f A iiikmi L .... , a i .j, it. MAivUU C, .Vug in ncvs.nEcoriD t 1 T1 PAGE SVC: O O HIE LAW- (ForthN:.aBcurAmoUton) ROBERT E. LEE r O o :, p ;.: y- ''V-;,i':..,;,1 .,. WVlid Contract Of Minor II Ars thert ny kinds of contracts What are- binding on minors? . Yes. la all states a minor may tfta compelled to pay a reasonable "Do I law to Suffer All r.ly Life Just Because Ptn a Woman?" Nel Today, wo mm dent hav to boar a plat cratt of twiyl CM Of grandma, a romarfcabl tabht can bring bUiMd rali.f from awful "fomolo mlMri" Today,, "female suffering" need never occur again for most women not at any age! Imagine being free from the pain, misery your nd old used to dread! That's the promise of Lydia Pinlcham's Tablets wonderful relief women can have all through their lives! Pinkham's unique combination of medicines was developed es pecially for women's ailments. (Even Includes blood-building iron!) In doctors' tests, 3 out of OF SPECIAL! SHREDDED mmmm SPECIAL GOLDEN CREAM STYLE SPECIAL! FROZEN SMALL GREEN WW SPECIAL! JANE PARKER SPANISH lair atte ii.--.il. Tuii.ni A y. "in ii ii ..IT.... n i SPECIAL!, ANN PAGE SPECIAL! ANN PAGE SPECIAL! DEMAND KOSHER SPECIAL! CRISP, FRESH ntinnn nh nnr?nnn 1A PRICED LOW! COLD STREAM BRAND f 1 X - , k - J ICES THIS AD AJIE EFF. THRU .xur.DAY, riArxn 8 pries for the neoeamries that have beea furnished him.- K the law did not Impose upon a minor an obligation to pay for necessaries. adults mould be reluctant to fur nish him' with the necessities of life.' ; The policy of the law in giv ing protection to a minor would be defeated W a minor could not fey some kind of binding obligation procure necessities. V There are special statutes in 4 no longer suffered the awful monthly cramps, headaches, backaches. Later during change-of-life, "hot flashes" subside, ir ritability is calmed! Even after menopause, Pinkham's Tablets help build strength-giving blood! Just because you're a woman, you don't have to suffer! Start taking Pinkham's Tablets. What ever your age, take them dally for all the benefits you can get all through your life! Lydia E. Pinkham's Tablets at drugstores. YOU GET MORE LOW PRICES ON MORE ITEMS MORE DAYS THE WEEK AT A&P STYLE A&P NO. 303 CANS NO. 303 CANS EACH ELBOW STYLE 19o2 8-Oz. PKGS. QUART JAR r ' fm ,16-Oz. CAN North Carolina perm; Id, to make certain types ii ' contracts. Minors of twin and upwards may make with building , and loan i Hons ana federal savings an,'. I associations '. with the force ' effect of adults. Minors of i '-' teen years and upwards i i make contracts of insurance ci annuity with life insurance com panics with the force and efXttt of adult. Money deposited in a bank in the name of a minor un der fifteen; years of age may be withdrawn upon a receipt or .check signed by such minor and on of his parents. ' Money deposited in a bank in the , name : of a minor fifteen years of age and upwards may be withdrawn upon a recepit or check signed 'by the minor, What are necessaries t , "Necessaries" depend upon the facts and circumstances of ; the particular case. They include food, clothing, lodging, medical care, and proper education They are not limited to those things that, ira nhonlufalv natagRSrv to sustain life, but extend to arUdea, which are reasonable necessary NO. 303 CANS lie 29 SPICY RAISIN-RICH IRRESISTIBLY GOOD, 'THIS TOP-QUALITY "PARTY- CAKE" IS A TASTE-TEASER 49 Qt. - 35c 2C C1r l-Lb., PKa NOTICE I will sell at public auction at y home on Marshall, N. C, JttFD Saturday, March 15, 1958, t 12 o'clock noon the following i ir to satiafy repair and storage One 1949 OldamnhllL. r seaan; motor No. 8A17728H, n nse No, J48.242. ' . -V ' . , T. .D. BLANKENSHIP i . Route 8, Marshall, N. C. ' 3-6; lap ; ' Mrs. Mollie Mcintosh Passes On Tuesday; Funeral Today unXiiW ' . " i.' iMrs, Mollie Lisonbee Mcintosh, 78, a ; native of Madison County, died at her home in the Laurel! section Tuesday morning, March 4, 1958 after a long illness. ii' t . . .... .. t unerat services will be con ducted-today (Thursday) at 2 p. m.,! in' the Shady Grove Baptist Church with the Eevs. Bob Free man, and Harrison Lunsford of fkiatiag. Burial will be in the Ramsey- Cemetery. '- Surviving are one son, Fred Mcintosh of Marshall; six daugh ters, Mrs. George Howell of Na omi,. W. Va., Mrs. John Hender son of; Rock Hill, S. C., and Mrs. James , Davis, Mrs. Elmer Davis, Mrs. Hobert Bullman and Mrs. Harley McDevitt of Marshall RFiD"8; two sisters, Mrs. Joel Johnson of Marshall RFD 3 and Mrs. Bascombe Cutshall of Mar shall BHD 4; 18 grandchildren, and , 9, great-grandchildren. Bowman-Rector Funeral Home is in "charge. , SALT LAKE PROJECT AIDED " Littla Valley, Utah Billed as the world's largest non-atomic explosion In history, a blast peel ed more Ohan 3,000,000 cubic yards pf rock from a cliff here. The explosion of 2,138,000 pounds of dynamite and nitrate f erttnhzer . sent clouds of dust awirling hundreds of feet into the air. It was the fourth in a' series of explosions to produce fill mat erial, for" a' causeway being built across Groitt Salt Lake." .' Thj Granl( Park- conservatory displays : about 5,000, species -of flowers, r for the proper and suitable main tenance of the particular infant iti. View of hi social station in life, the customs of the social cir cle in which he moves or is likely to move,, and the fortunes possess ed by Mm and his parents. Ar ticles that might be a luxury to one may- very well be classified as a necessary to another. Persons supplying an infant act at their peril, and cannot recover the price if the things furnished were, not at the time actual nec essaries. lif the minor has a par ent or guardian who provides him with necessaries, the minor can not, be sued for articles that or dinarily would be classified as necessaries. The seller must prove that the parent or guardian has neglected or refused or is unable to uspply the particular necessa ries to the minor. , A minor is not liable upon ex-J ecutory1 contract for necessaries. If he repudiates the agreement! before the necessaries have been furnished, he cannot be held for damages. ' ,- ; Tom ' Brown, age twenty, is married. ' He has both a wife and child to support He is en gaged in ' the trucking business Henry White sells to him a truck. May the agreed price of the truck be recovered from Tom Brown? No. Articles purchased for bus iness purposes,' whether agriou! tural or . commercial, havfe been declared not to be neoessaryies, even though the minor depends nn- on his business for support. .Nec essaries must'. h Items ' required for the living and peronal , well- being of the minor or those who are d -pendent upon him for aup- : a, refreshing " l Cctwitha , NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY Under and .by virtue of the vower of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by C. L. Proffitt and William T. Jobe dated the 17 th day of Sep tember, 1956 and recorded in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust. Vol. 48, page 620 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Madison County, North Caro lina, the undersigned Trustee in said Deed of Trust, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and other covenants therein con tained by the grantors, and the holder of said indebtedness hav ing duly declared the whole of said debt and interest and all oth er monies secured by said Deed of Trust owing from the grantors to the holder of said Deed of Trust and Notes secured thereby in stantly due and payable, and the said holder having called upon the undersigned to foreclose said Deed of Trust by sale of the prop erty described therein for the pur pose of satisfying: said indebted ness in the amount of $4500 with interest at the rate of 5 per an num from March 28, 1957, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the hereinaf ter described lands and premises with all and every the appurten ances thereunto belonging on the 24th day of March, 1958 at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Court House door in the Town of Marshall, Madison County, North Carolina, said lands and premises lying and being in the County of Madison, North Carolina and more particu larly described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being in the County of Madison known as the White Rock Hospit al property, more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING on a double pop lar on top of a ridge near a cem etery and runs thence South 62 degrees West 99 feet to a chest nut; thence with the top of the ridtre South 30 degrees West 297 feet to a stake; thence West with the top of the ridge to a yellow pine; Tweed's corner; thence with Tweed's Southern line South 73 degrees 30' West 13 poles 11 links to a white pine with point ers; thence South 75 degrees West 11 poles to a white pine; thence with his line the same course South 75 degrees West 2 poles to a stake in the center of the road; thence with the center of the road South 28 degrees East 2 poles 5 links; thence leaving the road South 30 degrees 80' East 11 poles to a stalke in the branch : thence m and with the branch South 65 de grees East 8 poles; East 4 poles to a stake in the branch at the mouth of a small drain; thence up una , wren v ine grain as lolilows North degrees. East 4 Poles; North f m degrefes i 15V East 4 poles; North 68 fleirrees,' East- 4 poles; North 43 degrees 80' East poies; worth 77 , decrees 30' east 2 poles 22 links; North 44 aegrees uast 8 poles; North 73 degrees East 8 poles 10 links; North 80 degrees 30' East 4 poles 11 links to a Stflkfl In a Hrnin- thence leaving the drain and with a wire fence North 12 degrees 30' West 20 poles to a ftalt in . fence; thence North 26 degrees West 4 poles 12 links to the Be ginning, containing six acres more or less together with that certain right of way across the lands of Kay i weed on the North for a roadway reserved in that certain Deed executed by the parties of the first part for a width of 8 feet on each side of the center line in the present roadway from the' highway to the hospital, said line running as follows: Begin ninsr on a stake in tni wrtor f the roadway North 75 degrees East 8 feet from the second white pine corner called for fn the a bove described property and runs North 31 decrees 30' Wrt 7 6 links to the center of the White Rock Road together with the right reserved to the parties of the first part in said Deed of a rignt or way to erect a line or lines for electricity across the lands of Ray Tweed to the White Rock Hospital, together with the rights of the parties of the first part accruing to it by reason of conveyance of certain water rights in that certain Deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Madison County in Deed Book 34 paee 75. ' I This sale will be made subject w au outstanding ' and unpaid taxes and to rights of way of State Highway and Public Works Commission and easements appar ent or m reoora. This the 22nd day of JPebruary. A ' II 1QEQ WILLIAM J. COCKE, Trustee. jwri o-2uc ai,3iL.ji - ? Ease PAINS Of HEADACHE, NEURAL GIA, NEURITIS with STAN8ACK ' " TABLETS or POWDERS. STANBACK , combines several medically proven pain relievers . . . The added effectiveness . of these MULTIPLE ingredients brings . (aster,' mors complete relief, easing anxiety and tension usually accom- STANBACK f'lr" . f" 1 " 1 preparation f f IHiftftU ) ' you've ewer - - used . i o RE-SALE NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA : MADISON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Madison County, dated th 8rd day of March. 1968. made in a special (proceeding therein pend ing entitled 'Charles E. Mashburn, Administrator of the estate of J. C. Waddell. deceased, et al. Plain tiffs, vs. Christine Waddell, et al. Defendants, and under and bv virtue of an order of resale upon an advance bid made by the Hon orable Herbert Hawkins-, Clerk of the Superior Court, the under signed Commissioner will on Tuesday, the 18th day of March, 1968, at 12:00 o'clock Noon, at the Courthouse Door in Marshall, Madison County, North Carolina. offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, upon an opening bid of TWO THOUSAND SIX HUN DRED (S2.600.00) DOLLARS. but subject to the confirmation of the Court, a certain tract of land lying and being in No. 1 Township, Walnut Creek, Madi son County, North Carolina, be ing more particularly described as follows: Adjoining the land of Guy V. Roberts, Hubert Rice and Win ston Kice. BEGINNING on a stake in the center of Walnut Creek, 3 poles and 19 links from a water oak, corner of Winston Rice and G. W. Hensley, and running up and with the center of said creek, North 41 degrees 30 minutes East 5 poles and 17 links to a stake in the center of the creek; thence North 26 degrees East 10 poles to a stake in the center of the said creek, opposite the mouth of the present drainage ditch; thence leaving said creek, South 52 degrees East 8 poles to a stake in the mouth of a hollow; thence up and with the center of the hol low South 84 degrees 30 minutes East 11 poles and 5 links to a stake in the hollow; thence South 65 degrees 30 minutes East .16 poles and 16 links to a planted rock in the hollow; thence leaving the hollow, South 75 degrees 30 minutes East 9 poles and 16 links to a large rock on the hillside; thenc South 61 decrrees 45 min utes East 15. poles and 18 links to a white pine in Hubert Rice's line; thence down the ridge with Hubert Rice's line to the BEGINNING. Containing six (6) acres, more or less. BEING that same tract of band described in a deed dated 5 April, 1946, by Guy V. Roberts and wife, Evelyn G. Roberts to Jim Waddell and wife, Annie Waddell, of rec ord in Deed Book 46, page 73, Madison County Registry, to which deed reference is hereby made. EXCEPTING, HOWEVER, all that certain .01 acre, more or less, tract of land ' conveyed by J. C. Waddell and-wife, Jean Waddell, to Winston Rice. bv'deedMated 15 March, 1956, of record intoook 87, page 132, Madison County Regis- ; A five per cent deposit will be required of the successful uaaer of the sale, and said sale -is sub- iect to the confirmation of ' tne rvnrt This the 3rd day of March, 1958. CHARLES E. MASHBURN, Administrator. 3-6, 13c GIVE The United Way ALLEN LIMBER CO. Saw Mill Planing Mill MARSHALL, N. C. Route 3 Phone 3182 FRAMING ROOFERS SUB-FLOORING Stovewood Delivered Big: Truck Load or Pick-Up Truck Load Custom Built Truck Bodies Zlteays icoli CoaS ,By letting us keep your clothe cleaned and rrrsse. i ( - ? 0 REMEMBER -1 YOU ux YOUil APPEARANCE DUY-CLEA:;r:;a If you hive clesr.r , I ' rci i : : V V , Wwav--J Raleigh The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffle deaths through 10 a. m., March 3, 1968: Killed this year 124 Killed to date last year 168 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE , Having qualified as Adminia-" tratrix of the estate of Dewey O, Wallin, deceased, late of Madison, County, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the ea state to submit them to the under signed at her home, RFD 4, Mar shall, N. C, on or before the 23rd day of January, 1959, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons i in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of January, 1958. RUTH D. WALLIN, Administra trix. 1-23 2-27p If you expect to outshine your neighbors build a good reputation and keep it polished. l!:!psl!:clArdCI::r IlchyC!dnn:ch! Zemo liquid or ointment a doc tor's antiseptic, promptly relieves itching, stops scratching and so helps heal and clear surface skin rashes. Buy Etm Strength Zemo for7'ff1l stubborn cases !lVAV FOR SALE HOME ELECTRIC , & FURNITURE CO. MARSHALL, N. C ' ' . L. ... 3 J WANTED ,1 COUNTRY HAMS HANCOCK'S RESTAURANT 8 N. PACK SQUARE ASHEV1LLE, JN. C. 3 o ; xy EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED by . . DR. LOCKARD Optometritt ' : ' " ' v ' 8 A. M. to 12 Noon FRIDAYS. , THE L. P. ROBERTS BUILDING MARSHALL, N. C O o S FUNNY ;! U. r-.n. "..iTTN f- Store Stuff J J WHenThey. -CuGuhln With A WANT AD ARE OFTEN nru:

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