MAIL I ALL, N. C, JUNE 13, 1957" THE NCVS.l: (AMR ' 'MRS. JANIE RAMSEY ", ' H, D. Ajren ' A COLLECT- FOR CLUB WOMEN Keep us, oh God, from pettiness'; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. i Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking. May we pit away all pretense and meet each other face to face without self-pity and without - prejudice. May. we be never hasty in judgment and always generous. Let us take time for all things; make ub to grow calm, serene, gentle. Teach us toput into action our better impulses, . strightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differ ences, that in the big things of life we are as one. And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common human heart of us all, and, oh Lord oGd, let us forget not to be kind ! JUNE, "DAIRY MONTH," BE LONGS TO EVERYONE! June is here and with it conies June Dairy Month. Milk is just as refreshing, tasty, and 'impor tant for youngsters during the morning snack these days. An occasional milk shake makes it more attractive. Ice cream, or ice milk is a favorite dessert. Cot tage cheese, cream cheese and ma ny others provide economical, nu tritious variety to summer meals and snacks. This is a good time to make the most of dairy foods in your diet. Make and keep plenty of ice cream on hand. Pick up an extra sup ply of your daily needs of milk, cream, butter and cottage cheese. Every day is a right day far serving foods that offer outstand ing food value serve dairy foods. It ha3 been estimated that a quart of milk is worth from 38 to 42 cents in terms of buying milk's nutrients in other foods that would commonly be considered substitute sources of the various elements of At Gulf stations now THE FINEST TO THE MIDI - ..g"..ij Mml WJ : (11?) Ill- jfiik. Illy ll-8-; - IIL- V 1 ' N N 0 N j w CJosm? i w s j L 1 1 ul . ji m i. ; s -i v ' " "m""-'' " J' " """"" s ( J ( jntl ' W miii Mia Hnr7-l3r-aaMaaaJM 1 5 At the purple pump k " Made with a new, exclusive Gulf N formula to keep modern engines cleaner, quieter, smoother-run-1 ' ning., Packs inore potential, power, ' , v j 'per gaUon than 1 any other gasoline. PAINT ROCK We are having some nice weath er now. . Mr. Roten Campbell is improv ing after bejng sick for sometime. Mr. Montf Ricker called on W. B. Ward Saturday. Mrs. J. N. Lamb is spending this week in Asheville. Linda Lawson of Greenville, S. C, spent the week end with Mrs. J. N. Lamb. Mrs. Frances Strom spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnett, of the Antiooh community. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Rollins and daughter, Vickie, of Spring Creek, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. John Ward of White Pine, Tenn., were visiting their son and- family, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ward, on Sunday. CARD OF THANKS Word Cannot express the ap preciaticVwe feel for tfte kindness shown us during the death of our dear daughter. The Family Of WAYNE GRIFFIN milk. One of our recipes that we are enjoying during June is Frozen Fruit Salad.' FROZEN FRUIT SALAD 6 tbl. sugar Vi c. canned pineapple M c. sliced strawberries c- whipping cream 1 tap. lemon juice 1 c. cottage cheese Lettuce Sprinkle sugar over pineapple and strawberries and mix well. Beat cream until stiff. Add lemon juice to cottage cheese and beat with egg beater until smooth. Fold fruit and then whipped cream in to cottage cheese. Pour into 11 "x4" ice tube tray section re moved. Freeze until firm but not too hard. Place in lettuce. If desired, garnish with pdneapple wedges and strawberries. nnnni iMr riim ""I i II i r. r. 1 1 i--f UldULIIuL UVL RING ...and two great running At ? Gulf guarantee peak , performance without' - It's the bestgaaolineeoer 'M'far the finest can. , ever built.'. x ' 1 .-, ,'.li'H v. ii mcra than ever... ' " ' p mtiiE degt ft.::.: vduh o - DISABLED MAY QUALIFY FOR BENEFITS HERE June 30 is an important dead line for disabled persona to take action to protect their rights, if they have not already done so, D. H. Butler, field representative of the Asheville Social Security Ad ministration office, has announc ed. Disabled persons who believe they meet the requirements nec essary to "freeze" their social se curity records thus protecting the amount of their future bene fits and their right to them should write the Asheville office at once or contact Mr. Butler who will be at ihe Court House in Marshall on June 14. If over 50 years of age, the disabled person may qualify for cash benefits as well as for the "freeze."' Persons disabled less than 6 months should wait until they have been disabled 6 months even if that is after June 30, but persons disabled for a long time will not be able to get their record frozen or receive disability bene fits if they do not apply before June 30. To qualify for the protection, the disabled person must have had 5 years of work in covered em ployment out of the last 10 before the disability began, and 1 years out of the last 3. Military service after September 15, 1940 and work for a railroad after 1936 count toward meeting the employment requirements of the "freeze." The disability must be severe enough to keep a person from do ing any substantial work and must be expected to continue indefi nitely. First payments to eligible dis abled persons will be made in Au gust. Benefits have been pay able since January to certain dis abled adult children of retired or deceased insured workers under PUBLIC... the white pump At the HEW GULF SUPER flO-NDX. v ' '-v - A stand-out even among premium fuels for its, fa-. 1 mous clean-burning engine protection. It'a sure to dew liver peak, knockproof per formance in the great major ity of cars on the road today. , By far, the best you can buy for all but tht most crit ical of today engines. A: Decorat!; : V . a Held At F ;'! Cemetery, J- " 16 "I There will, be a decoration at the Ramsey Cemetery, 2 miles south of Marshall, the 8 rd Sun day in June at 2 o'clock. ';. . ROME WOODSON . rs. Wiley Davis Passes Saturday After Long Illness ',f''"y ' ; i - -' v'1'''-' .' .Mrs. Wiley Davis, 66, of Big Pine, died at 0:56 a.,m., Saturday, June 8,-1957 at her home after a long illness, ; ' Funeral J services were held at 10 a. m. Monday, at North Fork Baptist Church. ; The Rev. Lester Crayton and the Rev. J. B. Brlgman officiated, and burial was in the church cem etery. Grandsons were pallbear ers. Surviving are her husband; a son, Clifford of Asheville RFD 8; seven daughters,! Mrs. Lige Fort ner of WeavervdUe, Mrs. Elbert Roberts, Mrs. Roy Plemmons and Mrs. Charlie Rice of River Rouge, Mich., Mrs. CHamer Worley and Mrs. Lemie Roberts of Walnut, and Mrs. Gilbert Roberts of Flat Rock, Mich.; three sisters, Mrs. Delia Plewmona and Mrs. Emma Worley f Marion and Mrs. Nan nie Cogdill of Walnut; four broth ers, James and Loyce of Walnut, Noah of Harriman, Tenn., and Alonzo of. Homulus, Mich.; 29 grandchildren arid a great-grandchild. -K Bowman-Rector Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. The man who is too easily car ried away with enthusiasm usual ly has to walk back. EYES OPEN Learning from the mistakes of others ie the easiest way of ac quiring a practical education. another provision of the law. Persons who have already in quired about or filed for the 'freeze" or the cash benefits need not make another inquiry, Mr. Butler concluded. mates orenge pump GOOD GULF. ; Gives you top jwrformance in every car deeigned to op- v , erate on regular gasoline be- . "cause it's packed with power - a-plenty. A : . V-:.. Knownscrossthecountry for top economy, Good Gulf . is the gasoline made to sSve you money. If$ that fwmou high-value gasoline. ' - '..: il!!. Mrs. Sally Graham . Passes Saturday; " : Funeral Monday . Mrs. Sally Graham, 73, of Hot Springa, died Saturday, June 8, 1967. at 9:30 p. to., at her home after a long illnesa. Funeral services were held Mon day at 3 p. m., in- the Hot Springs Baptist Church. The Rev. Calvin Metcalf officiated and burial was in the Fairview Cemetery. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Violet Collins of Hot Springs and Mrs. Lenwood V. Pruett of Greensboro; four sons, Kelly of Hot Springs, Albert G. of Char lotte, 0. T. of Marshall, Texas, and A. H. of Belmont; three sis ters, Mrs. J. L. Parkins of Mari on, Mrs. Hester Warren and Mrs. Emma Sherrill of York, S. C; 8 grandchildren; and 2 greatgrand children. Bowman-Rector Funeral Home was in charge. With Our Boys In Service Norfolk, Va. (FHTNC) Two Marshall men will take part in an International Naval Review scheduled to be held June 12 at Hampton Roads, Va. More than 60 U. S. Atlantic Fleet ships, headed by the latest in aircraft carriers, battleships, guided missile cruisers, destroyers and submarines, have been chosen to represent the United States. In addition, at least 18 foreign na tions will display their might for the first international naval re view to be held in American wa ters since 1907. Defense Secretary Charles Wil son is expected to represent Pres ident Eisenhower at the review. The ships will be in the Hamp ton Roads area for "Fleet Week" which ends June 17. During this time, numerous "American type entertainment events have been (planned by the local civilian com mittee .especially for the visiting navymen. The review will be a major highlight of the Jamestown Festfl val, commemorating the 350th an niversary of the founding of Jamestown, Va., colony in 1607. Phillip B. Payne, seaman, USN, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Payne, aboard the battleship USS Iowa, an Arnold F. Coates, tele .. . . ttctv n" Mi- man nrsi ciass, uoii, sou vi and Mrs. George W. Coates of Route 2, Box 160, and husband of the former Miss Mary J. Lee of Alameda, Calif., aboard the tactical command ship USS Northampton. Fort Bragg, N. C. (AHTNC) Special Second Class William Reeves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Reeves, Route 3, Marshall, is a radar operator in Headquarters Company of the 3d U. S. Army Missile Command at Fort Bragg. Specialist Reeves entered the Army in 1953. You'll never find a roadhouse along the straight and narrow path. There's no use hurrying if you are headed in the wrong direc tion. LOSE UGLY FAT IN TEN DAYS OR MONEY BACK If you are overweight, here is the first really thrilling news to come along in years. A new and con MiMt dt. . s trkt riA nf extra pounds easier than ever, so you can be as slim and trim as yon want This new product called DIATRON curbs both hunger & appetite. No drugs, no diet, no exerciser Absolutely harmless. When yon take DIATRON, yon .4.111 nn null, still eat the foods you like but yon simply don't nave tne urge ior inn pot it' Mitamaticalrr your weight must come down, because, as your own ooexor wm wu " when yon eat less, yon weigh less. Excess, weight endangers your vunm ' So no' matter what yon1 hrV tried before, get DIATRON end Jw rr what it can do. 1)1 VTRON Is so'd .1,1. miiPiVT'CKr Tea mnt lose weight witfc the first psckag yon nse or tne pear osin y. nothinjr. Just return the bottle to your dmjrit and cet your money back. DIATRON rosts $3.00 and is sold with this strict money oaca guarantee by: . ROBERTS PHARMACY -Marshall j 113, Order Filled V ' . v ! ENJOY A BEAUTIFUL DRIVE AND HAVE A BARREL PF FUN AT Recreation Park ASHEVILLE'S PLAYGROUND ASHEVILLE, N. C. iNew at the park ia a roller coaster. Over the hills swoops the big thriller so fast it takes away your breath. A real thrill for the kids, and grown-ups love it, too. There's fun for the entire farnily at Asheville's Recreation Park. Roller skating and rides like the merry-go-round, ferris wheel, kiddie plane, electric scooter, train, boat ride and a host of entertainment features. Refreshment facilities offer sandwiches; drinks, etc. Free picnic facilities with shade, shelter, water, fireplaces and tables. Bring a picnic lunch and spend the day. Room for carloads, truck-loads, bus-loads. Special invitation extended to church, school and neighborhood groups. Children's Playground SWINGS r SEE-SAWS WADING POOL Open Seven Dy A Week Through Labor Day. To Get There Just Ak Anybody Crigman-Herrill Uovvs Are Spoken Saturday Evening Miss Joyce Gaye Merrill, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Merrill, of Mars Hill became the bride of Larry Lee Brigiman of Mars Hill, son of Mr. Blake Bpigman and the late Mrs. Brigman of Balti more, Maryland, Saturday, June 8, 1957, at 7:00 p. m., in Bull Creek Baptist Church, with the Rev. Glen Whitley, pastor, per forming the double ring ceremony. Baskets of white gladiolus and an arch of greenery were used for the candlelight ceremony. The ushers were Lowell and Lane Merrill of Mars Hill, broth ers of the bride. The best man was Lawrence Ammons of Mars Hill, classmate of the groom. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a ballerina length gown of white lace over satin with matching half -hat and white gloves. She carried a bouquet of white carnations and baby's breath. Miss Sharon Merrill "of Bre- Vard, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore light blue street length princess style dress with matching hat and gloves. A program of wedding music was presented by Miss Jean Ed wards, organist, and Mrs. Alene MDaris and Jerry Brown, vocal ists. An informal reception was held at the home of the bride1 immedi ately following the ceremony. As sisting in the serving were Mrs. Bud Fox, Mrs. Hardy Merrill, Mrs. Aaron Sronce and Miss Al deen Waldrup. The couple left immediately for Baltimore, Md., where they plan to make their home. Revival At Marshall FWB Church Will Start Sunday According to an announcement by the pastor, the Rev. Warren Reece, a revival will begin at the Marshall First Free Will Baptist Church Sunday, June 16, 1957. The Rev. William Calvert of Kannapolis will be the evangelist. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Ruben Rice, 65, Madison Native, Dies In Kentucky Ruben Rice, 85, of Harion, ICy formerly of Madison County, died Friday, afternoon, Jus 7, 1957 at 5:30 o'clock in a Harion hospital after a long Alness. ; .-,. i V 4 Funeral services were conduct ed Sunday at 2:30 o'clock in1 the Hopewell "artist Church. -Tne Rer. N. G-"fin and the ReV. Jeter , Snc-'.in officiated. Bnrial was'ia tr-r i Welnot Cemrterr. t Pallbearers were friends f the infly. . ' , . - - urvivi"" ar two aona, ftubn Jr of Greeneville, Tenn., and Bud of Walnut; one sister, I.rrs. Nettie Harris, of Hot frrin'-sj Paul R'ce of ?'-artentur$r, S. C; and one gran ! ' 'M. Eowman-r.ector Funeral I"""-' was in clar?e. IS YOUR BRAIN HUNGRY? of human beings in this orld if the minds of men and women de manded food with the' same in sistence that the stomach does. Suppose your brain, of neg lected and forgotten for a day, would set up the same insistent clamor for sustenance that your body does. Would you know more, or do you, maybe, take care of the normal cravings that visit intelligent minds, and see to it that you provide a diet for the thinking machine, as well as for the stomach? Truth is supposed to be the goal of education and philosophy and religion, as well. The truth will "set you free," the Bible de clares. SEND The NEWS-RECORD to Your Boy In Service IN LOVING MEMORY OF DADDY W. JACK BALL ON FATHER'S DAY Saturday, April 20, as the sun was about to close the day, God, in His mighty wisdom, called you away. Ah! yes we live that hour over now, And all the sorrow, pain and grief make our heads to bow. An angel came, closed your eyes', sealed your lips, and stilled your heart; Oh! How sad it was to see you from us part! You were so good, dear Daddy, and we miss your dear face. Since God called you home to Heaven no one can take your place. At home in beautiful Heaven is a soul pure, I know; , But still it was so hard to say goodbye and see our daddy go. Our home is not the same it al- - ways was before; Since death came into it and Dad is here no more. Here, where he used to be, and all the things he hadr- t " " Now all these we can aee and it r makes our hearts so sad. ; ' J For he was very dear and we shall ' . love hbn still; . ' " Though absent from 'this world . awhile our own most be, To him no harm can come, and ; this thought cornea- to met AD was dona that we could do. And now he is asleep in Jesus eweet sleep. We know he will wake again when " " sounds the trumpet voice; We shall be with him 'then au.l 1 with him rejoice. On this Father's Eay our 1 ere sad" ' x The first we have knovn t ' a loving Tn I. Our heart's prr;- - ?U" ' , on t' t e f

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