v 1 V if At, '" i ti i 1 V, A ) : 1 ' : ' ' - 1., 1 i i) ItAiRSHALL, N. C JULY t, lC:i V4 1 A v It , We are having wonderful ne rval at Liberty Baptist Church, rith the Reverends Grady Free man and Dewey Rogers doing the preaching. Oman Fowler Bishop and son, Dennis, of Spartanburg, S. C, are upending a week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs.-Otis Fowler. John H .Riddle, Lester Riddle, Foy Riddle, Mrs. Troy Caldwell, Mrs. Ansil Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Fowler and Mrs .Grady Bishop were guests of Otis Fowl er Sunday. Everyone is invited to attend and help in our revival meeting. Also everyone who can help sinjj or help out in any way. invited. Born to Mr. ami Mi. C'hustine Roberts a son. Miss Geraldine Moore spent Sat urday ni'lit with Mr. Garfield Lindsey. Christine Roberts spent Satur day nifjht with Iis Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. Ansil Sawyer and two sons spent the weekend wild Mr. and Mrs. Grady 15, shop : Spartaiilniri:. S. ('. Miss Iirenda Kay Sawyi i :-ir, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C'aytor. Fowler :' Mo: ; THEFT IN JAIL li.:..;ri,vi!'v. : . Vi :: Mi:. iiiL' four youthful pi doners to the Kent :u ky V.il.i.' : .. ', :i frtitution a(; Gr-.en:.f , ,.i : :o return to the Christian County jail s i hat "in- ..: ; : could ret in n ;.: ' ' ! had w :pcd fi urn ;.:.u. : . : 'i inmate. fed We're selling the finest car in its field -THE BIG M. We're selling it at a fair price fair to you, fair to us. And the actual cost of THE BIG M is less than most so-called "deals." We're giving the highest trade-in allowances )ossible. And, most important, we have no hidden costs, trick prices or extras. Come in today. See if this isn't better than any so-called "bar gain" you ever heard of. T-r NIW HtGHCR HORSCPOWnnow up to 235 hp. NIW wnon CHOKl'or MOOOS18 models in four price rang. NIW MIMTQM 4-DOOB HAiOfOM in ol price ' rangl.nw Cwlbm' Series convertible, too ' NIW FLO-TONI . ie afl nodeb and St a , 4, -bi'-.m Final Ritet For Mack Fender, 49, Held Last Sunday Mack Fender, 49, former resi dent of the Foster Creek section in northern Madison County, died in an Asheville hospital early Fri day, July 20, 1956 after a short lllnesf. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m., Sunday in laurelton Chapel Free Will Baptist Church. The Rev. J. B. Brijrman and the i Rev. Alfred Taylor officiated. ' Burial was in the Fender cem etery. Pallbearers were deacons of tin ; church and nephews. Nicies were flower bearers. Surviving are his widow. Mi-. j I 'alia I'eek Fendci : two danch- . tors. Mrs. Selnia Mavis of Mar Hill, and Mrs. .Imkii.s of Flajr Pond. Term.: four brothers. Charles Fender of shevilie, Htl- !na Fendi r of Candler. ns Fen in:' of Marion. ami .lolm 1 i ndi" of V;isii:ii(rti.. I. C ; eijrl.t v lei's. Mrs. Claude Capp and Mi.-. Moi . ::; ( ran, ,f M ,: . ia... Mi J..t,T .lohiiMit:. Mr-. I' int -1 JVt .. lowaril Kobert- ;,:; A! I' F.. P '1,0, li ! of preinnli THEN TAKE A LOOK AT THIS: IK IK M MOVES FORWAID AT HHPSCASOM, WITH ; COLOI STTUNO. Now cwaiable . k ol Mrie v WilliAm Caldwell, 77, Pastes Thursday; Rites Held Sunday Funeral services for William Henry Caldwell, 77, of Hot Springs RFD 1, who died Thursday after noon. July 19, 1956 in an Ashe ville hospital following an illness of two weeks, were held Sunday at '2 p. m., in Zion Baptist Church. The Rev. Calvin Metcalf offi ciated and burial was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Jack Caldwell, Warren Gillespie, F,dward Wyatt, iH'inpscy and Fate Woody. Tom Finley, Lionel Brooks, and Benny laisk. lie was a retired faiir.ir and nnLie of Madison County. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Carrie Caldwell: three sons, Car ter of 1. aureus, S. C. Itickmon of Caldwell, W. Va.. and Robert of I o; lei an. W. V: i.Mis. liar: . W. Va. . ; and two daugli- , Cunuiunirs of l,o aml Mrs. Arezillie it Funeral llonii -:t I V - e! ;ows-'i ; u f God will i:: j . 'i ;ir, h Sir ' I i iNGl K BIG NEW SHOW At Mmmamoo :'-oi Fc:iur,i THE VOICE OF ' THE PEOPLE APPRECIATES PROGRESS IN MARSHALL AND MADISON July 11, 1956 The News-Record Marshall, North Carolina. Enclosed you will find my check for $2.50 in payment for The News-Record for another year. J enjoy reading your paper and learning .what the younger Kener ation in Madison County is doinp. While I don't know many of the younger people there I know most of their parents. I think it is wonderful the progress Mars-hall J. W. Roberts; two children, Eli has made with the new park and : jab and Kvalee; her parents. Mr. swimming pool and the band with ; and Mrs. Will Mi-Carter; six the new uniforms. Wish we had brothers, Klijah, Grady, Gent. had all those things when I was going to school on the hill. Will not be taking my vacation in North Carolina this summer as I am going on a bus tour to Lake l.o use in Canada. Wishintr vou success with your paper, 1 am cry t ruly yours, STKIiI.A R. MKCHLIX Mi- Mechlin was before niar ria M:ss Stella Redmon, daugh ti r of ti.e late Mr. J. F. Redmon. She is working for the Veteran. Adin.n ignition in Denver, Coij ra.lo. She says in closing: "i'.i:.- is a lovely country, but ; cm - no piace like North Car i 'u a. in my opinion." ROARKSFOUK Mr. Wesley Burnett filled his regular appointment at Bethel Christian Church Sunday morn ing. A large crowd was present. We were very sorry to learn of the death of Uncle Bill Caldwell, iwho passed away lest Thursday in an Asheville hospital. We ex tend our sympathy to the bereav ed family. Several people of this vicinity attended the funeral at Bluff. We were also sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Alice McCarter Roberts of Spring Creek, who took her own life Monday, July 2H, with a .22 rifle. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. She is survived by her husband, Carl, lloyce and Ray: mil one ei v- sister, Kniliia Kuth. Punerji ices are incomplete. Mr. and Mrs. Pickman Caaiweli anil Messrs liurdii Gownn and Kdward Wyatt told; breakfast with Mr. and Mrs, llulwrt I'angle Sunday morning. Some o! the Sunday Scimo, e-ass wi at. to S.lver M no- of Hoi Springs in a picnic Sunday .,;.) reiorted a nice time. Ivee es- 1- nsU'i- ,f Pa! vj it ng iclafiv ( s ai t;i:s ,g:i a: e. 'i'h ..i-sday nijvht of ia t w rl 1; ?,! i . P.rliello Parker tod; the f . lb. w in to church at the Thicken commu nity near Waynosville: .Mrs. Ha vid Frisbee, Cletis and Lavonia Pangle. Blanche Wyatt, Yvonne Prici', Roy and Jerry Parker, ilonnie Messer and Wayne Gar din. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker call ed on Mrs. Tisha Gowa.n Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Parker of Brooklyn, N. Y., spent a few days last week with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Roten Ebbs, of Mars Hill. Mrs. Carolina Pangle and Lave onia, Mrs. Bavid Frisbee and son, Gary called on Mr. and Mrs. Nick Parker Saturday night. Mrs. Harvey Fleming of Joe was in I this vicinity Mondav. IWjnia, ;Panr is afck ajthia ting. Miss Elizsibeth Wyatt of Ashe ville is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin bad as their guests Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Parker, Mrs. Caro lina Pangle, Mrs. David Frisbee and son, Gary, and Cletis and Laveonia Pangle . Mr. Hubert Pangrle and sons, Cecil and Cletis took breakfast and dinner with his brother, Mr. Emmett Pangle, and family of Spartanburg, S. C, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Parker took supper Sunday night with Dr. and Mrs. Kimberly of Bluff. Mr. Earl Pangle of Spartan burg, S. C, spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Lucy Parker. Mr. Burder Gowan of Marv- ville, Tenn., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Tisha Gow an. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Park er of Hot Springs Sunday. Frank Gardin spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin. Gary Moore spent Sunday night with his cousin, Glenn Wyatt, at Bluff. Mr and Mrs. Carter Caldwelf and two sons of Laurens. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Rickman Caldwell f Caldwell, W; Va.', Mr. Bob Caldwell, Mrs. Harry Cummihgs, o Legaii. W. Va., and Mrs. Ar-Tillie-Roberta of Laurens, S. C. j vialted: their -consln, Mrs. Tisha Gowaoottr-the weekend. , - In the spring of 1648, the flow of water of Niagara stopped en tirely for about 14 Jiourk. People rode tack' ahd forth across the river bed, and-the wreckage of - .' . 'Sr..". W. if EXPERT SHARPENING and REPAIRS ..V: 07 ALL HINDS PROMPT SERVICE VC?J GUARANTEED ; Bring to Shop Located at Frank Runnion Store:- Marshall-Mars Hill Hijrhway or leave at , call 2iul or 2iw5 for PROMPT DELIVERY of ECONOMICAL, DEPENDABLE HEATING Tankful after tankful, the high ESSO Heating OU never changes. It always assures you lop performance from your oil burner, always burns hot and dean. Switch to ESSO Heating Oil for dependable, economical home beating. Your family's comfort is our business. Call today for prompt service. Robinson Oil Company Marshall, N. C. COUNTY AGENT EXPLAINS WHAT PH REALLY IS Want I'!!'.' ! ! i.- a nniiiei icai y. ;n cei u i.:r t ! Mi: ''ietv agent, arid i' an mt tacti a;ii",l t! ale ran, in I' to . r, ia! I ! I. -''a!ii(- lieaiw 7(1 are aei: am: ti.ai-e iili-ne 7.C an iilkalyie." Mi. Silver eentiniied. "As the pli l -(iiiii's lawer, tiie qaiintity of mi:! aeids inereases. TlieM' soil aciiis can lie neutralized and li.e pli in creased liy applyin;; lime. Te U' most effective the lime should In spread evenly and mixed thorough ly into the soil. "The amount of lime needed to increase the pH of the soil to a suitable level will depend on var ious characteristics, such as or ganic matter and clay content, as well as on the degree of acidity Your best guide for liming is a soil test made on a sample properly collected to represent the, soil in each field in your farm.1! SoU teste can be obtained free ttothe' Stater', Department f Agriculture's Soil Testing Labora tory, which also advises fanners as to the quantity of lime or fert ilizer to be added for various crops. For further information about having soil samples analysed, the county agent advised farmers to visit his office or contact one of the other local agricultural agen cies. Now is a good time to have samples analyzed for fall seed ing, he said, as the Soil Testing Laboratory at this time can fur nish reports on soil tests within 10 days to two weeks after receiving samples. "The desirable soil pH, or lime level, varies with the crop being planted in a rotation," Mr. Silver continued. "Legumes such as al falfa and Ladino clover grow best in soils that have been limed suf ficiently to raise the pH above 6.0. The importance of the cor rect soil pH for alfalfa and Ladi no clover is demonstrated by Ex periment Station data. "A test plot with a 5.4 pH gave an alfalfa yield of only 587 lbs. per acre. When the pH was boost ed to 6.5 by the addition of lime the yield was increased to 4,416 pounds per acre. "Similarly with Ladino clover, the yield was increased from 1, 084 pounds an acre to 6,278 lbs. an acre by raising the pH level from 4.9 to 5.8 through the appli cation of lime. "These results speak for them selves." boats was examined, also a stack of guns dumped overboard dur ing the War of 1812. Cause? Ice had blocked the outlet ef Lake Erie. When thi ice-jam gave away, the current resumed, ate normal flow. a Liv , OIL quality of How To Recognize Pest Control 'Gyp' in i-e to t alu 1 be ' e yps" out ; i ' l a m ! .nilioi -s has J i "r i, until i way f : ! a pa t yea r i m : ne Si : iii 1 1 : a: I i : 'niit rol t .1( ,j i eiiiiiiis-aiii. ari(:d ng In Or. ;.;;;vl., Ciym- I' :-n::ln. neait :' Via' en ..,.,,.. !:n n;..v ia-. a : ' im i.; , .. t !!, .-. ''i:' ('"l!v"' : in : : a. i ,. i. : !y .,), ..ai i -;.n;.:: u !' :,i i a:a: n ;.-.el! . - a,s t.liat :."; m' ,n :s - h a ha.- ii.",'Ii easy ia'i l tur up the f; ameu in k fur liccii t ;.i;.'; lae fust eDiilfol Ojierators in, 1 .i-::ii Cai'ul.iia ami alo in jirt i par.ni; ruies, re'uhition.-, and niin.iiuim Mandards for them to follow. lleie are a fow tip? which will help make sure you are dealing wit,h a reliable pest control oper ator: If possible, deal with "home folks" whom you know. Be sqre he has an established headquar ters and a dependable local repu tation. Insist on knowing what he is going to do and obtain an estimate of the cost If not satisfied, ob tain estimates' from other onnr- ators. K Tiereno jsecrej Jorffliila. ' Jt Ask him to show yoo the dam age or the pest. If you are troubled with termites and the col ony is active, soldier and worker termites will be present when yoo break into the damaged timber: aiso, li tne damage is caused by termites and hot wood decay, there will be mud in the damaged timbers where the termites have eaten wood away. Beware if he wants to charge by the number of gallons of mate rials used. This does not give a true picture of the work that is needed to control the termites.' Some men have a clever way of criticizing their wives. They boast that Wifey has made them what they are. FOR ATHLETES FOOT vwm m i io days. Watch lha old tainted skin dough off Ibt- lng huiit. luurdr skfit. If not owoifoL taalaat-drr- nlit Willi lng r-4-L. von ur 40c back at aay WOf- auor draf -atara. Today at Moon's fba- FREE PICNIC GROUNDS The next time yon want to take your family or nartv of friends en a picnic, bring them to our free picnic rracmds located, oh ; V. Si 25-70, Panther Branch, Alexanderj n. kj. uur picnic gronnas are equipped with: Plenty of covered tables: light on tables Jind the. cook, house with old. time wood range; plenty of cold spring wa ter; free fishing; Foity (Idea; wer our trick horse , and ponies per form. We handle all kinds of pie nie sanpliea as well: as a full line ' of rroceriee Hot Don. Han burgers, eta. Prepare your own meals. Church groopa efpecially ECONOMY OIL COMPANY US 26-70 at Panther Branch i? i Alexander, N. C. : 6-17'f -EYES EUA? . ..I5 GLAr : z nn zD 5 3 1-': ; DR. LCCIIAnD ' '.- ' Optometrist f ri i ii . I- ' ti:". r "r ' ' t f A t ' f '-"-

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