?,vj - . , r Buy Christmas Ss!f 3 4 I r 1 r t J ,' L Station WMMH To Assist la Collections; Children's ' Clothes Needed ' Tib Marshall Olvitan Club held . it regular meeting Tuesday at the' preSbyterian Church with uehe collection and distribution of clothes and toys" to needy fami- svMes betas' dlsewsed. v, John -Corbet, .program chair- - man,' told the dub of plum fat collecting ctothes awT toy and ' recognised Cad Devls WHICH, -who teM niembers that the radio station would assist in collecting - on Tuesday, December 18, be wean 4:00 end SK o'clock. Cars .-were velantoered to answer calls 'f to bones having dothes sad toys and the nubile is urged to look about their homes and collect all discarded clothe and toys which wiH he taken to several families on Friday, December 21. Usee wishing to contribute are staked to call Radio Station WMMH, Marshall, and cars will be (dispatched to those homes which hare csjled. Others wishing to snake Cbristsnae bappy for sev eral needy families are asked to bring the clothes and toys to the .Bowman-Sector v Funeral Home where they will be kept until dis-J .tributed. Oothes which Will fit children from 2 to 14 ".-are , nrgentiy re quested, Mr.' Ctnbett stated. iOt Iwas -"announced that j;thert will . be no more meetings until January '8t du to Christmas. The Rev, JD.tD.vGes and W- F. Hol .land an ,program, chairmen for January 'Jl,s:.r4K..,'t ' IS member and one ; visitor 'went present J it ai The Hot Springs 1956 Finer Carolina- Program, developed at the dinner sponsored by the Caro lina Power and Light Company last February, has been success fully completed, it was announc ed by Edward EHenberg, General Chairman. The major projects proposed in ;thisv program included the estab lishment of a medical clinic, sponsored by the Friendship Club, development of a Community Center by ithe-Women's Civic Club .and town beautiflication and fcn iprovement by the Men's Civic Chw. As a result of the leadership of fered by this program, Hot Springs can now boast of the ; - Craig..' RudisiU Memorial CHnie . -etaffed brDr. Barnes- Milling. , --'Tbis clinic gives Hot Springs and fwar rounding areas the much need'-;y'.;- ad -medical facilities it has sought ' for many pears. I"-"; Afae"now available for the use 4i- ef-ttbs people of Hot Springs is the Ceaunaeity Btfildmg, ! which bsVelready been used as the meet ing place for the civic clubs, f -)'fnnd rahnng card party for the finer Carolina Pragsam, hsadV ' quarters tor the Bloodmobile and ' .yimeetmg laca . for the Sad Cross V tsndard First 14 Grass gives - la town, 'i'S"'. Among the town's eckar major " ' Jmprovemsnto are: a new addition to the Burangton Mill, a new mod ern gas , station, 'enlargement of ' tie tow'njs water system, paving an additional 850 feet of otreeto sri over 5000 man hour and 80 "sier hours in . general ; clean v v.- end improvement. - v x . i, loss or araw'in ras eon- the Finer Carolina Program i 1 '-ed in making Hot Springs ci' "Carolina's Finest Towna" 12 PAGES: - j A Oil . CwU'b 10 BENEFIT BRIDGE FOR GIRL SCOUT FUND SATURDAY The third and final 'benefit bridge .party, with proceeds being used for the Girl Scout Program, will be bold at the RJA Building on Main Street, Saturday night, December 15, starting at 7:80' o'clock. Useful and attractive prises, donated by local merchaate, will be given to the winners. All bridge, canasta and rummy players in the county are vrged to attend and join in the tan. Tickets will be available at the door for $1-0 9. A small charge, will be made tor Tmreahsnents. The public is asked to remem ber that proceeds Xrom the event will be used to further Girl Scout activity in the osmmsnity. "This is a splendid way to help the Girl Scouts and at the same time have fun doing it," -one lady said. All Offices In Cour&ouse To Be Closed Dec. 24 - 25 1 It was aranotmced 'here this week that afit, offices in :the courthouse would-be closed von Monday and Tuesday, December. - 84 . and .25. tha-wiflficea will tre-opea for busi ness 'on Wednesday :morning, De leembar 4N. n v.v-. - - 5 pie , a . fc , WINTERING DOES NOT PAY Porter Wallin of the Smith Creek Community says, "You 'Just cant afford to winter lousy cattle." De cember 7 was a very warm day in Madison 'County and Porter took advantage of the mild weather to treat his cattle. Robert "Phillips, a friend of Porter, furnished a wheelbarrow type spray for the de-lousing operation. A solution of stock dip was made up, the cat tle driven into the barn, nti the epray job was completed in twen ty minutos. . Open weather is unoaaal in De cember on Smith Creek and isome of . the i steeft mopntai fautures Porter has tec treat is difficult 'to get ever in winter. - Porter Sa mow preparing to spread fifteen- ttons of lime during the unusually eriild weather. Limed pasture used y, de-loused cattle will be more eaof-i itshle. SANTA CLAUS TO Santo Clans wffl again; visit Marshall next Tuesday afternoon, December. 18,' it was. announced here this week by the Merchants Association, ,-; 1 - v' ; i The Jolly eld man with Am white whiskers will, visit ths Marshall school at en o'clock Tuesday, af ternoon and, gtve candy treats to the students .in the lower grades. Ee Vrl'.l then rr-ir.in in 1-'shall fieri l.i will vi;'t t!.s t' : -s. f t ' V.-U1 ' v'.:t t s sres -!! en V 21, 1 'ccca, tt 4:C3 MARSHALL, LIONS CLUB MET HERE; PROJECTS ARE DISCUSSED Public Urged To Purchase Tickets And Help Blind Families The Marshall Lions Club met Monday night at the Rock Cafe with Lion George Shupe, presi dent, presiding. Several projects were discussed and plans made for the distribu tion of Christmas baskets to more than 80 families who have blind members. The Lions were as signed to various sections of the county snd the baskets are now being prepared. The public is urged to purchase tickets being sold by members of the club which proceeds are being used to make these Christmas treats possible. The drawing for prizes wil be held in front of the courthouse on Saturday, Decem ber 22, at 3:00 o'clock. Members were also urged to search their attics and closets for discarded clothes and toys which will be collected by members of the Marshall Civitan Club on Tuesday, December 18 between 4:00 and 5:00 o'clock. Both Mar shall civic clubs sre assisting in this worthwhile effort to make many children happy at Christ mastime. f Members were also urged to co operate with the third : benefit bridge party which will be held at the RE A Building Saturday night. Proceeds sre to be ased to far ther, the Girl Scout Program in this county. . 18 'members were present at the meeting Monday bight. LEIEBWEE FOIIFA n Jut atj . Is it possible to invest fl.UO in agriculture and Teceive fn -return $27.35? asks Harry G. Silver, county agent. A four year study on the TJ. C I Experiment Stations proved "that nil a . j a .. j ,i.uu invaiu iur iimvoiwiiv viiu used on land which needed lime stone which is to be seeded to Ladino clover and grass would re turn additional yields valued -at $27.35. Dr. 3. W. "Fitts, "Head of Department of 'Soils srt North Carolina State College, states,! "Liming should not be considered only as part of a soil conserving practice involving legumes. ft is equally important in conserv ing and improving the productivi ty of all cultivated soils." The best IntormeCion a farmer can possible get on the need for lime on bis sell will be furnished him free if be will send a soil sam ple properly taken to the Soils Testing Laboratory in Raleigh. Matting cartons already aAJresed along with small boxes tor indivi dual 'samples and Instruction sheets are available free to any Madison County farmer desiring them at either of the following places: County Agents Office, A. & C. office, or Soil Conservation office in Marshall. lLet us find out if, our land needs lime and if It does apply 13e necessary amount C:r.ia ::"3,7o L.Z7Z Li.3 Ffi-jV Parade Is Planned At tt00 t i ' O'clock Caads To Perform i. hAn elaborate welcome will be extended to Santa Claua in Mars Hill Friday afternooti when he arrives at 1:00 e'tixk.. His visit to ITars irni is tele i sponsored ty '.e liars Hill iraris Associ t!v. plocs a fis; recep- n. N. C, THURSDAY, MARSHALL PTA HAS INTKKTLMi PROGRAM. HERE One of the moat entertaining programs ever given at a Parent Teacher Association meeting-was the one presented here Wednes day night at the school cafeteria. The Rev. L. Richard Meilin, pas tor, of the Rresbyterian Church, trave the devotions. . Clyde M. Roberto, president ox the associ ation, presided and, the Marshall High School . Band' played eight Christmas selections v which were enjoyed by one of the largest at tendances in the association's his tory. Ths feature of the program was a skit presented by seven of the sssodation's men. The same skit was given at the district meeting held hers recently. Mrs. DV D, Gross's eighth grade won ths attendance award. Miss Aliens Hancock, home ec onomics teacher, ' had charge of refreshments aireS decorations. The table decorations were de scribed as the finest beautiful ev- er seen at the cafeteria." "I wish to thank Mr. Lackey, ithe band, the men, sad everyone whs made the occasion so success' tful," Mrs. Jerry , Rice,;' invigraiTi chairman, saw. tuy awraing. McElroy, . R&cssey Offices Drdlzea Into Here Wednesday The efiRoee eX 31, 1L. McEl ray and Dr. A. M- ,3tomsey, over Dodsen store, easce 'broken into sometime Tuesday, night or Wed aesday snorning ttt) Small safes in ssoh. office nsn .pried open with screwdrivers. '4t is believed that the prowlers wrere primarily Isokina; lor OToney.lSheriff E. r. ?onder, who is investigating jsaid. Inv jSEtar---, .ZSTihall .dentist, stated e didnjt JUM aay tifxaniss;. rrf fica, ,'but;D4-.J&KJro,f;, mrsbaU physician,; found that ths prowl ers had taken ma oy receipts other maners ff value from safe. Sheriff hoarder is continujag the investigation. looense Examiner's Office To Be Closed December 26 and 27 It was announced here this week that the License Examiner's of fice .would be (-closed Wednesday, December 26 .and 'Thursday, Ie- ccember 7. Band To Perform In Auditorium Friday Morning It wee .annoansdd here nrnak ttbnt iths Marshall Band will give a concert in .-the high school aaditatrium iEridsjsr i morning at 8:50 o'clock and on Wednesday morning a iChrisnmas pi will be nresented thy ths Club and the .choral jgroup. Accepts Position Kenneth 13 aver, ,of .Marshall, has aceeotod a gioSlnoB with the Fanners Fanejankm; One,, in Mar shall. He started bis tatties this week. Zlnfa) to r.ucrr." 3 U addition to the bends, dealers of . Msrshall wfll have their Istost nedek n the aarads. Several horses .will also, be In the parade and it ia thought the per haps some floats, would he. pre pared to add color to . the event The Mars BUI Boy f coots ars ex pected to march ar.J t:s fvWt is invited to . some t , ITtrs E-l, watch' the- parade, and; shop ia ' '"I am looking f - to . irg. the little 1 ' ' ' ::rN nm x - C s . DECEMBER 13, 1956 WALNUT SENIOR CLASS TO GIVE PLAY SATURDAY The senior class of Walnut High School will present "Take Your Medicine," a hilarious comedy, at the Walnut High School auditori um Saturday night, December 15. The play will begin at 7:80 and a small admdsion will be charged. Mrs. Hettie Rice, senior teach er, ia directing the play. The public is invited to attend. CENSUS TO SURVEY FARM WAGE WORKERS Special questions on farm wage workers will be asked in the De cember Current Population Sur vey, at the request of the XJ. S. Department of Agriculture, ac cording to Supervisor Joseph R. Norwood of the Census Bureau's field office in Charlotte which will participate in the survey. Information to be collected will cover days worked, earnings from farm and nonfarm work, number of different farms worked on dur ing the year and how farm wage work was obtained. Migrant farm workers will be asked addi tional questions to determine hew far from home these workers went to do farm work. The farm work questions will be asked in addition to the regular monthly inquiries on employment and unemployment The Oarrent Population Survey will be cea ductod locally and in 329 other sections of the country daring tine' week of December 18. Current Population Survey formation will be collected fanuhjr by Urs. Lsatos a f LeviUo, "str"". 1 JaT..Jlm1 0R ADULTS A noted authority on polio re cently suggested ttbeft adults, es pecially those who are not yet thirty-five years vt -age, obtain series of three polio Shots during this winter., or beSoTe 'the polio season next year. 'In fact. Hie expert suggested that adults waste no time in get ting the "polio -shots. 'He said hat poTie is afttadting a surprising number of adults in the age group between oiineteen amd thirty-five. Ai&uHs meed no !ionger hesitate to take 3meae .eheto, -since a plen tiful supply of senum ismow avail able and tthey wis at be depriv ing amy .awnngntwr Twbowanta the shots from getting them. There fore, we ican see no -reason why adults should not get poik sboto, just as they hove oaken smallpox abate aaA tanrious other shots to natiw ihem immune to . -serious Bl- ness. ' " In the loaae iof the (polio vac- Continued He Last Page) Mars HfflCefflege Closes StwrdyFor CUristmai , lays Man H3B it.-ie closes for the Christmas beT 'ys ea Saturday, Dec IS and e, J even en Wednes day, Jaanary f. It ems nnaounced thb week.;,-v- .".. V . Edition I !trt Vek To Carr Orutesas z GreotL:-J To People : Tbs Newe-Secerd, :, esoaorating with Mad Sean County merchaats, will publish ths annual Christmas Cdnion next weekV This Issue will carry: - Christmas Greetings fiwm various business firms and Indrifdoakt; Vii.'?u-o- c . Cetnmunity writers snd adver tisers are eeked to pr--re tr'r "cory M ery ttf" ' ' T ' 'x to pun c - ' ; t' f 1 ' ' i - t 1 t t ' ! ' t 1 '.-r f croball Tcao Uin In Junior SCHOOLS CLOSE DECEMBER 19-31 FOR HOLIDAYS Madison County schools will close about noon next Wednesday, December 19, for the Christmas holidays and will remain closed until Monday, December 31, it was announced this week by W. W. Peek, superintendent "It is hoped that all students and faculty members will enjoy Christmas and the holidays," Mr. Peek said. BANDS HONORED AT MARS HILL MONDAY NIGHT The Marshall and Mars Hill High School Bands were honored with a banquet Monday night at the Mars Hill College CafeteriaJ Approximately 86 members and guests were present. Music for the occasion was fur nished by the Mars Hill College Jazz Band. Members of the Marshall Band presented Mr. John Lackey, band director, with a Christmas gift. The dinner was served by Mars H31 College girls and the event was sponsored by Mars Hill High School Discblcd Uckrans To E!:!d "",f""V" FIGIIT AGACiST MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY One of the incurable -diseases stiil plaguing the world is mus cular dystrophy. The annual cam. paiga to collect funds m continu ing the fight against this disease is now m pwjgTees. muscular oystropy ta a crip pling disease that attacks the muscles m a way that is not un- deiStowl. ft ateadlhr weakens them and finally makes them use- is. Each year nuseumr .dystrophy takes a heavy ton, and tt is eeti- 200 Ameri cans awe now afflicted by the dis- The onV bene tor winning he fSgbt aantast tt Is throne awing research aad etftort to find a care or a preventative for dystro- ne day be eared and that day ems be brought nearer by your aupport of the mnacnhw dyetrophy cwamaign. We urge all theaa able to help to on so, nT .taey nave net already done ss. Thomas M aHnr Success In 4-H -ClubChaial i'-i,4 fr'Xi,'tj c';'''' Houston Thomas of the Little Laurel community is determined to make a Success with his 4-H so, says ' Aastant County Ag ent Bobert W. Miller. Houston is a , member of the pig' chain; snd hs was swarded a bins rK Ion for bis . ootrtandlrg gHt. Eoae says he fseJs y"cn'eorn, 4J rr cen r-rr- a ."iente 3, ana .,s J K'r-ril r 'x. . ..- .'..-. the dieeaae. Like cancer, nwscahnr phy will r empie i ea, and PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR Gbft, Ec:7y Tc::cco SI: Cecil Clark of R-l, Marshall, last Friday scored 91.7 of a possi ble 10o points to win first place and a $40 prize in the annual junior Tobacco Show and Sales in Asheville. Other winners in Friday's judging were: Second prize of $30, E. B. Proffitt of Marshall, 88.5 points; third prize of $20, Patricia Proffitt of Marshall, 80.9; fourth prize of $15, Kyle Carver of Leicester, 79.6; fifth prize of $10, Joy Lou Hensley of Marshall; sixth prize of $9, Keith Styles of Burnsville; seventh prize of $8, Bill Jones of Leices ter; eighth prize of $7, Stanley Hunter of Burnsville; ninth prize of $6, Tommy Boyd of Waynes ville and tenth prize of $5, Mol lie Miller of Burnsville. Average price of the tobacco sold was $04.90 per hundred lbs., for a total price of $6,146.60 for the 7,930 pounds brought ia by the 15 contestants. A special prize of $25 was awarded Patricia Proffitt for hav ing the best-kept record book. In a tobacco grading contest Eric Emory of North Buncombe was high scoring individual for $10 first prize with Vance Davis of Spring Creek second for $6, and Joe Gentry, also of Spring Creek, third for $4. Grading teams winners were the Marshall FFA team who won $20; North Buncombe, second prize of $16; Spring Creek, third prize of $10 snd Walnut fourth prize of 85. The prises and awards were given Friday night by Astor Per ( Continued to Page Eleven) ApprecUtion Of Veterans Can Bo Shown Dy I' counry uiuzana - rl-j V" .' v ' On Saturday, December !, J956 the people of Madison County will have an opportunity to show their appreciation for the great sacrifices made by the men of Madison County in all the Wars the United States has bssn in- volved in. Madison County Chap ter 42 of the Disabled American Veterans, which is commanded by Don West will hold a Forget-Me-Not Sale on the streets of Marshall Saturday, December 1& iFor those of yoe who do not understand what this sale is nil about, we take this opportunity to explain the workings of ths DA.V, and its reavtieaehto to the people of Madison County The Disabled American Veteran : is a non-profit, non sectaiian, non'-. political organisation whose only" aim and reason for fttones, is to-- aid and assist tae War tisse itsW,, . ' sbled, their widows and ernhans., 'V H a -.sea . : . .' " 'Si ' si we nu snow, n taxes roads to carry out the lofty -and hasuunV tarian ideals held by the DisaUed American Veterans. That is the purpoee for the sale of the For- get-Jfe-Not flowers ea Saturday thie week to raise funds to ts sist to ths - processing of the clsinis,, to extend a helping hand to the vetoraas of Madkwn C -a-ty, er their widows and or.' .a, , (Continued , to Pafe E:jvc ) Firemen Ez.il Fire Here I'z 7 tr Marshall firemen v the East End f Monday morning v sedan was al.1! . ly ett! 'if fcg j ' s i ' ' A 7" . .1 : a 1'. it I - .. ?: '' Vv. ItcLeod, professor of are. at JTars tt a ladies i' t ) p. nu, ia tie 'V cf t:. Mtfods snl f k i 1 v J f 1 sad ia t j i.iWWHi.v 17.

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