' MAECI ALL, ' t n r ,.'iOLj?iNv'- TLis L TLa Law ' V (ft , i it ' i V 1 Mam afUUDUA MaMavlMOtfaonn MMHMliAMIMMr I SJtfMMCe MN0MI VUS1MAC1UN. J 1 L . , J - MKEOKKXDI 1MB IWKUMTOFMLP IMtflMKMnH.1 tissMnsiowNvoaeP -rrrrr IT DOES NOT PAY TOllANGTOBACCO AFTFR HANDING According to Harry G. Silver, county agent Will Cook of the Shutin community has made one decision on handling burley to baceo. Will worked some of hi tobacco when it was in too high case to pack on the basket; so he placed it on sticks and bungUt back on the tier poles to dry out. He reported it dried out fine; in fact, so fine that he never did get it in shape to pack oh a bas ket. Wthen the tobacco was plac ed on the baskets the center of the hands of tobacco were so dry they crumbled and a big loss was experienced. Will said he never intended to try that system again, ' : There is an easy way to sucker CALM VICTIM Long Beach, Cal. James G. Ttmnnitw didn't lose his head when two men held him up at his store and took $96 from nun. ne quietly followed and saw them .titpr n anartment house. Brown ing notified police, who arrested Donald J. Robertson ana Aiion G. Gardner. Browning identified Robertson as the man who held him up with a gun. Police found that amount of money in the man's pocket. The two were ar rested on suspicion ol rowery. Fortk4N(XBar A$$H)tmtiof) ti ill '.'l:1,' M m at a r t - - i INVITATIONS TO DO BUSINESS A merchant adlvertises in newsnaoer that he will sell cer tain described models of televi sions at a stipulated price. A customer visits the merchant's place of business on the date the newspaper is pubVished and dis covers that the merchant has sev eral of these televisions in stock. The merchant is asking a price far in excess of the advertised price. May the customer force the merchant to sell at the adver tised price or answer in damages for breach of contract? No. Although the merchant in refusing to sell at the advertised price may not be following a poli cy that builds good will for his hiMiinesa. he is actinir within his legal rights. Advertisements in newspapers and trade circulars are not nor mally treated as offers. No con tract is formed by the statement of an intending purchaser that he will take a specified quan tity of merchandise at the advertised price. The ad vertisements are simply invita tions to all persons who may read them that the advertiser is ready to receive offers for the merchan dise at the advertised price. The dealer may accept or refuse the offers. I v . . , l . r ... A r - ,.1 . ml kJ i EY 'JW ECCTT ., , f ..Y CHRISTMAS nd a K211THY, HAf PY 1957. The best Christmas present (or you and your loved ones: Drive safely over the holidays-and every other day, too,' . , About 110 million gallons of anti-free solutions are sold annu ally to protect America's 63 million auto, trucks, buses from winter freexeup. '' A special ease study by the Na tional Safety Council last Christ mas revealed that speed and drink ma flayed the biggest part in the holiday's highway deatn ion. yOWNnOLIEv:, I Experts reported recently that one-fifth of all homes destroyed by fire, during - the winter months are burned as a result "of faulty heating systems. That being the case, it would be wise lor every homeowner to think about the causes of fires occurring in beat ing systems. Gas heaters should be careful ly checked periodically, ' They should also be used in ventilated rooms only because they exhaust the ogygen in the air. In addi tion, pipes or tubing used to car ry gas, should not he used for hanging things, or be subject to the. driving of nails in their vi cinity. All stoves and furnaces should have at least a foot and a Half clearance on all sides from mate rials which might catch fire. It i rArnm mended that stoves be placed at least "four inches above the floor on legs, concrete Or bricks. In edition, an insulated metal base under the stove will protect the floor. Here are a few other tips: Coal fires sometimes produce gases and there should be venti lation arund them, also. When banking furnace fires for the night, dampers should never be complete closed. ' It is also rec ornmended that kerosene or gas oline never be used tr starting eirws as is so often done in a? J.i"'-' JiptANA MiMBtit or tm swutrny-orewnro jLusmiCMi nm Hv tyrnMow A ACo J l . ': 'v ' I ; r vzr v. asf. 4 .v I I I I I mmt 'AAA Mi AW ' & The advertisement is a means of bringing the dealer's merchan dise to the notice of the public, and the natural construction is that further dealings must be had before legal relations result, ru-1 ''T". i . , ... ture rather than present contrac- ,f m-iw.H. r. sVom C nation's best drivers-the fer is invited, not made. list tfyllitg 'evolution that has swa auto rear fenders transformed from fLh-tai!a into high fins has MatrOmtad to safer driving, writes torn Poena, auto editor, Detroit tobacco. For the past two years Will tried two chemicals on an experimental basis to sucker to k. Th Rnvol 20 did not prove too good but MiH 30 did an excel lent job. Will reported. nis e- t ;n iSS resulted in two iiircus , MH 30 on their entire ajtment in iw ana i-t ers in Shutin plan to sucker to-j bacco with a spray nd MH SO in 157. I tdkit i 4m Aa htir hwi traitors mil Tk3r a5k rmut nroblema at the V 1 V c La vt-Jw w k, J k P.' -i' 1 . , V,'. . . : , .ft- 1 i ""i 50-lb. Cotton MATTRESS Heavy AC A Cover 180-Coil Innerspring MATTRESS 9.95 18.95 Innersp Same MATTRESS with matching BOX SPRINGS for price of mattress alone. 49.59 Is a contract made when one orders merchandise from the cat alogue of a mail order house? No. Catalogues containing de scriptions of articles for sale at the prices quoted are not offers. Instead, the customer's order is the offer, for which the further act of acceptance by the merchant is neccessary. . y ' There is" no necessary implica tion that by the sending out of the catalogue the mail order house intends presently to be bound to anyone who sends in an order together with the price. Here, as in the case of advertise ments, there is merely an invi tation for offers. Goods displayed in show win dows with attached prices are al so invitations to do business. They ask for offers which the proposer has a right to accept or reject as he pleases. JtesSTC'") ft Artkar 3. Genet, krtlr h GffsyfaMwl Corpo r5. 1 "i tartam are now a S3S homes. If you use a gas stove for cook ing, be sure that pots do not boil over and put out the flame, while you are out of the room or una ware of what is happening. If you will follow these tips, your home may still burn down, but it will probably be for some other reason than a fautTy heating sys tem. And, chances that your home will burn down will definite ly he reduced. j .a a psM hmkm and increas- May an advertisement in a newspaper ever be considered as an offer? Yes. They are, however, the exceptions and not the general rule. r Examples in which this situa- tion is most often found are ad-j vertisement of rewards for the j j capture of a criminal, ior tne winning of praze contests, tor the ; return of a lost article, or the! line. FIVE CRASHES IN ONE Nbrtop, yaVAJjHLanjine, pn. jjts v&y lrshouSi iy wfoarea down VJS. Highway 58. Paul Car roll, in a pickup truck, swerved to get out of' the way and his truck skidded and dropped 15 feet over a bank. An ambulance, summoned to take Carroll to a hospital, was hit on the left side bv a passenger car as it pulled off. The passenger car blocked the flow of traffic. Then anoth er car skidded into a ditch try ing to avoid vehicle No. 3. A fifth car missed the ditch but hit ve hicle No. 3. All five vehicles suf , fered heavy damage, and, in the meantime 'he house burned to the ground. THE AMERICAN WAY BLUFF High Time He Got That Ticket Miss Margie Bright of Swanna noa was home this weekend. Pvt. James Waldroup left for Norfolk, Va., after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Waldroup. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams of Waynesville, spent Ssturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams. Mr. Jim Williams returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Waldroup and family took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gil lespie. Mr. David Finley" of Balfour was home this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Iva Henderson and son of Balfour spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Waldroup. Miss Blanohe Wyatt and neph ew, Gary Moore, of Meadow. Fork visited Mr;' and Mrs. Edward Wy att Sunday. Mrs. June Gillespie took sup per Saturday with Mrs. Oma Wy att ' Mr. Roten Ebbs of Mars Hill spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Warren CUlespieT , ' Mrs. Edd Unkford spent the wakend.lneviae three daughters, Mrs. Mary . too Robinson, Mrs. Blanchi Martin, and Miss Shirley Lankford, Gary and David Bright, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew . Bright of Balfour, spent last week with their grandmother, Mrs. Lydia Bright FIREMAN TURNS IN FALSE ALARM Baltimore, Md. Harry Daf fin, 33-year-old volunteer fire man, was held in $100 bail for a hearing at a police station on a charge of telephoning a false alarm on New Year's bve. 72-in. Chrome DjINETTE with 6 heavy Chairs, ' handles on back ODavO "vMany other Practical Gifts such as : ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Beautiful Sets of CHINA and DISHES BICYCLES - . TRICYCLES w;y -WAGONS J fj 'IV CASH IN MATTRESS Medford, Mass. Police were nuzzled by the screaming protests of. Albert Goodrich, 86, when they rescued him from his blazing apartment. Taken to a hospital for treatment of smoke inhala tion. Goodrich told them he had 100 hidden in the burning mat tress. They returned to the scene of the fire and found the mat tress, which had teen thrown into the yard, with Ue 1100 intact ;. UUV.U u u c . SliUPE PLAITvG MILL -. , i t j X ' " - . 1 ' 4,'v- , , ' . . ' tSnnfarturS - ' WAGONS, THUCX CODIES rUno Lnraer and ur kind of 'woodwork ' OI2FLAC.S. His Ds n n n Tr?i n Tr (7T J;UU UU'U Until 5:00 O'clock Daily OB DH 7::.;'.aJ:- - To Gosh TcIjqggo jfeo'is For f afebrs Gc:o'j 4 Do for -to P;r.c:.:::2 .Lo; . ...... .. .. -' ,t j- ' L j'L i. .,J....'.-.r W '':: iol Vc:K."::::7':-:J:;';' -" '1 1 . . t', t 4 ft . i 1 r 'A