T" I -1 1 " . , , ' . . - ' v ' MARSHALL, N. MARCH 20, 1968 i 7 s1 ' THE NEWS-RECORD PAGE FIVE If 1 A . J? o o PERSONAL and OTHERWISE Dial: 3261 The Rev. and Mrs. George G. Reeves have rcturnexi to their 'home in New York City after Kpemliing several months in West ern N'orth Carolina. Dr. and Mrs. Reeves are the parents of Ceoi-jre G. Reeves Jr., of Marshall. Miss Shirley Jean Parris spent the week-end in Asheville visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Troy Gentry .and family. Mr. and Mis. Carl Bowman and son, "Rocky", spent Sunday in Morristown, Tenn., where thy visited Mr. and Mrs. Julian Culvern. Mrs. Culvern is the former Miss Shirley Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wilde, of Wayne, Mich., have been vlsitinR Mr. and Mrs. Abner Wilde, of Walnut Creek Road. While on vacation they visited Mr. and Mrs. Kdsel Greene of Jackson ville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baker and sons, Clay and Clifton, of Birmingham, Mich., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Vestie Baker, of Walnut, this week. Howard Banks, of Marshall, visited his mother, Mrs. C. W. Anthony, and family in Gastonia during t'ne week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. . Holland svent the week-end in Elkin as guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Hol land, and children. Miss Faye Naves, who is a stu dent nurse at Grace Hospital, Morganton, sent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. M. G. Ramsey Sr., and family. Miss Olga Sprinkle returned Sunday to Knoxville, Tennessee, where she is a sophomore at t'ne University of Tennessee, follow ing a week's visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sprinkle. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Morton spent the week-end in Marshall with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Worley, and with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Guy White. Q Q JJETWEEN US jyOMEN Mr. J. C. Henderson, of Mar shall, spent the week-end in At lanta, Ga., visiting his brother, Al. Mrs. Al Henderson is a pa tient in Emory University Hos pital in Atlanta where she is un dergoing an operation. Ann. Ted McK.inney Jr., who has been employed at the Ford Motor 'Company and also attending the enry Ford Connmunity College Dearborn, Mich., is here to pend several weeks with his family, his wife and daughter, .,(' p Miss Carol Wild, who ia a "student at Mars Hall College, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. iVfn Wild of Big Pine, over the week-end. Jimmy Eads and Wayne Clark, of Marshall, spent the week-end at UNC at (Vapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bennett of Greensboro spent the week-end with Mrs. Bennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ramsey. James Huey, who is a Junior at Wake Forest College, spent the weeV-end witfh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Huey. Mrs. J. Hubert Davis returned last week from New York where she spent several days wiith her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ixuis H. Kaufman, and family. 9 Recent Births To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bearse, of Melbourne, Fla., a 7 lb., 11 oz. son, Ramon Caldwell "Randy" Bearse, March 13, 1958, in a Mel bourne hospital. Mrs. Bearse is the former Miss Betty Ann Cald well, daughter of the Rev. and Arrs. Coleman Caldwell, of Mar shall. The Bearses also have two daughters, Brenda and I.inda. THE FARMER'S WIFE 0 0 So this is Library Week why not a B ring-back -that-ibook- you-lorrowed week? years ago someone left a book at my house very old, and very good David Livingston was published in England around 1K70 and was by Blaikie, no oth er name - Blaikie was prob ably the surname - - the other day we found a very old fifth reader published around 1870 so you kids in the fifth grade think you have it rough -- in this reader no four letter words are used when a ten or twelve letter world would do as well no abbreviations, no don'ts, won'ts, can'ts, and such -- just high class English and lots of it this about George Washington : I n analyzing the character of Washington, there is nothing that strikes me as more remarkable than its beautiful symmetry. In this respect it is consumiate his different qualities are so nicely balanced, so rarely associated, of such har monious affinities, that no on seemed to interfere with another, or predominate over the whole this was written by George D. Holmes, LL.D. how can one be so educated and yet so ignor ant? not having a good dic tionary am still puzzled about the meaning of two words, hyperbo rean and castereuim, and a cague notion of what was said about Washington Easter is al most on us, ladies! ATTENDS CLINIC Married March 8 Mrs. L, J. Moore Cut Courtesy Asheville Cituen-Times Ruth Eudine Gillett Marries L. J. Moore Sun., Daren 8 The Rev. I). D. Gross, pastor of the Marshall Baptist Church, spent Monday ard Tuesday in j Hickory where he attended the state-wide "Forward Program of Church Finance Clinic ' which was held in the First Baptist Church. The clinic was promot ed by the Baptist State Convention. FISHING TACKLE Priced To Sell CODY'S AUTO STORE One man earns a living that he nrer get, and another gets a hving that he never earns. iMiiss Ruth Eudine Gillett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmert Gillett of Clyde RFD 1, became ithe bnide of L. J. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore of (Hot Springs RFD 1, in the Crab tree Baptist Church, Saturday, March 8, 1958 at 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Gay Chambers, pas tor of the church, performed the ceremony. Miss Carolyn Hill, pianist, and Miss Polly Parker, vocalist, presented ,the wedding imusic. The birde, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown- of white slipper satin. Her veil of illusion was attached to a shell of satin trimmed with seed pearls and sh carried a white Mrs. JameFerguon, sister of the bride of Wayneaville RFD 4, iwas matron of honor. She wore a basque dress of pink taffeta with a matching headdress and carried a colonial bouquet of mix ed flowers. The bridesmaids were Miss Shelba Jean Moore and Miss Car olyn Moore, of Hot Springs, sis ters of the bridegroom, Mrs. Eu gene Wood, Miss Mary Sue Mc CradJcen, Miss Jeannette Smith, and Miss Sandra Wood, all of Clyde RFD 1. They wore dress es fashioned like t'nat of the ma tron of honor in shades of orchid, yellow and green with matching headdresses. Kay Watts of Hickory was flower girl and Mike Davis of Clyde R-l, was ringibearer. Eugene Wood of Clyde RFD 1 You Can't Beat VIGORO! Buy VIGORO Today! For Stronger, Healthier TOBACCO PLANTS Teague Milling Co. MARSHALL, N. C. served as best man and ushers were A. L. Mathews of Clyde RFD 1, Jerry Crawford of Waynesville RFD 4, John Evans of Waynesville RFD 1, and Jer ry Evans of Hickory. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wood. As sisting were Mrs. Hugh Ledford, iMrs. Hershel Bryson of Waynes ville and Mrs. Bob Watts of Hick ory. For a short wedding trip the bride wore a two-piece dress of blue faille with black accessories and t'ne orchid from her Bible. Upon their return the couple will be at home on Banner Avenue, Waynesville. Mrs. Moore is a graduate of the Crabtree-Iron Duff High School. Mr. Moore was graduated from NOTICE All Merchants Please take notice that aU merchandise purchased for the Town of Marshall re quire a Purchase Order to accompany each purchase. TOWN OF MARSHALL Complete Line Of SEAT COVERS From $12.95 up WE INSTALL CODY'S AUTO STORE (Spring Creek High School and Western Carolina College and is now a member of the faculty of the Waynesville Township High School. m m .IT LMDISOII DRIVE-IK THEATER Located at Brush Creek On Marshall - Walnut Highway OPENS FRIDAY, MARCH 21 Bigger and Better Pictures! Friday and Saturday March 21 and 22 "GUNFIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL" BURT LANCASTER KIRK DOUGLAS Stooge Comedy and Cartoon Sunday and Monday March 23 and 24 "3:10 TO YUMA" GLENN FORD VAN HEFLIN FELICIA FARR Plus Short Subjects Tuesday and Wednesday .March 25 and 26 ' "FIRE DOWN BELOW" RITA HAYWORTH ROBERT MITCHUM JACK LEMMON Plus Short Subjects Thursday March 27 "tHE BURGLAR? ' DAN DURYEA JAYNE MANSFIELD "V k Plus Short Subjects , . Children under 12 admitted free il accompanied: by parents Our Concession Bar is open at all times during the show, serving HOT DOGS, HAMBURGERS, HOT POPCORN, COLD DRINKS, Cigarettes "A V0Gt mm IIME We Are Busting Out All Over With Bargains In Easter Finery For Every Member Of The Family - - - Dresses - Hats - Bags - Shoes --Quito - Shirts - Ties - Blouses ----- And 100's Of Others nnnn i iii LiUUL lIL 1 Deposit Will Hold Any Item ' 0 rV r l"-ri'-V