.i--'.-'f'-i.':.",' ,.. ' ! 'il)C. 'I . m r .. ' .L.,. -, i , ,..- II 1 IIUI II .1 " 1 " - Sr 1 - . i.::tt r ' t cpfciar i , Bprrr-1 ed f fdv W first , VQt n r-aiaay mrft wpen n no 7 , Spring " Women' . Civic. CJub'tmeets m '" Vtm?rfJp&M'-Orii Club had sp.te.lfbig .project, the w ''Jt , tag oi tV wmimH'o.s imi ft - - is this clufr Which' Uuea i&fjbrst, 'although, not ioi!pUty-fltid,U - H ready, for We, V v , J 0, Men's -Civle .Club- and , t)ia . ' Trii..i Jhip. CJaV kVe been riVited,' to th?luUdIn.fAt"ileir meeting. i ?The. rest 'general puWieWMto ' 'v4iSV building will bs,n ITWr J , V 'WW ;a w tiiir. f-i'; v - , 0 yHvf U "Pot brings - "'K'CAle iBie'VMferTd i,'4 temtaimk bunding, v ' : ', 0pen'&apMdbtoervaM will w -Vl4 l W ciMnraunity hOM oi Frl i : 4jiti5nihg, 'iIy113 at eight o'clock -" andIi dub" meolbert and friend fi ni ipvfai to tbme.- f ft1 waB" explained Hhat, the -com- 'y mmiity house, i available lor pr- ' ' Jl Ma Sm '. anrihl MVnt if a COBi of i ' Wy lCO J if' evening:; -f Anyone 4.tjrtstiig to U"e tne 9uuainr V -' Are Announced Raleigh The North Carolina Mart System Council announced to day that examinations for several elerieal podtions with the State and ootmty departmenta served by the Merit System will .be offered con tinously. The Employment Securi ty Commission State Commission for th Blind, Medical Care . Com laeion, State Board of Health and local Ihearth units, and. State Board of Public Welfare and the county departmenta . of welfare are the agencies served by the Merit Sys tem; Council. . ..- . k y Examinations will be offered for the following positions: clerks I .and II, typist clerk 1 and II, atenog rapher clerks I -and II, and general oleTk-stenograpber. . Examinations for all positions list Jed will be offered In Raleigh at the Merit System office every Friday starting July 20 and continuing , through. August and Sep tember (July 20 and 27; August 3, 10, 17, 24, ' and 81; and September 7, 14, 21, and 28).- These examina tions will also be offered on alter nate Fridays in July starting with Jnlv 27 and continuing throujrh. Au gust and' September (July 27,' Au gust lOYand 24, and September 7 and 21) in the- local- employment . ; aervice office ia the following ciieai Y-Asheville, Bryson City, Charlotte, f Durham, liaabetb City, ' Fayette vjle, '.Greoriaboro, Heaoratm, . Hickj at, -linstonV MorebeaiL Styj : Mor - Vgaaton, Murphy,! North Wilkesboroi -iRoaaoke JKapldalc' Bcjdnghaa; : Sal' , - lahoytr'bey .Waahing V-.'- imington,fWilao?ad Wtaaton-Saf tat.' "AU ezaminatioas.wiU begin at 1 ;;i;saav. j -1 v ' L! 1 ' & HcsycS Move- m last : and . tx t E x Y W firm of - Leake tt .Reeve srday "moved from thesac y ot 'Toora's rhrmacy. to " xr of te Xa&kof Fr&. JIng.:-i . --v ' '-' , " 8 thr front of. Ices and n County- n?f ' -.rfpar. stedinJjifr, -, 'o vt t of tha b-U J .r j.. ;C- jW,Wn . - fl ' las tfeClure and tne late tu.nyvr rw f Walaof." -will vbe'emni- i !4Mnid Lieutenant- W the Marina Cprps;. at' Wrpua-ChristlJ Tnxkeoii TPridar. JSily 13. He has been attngadayaned training for the'tiait-we monU. ia. addition to.'hie father Mi4VdtHrs.'M.'W. Wiini-a , unit u '-ttr and . ..Ilri. Miles Gifceon ani daughteri, SoalMUte, ,of " - (T' -sy) for tne'eerem iea. wi'l r'1 the n r Ca. 4t V ill .1,1 One of tne unsung heroes in every- community is the Sunday School teacher, who often devotes much of his time over a long period of years, to his church and his Sunday School, without compensation. These teachers often go to train ing schools, attend various organi sational meetings and help with va rious forma of church work. In addition, they regularly spend sev eral hours a week preparing Jot, and teaching, Sunday School. dften, even a relatively small church will have several dosen teachers, who turn in this time con sistently, over the years, as a con tribution to the religious life of their community and as an investment in. the country's youth. The Sunday School worker and teacher is often -2 dedicated person) who has little free time but who gives freely of What he has and ex pects no reward. To every one, of every faith, we offer a seldom voiced and respectful appreciation of their services ,ln an effort to make this a better community, and a lit tle better 'world.. ; 10 Madison Students On Dean's List i Ten Madison County students are on the dean's Jist at Ma,ra Hill Col-j lege for tha spring' semester. Those n the' list from Mars:.Ha araTRobart Ashe Car$er7 son of Mr and Mrs. Hal H. Carter ; , Johi 'Vaacvaoa oXDrnd Mrs.,fi. W andl Mrav R. U .West; France. Anjj uWsa .daoghtpt.of ,Mr. and r KmItA ': liutamiii. ' RhlrUnr Carter. daughter 6l Mr. and ., Mrs.AHl -jfy CarWrr "Ftoranca Metcalf, daughter of Mrs.' Ver'JIetcalf , and tha .lata Mrv Ketcalf.- af-:. R4 Bdhby Peek, daat4V4f'..(MV?adl- trB.-)olph Peek; .and Frederick Anderson, MQp Of Kr. and Mra. Fred. AnJeraon ; ' . Also on tie Jist are Akna Lee Ferguson, daughter of .Mr.,aTid Kri CI. rer - Ferguson j-ot, R1, - Marshall ; ttnA !.Vin t.TomAsr0u uin tit $Ar. .MTid irnt Hard. Francta- Meadows of R-l," Hot f r":S. YY: :"'f To be r' . "a for the rdean'S list a stud, t ' t Jave earned at least ' '"f t cr'' wl-i no. grade l a c v : Wheat producing areas op S,jfpi.tt purpose xf two question about tne i uoeteVttMtC Pawl' mantha-' Madlsoa ,C Committee wnyun8d ',"ht Tna'pwa .quejianrei H marketing QuoUi "wKIi eft eXcea wheat re io t oahaJoT whfat wop- e detereakerthe level of f vailaljle. to cooperatirj ; Mr. jUwjfina explained t two- .thirda of. tbot vofr0 vorvquoU in order, for be.;6ffeetiv,and that cr nienta vrtl)l;emaiti in- ef I wheat eve,,tf jmar.'kejbs dlaapproveoTby ,ljEOt Ud thalf if -.quotas a: 1 thai tt-'faniai H ; v (JJortfi Cgralina Jnclndet , than 18 are' of "wheat v jertT qootM, lh, rr) will be .available -to wL who do npi exceed the', htinta at a! level betwee percent of parity, and i tas or, disapproved T will -ba ' available at E parity 1 producatawl; In their allotted acre ; Eligibility to vote i i erenJum d " w ent'7 than f r " r t'.'st f r V o If,.,, ,).... t'uig regret that so few, if Ao. , 1 gniwtng. loYaerea of until 6:0Q wn. Additional informa tion regarding elibility ' and pro. J 7n vllrj ... Coant munity ASO. Corxmitteemn, ..in : l-iit-i ii. ii ii ili Eastern Star. To ; Meet MbnjayNight The Marshall Eastern Star Chap ter will hold a. regular meeting Monday night, July 9, at 8 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. All member of the Order are in: vited. Farmers ; Federation Declares Fortv-sixth Consectitive Dividend The Directors of the Farmers Federation have declared the 46th consecutive dividend on Common, and Preferred stock to all holders of re cord June 15,!t has been announced by James McC Clark, Executive vice president. "; ' Clarke also ' announced that the cash .dividends can be picked up at tne xarm cooperaw ve b jsi stores located ; throughout western North Carolina, f Y i In making the announcement Clarke stated that duel to an in creased invf atment'lnif stock the Farmers Federation has?. been able to carrjr out - .retail atora im- fimvMipiit: -nWiflrntm aViiI.. Amitthin '-itfi- poultry and egg nduktrieli . thraugh- . tttMlBdJ feW been paid regula Farmer. Te :aUoh avei . .. I - , Vat the lat- six month' for the J tj 24 years. FinlIsC Hcro;At (pi ' alier "of" the Mr. Ted I PresbyVrl a Missions .! V guest pr 1 Preshytf'"' ry 6; at C : lAt -thi) ! held Tv will g.- y the fact' J era will bel ... . aconeeiming i e in tha-aetond .prjj, , .EAMaFbltener, " 'ner, fthVajonitiiar snwiv-'fionti thpti uw are, -official yotea e Jun-2V Wf, eJeftion j. 3 -- -' -, .3 On 4th ' JO membere of Mr ' . n day" School -ilasa of "ra. Cody, . e Indian se Vsxued Burley LT5USed Burley Follows ia. aottee received by County ASC offices from the Dep- . . m. m a At trty Adninistrator : lor rroaucuon Sustment, ralitiv to an amend- inent in the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1838 wafchmafces provision ft the vtobacco fanner to preserve htt future tobaot allotment when underplanting aisguota. This is Section'' 377 of the SoU Bank Act. "Sat. 377. In case-m which, dur ing any year within the period 1866 to WBfl, inclusive, for which acre age planted to such commodity on any farm ia leas ihan the acreage allotment for suitfH farm, the entire acreage allotment for such faitn shall be considered for purposes of future State, county, and farm acre age, allotments to have been planted to Such cominodityin such year, but only if the owner or operator of such farm notifies "the county committee-prior to the sixtieth day pre ceding the beginning! of the market ing year for such commodity of his desire to preserve such allotment. This section shaty joot be applicable in any case in which the amount of the commodity required to e stored to postpone or avoid payment of pen alty has been reduced because the allotment' wag not fully planted. Nothing herein ahall be construed to permit the allotment to any other farm o the acreage with fespect to which notice is given under 'this sec tion." Tobacco Acreage ' Reserve Compliance Explained By Hawkins ,'4 "V , ThtM ara !! main ways in whkh -a rtobaoV farmef. may bring- nia wnkw' Acreage Reserve-' program .' f ''th Soil Bank, iounty Agrkultural StfV bilisation and. Conservation Cinnmib' tee Novile Hawkins, saJd 'tody.i : . tt.'. .r.;..4 i, ' iw.t.umli' a A. V Miiminp- m , ' f.:ws; l.-.Ti famer wiay Jnaderplantiis bac acr-ja; Idlotment'; aai -i jper; ' '' f i vg done: in; antleipa t r !-:V- the.1966 -. rr Jbecause of ad-:'ns-at plant " ' -"v.'Y i ? rvc'- WbieeI!, Gardner JSOY.St DEAUSTYNE S. Dearstmec head of the . r. Stat' Colleee'J Poultry De partment for t jrearai egan his work July 1 as, full tunejipoul try con saUtant for .the Fanars Coopera tive Exchange, One of the .best kfljpwn figures to: North Carolina agfkxjlture, Dear styne retires from ( State College Tone 0 after 35 Sear it aervke, In .making 4he aanounpement of Deafstyne'a -affjillatifra with the PCX, jGeneral Manage; M. C. Mann Eiid:' "We ere fortunate in being able - to aecnre - the , aerrtoea' of this distiiealaheeaueilto t&V near . . ... r -a T. Ji jots, newm conwrae jo -wwrm, wwj the joultryBen jft annoh '-the same Jnaanar'haaa iJ.,Ti"1M-'Jwn.w Dearatyner' U g"""TPy regarded t t' j. r'"-n",n " t rl"onsible for -m i' ;a the NortA it i rr" T-r W ttyia-wOl fc avle,,r jneetins of poultry producers tnronjpMav (ne Carolinasv Mash aaid., JBe wiJJ wcra largely with production, "disease, and egg marketing irablama,y . - DearstyM, nativa af New York state, holds degrees from the Uni versity of Maryland and N. C. State College. He 'came to State College Is professor of poultry science in 1522 and wag promoted to depart ment head id 183lv - As a pathologist, he explored and developed the multiple testing pro cedure font controlling pullorum dis ease in poultry. He also was instru mental in organizing the N. C. Hatchery Association and the N.C. Poultry Council; In recent years, he has served as a member of the College Conference Feed Board. 4-H ClubvMembers To Leave Camp Wlton. Four-H Club members fro Mad ison County will leave Monday, Ju ly 9, for a week at Can Schaub. Camp Schaub U located near Waynesville in H.ywood County The boys and girls-from Madison County will camp Si ty Jackson County, and the Chero kee Indian Reservation. Approx imately 120 campers are expected .to attend from the different couui... Kii-h tan boys or girls will be ac companied by an adult leader. 14 Madison .Men Join, U. Army Sgt-JohVrKta U. V&v representative-fofr Madison 'County, tnnouncedi thl-tek. that tourteen men ' save enlisted into the - various braneaes bf tha'. Army during the firaV iix nwnthaof .this year.ij ,,A,V" i Maraiia vmfv 'wre. racy oyy, James Ev'Bnckn. Lan'an G, Lewis.' From t Mars' HOIT t J Ray; Gerald H. BH aad Jenr.tngs ha Vomv' r Frem Talnuti Leonard TaynV-BUHa R.' Plemanoris, Roes H. Ramsey FHiice N.. Thomas, sad h ya'VfbriayX' tot we':; ;' Hot Springs;Yara,;VDatn3 IJ, P.aldirtr, Landon .L.-' Gregory;.. and Budd E. EowrU'.;.-.' v Y- -'f'.A' v" Jf 'you ' c 1 a rcan-s'-ed ;J:b ,,--'v 1 -i-fcr "''V1'- VIU'W. Peek, Bifljerintendeat i ,l schools, has announced he fo!lowiUwf .-v" teacher list for the 1966-57 term for . - codnty schools f v' 4 - MARSHALL vJBernard Brigman, prtn.; Frances o ii t : r ti 01 wyn M. Eure, Roy Reete's, Golda . v- Henaley, Aaleen Hancock, Hwar-.:J Barnwell, Latrelle W. Roblnaoiii lr '' " mas Martin, R. G . Franklin, Jaaat : : )Hall, Nina Lou Ponder, Lul Chand. - ler, Blanche T. Peek, Betty Aaderv''. son, Winifred west, J,-Winston : Bice, Mafra Clark, Viola B. Ram sey, Thelma R. Norton, Anna B. White, Ora M. Fox, Lucille F. An- derson, Norma Harris, Lola B. Wilde, Viola M. Ramaey, Helen T. Ledford, Lena R. Thomas, Zora Huffman, Hattie T. Teague, Orla 0. Ponder, Faye T. Wallm, Eva R. Sams, M. Ruth Guthrie, Salina J. Fisher, Winnie Bv Wallm, Eleiae Ward. WALNUT Louie Zimmerman,, prin.; Het$ie B. Rice, Dorothy B. Shape, Jaok, C. Pole, Mrs. R. N. Barefoot, Lora R. Thrash, Lucille B. Bumette, feaa-- -ette S. Tweed, Mamie E. Rice, Bes sie Ramsey, Tressalee Ramsey Al: ma H. Jarvis, Jennl Lee Chandler, Helen L. Adams, Naomi G. Tweed, Grace S. Dockeryr Minnie. DavijK ' ' SPRING CREEK TiUery T. Love, prin, .OweaFuJb, . Guy Angel, Barba F,' Shipley, ' Loach Shelton,' Jack' Joyce, - Nina , Baldwin, Mrs. Tillery T, Loye, FowL er! Wallin, jeastette Meadowa,' Caney 4 . J Smith, Violis, Fflwier Jeasie ,B. r 0i I.t V. - VH. Coot, prin.? Sara PJbm ! aW.MayM. C - r pemA ...vet. irt k .E. Flemimons, Gra. , v e wr.iiin nif,- ' I Sheltou,- tevav F. LowiSi Thelma C Wallin, Oletj' atj Shelton, Bth.T. tandars toAl: -W. FMmmma, Martk M. Cook, Mav'i , " ry 1 B. FranaUia,. Neple N. Adams, . Sell C. Franklin, Rosa W. Frank- lin, Helen W. Shelton, Leola W. Hor- v ' ton, Rena W. Shelbm, Dova D. Con- y nor, Elmer Chandler. . f t ? EBBS CHAPEL Auburn E. Wyatt, prm.; Glen 4- w Bnrnette, Tillie J. B. HaWkins, ClNe M. Whitt, Evelyn W. English, Lina , P. Gowan, Mary D. Buckner, Deli lah B. Hawkins, Lena B. Ray. BEECH GLEN J. Huey Ray, prin.; G rover D. Gillis, Agnes Metcalf, Lucille Eng lish, Edith Radford, Eulala Boone, Velma Metcalf, Lallage Neill.. MARS- HILL Ralph E. Neill, prin.; Henry Clay Edwards, HerberV Clyde Peek, Wil liam BennetV JC E. Mcdntlre, Ethel B. "Moyers, jEvelyn He English Ma rietta H.' Smith, Violet G. Samai Ma ry EH SDrinkle,' Haxel uttlea 3. D. Wallin, Aileen Wood, v Elisabeth Mc ConneU; Ronald Hlggins, Julia B. Oody, Glen Whitt, Jessie M. Met calf, Edna B. English, Bernica Am mons, Jeanette ; Griggs, -Thaida - C. Roberts, Annfe 'Young, GJadyS P. Ammons, Ayerig Briggs, Vera Evil sizor, MraC, Dan Carter, Ckjta L. -E. Lippard, ' Mrs- FTed Sarns, - Ruby Reese. , Ramaeyv AJtheaR jarvis, Naiwcy Anderson; Minnie P, Ebbs.- MARS-U ILL (Colored) Bemice S. SmRh'principal, -v- ' '. ' i . ' t ' Record Crowd t ' Enjoys Swimming Pool -OnZ -nday JUy Reeves, ananager of -the Mar-1 :, shall srw.mflVirg pool,. Ktated this Veek C.t '.record F.md ?y Crowd ; enjoyed tie '-w-' pccil last Sun dyvk, It,' wsi r -d at over- persons , rfcJ swi.:iming on tuisbot C s. ' v- . ' . v A I.r f 4r "St ? . i vf r V ft f ' ',