1 L J. "if- if.:- r Buy Christmas Sods - 4 i VOL, 55. ,N0.48 10 PAGES MARSHALL, N, C, THURSDAY, " NOVEMBER 29, 1956 PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR li i ' 4 i 1 ! r " ii.. i, ' i tV..;JLjdcJvVl5 any Marshall Open Fri. And Until Christmas Mart I Jill, Marshall Bands Will Be In Parade; A Crowd Expected An clalx extended t nn aftorni r: v. l.o-i tn arrive ii M;i i ,1. Ol'liciiil- the Ml 1-1 Merchants As-oc.at -..-i : an nounccd lli.it a paiadc will in held which w.li include the Mar H;l Hint Ma: hull Ilir.ii Si l.n,d Baml.s, both undi - the dii -i-t-t in of Mr. John Lackey. City offi- iials will j-i lit- in the lead cai lowed by the Mars Hili Rand. Marshall's new car drains w:il have the latest mode! eais on dis play in the parade. Following the various e:, r- w li march the Marshall High School Hand. Iio himl the band will be the Mar shall fire truck which will meet Santa at the depot. The parade will then march the length of Main Street with Santa waving at the onlookers. The .para., will then turn at the v.-.. c... Main Street and continue t: the intersection at the courthouse where Santa will leave the truck and shake hands and -greet the little girls and boys. The band and cars tall then Droceed to the Island where thftarade will dis ) Marshall Merchant. Association. , Annual "IVl At uars Hill unurcii yonoay A Record Attendance Expected; Interesting Program Planned Is The annual French Broad Mis ionary Baptist Association "M" Night for the Training Unions will be held at the Mars 11111 Church on Monday night, Decem ber 3, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. A record attendance is expected with the church having the larg est representation winning a pen nant The Rev. L. H. llollingsworth, pastor of the K.rst Baptist Church, Boone, N. C, will bring a message on "Serving the Lord Christ" wihidh .is the training union theme for next yea It was alo announced that an "M" Night choir, composed of four singers from each church, will sing and an interesting program has been planned. Singers in the M" Night Choir are asked to be at the church t e:au ocwck to 1 organise and practice fogether be fore the program begins. Th following program will be pllowed at the event: 7:30 (Devotional Period JCev. rGlen Whitley. Hymn SZ, "Come Thou Ateighty King" (Congrega tion standing); Hymn "I Am Resolved" "M" Night Choir; Re sponsive Reading; Prayer. J-.45 Roll Call and Recogni ( Continued on Page Six) 7 Inches Of Snow Fall On Shelton rf r'ur Monday Night ' " t -l. aladlsoai Countar this ' 5 Jwiek witnMied the season's larg .t snow but the Sbelto. Laarel ' M ( lito- reported : F'r'-ith the accumuUtsd of Sunday plglt aba Ko s dy a ght -ring a. o J o ' -V , ? , - ... . .-...... , . ... ... n ., , - n n i llnnnrt II a MMMitns I r-t Jteioon; Pra fit 1:8 Stores To Be Won. flights For Shoppers J? X f i. Ii-,: :-ctie a- chairman. .'oiirncnt M :i ' .1.- T.f - ti r. T M .A I M. I.:.: I..1I1 n ..a. M i -. .lean '-vie l-ad.-. . del -a-'v Tn.-d-iv M?.rc.r.!l stores to V ;, - r ;. m. . , i,,,, r -. v.....,- ;. k'.v.. in i.id v ., Mai-hail'. s.oies wiii 1 I' f . . ' -c.'i. , 'In Z tui !i t ne ' - a ' , n en - ' ! in' In - .''m:i:n:nir open until nine U J " J? .V ,. ,v, .,.,, V I m-l Mi . Knmk . 'm- "n M"n,ia-v .!'''-,lny uif 71 I ice,; .;,;,,.,. ',;,a,;v,.,,:,-.'" i . ' - - :r-M . Iic-nnin;;- this ! ndav, :1 t f ,Sfru - '.) n f.e ..ana- w;l! ' S :-r and iiicinlier -I lt-n annoiim-.-d. Tli-- Merc- vV Jfflrk Jr J ,.' , j : ,!rol,,, ;",,,,'. Wai- '' lir-.-.d M:: :-. 1,-d--. I -sHiniif Hi s schedule until 1Xll I ' I , i,..'M i..,, i,... iv.m- ; .. .nil. M 1 Mi snna, -or the shoppers' en , ' W f 2 ' hiail Anwovr the st.i. ; to T F " mien on these two niylit- 1 a,, V :-M3r . .Pr , ,, . .. v , ... ,. . ' V t .dart.n, :ink-fi.!-out I'.ol.n r. vcek an. HOIKS, Uiiison-. .vain- ; . f JW5l- r 1.... m;v i,... 1 ...... sha -"V- l M'-Ki,,,m7' 7, J$W& I Hi " I.''idd'l.n; Frank Fisher. ati nal .".AilOc Store, l'en.and V T. 1 (Continued To Last Pa-i ) Dorn, Fislier's Army Store, Tat- r 'i' ' '. rick's Jewelry, Home Klectric & l " mi Furn.ture Co., and Wild's Radio' -4 M ' Medical Society ' ..m J----0" ! Pays Tribute To Late - - Dr. H. E. Roberts " M To Be Held O . nil BUNCOMBE TEAM WINS IN SENIOR BOWL GAME, 13-6 MUam Wall Is Chosen As Outstanding Player; Is Defensive Battle Buncombe's All-Stars, piloted by Larry Gravette, rolled to a 13-6 victory over the Midwestern eleven Thursday in the second an nual Senior Bowl game played at Memorial Stadium in Asheville before a gathering of some 1,500 chilled spectators. Much interest in the game, from the Marshall standpoint, was dulled when 'it was learned that Clarence Edwards, star Marshall back who was slated to start for the Midwesterns, was injured in the final .scrimmage and was un able to play. Edwards had star red in p re-game workouts and the Midwesterners were greatly handicapped by the loss of the brilliant breakaway runner. Both teams fumbled throughout the contest with Buncombe re ( Continued to Page Two) Garden Club To Sponsor Chritm& Lighting Contest The Marshall Garden Club will Sponsor a Chrtmss- Lighting Contest again thia year. Details of the contest will be announced next i Mm. Clyde t Roberta has ban appointed;. sirmaa of the eommittea fa'.ebrg of . the oonte ? - .i x '' "-"- " " . T -an is4ta a past sometime 1 . - . -a.-t . L'"rZ 7Z tbo ao with a tutor. " . . .1 .3F S...r .-tars ;1, " 1 .000,11 l.viiian '"" - It - MRS. ENGLISH TO fIATO fTim lOHUlLLUD SPEAKER HERE Welfare Proerams Are Explained ; Projects Are Discussed The Marshall Lions Club met Monday night at the Rock Cafe with Mrs. Grace English, case worker of the Madison County Welfare Department, the princi pal speaker. ,Mrs. English reviewed the va rious programs and services of tho welfare department and told the Lions of tfte Federal, State and County parts in financing the welfare programs. She ably ex plained the Old Age, A.D.C., Aid to Blind, and other phases of the program. She emphasized the fine response of the Lions Club in its club activities pertaining to the blind and visually handicapped in Madison County. She also told the group the dire need for more funds for payment to hospitals, wihich the county is now in ar rears. Mrs. English also pointed out (Continued To Last Page) Enlistees In The Regular Army To Have Holidays Headquarters Third Army, Fort McPherson, Ga. The Depart ment of the Army has announced that personal enlisting or reen Usting in the Regular Army dur ing the period December 15-Jan-uary 1, will receive leaves over Christmas and New Year holi days if they specifically request St" Leaves will not exceed fifteen days and will not extend the re porting date to reception stations beyond January 7, 1967, - Shipment ' of . recruit will" be scheduled so that tfcey 'will not arrive at- reception ' stioaa . on Christmas or Now Tear's Day. The program : also applies . to WAC personnel.' . r uJUli 0---Lt ' Ik-i-s ..; Wa. i,:.l and Mai shall :. - ,TA-' :l1 " 111 will Im- held at V Walim' S iivii l;!.i;i, accord. iig County Court Hoifte Lawn Undergoing A Face Lifting The Court House yard has had a face-lifting. The petunias and scarlet saae, given an extra month of blooming before being killed back by late frost, have been re nvived. Spring blooming bulbs, Red Emperor tulips and King Al fred daffodils have been planted by fie Marshall Garden Club. Two boxwoods, donated by Mr. Charlie Coates, have been put out in the front bed. The Marshall Garden Club is responsible also for the evergreen shrubs used as base planting around the Court House. Although none of these are blooming varieties, they will furnish a year-'round touch of color to the grounds. These shrubs replaced some old bridal wreath bashes which were moved to the Island for future planting there. With the Christmas sea son just around the corner, va ried preparatory activities can be seen around and about town. The Court House grounds have been cleaned in readiness for the love ly decorations to be used there. The amount, of trash thrown in the yards and shrubs did not speak well of the townspeople of Marshall nor of the people of Madison County. True, election night, with its large crowd, was sure to leave its mark; however, we should always remember that it takee little effort to carry; that piece of paper to a trash contain er provided by the town. . , The County Commissioners are work ( Continued to Last Page; : Red Cross Meeting v Tonight At Mars Hill Community Building .- 'An . important meeting will be hold tonight (Thursday) at eight o'clock at the Mars Hin Commu nity Building in; regard to the continuance j. of'tba-'Ko4'.-Cnsw. Program in Madison County. . Th public Is urged to attend the- meeting. ' WALNUT PTA TO PLAY MARSHALL FRIDAY NIGHT BasketSnH Games To Be On Walm.it Court At 7:30; Dinner From 5-7 The .Madison County Medical Society met Tuesday n;Kht at Hill with 14 doctors, deii- ists, druggists and guests pre , iit. ) C. 1). Thomas, superintend ent of the WNC Sanatorium at lilack Mountain, was the princi pal speaker. Dr. Thomas spoke on late methods and . practices in sjlrina tuberculosis. He had as his guest a (footor from Tu'rkey, Ui is studying the methods of treat ing tuberculosis. Mrs. Florence Bell, Madison County Health Nurse, was also a visitor at the meeting. On motion of Dr. W. A. Sams and seconded by Dr. Jeter Brad ley ol V eaverville, the members and visitors stood for two-min utes' silence in respect to the late Dr. Hubert E. Roberts. Dr. Rob erts and his family had been as sociated with the medical profes sion here for the past 50 years. THANKSGIVING HOMECOMING AT MH COLLEGE Many alumni, parents, guests, and friends attended the 29th an nual performance of the pageant, "I.-it We Forget," Thursday dur ing Mars Hill College's Thanksgiving-Homecoming observance. The day's program began at 6:30 a. m., with the pilgrims and Indians serenading the students and community folk with hymns and patriotic selections. At 10:15 a. m., in the Mars Hill Baptist Church the pageant, writ ten by Dr. Ella J. Pierce, head of the English department, was presented. The dramatisation used stu dents and children of the Mars Hill community dressed as pil grims and Indians in portraying the Thanksgiving story. Music wss furnished through out the program by the band, touring choir and choralettes. Following the pageant, Dr. Robert E. Seymour, pastor of the Mars Hill Baptist Church, deliv (Continued'on Lhst Page) Marshall : Baptist Crotherhood To Have Ladies' Night -Tho aimial : Marshall Bsptist Church Brotherhood Ladies Night m Im held Tuesday, r Qe eember ', at 7:50 o'clock - the Pino Room at the 'SAW Cafeteria in- AshevfUe. S. T . All members and .'wivaa are in vited 'to attend., - Top UiJC Rural Communities To Be Named At DR. H. E. ROBERTS OF MARSHALL PASSES AT 62 ron"nrnl I. o r n ! Uriigpist AnH Civic l eader Dies After l.on? Illness Id Pa is of Mai .-hall. Funeral service- were . 1 1 . Vi lines. lay lit 1 . .. n M IVcshvtoriar he was a momhl". hy I he '.r . I.. KVhard Mellin. .i-ti. IS..:-;.;' was in the Robert- f:im h 1 fn- I'nilliearers were Dl . A. M. Ramsey, Dr. H. F. rolinrer. Fain Sprinkle, C. E. Mashlnirn, T. R. Wiirley. (ig Rudisi'.l Jr.. ). C. ilodson an.l E. C. Tcague. ironoi ary nai'h.'a: c - I ' Charles A. Hen-ley. l'-t- :kei: Dr. 1 i . A. l a -ii. 1 1 hi-. Dr. W. A S-i,ih, !l Iiitmoie, Dr. .1 I.. .McKli iv, 1 1,1 . V. H. Dinwiddie. W. C. Rivtor. K. R. Tweed, N. I'e" and. S. Ramsey ami A. W. Coates. Bowman-:.le.r Funeral Home was n cbai i: of ai : an; 1 m '' Padisoii County High Sch Cage Season Starts Tuesday WALNUT HIGH ON SATURDAY Walnut High School cacer open their lr-6-57 basketball season Saturday night. December 1, when they meet the Laurel teams on the latter's loor at 7 o'clock. The Pantherettes. runners-up in the 1956 Madison County tourna ment, turned out 30 strong to Principal-Coach L. A. Zimmer man's call for practice last week. With all members of the 1956 team returning this yaer, Coach Zimmerman 4s all smfiles when talking about his hopes for the current season. Two of his for wards averaged around 20 points per game last year with the third hitting above 15 in each contest The guards have height and speed which, added to the shoot ing of the forwards, makes Wal- ( Continued to Page Two) BABY BEEF SHOW, SALE HELD AT ENKA NOV. 12-13 Four Madison County 4-H Club members entered the Western North Carolina Junior Livestock Show and Sale held at the Homi ny Valley Horse and Hound Pa viHion at Enka. November li-lS. There were 107 entries from 16 Western North Carolina counties. The entries thia year were the bast group of calves ever to be shown . by , members from Madison County. .Alvin Cralne, son of Mr,' and Ms. Jim ; Grains of. Brush Creek, showed a prime steer weighing 1050 pounds. Lew Allen Rice, son of Mr. s"l I!rs. :t (Continued on Page ) ' Luncheon Sat. Sleepy Valley Community Is Madison County Winner !',,. coio.'iiun'tie- in the !!'.rt' Wi-tein North Carolina Rural C'-inniunity Development Ctoeram will In- named at an awards lulu heoii :n I iie A-heville City A. dit.i iiiiii on Satiiiday, DeCem-ln-i- I. Nieinl hundred niral. !.;,-i-ie-- c. : leaders from over wi Id 11 o- til t ai olii :i will I- ('"' l-e I,' 'i--elltl.lt.io:i of wind- and I" recognize the K'.U, r 1 he il aceulli I 1 1 ii-1 1 1 s (,t me u jjamzeil club.- paitn 1 1 ml uif 'ii nil ;i t oveiiieni 1 1 r-i-i-ain . of 1 1 i.i coni'iiun it ie- :ii ili A 1 o ( 'LI til it-- Jim till- pi i-L'- i'lil tl i isit'-d ; in- si.-i 1 nil . w :n til"- ; n I M. I e), - ,ll'. :ne. 1,, -elect tile l .1 !. aw ai d will Lin to the 1 e 1 a kei. pa 1 I 111 I- y.-ar. Jides y alley coiiimu- .lad;-on County, 11 tin- I'infl! .iudi.'- iiii ii winners. ' M-ei-dine; $2,l'l'-' oninmnities j u d jj - eil I" have madt - most out- -1 ..tn 1 . ti;. p t iie-i e - - h coin iti 11 n ' : . ) 1 1 . 1 1 m - and !'a i ni 1:1,'! o-ciiieii; d 1 1 -iiie: t he -eai-. Top aw ai n : s.'ilin. presented by t;ie Farmi-is Ft del at ion. Second place awaiti ;- .-o'll !ii,m the A.-heville C:ti eii rimes, third prize ol $a(l(i h th. Asheville A irr icu! t u ra 1 De vi iopment Council, fourth pi . of villi) by Sears, Roebuck A; Co.. ( ''. prize of $1(10 by Parkland Chevrolet. Co., and $:0 t-ach la ai1 honorable mentioned comniuni t e . ; ive by Smoky .Mountain "li'iching Egg Service and f..-ie Agricultural Council. These awards are in audition to approximately $10,0011 which has already been pics-nkd by io lal sponsors in the various coun ties of the area. According to George H. 1 Continued to Page Six) Cant Marshall-Laurel To Play In New Gymnasium; Other Games Listed The Marshall high school bas ketball teams will meet Laurel High in the new gymnasium on Tuesday night. These games will be the first official games played in the modern and spa cious gym on the Island. The girls' game will get under way at 7:30 o'clock with the boys' game immediately following the first game. Coach Roy Reeves stated that only four girls earning letters last year were returning and the team was in a rebuilding stage. Coach Reeves is pleased with the spirit and desire to learn show tl by the candidates in practice and the girls are expected to give Laurel a good game. "The future doesn't look too bright for this season, but by next year we should be able to play a better brand of ball," Coach Reeves said. Lettermen returning are Bobby Jo Nix, Polly Sue Briggs, Dora Lee Edwards and Carolyn Go forth. 31 other candidates are out for practice but have had any experience. Coach Reeves said. Coach Howard Barnwell aaid that the boys' squad this year haa seven lettermen around which the team will be formed. In pre season practice the boys have been (Continued to Last Pago) Piibyterian Services Over v VLBJH Sunday' i The Sunday morning services of th Marshall Presbyterian Chure will be broadeast over Tt " ru' tioiM.W-ISSI-for.es 1 t f-rr Sunaayir,' it was t " 1 ! s this wee. Th t ' j ' I rtart at 11 9 o'ckOt l I ft 12 i-'a 1 r v. l. r ; : t" 1 vr. . . 1 es. 1 ' V v