iL .i I ,.r ;! ''i ( id-. 'r a .ALL, N. G, JUNE 28, 19M SEE US FOR YOUR AUTO NEEDS JV , We have nationally known brands of Seat Covers, . Brake Liningr, Tires, etc. See us also for your Gasoline, Oil, and Auto Main- tenaace Needs. We have a complete line of FISHING EQUIPMENT Cody's Auto Store & Texaco Station TEXACO GAS & OIL THE BEST OIL MONEY CAN BUY YOU CAN'T BEAT CODY'S FOR PRICES URANIUM-PAVED ROAD j Sydney, Australia A road on toe outskirts of Carcoar, in western South Wales, has been found 'to be paved with uranium. So are he bush tracks leading to the the towns long disused iron-ore hafts. Tests conducted by the Gov- .erniment revealed that the iron-one shafts are rich with uranium and that the hills surrounding the tow (i , also contain large deposits. FREE PICNIC GROUNDS The next time you want to take -four family or party of friends on a picnic, bring them to our free pie- mc grounds located on U.S. 25-70, Panther Branch, Alexander, N. C. uur picic grounds are equipped with i Plenty of covered tables: Lights on tables and arrounds as well as, cook house: -'Cook house with old time wood range: Plenty oi cow spring water; D ree tuning; rosy: rides; See our trick none and ttoniea nerfom. We handle ' kinds of picnic supplies a well full line of groceries Hot V iIaAurrerss-te Prepare 7wm meau. caurcn groups .jiSHjnnvited. we run a elean ECONOMY OIL COMPANY ' US 26-70 at Panther Branch 1 1 ' v Alexander. N. C. fL7tf v ' ANN PAGE CREAMY SMOOTH 'ANN PAGE CREAMY RICH SPECIAL! SULTANA UGHTMEAT PICK OF CAROLINA SWEET MIX ,. ..J ,-3 ..;s'j- I JesWjIVELL 4 Ml 1 '-J L C-Vn ! L, PUrPOSEOIL Pt Cot -iiACLiur:' 1 IK- PAINTROCK The Bible School at Grace Chapel starts July 2. All children are wel come. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Edition and two children of the U. S. Air Force are spending a few days with home folks. Mrs. J. N. Lamb is spending this week with her children in Asheville. Miss Mary Ann Ward is visiting her sister, Mrs. Spencer Rollins, of Meadow Fork, this week . Alma Lamb, . Agnes, Patsy, and Jimmy Ward called on Mrs. Marie Holt Monday to watch TV. Miss Annie Ricker called on Mrs. Mont Ricker on Monday. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE North Carolina Madison County The undersigned having duly qual ified as Executor of the last Will and Testament of S. Cleveland Hipps, late of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed at the address given below on or before the 7th day of June, 1957, or this notice will be pleaded in bar f their- recovery. All persons In debted to said : estate wuj please make immediate payment to the tin dersiirned. This the 7th day of June, 1956. J. GARFJJELD MILLER. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of S. Cleveland Hipps, deceased. Address: Miller Street, Box 10 Canton, North Carolina 6-77-12 1 Jar .v j CHICKEN lt)SXEY h .: ' urn hi SPECIAL JANE PARKER FLUFFY LIGHT CUTTER Til E HEWS.RECOaO AND CARMEN A revival meeting is planned to begin at Carmen Church of God on Monday night, July 2 at 7:46. The Rev. Norville Peek of Murphy is the evangelist. This revival plans to go on for one week at Carmen and then move to Middle Laurel and contimie there. Everybody is in vited. If you have singers, bring them and help out in the meeting. The Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Osteen are the pastors. The annual decoration of the Cut shaiw graveyard is July 8 at 2 p. m. All singers are invited. Sever al trios, quartets and duets are ex pected. Everybody is welcome. Our pastor will be at Middle Lau rel Saturday night and Sunday morning and at Carmen Sunday night. Try to attend some of these services. We have a wonderful pas tor. Come out and hear him. We are having a wonderful Sun day School at Middle Laurel. We were glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Otis Ghandley from Greeneville with rus Siunday. There were also a num ber of visitors from Tennessee at Carmen Sunday. Plan to go to church somewhere Sunday. BEECH GLEN Bible School is in progress at the church this week from 8:30 a. m. to 11:30. The attendance is good and the work the group is doing very worthy. Mrs. Tommy Moffitt Jr., the for mer Miss Ruth Metcalf, is spend ing a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Metcalf. Mrs. Moffitt resides in Miami, Fla. Several from the community, in cluding Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gillis, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Moxley, Pearl Gillis and Paul Moxley, attended the funeral services Thursday of Mr. Will Gillis of Broadhead, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers and chil dren of Detroit, Mich., recently vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Justice. Roy Young had a very painful ac cident Saturday while mowing on his farm. Details are not known, but he almost lost the fingers of his left hand. Bobby Young, who is in the armed service, was at home Saturday spend ing a 24-hour leave. A Miss Sue Phillips spent the week end with relatives in Asheville. Mr. Claude Deaver and family made a trip to South Carolina last week and spent a few days with their daughter, Estelle, and her family. vt ice mm ,Lb- Qfln Jar V ltai AMERICAN Qtj Jar Hjno SWBS VaV PIMENTO ' '-4- .L v . . . JANE PARKER ENRICHED WHITE 6 Ob. Cans 0 tK fy p. r U til - ' i.'-? u n r ,;f;.NOTicE OP SERVICE 1 OF PROCESS KY PUIr-JiCAMON NORTH CAROLINA; MADISON KXHUMTX IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STERLON McGALLIARD, Plaintiff .' :;iV''VS. ''t'-.'i. MAE WILSON McGALLIARD- al ias J0J ANITA SEA Y; alias MAE SEAY; : alias JUANITA WAL DRUP; alias JUANITA WILSON; alias MAE WALDRUP; alias MAE WIILSON. Defendant. TO MAE'. WILSON McGAL LIARD; alias v JUANITA SEAY; alias MAE SEAY; alias JUANITA WALDRUP: aluW 'JUANITA WIL SON: alias MAE WALDRUP; alias MAE WILSTONV TAKE NOTICE: The defendant above named will take notice -that complaint against the said defendant has been filed in h above Court and a civil action instituted wherein the above named plaintiff seeks n action for an an nulment of a purported marriage to the defendant upon the crouds of the existece of .a prior marriage by the defendant and for the custody of Benny Ray MoGalliard, minor child of the plaintiff and the defendant; The' above, named defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Madison County, North Car olina, on or before the 30th day of July, 1966, and answer or demur to the complaint that has been filed in this action, and that if she fails to do so the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief sought in s-aid action. This the 31st day of May, 1956. HERBERT HAWKINS, Clerk Superior Court. 6-7,14,21,28 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT J. D. FRANKLIN, Plaintiff, ROBENA R. "FRANKLIN, Defend ant. TO ROBENA R. FRANKLIN, TAKE NOTICE: The defendant above will take no tice that a complaint against the said defendant has been filed in the above Court and a civil action in stituted wherein the above named plaintiff seeks an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds of adultery, and for the custody of the (minor children, James Warren Franklin and Donme Franklin, born of said marriage. 1 The above defendant will further take notice that she is required to annear at the office of the undersigned Clerk of the Supe rior Court of. Madison County, ro or - betore ' ehe 26th day e to the complaint- that has been filed in vnis khuii jua uuik u vne uub to do so the plaintiff will Apply- to the Court for the relief sought in said action. This the 23rd day of June, 1966. HERBERT HAWKINS, Clerk Superior Court 6-28 8-2p MELO-O-BIT PASTEURIZED CH SLICES :. ' ' ' ,. tm Sp RE-SALE NORTH CAROLINA MADDSON COUNTY Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Madison County, made in a Special Proceed ing therein pending entitled, "Cora M. Phillips; Hulda M. Buckner: Ju lie M. Fowler and husband, Will H. Fowler; Nannie McDarls; Carrie MoDaris; Drextel McDaris and wife, Bell McDaris; and others, Petition ers, vs. Clay McDarris; Loue M. Peek; Altha McDaris, and others, Defendants," the undersigned Com missioner will offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash at 12:00 o'clock, Noon, Saturday, June 30, 1956, at the Courthouse Door in Marshall, Madison County, North Carolina, upon an opening bid of K1KTY - FOUR HUNDRED FIF TEEN AND 50100 ($5415.60) DOLLARS, subject to the Confirma tion of the Court, that certain tract of land lying and being in the Coun ty of Madison, No. 1 Township, Ward 1, on the Headwaters of Long Branch, and more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING on a large Black Oak and White Oak Bush, Hiram Hunter's Corner, on a high ridge, and runs North 8 poles to a stake and pointers in Hilabery Daniels line; then west with that line 91 poles to a Black Oak on the top of a ridge near the road or Passway; then South 45" W. 33 poles to a Black Oak near Sawyer's line; then wiith that line, S. 15 W. 51 poles to a small pine bush and pointers about 4 poles West of Jobe West N. W. corner; then East passing that cor ner 40 poles to a Chestnut at said West's corner; then South with Wests line 24 poles to a Red Oak and pointers, said to be West's Cor ner; then East 90 poles to a stake in Hiram Hunter's line; then North 90 poles to the BEGINNING; con- raining sixxy-eigni ana one-nan (68) acres, be the same, more or less. A ten per cent deposit on the first $1,000.00, and a five per cent de posit on the remaining total of the highest bid will be required of the successful bidder at the sale; and said sale is subject to the confirma tion of the Court. This the 11th day of June, 1966. CLYDE M. ROBERTS, Commissioner. 6-21, 28c A New Racket Returning to his family's spot on the beach, the little boy found them preparing to leave. "Come on," said his mother. "We're going to a restaurant for a good dinner." """"I'm not hungry," he replied. "I've eaten seven ice cream cones this af ternoon." "Where did you get seven ice cream cones? You don't have any money." "I didn't need money. I just wan dered all around the beach crying and making believe I was lost." J 38c tm ' 1 J - ,J 7C3 10 LBS. PAGE ELK YEN NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 'i BEFORE THE CLERK Under and bv virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Madison County, dated the 14th day of Jane 1956, made in a Special iToceeaing therein pending entitled "WALTER B. PKflLLIPS, Administrator of D. D. Merrell, Deceased, Petitioner vs LAURA PHILLIPS and husband, C. L PHILLIPS, ET AL, Defend ants," the undersigned Commission er will on Tuesday. July 17, 1956, at 12:00 o'clock Noon, at the Court House Door In Marshall, Madison County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tracts of land lying and being in No. 3 Township, Madison County, North Carolina, being more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING on a thorn bush on the East side of the public road, J. D. Carter's corner, thence runs up a branch up the J. D. Carter's line to a rock; thence leav ing the branch up the side of a hill with Carter's line to a stake on a ridge; thence up said ridge with J. D. Carter's line to a large chestnut, on top of the Bailey Mountain, L. C. Huffs' comer; thence down the top of said mountain to a stake .West of an old tobacco barn place in M. E. Forrester line, W. J. Merrell cor ner; thence leaving the top of said mountain a Westward course with W. J. Merrell's line to a white oak on a ridge; thence a South West ward course with W. J. Merrell's line to a locust; thence Westward with said line to an apple tree; thence with said W. J. Merrell's line to a white oak on the East bank of the public road; thence up and with said public road 'to the BEGIN NING. Containing 38 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING on a stake in the public road in a small branch, Z. T. McDaris' North west corner; thence up the branch with Z. T. McDaris' line to the top of the Bailoy Mountain; thence up aJkl with the extreme top of the aforesaid mountain at a stake, West of an old tobacco barn place, D. D. Merrell's corner; thence leaving the top of said mountain, down the said of same, with D. D. Merrell's line to a while oak on 'the East bank, of the public road, and about 1 poles East of Bone Camp Branch; thence down the road to the BEGINNING. Containing fifteen acres, more or less. BBUNG the same two tracts ef land described in deeds to D. D. Merrell from W. J. Merrell et ux, et al, dated day of March, 1914; and from W. J. Merrell et ux to D. D. Merrell, dated April 14, 1914; said deeds being duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Madison County, North Carolina, in Record of Deeds Book No, 45 at pages 665 and 666, respectively. Excepted from the above descrip tions are about thirty (30) acres heretofore sold to Fred Merrell by deceased, D. D. Merrell. A five per cent deposit will be re quired of the successful bidder at the sale; and, said sale is subject to the confirmation of the Court. f This the 14th day of June, 1966. WILLIAM C. REEVES, Commissioner. 6-14 7-6c FOR ATHLETES FOOT USE A KERATOLYTIC BECAUSE It Is an agoa! Ifcat nMla eff Infected aktak. MUM te Ita Mlltaa .ulliij IU W Uul-drring T-4-U, fcuffritu. at any drug tton. If aot Uand Df OWE HOUR, you So back. May at Moon's Phazmaey, , eyes EXA-mm G1AST7.3 nTTED : ' T'6l- by.'ivkl . DR. LOCSARD I Optmtirkt 8 A. M. to IS Nm the lp: r -zrrs MARSHALL, ti. C O . O " A . a 1 . " ' f7