registra tion of voters in the precinct designat ed as "No 1 Township, Ward 1 (Mar shall), which now includes the pre cinct heretofore designated as No. 1 Township Ward 4 (Walnut Creek). This resolution was signed by Freeman and Huf4 but not by Farm er. - afoW -Fanner? also-; declined to sitm the resolatiW'Wi itU4ting the Walnut Cree aMA Jjall townships into .Farmer also dat not -certify" Hsi of registrars and judged" ap- poinwa oy me' otner ooara members for the 16 county townships. All three signed an -order chang ing the polling places of Ward 2, Township 4 from Shelby Ray's store to Beech Glen school. Jimmy Johnson Is Alternate Captain At Gardner-Webb Elected recently to captain the Gardner-Webb Bulldogs next season are Co-Capt. Paul Roberts of Shel by, Alternate Capt. James Johnson of Walnut, and Co-Capt. Johnny Putnam of Shelby. The three rising sophomores expect to repeat last season's performance which brought them the Western Conference crown. Roberts plays at fullback, Johnson at quarterback, and Putnam at guard. LEAKE TO RUN FORMADISON REPRESENTATIVE Other Candidates File For Various Offices In (May Primary A. E. Leake, Marshall attorney, has announced that he will seek the Democratic nomination for Repre sentative of Madison County in the General Assembly in the May 26 Primary.,. i Ted Russell has announced that he wUT again seek the office of Au ditor and will be a candidate in the May S Democratic Primary. J, Hubert Davis (R), of Marshall, has als-filed for Justice of the Peace in No. 1 Township. . Fred Ke6on, of, Marshall, : a member 'of he board' of . aldermen for the town of Marshall, announced todsythafae is a candidate forth nomination if :iiax: collector : fw Madison County in the June 26 pri mary, !k (?lt'& Judson Edward, of ' Mars .Hill, W e r -"t-.tan eoHectarfr.iS'j the C itf vwho have itn t' s June- 29 prtasry r),'fDrr '-- 12, 1956 FARMER OBJECTS TO PROCEDURE; "LIST IGNORED" William V. Farmer, the Kepnh licnn member of the Madison Coun ty board of elections, strongly pro tested the procedure of the board in its first meeting here Saturday morning at the courthouse. ile stated that he went to the courthouse at 10:45 o'clock to be there in plenty of time for the 'swearing in" ceremonies and or ganizational meeting of the board. 'The meeting was scheduled to be held at 11:00 o'clock but I kept wait ng around the lobby and finally at 11:15 I was notified -that the two other members (Democrats) were upstairs in a back room and for me -o come on up," Mr. Farmer stated, -ie continued that when he went up jhere, he told Mr. Freeman and Mr. -luff that he had not been sworn in. They told me they had already jeen sworn in and for me to go on iown and get sworn in," he said "After 1' had been sworn in, I returned to the back room where the organizational meeting was held. Freeman was elected chairman and Huff, secretary," Mr. Farmer said. "When it came time to name the registrars and judges for the vari ous precincts of Madison County, I showed them the list of Republican judges which Mr. Clyde M. Roberts, chairman of the Republican Execu tive Committee, had given me. The list had five recommendations from each precinct or a total of 120 names. : This list "wis prepared in .sccbrdsnee with StsMte No. 163-15," J&tl Farmer1 said, rj "Much to -my amazement' and diar gnaty however, I found' that, the two other members (Freeman and Huff ) already had a prepared, list of reg istrars and judges for every pre cinct in . Madison County, including I cne Kepuoiican judges. They ac cepted only six of the 120 names submitted by . Mr. Roberts," Mr. Farmer stated . "They had already selected all the Republican judges before the boara was officially organized, hence, tht Republican Party was completely ig nored in the selection of our owi. (Republican) judges to represent us at the various polling places," Mr. Farmer said arc! concluded, "I told diem (Freemartid Huff) that 1 .night as well leave; you folks don't (Continued to Page Three) FRENCH BROAD MU TO MEET AT LAUREL BRANCH The Woman's Missionary Union of the French Broad Baptist Associa tion will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday, April 18, at 10:00 a. m., with the Laurel Branch church, of which the Reverend N. H. Grif fin is pastor, and Mrs. Anderson Metcalf is WMU president The theme of the program is "His Commission . . . Our Mission." We (Continued to Page Three) County Men Are Inducted in Army Forest Willard Hendrix and El mer ; junior Gunter were inducted 'nto the U. S, Army at Knoxville, Tenn., on March 12. The following men were inducted st Charlotte on April 10: ' John Junior McLaughlin, Richard Tticfcson- Ball, FraakBa Harrison Da vis, .Mitchell- W e s 1 s y Shepherd Charlie I, Jack Gunter . and Walter tiM(iway;;f f ;f The followinr men were sent to pre-lhduc. bon physical and mental examine Garland 0. pregory", Uyod VtZlr ley rberts. Charier EJ ' ri nil V ,'f I T -J C.-y Tre ' Z PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR Board Organized; Freeman Is Elected Chairman; Three Changes Are Made Til-' new ly-a ';"'.i (! I.-' tion.s for Madison Conn: of I- red K. Frei'Oi::". '.wan li .Huff, of Hot d f elec- composed f Marshall, pr'r.gs, and v.::;am v. am V. J-armer, of .Marshall, let. at, the courthouse Saturday lornir.g where they were sworn in. '1 Ik board then met in executive -i -sion and organized. F. E. Free man (1), was elected chairman; Swan 1!. Huff (D), was elected sec retary and William V. Farmer, member. Prior to the organizational meet ing, Mr. Freeman resigned from the Madison County Kqualization Board of which he was a member. The two remaining members of the equal ization board are Nat Blankenship, of Mars Hill RFD 1, and B. K. Meadows, of Hot Springs RFD 1. A successor of Mr. Freeman's has not been announced. Before naming the registrars and judges for the various precincts in Madison County, the board ordered a new registration of all voters in the precinct designated as No. 1 Township, Ward 1 (Marshall), which said precinct now includes the pre cinct heretofore designated as No. 1 Township, Ward 4 (Walnut Creek). All voters in said precinct No. 1 Township, Ward 1, as now constituted, are hereby notified to register in order to be eligible to vote. This resolution was signed by Mr. Freeman and Mr. Huff but was not signed by ' Mr. Fanner. Prior to this order, the board con solidated Precinct No. 1 Township, Ward 4 (Walnut Creek) with No. 1 Township, Ward 1 (Marshall' and specified that all voters in the pre cinct heretofore designated as No. 1 Township Wird 4 (Walnut Creek) (Continued to Page Three) WALNUT SENIORS LEFT YESTERDAY FOR FLORIDA Will Visit Many Interesting Places; To Return On Sunday The Walnut High School Seniors, accompanied by Principal and Mrs. Ralph E. Neill and Lewis Plenunons, left Walnut at five o'clock Wednes day morning by chartered Trailways bus for Florida where they will vis it many historical places. The Travel Tours, Inc., is in chtfrge of the tours. The group will stay at Ocala the first night and will visit Silver Springs where 90 of underwater ft movies are made. Other interesting " points there will be the reptile farm, ndian Village, Tommy Bartles' in ternational deer ranch. Carriage Calvacade and a swim in Silver Lake. The group will then leave for Dayton Beach where they will visit the orange -grove and have a dip in the surf. They will spend Thurs day night, Friday and Friday night at Daytona Beach and on Saturday they wilMour St. Augustine. Among the highlights there will be Fort Ma tanxa and the Marmeland Studio as well as many other historical places. The group will spend Saturday night at Jacksonville and will return home on Sunday. , Those-making the 4ri ar5 ' Suollia ACock, Fatsy McDevftV Joyce ' Ramsey,., Lowell , Buckner, Chester Bullman Bobby Capps Ea jene Lewie, Charles Lunaford, Ger sld Marler, Boyoe Ramsey-,. Robert '. Reeves, McClelland tRice, Robert' SiggabfS James M Roberts, r Jimmy . aelsoit and'LewU Plonamons (chap.. rona)Vj i pwcrrco lc;v - , ., Salem, I.fs. i r rfers (.'?"" ' " ' " vl.'' I?"'- r I a ' f Cos' r : . i ' r4 fl" . t---vj -m tpnef0