4 V 1 1 V, It rn i 4' FACE EIGHT 1 NEWS-RECORD RECORD V Soil Bank Agreement (Continued from Page One) r " 4 - (1. I I : . v f i f r H It i y "M RATES FOR WANT ADS 25 words or leu Fifty Centa Per Issue rS&NIES FOR RENT Give that boy or girl of yours a party and have a real live pony to ride. We rent you as many ponies as you need. We send our own man along to handle the pony. Call or write us for reservations and full par ticulars. ECONOMY OIL COMPANY Aaheville, N. C. Phone 3-6936 6-17tf lvtnil.At.lnnH this season." Mr. Huwn kins said. "That is why farmers should come to the county office just as soon bs possible to discuss the program and see how they can participate in this na,tion-wide at tack on surpluses and at the sai time benefit themselves." The other feature of the Soil Bank is known as the Conservation Reserve, under which general crop land is taken out of production and devoted to conservation uses. De tails of this portion of the program will lie announced later. A RUBBER STAMPS For Sale Stamp Pads, Notary and other Seals, Stencils, Rubber Type, Numbering Machines, Staplers and Iak. Write in your, orders or call me at The News Record Office. COLEMAN CALDWELL Adams recovers a judgment against Butler for personal injur ies. Does the amount of the judg ment automatically tear interest from the date it was rendered? Yes. Interest is allowed on the principal sum of the judgment from the time it is rendered until it is paid and satisfied. HEADS MERCHANTS UtN TMS 1 '. PIMTM.MIM -i enwocy THMIMONOUt JOWIN ABOUT CH 6LMH COLUM DBCMS Of Ji WHMJH aMUivaura . .i OPTICAL ILLUSION? 1SU.WtMM0M1MWeM'IN-rHSMENEMMV tUkVC ckappmiro emmmm ws actimliy hi arc mtmm cm lwmt phom -rue rmt much mav havc ken UCHT VSI tm 1HHSVSIIl.V 1 B00V CEMED ID EXIST FOR RENT Beach Cottage; Elec tric Kitchen; 500 feet from ocean; accommodates 11 people. Call or write H. A. HUNTER Conway. S. C. 6-21 7-12e FOR SALE Steam Boilers and engine: two 50 hp; one 150 hp, with smokestacks; one 45 hp Frick engine in tip-top condition. C. N. (xAiKULND Hot Springs, N. C. 6-2S 7-12p IS MARINE TOUGHNESS NECESSARY? Lt. General Lewis fuller speaks out on the training of Marine Corps recruits. Is toughness nec essary? What are the qualities of a combat soldier? Get the answers in the provocative article in July 22nd issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY distributed with the Nation's Favorite Magazine with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN R. W. Wilkerson of Kannapolis is- Lhe new president of the N. C. Mer chants Association, succeeding W. W. Kale of Charlotte. Roy Phil lips, Rockingham, is first vice pres ident, and Charles B. Zeigler. Gasto nia, second vice president. Thomp son Greenwood of Raleigh is execu- I tive vice president. Members of the executive commit tee, in addition to the officers, are Dr. J. G. Pfaff, Salisbury; Paul A. Johnston, Littleton; Finley Atkisson, Burlington; W. W. Kale, Charlotte; and George Royall, Elkin. John T. Church of Henderson, Jasper C. Hutto, Durhaim and S. I'orcher Smith, Tabor City, are the i:rectors-at-large. rUK SALtfij At barman t: two used concrete stave silos with door irons and' hooks; one 12 ft. by M-ftriw 14 ft by 40 feet. , C. N. GARLAND Hot Springs, N. C. 6-aS 7-12p $200 PER WEEK CAN YOU QUA14FY? We are not kidding about the above earnings, nor do we want you to take our word for it. You are more than welcome to talk with our salesmen who are making this amount of money right now. Go out with them for a day and watchJ while they put commissions of $50 or more in their own pockets. If this doesn't convince you, nothing will. I will hire three salesmen this week. These men will have the following qualifications: (1) Ability and willingness to work hard. (2) Preferably between the ages of 21 and 45. (3) Own a late model car. (4) Willingness to learn. Those selected will be trained thor oughly . in the basic fundamentals of salesmanship. Qualified pros pects are furnished daily. Accu mulative bonus is paid semi-annually.: In many instances the an nual income from bonus checks alone is as much as the average man earns during the course of a year. If you are dissatisfied with your present income or position, this legitimate top-flight proposition merits your sincere consideration. Personal interviews only. If onr offer is not worth a personal visit, and a half-hour of your time, you are1 not the man we want. If it is, this may well be one of the im portant decisions of your life. FOR APPOINTMENT: Write Billy E. Bryant, Box 5273, Biltmore, N. C, giving these details: Age, oc cupation, make and year of car. 7-6,12,1 ' ; The Easier Way First of each month a young busi ness man was hounded by dress shops, shoe stores and other retail establishments for bills his wife ran up buying clothes. At last, a banker friend took him to one side and said: "You're getting a bad reputation Around town for not paying your wife's bills. Why don't you put a stop to it? Her buying is getting out of hand." - Sighing, the young man replied, "Well, it's this way. It's a lot easi er to make arrangements with my creditors than it is with my wife." 'S FUNNY How Folks Store Stuff in An Attic When They, Can Cash In With A WANT AD $6j HELP WANTED Users of Raw leigh Products in West Madison County need Dealer to serve them. Have previously bought many thousands of dollars worth. Man wanted with car. I will help you. See John W .Baily, RF'D 2, Mar shall, or write W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NCG-510-58C, Rich mond, Va. 7-5.1 2. 19, 26p FOR SAj2 - One Demlng shallow . ireu pomp couplets -with tank ana 'motor ' ,0m two-wheel trailer i . umti 4 , eoiikwed with llchta and torn aiBJ i-;I2c??, 1 tMra ' o"?? als. On garden tractor with 7 " TT. vv xe view, disc and cultivator,". One set vt Howe track scales, f. 10-ton ea i ! pacity). One Coca-Cola cooler. See JOHN LEDFORD ' . v, -v t Walnut on. the Thomas Branch J " i any day after S p. aou 1 J To hoy metal sOo in 3 A. r-OVN -t . - :.3, n. c. . m 1 arm; i house LOST A female brindle Plott dog. Was last seen near Mar shall. If found, please notify' CLAUDE EDWARDS Marshall, N. C, P.O. Box 434. ltp FOR SALE 80-acre farm on Hayes Run (known as Jesse Fore farm) ; rent of present crops goes with farm; also farm tools. One 5-roam insulated house; one 3-room house; both have lights and water. If .interested see -H. H. BUCKNER at ' either i. Grant McDaris' or Novile Haw- l Una'. I7-12.19P ' !;FARM ,rOE SALE 45 acres ffood rich land located at An I' dersoti Branch, about one mile from Barnard. 4-room house. .i tood timber ARNOLD BOBESCTS i? Walnut, N. O, R-l, Box 28 .7-12, lPp ' ' 4 FOR SALE CAFE located on -'llain freet between Balsam ."Bearer ow and I "odd Grocery; K..n v ""wit. mead . Tr" " .ired. 8m r i. oO ; tfrsl4 K. C. ' ' -AT" ONrPAE"r"JS" AT , . A r '-isn "rk I t i. I I -ed i : v 1 ; '-"i i , . v ' -n c t ia 1 -. ' - Nix, f '"i 'en e at' i .JWMfaCKCTAKyOFtHel,, HUtWMy.TMSCONnNUKeueCSSSOFOUKeCONOMIV ...m iHsauM-mM. of au.'tmee wotwuAL effort that makz ouk sv&tem eupenoa to mwimbis known m tw world eeosef ano covins u .wwmh I CAN BS ON MMWUBUVT Of- THAT SffCKM The Moving Testimoniial ousinessman was 'finding It more difficult than he had expected u) wnie a letter oi reference for his recent assistant Hapqpy to gee the former employee leave, he still felt he had no right to blight a bud ding career nor to mislead anoth er employer. i , . Finally he dictated a single sen tence : "We believe this vnniu n.. nil go far, and we are pleased to ave had a part in helping him ret stariea ana keeping him moving." An expectant mother can go to the Children's Home Society of N, C. in Greensboro for help and guid ance about adoption without cost or obligation. An expectant mother in need of help and guidance about adoption does not surrender any rights to her child by going .to the Children's Home Society of N. C. Trained case workers of the Chil dren Home Society of N. C. match each child's potentialities with the environment of his new home be fore allowing The potentialalities of an adopted child meet the need of the environ ment of his new home when the 'homeless child is placed by the Chil dren's Home Society of N. C. '(Lawyers give freely of their time ,to make sure each adoption proces sed by the Children's Home Society of N. C., has every legal protection: " . , r :' - Paler Owners - H. P.C. Dolor Twile 8G.S9 Per Dale Guaranteed To Be Satisfactory P. R. Elam Farm Supply Co. P. R. ELAM Proprietors WADE HUEY A DA VINCI FOR $450 Chicago Hanns R. Teichert, Chicago interior decorator, bought a painting in a New York antique shop a year ago for $450. The painting has been identified by a number of art experts in this coun try, in Italy. France and the Neth- erland, as the work of the master, Leonardo da Vinci, famed for his "Mona Lisa." Teichert, who has been offered $500,000 for the paint ing, says he will keep it for a while and then donate it to an American Cheaper by the Dozen An eight-year-old boy, visiting a neighbor, was asked how many chil dren there were in his family. "Thirteen," he answesed. The neighbor observed that so ma ny children must cost a lot of mon ey. . 'Oh, no," the child replied, "we May a beneficiary in an attested written will be an attesting wit ness to the will? The simplest and best advice to a testator is that he should bet some one other than a beneficiary, or the spouse of a beneficiary, to witness the will. A beneficiary, or the spouse of a beneficiary, is what the laws calls an "interested witness." A beneficiary or his spouse may be a competent witness to a will; but, if there are not at least two other witnesses to the will who are disinterested, the interested witness and his spouse and anyone claiming under him ' take nothing under the will. The will is valid only so far as their interests are concerned. Therefore, no beneficiary or his spouse should be requested to sign as an attesting witness. don't buy them we raise them." ... .. .. , . . . , B Z P.. . ' 1 J VWPWMIMPBBBBSaMaBBMMBHBiWMHWaWSSa LnJ u u mm opnisig fJeiit Oeett Tfh:.n nil 133 n r j '. 1 I 1 fi'4. if . r 1 .r- 0 C . . ,..,r 'C I ; i 1- - V-.-j i i ill ' 1 '"'snwBsssBsw,'-'- 1 - -1 u , . . - . .. - ' J - - - - .. -. . r . , ', - ' ' ' C. ," ' ' 1 ' " . .. . f ' '