1 J t 1( ,f MARSHALL, N. C JAN. 3, 1957 , " i : 1-, 0 w THpr. NCVr SCORD 'PAGE TIIHES I i T International ? Sunday School ' . Lesson JANUARY 6, 1957 fl V v nnrf used by permission.) (These comments are based on the International S. S. '" Lesson Outlines, copyrighted by the International Council of Religiom Education, USA, WISE MEN SEEK JESUS Memory Selection: "And when they had atened their , treasures, then irresented unto him gifts; gohl, frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2:11. Lesson Text: Matthew 2:1-12. In Matthew's gospel, we have the story of the visit of the three wise Men, who were .the first Ontiles to visit Jesus. Their searah for and their worship of the Christ, therefore, may have been prophetic of the time the Gentile world would accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. As pointed out before, the pur pose and aim of Matthew's Gos pel was largely to convince the Jews that Jesus fulfilled the Mes sianic hope and prophecy. There fore, all through his Gospel, Mat thew links Jesus with the earlier prophecies. Jesus was born in the year 5 B.C. four years and one week before 1 A.D. an error made by IKonysnus in the calculation of time caused the beginning of the Christian era to be counted wrong. Pompey had captured Jerusalem in 63 B.C. and Pales tine was under the Romans at the time of the birth of Jesus. Augustus Caesar was Emperor of Koine. The gospel references to the time is "in the days of Herod the King," referring to Herod the G reat. Matthew tells us that, "Beh .1(1, there came wise men from the Kast U Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and are come to woi ship him." Tradition numbers these "wise men," probably as trologers and philosophers of then day, as being three, some adding that they were from India, Per sia and Arabia, respectively. Having seen a strange star, in ' With Our Boys In S c r vice Fort Knox, Ky. (AHTNcF Pvt. D. E. Griffdn, 23,son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Griffin, Route 2, Marshall, recently was gradu ated from the automotive main tenance helpers course at the' Ar my s Armor Training (jenter, at Port Knox, Ky. The eightweeks course included classes in engine electricity, trans mission, brakes, steering, and suspension systems and recovery of disabled vehicles. Griffin entered the Army last August and completed basic train ing at the fort. State Nurses To Meet (Wednesday In Asheville District No. 1 of the North Car olina State Nurses Association will meet Wednesday, January 9 at 4 p. m., at the County Court House in Asheville. Mrs. Harold Clark will speak on Disaster Nursing. Mrs. Eunice Seaborn, a member of District 1, has been appointed to serve on the State Standing Committee on Promotion of Pro gram, Public Relations and Mem bership. She plans to attend a committee meeting in Raleigh January 8. The 1957 Annual Convention of the North Carolina State Nurses' Association, and North Carolina I State Student Nurses Association Convention is to be held in Ashe ville October 22-25, with head quarters at the George Vander bilt Hotel. Approximately 1300 graduate nurses and student nurses will be expected to attend. Mrs. James Phillips Passes Saturday; 'Funeral Monday a ' m 'mi thev wera led to seek the . W sS.iJ.lnr' Tihe Star ' w lof '! .Airs. Jaim-s Phillips. 12, of the Bright Hope section, died at her home Saturday morning, Decem b'T 2'.t, 19")i; following a long ill ness. Funeral services were held at 2 p. m., Monday in Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. Burial was in Little Ivy Ceme tery. n : n i i , n "( surviving are tne nusoanu; e. !H Kdaugih,tewi,y tier Misses Me-redith ara PhilKfiS Vf . the Haome; two sons, Duaniif Detroit, Mich., and David of thfe home; three sis ters, Mrs. Sophia Keck of Omah, Wash., Mrs. Nellie Buckner, of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Mary Verie Kay of Blain, Wash.; three brother, Fred Woody of Sunny side, Wash., George of Mars Hill, and Jesse of Republic, Wash.; her stepmother, Mrs. May Woody, of Mars Hill; and a granddaugh ter. Mrs. Phillips was an active mumber of Bright Hope Methodist Church and was active in commu nity afairs until her illness. Born in Republic, Wash., she moved to North Carolina sixteen years ago. Holeombe Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. Kelly Wild, 82, Of Big Pine, Passes; Rites Tuesday tsuch' unusual splendor that tljfey Llieved it foretold the birth of .14-,. Tl-nn in flhail iriPrVf.&J IVyUlby. '-', " " minds, there flashed a thought: The Jewish exiles in Babylon had j said that a King would be born among them who would once more restore the glory of Israel. And this particular' star was in the direction of Jerusalem, the home land of the Jews! In 1604, the great astronomer Kepler saw the planets Jupiter and aturn in conjunction and, shortly afterward, a bright star burst forth in -ne constellation of the Serpent. Calculations show that, just before the birth of Je sus, these same two planets were in conjunction. After traveling for miles across the desert, the Wise Men arrived in Jerusalem. They must have been surprised to find the city (Ujet unexcited by the event proclaimed by the star. After making inquiry around the city, they explained their presence. Word of their visit apd their search for the new "king" reach ed Herod, who, when he "heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." So he called all the leaders of the Jew the chief priests and scribes to him and asked what they knew of this Christ, who should be born. They told him that the prophecies had declared' that the Messiah wouia ne w hem of Judea, and then they quoted the prophecy of Micah Micah 5:12). They knew the text, but they did not recognize the fulfillment of it The so-called better half of the Apparently. Herod took the matrimonial combine spends a Wise Men's report more seriously lifetime trying to fijrure out how ' than did the chief priests. Herod the other half livm wanted to know juet when the ; , " , atar appeared, o that he might ,they feU jped calculate just when the birth bad hJm Rnd when they had Opened taken place. Jesua is thought t tneir treagnrM) tfcef' (resented T- have been around two jrearr oM giftst " gold, frankto- at this timeWnot the ttor y cenM and ' nyrrh.v And, ? being - in fteinangw Wnayoetirorae '.-'With rvery pretense of sincerity should not return to Herod, ' Herod asked the Wlae Men to t- fr-. departed into their own wwfr back to him after they htf."cuatry another way. . :; , ' found the CbUd, M that M, ,w, u interesting to think thatl might go o Bethlehem to worsrnp a,, title of our lesoon for thU r him. , r . 2 ' i ' -" 1 week has ' double meaning.. 1 It Again, the Wise Men set out on jUMre8t. that the Wise Men from ' their 'quest and, this time, they "th. East cams to Bethlehem, were ' uccessfuL v Following ha geefcing the Christ It also sug str, they came to the house gests that men who are wise where 'Mary and the Young Child will seek Jesus. How wfce are . lived. Ten they saw the ohfld, oaT' . ' . . - Here Comes The Bookmobile 9 Now Bookie dear, please let's not start the New Year with an argument. It was just a misun derstanding, all the way around. 1 thought you said you would write this column last week You thought I said if you were too busy resting, that probably our fairy godmother would write it. WeH, as it turns out you were too busy resting, and our fairy god mother was otherwise occupied. What about me? Oh, 1 was run ning around like a ohiicken with .my head cut off trying to get ready for Christmas. You say I looked like 1 was enjoying my self. Well, I was. I love to put everything off until the last min ute, then hustle and bustle, and get all excited. We might stop here and explain that it is our custom to write this column on Monday, and give it to Mr. Pop before we start out on the route for the week. And as you know, last Monday was not just any or dinary Monday, it was Christmas Eve! This is another Monday, and there is something different about it, too. It's the very last day of 1956. By the time you read this 1957 will be three or four days old. But we think it will be all right to wish our friends a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! Even if we are a few days late. The end of the year is a time for looking back ; and a time for looking forward. We just took a look at our registration book. At the end of December 1955, 07" people had registered to usi- our library. At the end of this De cember there are about HiOl) who have signed up. Last Deoembci 9 10 books were out on loan. We naienl lailicu the ,ast Uiree da., inu I'.cn without them the circu lation figure is l.25. Not thai figures alone ran tell the rv in' the suceess of m:r .Maii mmi Count)' Library. You would lia. to go along with Bookie and mi . out on the route. There are folk:, who have never missed us a sing.e Lime since we started running a year ago last October. There are j'olks who walk quite a long way to meet us. There are the little pre-sohool age children, who love bheir books. No. figures wvn't tell it and ftvords won't tell it ad equately, jyf'-; - - As the oIl year draw; and the new; year starl say, from the bottom Thank you, my Mr. and Mrs, Otto NeaJ; and daughter Wtsy'if Copper Hill, Tenn., spent Christmaa holidays BIG BRANCH (NEAR MARS HILL) We arejrlad to see Mr. Fite Mc Kay back home from a Charlotte hospital where he underwent an with Mrs." Neal parents, Mr. operation three weeks ago. Here- ports he is doing nicely. Miss Orpha Willia became the bride of Mr. Henry Harold Dem sko on Friday evening of last week in the Mars Hill Baptist Church. Mrs. Demsko is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Willis Sr., of Mars Hill. Lr. Haynes Baird and his three children spent part of the Christ mas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baird. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Goforth and children spent part of the Christ mas holidays with Mrs. Goforth's parents on the Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Baird and children spent Christmas with Mrs. Baird's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Allen, in Jacksoinvdlle, Fla. They reported having a fine time. They visited other relatives while in Jacksonville. NO JOY RIDE Long Beach, Calif. Little Johnny Fagan, 3, became im patient while his mother was closing the garage doors prepar atory to taking an automobile 1 it i V 1 to a closl I want my iieui l ery good l'r ynds along the route for all the! happiness you have given me. and Mrs. Charted Codlins Mr. and M8, Ma Gillenwater and children of .Richmond, Va., spent Christmas with "Mr, Gillen water's m o the r, u Mrs. Bryan Moore. T i f . . M:ss 'Shirley Brooks; of Bartow, Fla., spent the holidays with her . . er, Mrs. Esther Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Barnwell have returned from Chicago, where they spent Christmas with .heir daughtera. They also visit ed Mrs. Barnwell's sister, Mrs. Gertie Csarnecld, in Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Evans of Troy, N. C, spent the holidays in their cabin here. ; While here, Mrs. James Greene of Asheville spent a few days here with them. Mrs. Queen Leake and daugh ters, Judy and Molly, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Troy Harrison. s Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sumerel had as their guests during the holi days Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sum erel and children of White Pine, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Rick er and daughter of Brevard, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stevens and children of Easley, S. C. Mrs. Grover Plemimons, who has been a patient in Mission Hospital in Asheville, was moved to Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem last Saturday. Mrs. Martha Harrison and Tommy spent the holidays with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. (Bill) Harrison at Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. and Mrs 0.. R. Treadway loft .Sunday to spend a few weeks with their children in Knoxville, I "!Vna. The WMU of the Baptist i Church will hold their regular mciting at the home of Mrs. Roy : Henderson Friday, Jan. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fowler and J". uujhter, Eula, enjoyed Christmas at liheliby with Mr. and Mrs. G rover Fowler and family. 1 Young people who were at lome for the holidays, included 5 Lade line and Robert Hendersor , of University of Tennessee, son ajid ; .Ijtu'fhter of "Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. 'Anderson; Miss"- Wanda .Moore of shevile; daughtejr and Ira. Jes Moot""' VJKar- cr at Mr VZidt 1..tfli:;. T W FT . V Mrs. Bertha Rose spent Christ mas in Asheville with her daugh ters and families, Mtf. and Mrs. Creer Pendland and Mr. and Mrs. llurdas Tiler. i "J 4j. 1 ' 4 "! I f i. vl t t f fi Mr. Nieola Camberlcllo and his wife,, together with Pastor Pasqaate Peraa, look over some of the relief food they have beta glvea as gifts from the American people through the GhrUtTaa Rural Overseas Program (CROP) of Church World arv tee. Pastor Perna, of a local church, is one of the super visors for distribution of food-stuffs sent by Church World lerviee to the people of Basso (rock city) at Matery, Italy. These ancient homes are entirely underground with the front wal eoastracted to close the caves. Mr. Camberiello, an Evan-g-sHsal, hi commenting on the living conditions here said: "We are having our pargatory now." ride. Johnny KnocKed the car s i automatic transmission into re verse and the car shot down the drivtiwav. across the street andj into the wall of a neighbor's bed room. Johnny wasnt' hurt but the oar and the house suffered considerable damage. LDSti ITS For Madison County LIST YOUR TAXES DURING MONTH OF JANUARY ,! SHtLTON LAUREL Kelly Wild, 82 fii Walnut RFD 1, died Sunday, December 30, 1956 at 4:30 a .m., in his home after a brief illness. - Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m., in the North Fork Baptist Church, of which he was a member for 50 years. Tjhe Rev. W. S. Vehaun, the Rev. J. B. Brdgtman and the Rev. Lester Creighton officiated and burial was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were nephews. Mr. Jeter I.. Franklin and Sa rah Brown hail open house Christ mas holidays. Their guests in cluded Mr. Franklin's son, Clint on and his wife and two daughters of Asheville; Mrs. Brown's two daughters; Mrs. C 1 y d e B r o y 1 e s and son, Clyde Kenny from Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. anil Mrs. Billy Joe Muncier of Greeneville; Mr. John Krwin Hensley of Marshall; also Mr. E. V. Ponder and Roy Free man of Marshall; Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Shelton, Mrs. Harrison Franklin, Mrs. Vernon Tipton and son, Fredie; also Mr. A. E. Can trell of Flag Pond, Tenn. I Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. i Homer Foster for the holidays were their daughter, Mrs. Grant ' Phillips and children, Larry, San- dra and Steve, Mr. and Mrs. Tom I Kitchen, all of Andrews; Mr. and I Mrs. Wade Pike and children of Asheville; Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Phillips of Murphy; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster and son of Bluff City. Tenn. Also for dinner on Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Collins and Bill and Mr. and Mis. John Gorenflo. Mr. Alfred Maney anil son. Hickie, of Oak Ridge, Tenn., vis ited Mr. Maney s mother, Mrs. Josie Maney, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie William son and son, Johnnie Jr., spent Christmas with Mrs. William son's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Harrison. h- EA&CH centcr y rfatty Director, GAINES DOG RES Age-Old Problem COCOA, &mw SHORTHAIttt) POINTER, HEEDS ANfo CUARVS 20JQQO TURKEYS ON THE JACOBSONS'TURKEY lARM.rVATCRfroWN.S.P. CALIFORNIA REGISTERS THE f 1 1 oft MOSTDQCS. Hoids mo poc n V' SHOWS AND HAS MODP BoK JUDcrc ' 0"t i THAN AMV'OTHER STAT V A vrV m a Aia tr Hie if uniVKT 11 : i COCS CLIPPZO M OfJ A r - - . s IftM, (Maet Oof KMsrea Ceatar. m ' -4 I --- " T.C. t T 1 W 1 MRS J U. ItKID, LiMvr; Madison" County Courthouse: January 2. 3, 5, 8, S), 10. 12, K, Itt. IT, 1!), 22. 2:5. 21, 2G, 29, 30, 31; at home Mondays and Fridays. T 1 W 2 MRS. EMMA LOU WILSON. Lister; Jan. 5, Charlie Martin's Esso Station, U.S. 25-70; Jan. 12, Walnut Supply Co., Walnut, N. C; Jan. 19, Stines Gulf Service. Brush Creek; Jan. 26, Roy Roberts' Store, Barnard; other days listing at home. T 1 W 3 MINNIE LEE McINNEtJ-ister; Jan. 5 & 12, home of Eugene Ward; Jan. 19 & 26, Madison County Court House. T I W 4 F. E. RUNNION, Lister; All tax listing a F. E. Runnion's r " w i - c . j. LLJiN, Lister; ran. &, w. &. isneftofl-igre ; NStore: Jan. 19.IWolfred Franklmla Mill; Jan. Station; other dktes will list at htoe., Jan. 5, Lanfce Hensley, i t a i flr"T2 W llFLOYD Jan..l2i. Clennie Shelto 26, Fred Shelton Servic TJWJ MRS ENOCH GUNTEK. Lister: .Tnn 12. Hubert Cutshall Store. Shelton Laurel; Jan. 19, Del- mas Cook Store, Belva; Jan. 26, Enoch Gunter; all other days list .at home. T 3 IRMA SPRINrvLE, Lister; Jan. 5, Gabriel's Creek Church; Jan. 12, Oak Grove Church; Jan. 19, Silver Store; Jan. 22, Hal Edmonds Store, Petersburg; Jan. 26, C. T. Waldrup Store, Bldg.; all other days at home. T 4 NAT BLANKENSHIP, Lister; Jan. 5, Levi Hunter Store; Jan. 12, Briggs Service Station; Jan'. 19, Maynard Place; Jan. 26, Fred Rice Place; all other days list at home. T 5 HAROLD WALLIN, Lister; Jan. 5, Novile Hawkins; Jan. 12, Carmel Briggs; Jan. 19, Carter Service Station; Jan. 26, Novile Haw kins; all other days list at home. T 6 MRS. REILEY KING, Lister;-Jan. 5, Little Sandy Church; Jan. 12, Sandy Mush School; Jan. 19, Piney Grove Church; Jan. 26, Mrs. Reiley King's home; all other days at home. T 7 HARRY PAYNE, Lister; At home Jan. ,5 and all other days. T 8 W 1 JOE DUCKETT, Lister; Jan. 5 T. J. Meadows Store; Jan. 12, Ebbs & Gardner Store; Jan. 19, Pink Plemmons Store; Jan. 26, Floyd Fish Mill; other days list at home. T 8 W 2 CLIFFORD FOWLER, Lister; Jan. 5, Russell's Store; Jan. 12, Caldwell's Store; Jan. 19, Goforth's Stdre; Jan. 26, Willett's Store; other days list at home. T 9 BILL WHITTEN, Lister; City HalU Hot Springs, N. C. T 10 WILLIE RICE, Lister; Jan. 5, Reuben Gosnell Store; Jan. 12, Revere Earl Rice Store; Jan. 19, Piney Grove Church; Jan. 26, Earl Rice Store; other days list at home. T 11 MERRITT WHITT, Lister; Jan. 5, Cleo English house; Jan. 12, Ebbs Chapel Schoolhouse; Jan. 19, Jasper Jenkins Station; Jan. 26, Ebbs Chapel School ; other days list at home. ; T 12 DOYLE WORLEY, Lister; Jan.- 5, Doyle Worley Home; Jan. 12, Ogden Anderson; Jan. 19, Joe Worley Store Bldfc.; Jan. 26, Don ' 1 Wild ; all other days list at home. ' T 13 T. H. BROWN, Lister; Jan. 5, C. W. Balding Store; Jan. 12, , Ebbs & Plemmons Store; Jan. 19, C. W. Balding Store; Jan. 26, Ebbs ' , & Plemmons Store. t , ' ' ';v a T 14 JAMES RAMSEY, Lister ; Jan. 6. A. R. Coates residence i Jani 12, G. W. Bruce Store; Jan. 19, Dolph Peek Store; Jan. 26, Home: oth- - u I I T 15 EDGAR HAWKINS, Lister; V Jan. 6 & 26, Mars Hill Town Hall; Jan. 12 & 19, Hawkins Service Station; other days list at home. T 16 BERLIE PEEK, Lister; Jan; 5,'ciaude Cody's Store Jan; 12, Slagle'a Store ; Jan. 19, Cody's Store; Jan. 26, Slagle's Store ; other -Hi , , s ' "'V , i t f v i 'r "C ' I ,Your .truly, 4 if Ted H:r Tr.x Surer; ' -r. , I . .....