"A Vt ? -- ' J 'A' ... ... rQ .... .- . . ' ' -' -J - . -- -- ' - - a J-t. i" , - .... T ' reseftteaaif- .Jfcy athe StSttB JPsiiii'itid -vvoeJ wv With V', iV.N6rK Caroling f "m-ley W- is 3 , Madison r Courtly Youths -VV .efiiriMe. ifi? enter " 0atlAftied Through' efcawardr $pozewi ''"k?Vpw the ,pi?SeiwJWx(rt ptoam. big grV'dterfl ot than just '.' 'FK4WAnnt$-a? rnng a-rtd eating. - Whenever a - b 4-Hu' team fp I xrrhujs pmjett is . brought Mi7";'viMWSM 'tluli, it Wmflwe aie ;L; 5jv ytAJKU Kr "g" 7JlrtelcJ'!o pitch in end do ihatev f, V" JVftfcH.tt can. J$jTeat del has ThSA -fnovv wM&td Jutrd '"n" ti atit- f-k-in. Jipjl)ut pri'haps the m&st gBJBti' H5 MWiortfie Jtipefeft f Mfe'yfng j,r0jecfe laU'ly are the -prn- ' 4-l8Mtiw.vT,coltuio teacSar hich haV Want so much An V AJTsjJfiaililtfh School. j JtofTMar- hi ,tp Madivn Countv bov .if- - . . I .1 ' : :ii'Jte- Jaek ( .:hamiKr,!n.. son' and M rrnVfthandler", 4 i,hP) Tin nslm altv unpaired his reai in;'. pk-auro appearance and em ling con- plovment The" Lions' Cm de Com- ,.J(jP( (,, (j somethmur nhoat ."vfc I spoa- opeia- ed the Had f ;VSS Jiravpld(jfwnb; to a'PEAJVtt, qperafidn and returned hoffle - -Aunw wptyni&vi Jjpfiday much imptevedt-sa worK with -?s j' W 'VnVte 'steely '.Valley ( MracFurnran fibx f :Mr jRe wait Jn oJTsti44f tnlw-J Aofeifl?loV v iMIIi'llWWIlUII" Fa-rpi Dee at jtii'iNatluttaUBeXhsrA, gri Co1on of. he future'. FM,IWs'Vil', last week' fi TJieetiAar'-' lU'OiUghhis drk the lUrtpTftr.lWM; Milt ithntn 'At L'b'A : ITNIilfattftiAi "t ui . j ........ il .vip .'u i .hi 1 ?J m.t H tf jtTfuupiewu . more ymji ?now Animals, uairy-t;atver o-f ai surved. ks hapteir as pireniident, I tifr-r ta3 president of the Blrie Jiidiid .lWJSO0le "w paeraiion, Knq, was treasurer -oj I mi htatc UJ-jfartteation. i Ttaoer V-Kitucai' ing, parljaJnentaryprocedu-, fyol algo,Uojtaj e"''i iiPftJtM idwiLficatltKn;- and livestock -iudi- WiiTttriuriiWfo v A'Mtti man on the State qlMning a'lWVtjfr ' j.Ki'was announced Iiefe v thw weeJt)i4iaHt.fiFett',tjbe oiirfc- -AbV Wtt,' , towtfofl . day ,Ma4leoCtfuntylWcV' nnxoiner- agpnmes'- are eipwuco IpX'ipMpipof- u ..3 he fco 3sddfe f H t i1, 1 1 "1 "i t 1 -r i ' ' ' , . 1 V HUME SERVICE COURSES IIELD IN HOT SPRINGS syjoc4ilt bet used bv at;tfe'i,teiRent. fill' 1, iiSSIf?' . .T4l; .HE'-tfte ''k , is 'el JK Uf &timti and, Jf u A. . Daw, Courses Are Taught By Miss Mildred Jattrson; Many r , Enjoy Meetings two-dax course in.Hoaie-Serv-Icef sponsotfby -the American Ued Cross, heid Tuesday and Yedtiesdiy at TweedM Court in Hot .Springs for the Madron Wadisoh ' Cpunty rhantw, RC In additioi to TWadison.' County ronresentativws frn-v th 'li'ti nrilbp Polk Ccunty Chpt i cre aJsi in attendance. ' Fireitten (Battle Blate Fqr- 3Vb Honrs; -;Ovr $3,000 Damage ' Marshall's business district tfcas -threatened about 11:30 Tuesday', night when a .fire? broke out in .. the wooden buiVling between the Madison County jail and O. C- ' Rector's Hardware warehouse o Gudger Street. The.vdld wooden building, owned by ff.'E." Roberts, .was instantly engulfed in-4 lanSes. The Marshall volunteer ftre der partment laid two lines of hose, fighting the bjaze from -the .front and back. Flames also reached the roof the Madison County Jail, making rt necessary 'i or firemen to battle the fare 'mside ' the-jail with boostei; hose. Intense' smoke rn the attic of tne. jail made the job hazardous. While firemen foils Close At t?D?3,? O'clock : Madtsga County voter;"' atng l" MartNifrn fionntv voter:"' aT0hJ 4- " " - f,i'jfl CI '.in' ,jiUkl- ofvote.is- vjlt travir i-let'oA' but Ltluj-ned .abst, 1 Of ''iSvxf'i '".ir -at by Miss JVlildred PatU'i-: on. lion? ervice.. EepresentaUtc of t! bpuyieasm 'rea office. .Atian ta -tJa;, lioalt with several phases WKflUdmp the -'htftory. uf Home selintr. rejjortinir and ons, . referrals. and second unit course in' Madison-County. The vst-mit was a Social Wojfarc Alrf ifJoursp held in Mar1ill lnnl "biiti'', lSeui)l,K!ari. unppW8eC ' 1 1 Februarv. fe).':.(toBW:p'"ett-J " Thost' attending tWHome Scrv- 'i-l(:alB0pq6Bd.. y'f ,v I Vice aUrVw-Tjee'd and mr Kenetfct.JWrgin of Hot Spring rs,Vr;es. G. Jlam s'y't SuperlntBitdfot of the Mada- 40litomty' iliejiartmen 0f Public MrIaftfe'itfbf' feshall; . .10 1" tt flil pv he course, which was !-ui"hi were m tjje ail, other firemen were sent to the 0. C. Kec-tor lf-t:J are ' warehouse whsNTthe rtiof of . "the huge buiwixrfit" was ' bin mug. Plam.es ' also "atartedv near-thc ground; in. the warehouse'. Firemt-ii battlerl tH trivia"' fire.'., f rum shortly before midwig'fit1 tm til o'clock Wednesday ijio'' ing. . . x The .wooden budding, which, w oomflfofcely destroyed, howwtt Man uel SWJton's blacksmith shop and was aiso used, as a stoiage bvilti injp A-1926, model Dodfre'iifttito mbmle, owned . by - th' Utd Jr. Frank Rdbrtsv several Mrpgi store, taties, lumber', deste,i 'add-on to fte quipn4ent '"used b -Sbel-ton!e destroyed.; The loss ofy building, and emttenta was; esti msW o he, about: '" iv t pomage to th&J'jadl va'es- f,i.lt 1 ii , , at uiierf .City. ipf fi TT ".cia.!k iu their wives'.the,iwpor ' fire department at 'the Fire men's Appreciation Dinner held ' Tuesday - night at the Marshall school cafeteria. The dinner was sponsored by-the Tovn of Mar shall. Mr. Bailey also reviewed the recent fire in Asheville, em phasizing the use of fog nozzles. Mr. Bailey was introduced by Jim Story, f'ro chief, who pre sided at the dinner meeting. Following the invocation by John Co-bett, a delictus dinner, prepared and served by Miss Al lene Hancock and her home eco nomics students, was enjoyed. Chief Story told the group of future plans for the firemen' in cluding regular fire drills. He named Allen Duckett, expert fireman, as .an assistant chief in charge of drills and personnel. Mayor Clarence Nix, on behalf dr the citizens of Marshall, ex pressed appreciation to the- f ire y men for their work and promised full cooperation from the Town of Marshall. BIG DEMOCRATIC RALLY WILL BE HELD HERE NOV. 3 .; It was -i announced this week v . that a countywide Democratic Rally will be' held at the "ceurt i '- ' i house' here on Saturday, Novem- Jr ' , - her S at two o'clock.- -" ' , H6norabl Basil Whitener, . Con-"'-'V. fe"6 frttm'.this.-district 'jiiwOlMellvw the principal address. vV 8tate Senator' Belmont Winters V . end others -will also apeak; it was announced. V" ' : - 1 1 ' t" peclaT 'fliuste' lplannedfor "-r A occasion and ("-followimr the . fr."tinr a. freeiUh fry-wiB be e4 i in ? the Marshall School 1 room. -Tip - t ,-y: The public is Cordially invited t"'conw, listen. Jd eat,1! it was ' ji" ikcdowji, eui. . od, ''the v MwneiJ ' ( Mission,,- pos ka't Imdaybin Wpera tloij Wh'spensot Ws, worthy 'examiiiaiW ,Th iSajrsnall Li bnS"e,"4 course POLIO SHOTS TO BE GIVEN IN NOVEMBER Opportunity lias been jriven in :ich school in Madison County for the children to have th;r first and second polio shots. ov it is time for the last and "Roost er" vaccination. Below is the clinic schedule for the booster vaccination. Mars Hill School, Xov. . 9:0'! a. m. Ebbs Chapel School, Nov. 8, 11:00 a. m. Beech Glen School, Nov. 8, 1 :00 p. m. Marshall School, Nov. 9, 9:00 a. m. White Rock School, Nov. 14. 1:00 p. m. Walnut School, Nov. 15, 1:00 p. m. Hot Springs School, Nov. 16, 9:00 a. m. Spring Creek School, Nov. 16, 1:00 p. m. Since the booster alone is given at least six months after the sec ond dose, none of the children re ceiving the vaccine for the first tune this fall will be included in this polio clinic. t.v'MfM-llAl HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND COUNTY-OFFICERS merr&vxmma to votke L To note a etrabt party oket, make a enoea (X) nlerk in the eireis ef the party yoa desire te tote for. , x ,. 1. To vote a split ticket, or in otter words for amdMiOee of titfereas plwtuie,0BBjrt mating a cross mark X) in tbe party circle at tte of fee ballot and mark in the voting square opposite the haste of each candidafe en she ballet for wtaozn you with o ot ' " S If yen should maik in the party circle at the top ef the bfcHot and aleo jnarit op iposits the name of any candidate ef any party, such fatifat shall be counted as a straight party vote fer aU of the candidates of the party whose name tbe cross mark i r iv ...jw.i.i ,.pi i 'M'-.ir : 'At'' re e -i. -,i mr j ana.:. juisBintuktAd n ha enmit shnu.uu. una ax w , . : , - '; f 9 J fii fc6 --v l ..j. T . il iniriL ji ii -. - At Districtf Kebcrii-tlft- iArinti WOMeeU Tonight In Masonic Temple Th-s Marshal ' Lodge of the Woodmen ef;the World will meet tonight (Thursday ; Neyember 1, in the Masonic Temple I All memberi, are, urged to at- EHOCRATSO REPIIBtlOHII ' . i FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET FOR A STRAIGHT TICKET o o MARK WITHIN THIS CIRCLE HARK WIT BIN TWM IMUiir FOR STATE SENATE FOR STATfi SENATE 80th District 30th District B. H. Winters John C. McBee FOR REPRESENTATIVE FOR REPRESENTATIVE A. E. Leake ,V. C. Fisher FOR REpISTER Of DEEDS FOR REGISTER OF DEED'S Q Hilliard Teague D A. WcCoates ,FOR AUDITOR . FOR AUDWOS TedR.. Russell , , fl Richard Freeman FOR TAX CXMJiBCTOK " " FOR TAX COLLECTOR Fred Redmon1 Q Fred Rice FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER i - FOR COUNTY 00MMIS9IONWR ? . (Vote For Three) : v (Vote.For Three) n Waw Brisrman ; fl M: J. Ball rl Dewey Walling .rf.C.Briggs n Rex, Allen Vj, I, i n ,Roy McDevitt - POR XWTNTT SUftVSTOB . s FOR COVNTY SURVEYOR m Typsley. Hnnter & "RircardShqlto " . , FOR 0O5X.:SJt , . 1 FOB COBONCR .n.i&.L;,,:;:. Q IVed.McDevitt . . MMBaaBMnaaaaaaaBalaaMHBI ;Evea a Iwel-Jwsded man lias toy. ."7j-.. tf.'.iy 'i, ""'i' '..". McBEE ATTACKS MADISON PLAN PKKINGJDRY lolin C. McB'e Sr.. of Mitchell ''ountv said here Saturday he feared Madison County's method of jury selection would spread '.hroiiffh the Oth District if Dem acratic State Sen. B. H. Winters of Elk Park is reelected. McBee, Winters' Republican op ponent in the General Election, told a Madison County Republican rally this county's complete jury list is picked by one man and that this system was wrong. He said Madison was the only county in the state which used this plan. He referred to the county's fciry commrisaloner system, au thorized for Madison by the Gen eral Assembly. Frank fatten of Morganton, former federal district - attorney, quoted Gov. Luther Hodges as saying the' Democratic -'administration could have stopped the Korean war months before it ended. - ". i " Then Patton asked his audience whv the Democrats didn't do it. .. He also said the Democrats' pri mary objection to Vice President Nixon. was- Nixon's action against f WT. '-jflines 'f Walnut Cbmiun9t activities. : r' . ' '"'Clyde A;" Roberts ' of Marsfia! ehairmaJVof the county's ReRuh Kcan executive committee, -was in charge- 6f the session. .' Approximately ,,S00" persons at tended, ' i '.;'.,"' . " ' Four members of Madison County 4-H Clubs were honored at a luntheon and an Achievement Day held at the George Vander bilt Hotel in Ashewille, Saturday, October 27. The Achievement Day was held to recognize Dis trict winners in projeet, work and special events held during the past year. Attendance was1 esti mated at about 200. R. Dale Cutshall was cited for his 1955 corn project. Dale pro duced over 123 bushels on an acre and was District 4-H winner in this project. Dale is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cutshall of the Shelton Laurel community. J. D. Rathbone and Charles Foster received honors for their demonstration on "Cutting, Irish Potato Seed Pieces." J. D. and Charles were winners at the Dis trict Elimination Contest, and competed in State competition during State 4-H Club Weeff. J. D. js the son of Mr, and 'Mrs. Dannie ' Rathbone, and Charles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Foster. Both : are of the Sleepy Vallev imm!t.T . , .- a I - s Edwin' Stines, net present; was ri' honored for'hjtf demonstratfo ob""" "Hoy TO Take A Soil Sample.- - Edwin aisrf Wae whTinWat the District v Elimination Contest and' placed, tbird hn State competition during .State 4-H Club Week. Ed-' win U the son of Mr. and Urs. T iv Mrs. Ehner Clark and Mrs. T ear" Clapp, were also y" 1 the meetirg. ,. C i ti on the -pror-i j? 1 ' very i. ' ' i v, --. I' i 3 1 1 w ?3 ft i ft take a gre't mary humps.-, a -

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