(( ' , , 1, ' V v L u UL- i k. ' "i,,r J 7 'i 1 ' 0 H VOL. 55 NO. 2 12 PAGES MARSHALL, ,N. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1956 PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR if v ... . .'1 :t v!a, ' T- v EISENHOWER TO RUN AGAIN FOR U. S. PRESIDENT (Gettysburg, Pa., July 10 Pres ident Eisenhower will run again. He passed the word today through GOP congressional leaders, who quoted him as saying he is in "much better" hearth than before his major ab dominal surgery. Republicans expressed jubilation, and predicted a big victory for their party in November. Democrats, preparing battle plans for an at tempt to unseat Eisenhower, said they were glad he feels well enough to be a candidate again. Fl F. Bowen Is Now Patrolman At Hot Springs Patrolman F. F. Bowen, a veter an member of the State Highway Patrol for the past ten years, is now stationed at Hot Springs. ' Patrolman Bowen was transferred from Charlotte and has also served in Robeson and Johnson Counties. He started his duties in Madison County on July 1. He and his wife are residing at Hot Springs. Marshall Lions Hear Lt. Johnson At Meeting Monday y . . 1 , Lieutenant Johnson,; o the N. C. Skate Highway Patrol who hat been stationed in -Troop Br Ashevjlle for over two, years, '' was the guest peakerV at' the regular meeting of JOafe night. 4r ba- beea .with the highway patrol w ' for. 21 years i and cited nlany Inter esting statistics concerning highway accidents; and death. v Lt Johnson poke, of , the current drag- races and the deplorable situation. He also spoke of the duties of a patrolman, His talk , was made primarily )to em phasice the fanportanoe of the "Slow Down and Live" campaign, of which the Marshall Lions Club is partici pating. He was Introduced by program chairman W. B. Zink. Lion Presi dent George Shupe presided at the meeting. Lion Lyman Martin made a re port of the recent Lions Internation al Convention at Miami which he at tended. Lion Bernard Bripman is in charge of the program on Monday, July 23. NEW REGISTRAR IS APPOINTED AT MARS HILL i Robert R. Chapman, assistant registrar of Mars Hill College since 1947, has been named successor to John W. Huff, who has resigned as registrar. After graduation from Mars Hill, Chapman attended Furman Universi ty where he was graduated in 1947 with a B.A. degree. While at Fur man, he was a member of the Hand and Torch Scholarship Society and was named to "Who's Who in Amer ican, Colleges and Universities." Chapman holds an M.S. degree from the University of North Caro lina. In 1950-61 he was on a teach ing fellowship at the Woman's Col lege of U.N.C., Greensboro, where he was an instructor during two summer sessions. Chapman is a member of the Del ta Pi Epsilon, national fraternity of business education, and served as chairman of the Junior College Divi sion of the Southern Education As sociation in 1963. Coming to Mars Hill in 1947 as a member of the business faculty, Chapman is adviser for the "Lau rel," college yearbook, and is busi ness manager for the Touring Choir, He is married to the former Miss Rachel Ruth Messiok of Yadkin- ville, who is also on the Mars Hill College faculty in the business de partment They have two da ugh ten, Susan Rachel, 4; and Melanie Ruth, two. Soil C!iT: :::3nt Forms Hon fluailc!:!3 To Vi-:scd Growers John W. Huff Resigns Registrar's Post AtM.H. C Gblleae Insane Alcoholic Arrested Here On Sunday; Now In Jail Sheriff E. Y. Ponder reported this week that Norman Zellers, 23, of Dekalb, 111., was arrested by the police and "' sheriff's department in Marshall about 10:30 o'cfoc'k:'last Sunday morning, charged whh p'ufc lfe- drunkenness, and placed in the Madison, County jail. Aftejjf being placed in jail, ty.. was found that, Zellers is an insane al roholie and. Sheriff Ponder haa taken' every ' precaution to prevent a sui- Sheriff Ponder .contacted offlcere in minois and' also the man'a fa. ther; Geonre Zellew. Mr. Zellere 1 now enronte .to Marshall where he will lake hffi back, to Dekalb, . Join W-.Huff.'Mars HUl' QV JTCBIB, B aildlWUCCU pi tion.. ai; registrar.';- S vi1- Ho'wilf continue as "professor of Latin, which post he has held for 32 year.; Born and reared at Travelers Rest, S. Cr Huff "was graduated from North Greenville Academy in 1906, and re ceived his A.B. from Furman Uni versity tin Iftll. The University of North Carolina awarded him the M. A. degree in 1926. Prior to becoming a member of the faculty of Mars Hill College in 1924, Huffwas for seven years dean of Yancey Collegiate Institute and before that served as principal of three South Carolina schools. He is married to the former Mary Alice; Bramlett of Travelers Rest, South Carolina. The Huffs nave- font children Mary Alice,' catalogue librarian at Appalachian State Teachers' ColWe John, W. Huff Jr., businessman 1h Green villeS. C.;'rjSP? JW'S of Baltimore, 'Maryland; and the late William B. uff, who was- kifl ed in action during tyorld War It Since 1926, the yetifih which lie accepted the administrative staff position, Mr. Huff ha,jilayed the double role of ' registrar vanjj profes sor, serving as inatructo-bl 'Latin and geography for thirty-two; years. During; the commencement finals of 1954 he was awarded the onarravvd. Vilirer letter-opener .hich is present- ea to eacn person having served the, college- .faithfully for at ' least twenty-five 6ars. ; If r. Huff . heads the Ancient language 4ttrtment. of the.' college and will continue as. professor vOf his beloved Latin. Robert. B. Cbapnian, assistant to we,. ..registrar since ivi,. will sue eeed Buff. : jy ' . ,j. (s ." Jetct&s Ramsey -Suffers Fractured Ankle Saturday1 . v Jeter ..' Ramseyj fofmer sheriff of Madison ponnty, suffered a frae : tared ankle and knee, injury Satur day when, ha accidentally fell while .worllnr at, his home; He war taken to Gwlidge Hospital, m Greeneville,. Tt-n 'where hit leg. was. put jn-a rr 'it'." V - , i'j U now at' hi home teeoperat ir i-J hia' many friends whih fof a a tweedy teeorery,; A I -y child in ft hapry rn. -1 rtvcted lf":'-, U e Hot Springs Teachers Pipitted .11 . In ihe list of Where published ta dast weekV IseUf, the- samea f Glenwood .Wallin. . and .Xra. - Jewejl J. V Church -were inadVert'Jy.osnie ted It- i the TZot frrlnge L-tti , JLW 7 I ' CY- Nine-: hunter - woran r r' e',lt jmv, and a stran;d at an isol' l ran t; j ty a heavy snowrtorm.: ' .1 t r"-l ct i ' to .'a r? " ' jn,-f ' ' "i v'i 1 - 5 f Agreement forms for the .BCW Soil Bank Acreage Reserve program are nnur Qviiahlo tn farmers ati. the Madison Countv Aatfcultural Sta bilization and Conservation office Jta Marshall. They must be igned,not later than July 20 if the 'farmer wishes to take part in the Acreage Reserve during the 1966 Cropyear, according to ASC chairman ..Novile Hawkins. The Soil Bank is a new feature of the national farm program1 author ized under the farm bill recently en acted. Its objective is to encourage farmers to reduce crop acreages and thus help overcome farm surpluses that are depressing the, market, Of particular concern jn this area at this time is the Acreage; Reserve program for tobacco. 'Even though 1956 tobacco planting has been com pleted, producers can make adjust ments and earn Soil Bank payments this year, Mr. Hawkins" said.- He emphasized, however, that "no farm er should attempt to comply ? with out checking at the county office and signing an of ficial agreement with the Department of Agriculture. Under the. Acreage Reserve feature of the Soil Bank,' the fanner earns payments by reducing hi) v tobacco acreage below his acreage allotment and holding these acres out of pro duction. The amount in reserve is up to the farmer within certain lim itations. For the purpose of 'com puting future allotments, '.the- farm er will receive credit1. for this re serve acreage just "as though tobac co had been grown, on it..,-'V - In future yfears, antfwUlbe plac ed Jin , the Acreage; Reserve in ad vance, of ' th?i planting season-' and wiM not be pJiAjtetfy erofi For thiS year--onl fix; OWdTt a farmer v -may b'arttoatc by" not harvesting ; acres whidh' buffered from weather damage or by plowing under a portion of his tobacco acre age not later ttan July 31, however, the agreement-must have been sign ed by July 20.-. - . j The compensation rate on bjBrley tor destruction due to natural caus es (hail, floods, droughti ete.) '-will be based on the SMALLER bff the appraised yield or the normal1 yield for the farm times 18 cents :5er pound. The chairman explained that in destroyed due to natural' causes, that the appraised (estimated) yield would be based on the actual condi tion of the crop AFTER the dam age or destruction took place ,,and that in the case of total destruction the appraised yield would be zero.. Mr. Hawkins said that some farm-1 ers who had damage due to hail or flood had the impression that the compensation would be based on the severity of the damage whereas in reality according to the regulations the compensation would be on the appraised yield of what was left after the damage occurred. ' The Acreage Reserve payment for tobacco is determined by multiply ing a rate per pound times the nor mal yield of the farm times the acreage placed in the reserve. The maximum payment per acre which can be earned is based on a yield off 210 GALLONS OF WHISKEY TAKEN AT HOT SPRINGS 4-H MEMBERS ARE ATCAMPSCHAUB; TO RETURN SAT. Patrolman F. F. Bowen and Po liceman Leroy Johnson of Hot Springs, apprehended a 195;! model Chevrolet pickup truck early Mon day morning near the Hot Springs bridge and discovered that the truck was loaded with 35 cases (210 gal lons) of non-tax-paid whiskey. The only occupant in the truck wasa Mr. Forester of Newport, Tenn. Forester was arrested and placed in the Hot Springs jail. NEW SOIL BANK PROGRAM GIVES ACREAGE RESERVE If you have a tobacco allotment you can place an or part ot your allotment in acreage reserve under the new soil bank program, M. P. Zuver, assistant farm agent said this week. 1. Three ways of participating are: a. Due to adverse weather condi tions ; b. Due to anticipation of partici pating in the soil bank program. ; 2, By destruction of an acreage of by natural causes hail, tobacco Ml ..J 1L 1 On Monday morning, July 9, Mr! Robert Miller, 4-H Club Leader, Mrs. Janie M. Ramsey, Home Agent, Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Clapp, French Broad, Tenn., Mrs. E. O. Burnette of Walnut, and the following youths left for 4-H Camp Schaub near Waynesville: Aileen Burnette, Dor othy Johnson, Nancy Stackkhouse, Sharon Bridgeman, Kathryn Nelle Zuver, Emma Kay O'steen, Lillian Finley, Jewel Shelton, Ruth Carter, Jacqueline Gentry, Hazel West, Ann Huff, Louella Ponder, Judy Elam, Jennie ai Roberts, Judy Pegg, Le ta Jo Ramsey, Hope Fox, Carolyn Tugman, Pat Proffitt, R. L. Can trell, Craig Burnette, Eugene Laws, Marvin Waddell, Edward Ray, C. 1. Edwards, Mickey Miller, Bob Rob inson, Douglas Buckner, Jimmy Ray, Woody Amnions, E. B. Prof fitt, J. P. Robins-on, Neal Willis Jr., Bob Wood, Butch Sams, Bruce Ram sey, Stanley Tipton, Herbert Por der, Danny Henderson, Johnny Ramsey, Raburn Reeves, Lewis Ru disill, Byron Zuver, Johnny Corbett, Virgil Smith, Kenneth Johnson, Sammy Rjzzo and Lane West. The boys and girls will be given instructions in swimming, safety, handicraft, electricity, and leader ship. They expect to return Satur day, July 14. FORMER COUNTY LADY MISSING IN MICHIGAN Mrs. Henderson Is Last Seen Saturday; Reward Is Posted Patrolman Warns Motorists About Illegal Mufflers SWPu dispwfing of 'awl acreage of tobacco. 'f .. -Under- the provision for under- planting the producer will be paid 18c per pound on his normal yield which consists of the three highest yearly yields in the last six years. In most cases Madison County farm ers would draw the maximum of $$40 per - acre under the under planting provision. To participate due to destruction of acreage by natural causes such as, nail, flood, etc., or, by producer appraising the yield for a ; 2rl " OI "r office to determine if he has a nor mal crop or what per cent of a nor mal crop he has. If the producer is disposing of an acreage which is considered a normal crop he can draw up to the maximum of $340 per acre. If the producer crop was completely de stroyed by hail he would be unable to receive payment because he is paid 18c a pound on the percentage of the normal crop he has left. If there is no percentage left, there is nothing left to pay on. If the crop was damaged 75 he would be paid on 25 of his yield Lor the average state yield at 18c a pound. If his normal yield was 1800 lbs., he would receive 18c a pound on 450 lbs., or $81.00 provided he destroyed the . acre of damaged tobacco. Patrolman Long this week issued a .warning to all motorists in Mad tlniy'1!vlmiem "Tsnnl jtlers (gutted), Hollywood mufflers and Dynatone mufflers on vehicles. Patrolman Long stated that such violations of the law shall be enforc ed and that -this is a final warning to all car owners. . He cited the following statute con cerning mufflers : Statute 20-128, Section A: No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a Highway unless said vehicle is equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant op eration to prevent excessive or un usual noise, annoying smoke and smoke screens. Sub Section B: It shall be unlaw ful to use a muffler cut-out on any vehicle upon a highway. This statute was enacted by the 1937 General Assembly. Mrs. Clyde Henderson, the former Miss Evelyn Boone, daughter of Mrs. Pender Boone of Marshall, has been missing from her .home in Wayne, Michigan since Saturday night, July 7. According to reports received here Mrs. Henderson was last seen by neighbors around- 7 o'clock Saturday night. The Wayne County Sheriff's De partment has failed to find any evi dence as to the whereabouts of Mrs. Henderson. The only word received has been two phone calls from Mrs. Henderson but she refused to reveal her whereabouts or the circumstanc es of her disappearance. In the phone calls Mrs. Henderson stated that she could not tell where she was. The family here has posted a $100.00 reward for information leading to the whereabouts of Mrs. Henderson. New Dairy Program In Madison County ATTEND CONFERENCE Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Balev Jr., returned Saturday night from Hot Springs, Virginia, where Mr. Baley attended the Judicial Conference last week. Endrin And TDE Insecticides Are Effective Now 115 per cent of the national aver age yield for burley tobacco. -The rate per pound for: burley is ISe.'Hh s "ThS 1966 Acreage Reserve pMr gram is in inanv resDects a' SDedai M with provisions to meet the tim XOontimnd Ve Last Page) E rSWS-GECORD 1U 4 LUJjUl..i,d - The ew4tecore! will' W W v t" - rt'from six-coin!' per" pa; k T s per to . seven e'snnHpf pa e' it wa announced lilt week. ihe increase in wid".h of each par- 'ln "ri(-f e f-r b-s er i f' t - ? In order to participate on acreage destroyed by natural causes the de struction'' must have occurred before July 0si Than deadline on disposing of to bacco la, order to' take advantage, of acreage reserve payments fs juiy,3i. participation, will not reduce future aIulmentty . :ST . "- - ; , r il2 iFunkra? Joins la Crdad Rinffer .lit Oa llczsdj1, ' t nwkjssv of Hartsdale, N. 7 started hU duties in the . . oad Eangef Pistriot He ' t Forest Kaager Kd Ellea- g 5m residing. at Mrs. 't rooming homo at Hot ss The tobacco horn worm has al ways been" known as a tough one to knock out with insecticides, howev er, Endrin and TOE are two in secticides which pack the wallop nec essary to knock him out. ' If you plan to spray use En drin '19tt emulsion' concentrate. Add 1 to 2 pints to the amOunt .Of water tha it tfkes .: to . spray ,an acre with your sprayer. When using TDE as a spray -use to S,lbs. of M.wettable .TDE powder or 3 to 4 pints of. 25 emulsion concentrate with i h e amount of water that is needed to cover an acre with year sprayer. win . spraying . Deiore , largest woms exceed lk inches in length, as larger worcaa ar harder to 121 Apply inssetlcides t .ttM, top six leaves. K Extra .heavy applications should be avoided. - ,s The Madison County producers who sell milk to Biltmore Dairy Farms, Biltmore, North Carolina, have been asked by the company to install a new system of storing milk on the farm. This system is known as the bulk milk storage tank. Milk is poured from the milking pails or direct from the milking machines into the tanks, and is, cool ed to at least 40 degree?within a matter of minutes, the miHfuVlkif in the tank, at a low temperature ; until it is pumped into the refriger ated tank truck and transported to the plant for pasteurizaion. Madison County producers in the Little Pine and Sandy Mush areas have already installed these tanks. The remaining Biltmore producers in the County have been notified to install these tanks by the 15th of September. The Madison County Health De partment approves this program be cause it means cleaner, safer milk from producer to plant. The sani tarian of our staff, Mr. Willard Hunter, has worked with the dairies in supervising the installation of these bulk tanks. This is another progressing step in sanitation in Madison County. tiiz novi::G nzrcrrrni Kature gives to ever season of K a fsJa beauty f ; its ov-!. ' i r "'? t Big Laurel Damaged By Severe Storm Monday Afternoon The worst wind, hail, and rain storm in the history of the Big Lau rel community struck Monday after noon causing severe damage to crops. According to witnesses large trees were blown down blocking several roads in the area. Corn was blown flat as if a log had rolled over it, and great damage' was done to the tobacco crops as heavy rains, wash ed crops' away. - . : The roof ' of Claude Capps' home eras blown off and the roof of the 6am 'of Benny "Ciunter was greatly damaged. '.' An .osUmate of the total -' damage doM by ' the atom runs into the thousands 'dollars;5 ' 1 The lTsr-': :i dvftUa Club held Ha regular lur " ra-r:;2!g Tuesday e,s Pre ' a CI'Teh. ta, t r c' j r t f ' I -.- 'T t'-e r r s v ere c i rn r I f ' " s i c 1 ft - i 4 the C "" ct N. C, ib .C