THE NEWS-RECORD ' PAGE SIX s Here Comes The Bookmobile TEN SHUN! EYES RIGHT! ," Bookie Too, 1 thought that would do it. 1 have !en trying to get you U. listen to me for the last twenty minutes, but you were so deep in Unit lok you are reading you wouldn't pay me a Lit of mind. What 1 want to tell vou is that this is NATIONAL l.IHKAKY WEEK Mareh H-.-." "Well I know that already." "How did yon know "R,.m,i iihont it in tli cord, of Course. Th am reading t!ii 1m'!,. "O Kay. Hookie that hook down ('! hi while I tell yo.i .mir the siifiiifieani ol known as NATION Al it. ' he New-Ke- whv I To ,, .ut minute. II i- Wl'ek. I IliKAIiV WEEK. First I guess I had bet-1 ter explain about these special weeks that are set aside all t'nroutrh the year. Maybe, I could use as an example National Kgg Week. During that week you are supposed to eat eggs and more eggs." "Does that mean that 1 am supposed to EAT BOOKS this week?" -Now Bookie Too, don'i act stupid. You know as well as I do that eggs are fr eating, and l,Mks are for reading." "Well, I am reading a book, so fr goodness sake, let me read. This is a real good Uxik al.out a cat nanwit Thomasina. I liked t.hat lxK.k 1 read ahout THE HOG THAT WtH'EII.VT HE. HRID (;: TO THE SUN was jrood too. oh. there hit so many good hooks ,m my shelves, I wish I could u-t sit here and read for a mon th." t Hookie Too, flint would be REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Bank of French Broad of Marshall in the State of North Carolina it the close of bus.ness on Mareh i, l'.'oH A S S E T S Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash items in process of collection !.. u.. United States Government obligations, direct and f87.r,0 guaranteed ---.-t oi7rjj( ri0 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 4 000 00 Other bonds, notes, and debentures "'',n Loans and discounts (including $324.18 overdrafts) 600,6.9.0 Bank premises owned $25,310.89, furniture and fixtures $3,841.23 uniM Other assets ' TOTAL ASSETS $3,252,057.18 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and gj 033.83 AiMmnraflrtna - ' Deposits of United "states Government (including postal savings) .-.-r-.---r,:r Deposits of States and political suhdmsions ------ Other deposits (certified and officers' checks etc ) TOTAL DEPOSITS $.i,Obl,0H0.. Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES $3,080,412.01 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Surplus Undivided profits vfiah Dont vou know that th folks on Sandy Miush, in Mr- KI1 n Bur Pine, in Walnut, over in Mars Hill and on Hlgik way l'J-23 are waiting for us to wme. Thev have been waiting inr FHbruarv. when the big lilixzard keDt us home." "When can I find time to read if you talk to me every minute when wo aren't out on the route. "Rookie Too, folks can always find time to do the things they r.tlv want to do. "Well, ye-s, that's true. 1 had time to read wl,n along vou came trying ...i iin.t I should do what ICII 111.. K, . - 1 was already doing. By the way this is NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK. Here's a good look for v,m to remd. .-in i u,.,kie Too. thanks I M.HMX t lt 1. ''- both stop talkin and i:i:ad uead - RE Al." With Our Boys In Service $linyG07i26 22,391.57 117,510.79 11,531.14 24,331.42 $ 100,000.00 50,000.00 15,045.17 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 105,045.17 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $3,252,057.18 This bank's capital consists of: Common stock with total par tepoltothe credit of the State of North Carolina official thereof None. MEMORANDA. Asseta pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes - 'q 7l Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 28,549.71 Securities as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 2,812 50 I, Blanche M. Navy. Asst. Cashier, of the above-named bank 4o solemnly affirm that th. above statement is true, and that it , ful y and correctly represents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my owjedge and belief. Correct Attest: BLANCHE M. NAVY CRAIG L. RUMSILL JR., Director C. D. BOWMAN, Director R. REDMON, Director State of North Carolina, County of Madison 68 : ,,,,- Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of March. l.-K, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. Mv commission expires December 20, 1959. 1. rw. vauei i , iiwwiiy uuitt I't MacArthur, Cal. (AHTNC) . ,mv I'fc Percival R. Crisp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Crisp, Rout,. 1. Leicester, recently qual ified as second class artilleryman while serving as a radar operat or in the 554th Antiaircraft Ar tillery Missile Battalion's Head quarters Battery at Fort MacAr thur, California. Crisp entered the Army in Jan uary 1957 and received basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. The 24-year-old soldier is e 1953 graduate of Leicester High School and a former employee of Home Beneficial Life Insurance Company, Richmond, Va. His wife, Katy Sue, lives in Sepulveda, Calif. J. W. Ramsey, 51, Native Of County, Passes In Detroit J. W. Ramsey, 51, a former resident of Black Mountain, died Wednesday. March 12, 1958, in fa Detroit, Mich.., hospital. v 1 The body was taken to ciaca Mountain for services and buri al. Mr. Ramsey was a native of Madison County and was a for mer employe of Morgan Manu facturing Co. He resided in Black Mountain from 1935 to 19 Wi and had resided in Detroit for the past five years. Surviving are one daughter, Miss- Marv Ramsev: a son, Jack i.'-imsi.f .Tr the former wife, Mrs. Wilsie Ramsey, all of Black Mountain; and two brothers, Rob ert and Raymond Ramsey. Liicea Housewife Hates Dust on the Furniture Phillips 66 Dealers tukt a lot of pride in being good house keepers- They have a house wifely hatred of untidiness. They keep their stations clean, include t'-- "" -""""-tnnt rest rooms. They'll go all out to"Keeioui mi ckv.h, o. 'Whiskbrooming" the interior ot your car is one of those extra little services your Phillips 66 Dealer is glad to perform. And he'll clean the windows for you . . . all the way around. This obsession with cleanliness is part and parcel of our policy of Hospi tality on the Highway." You benefit from it at any station which displays the orange and black Phillips 66 Shield. PHILLIPS 66 PRODUCTS are distributed in MARSHALL and vicinity byD. O. B LEVINS SONS, SPRUCE PINE, N. C. Roatinq Fork News MRS. 'HUBERT PANGLE, Correspondent Ue Have A Good Selection FIELD SEEDS CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS HARNESS and HORSE COLLARS PLOWS and PLOW REPAIRS 2" POULTRY NETTING 1" POULTRY NETTING 48" GARDEN WIRE 58" GARDEN WIRE BARBED WIRE (Too Late For Last Week) "WITH JUST ONE 'PHONE CALL I settle my insurance matters. I'm prepared for most any mishap because I'm Nationwide-Insured. My Nationwide agent knows me, knows my family and he knows insurance. His specialty is fait claims service!" For Accident and Health, Auto, Casualty, Fire and life Insurance, call JUST ONE MAN jMflxe Nationwide agent nearest you. i i:il izztzm 1iaectaia Office Located Patrick's Jewelry ; H 1 ATIOMUJIDB Farmers in this section are busy preparing tobacco beds. Mr. and Mre. Arthur rowler and Mrs. Melvin Wyatt called on Mrs. Thomas Allison Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin and Cart Freshour called oh Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Pangle Saturday night. Wavne Gardin spent Saturday night wit!h his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gardin of Shutin. Mrs. Carolina Pangle arid Gary Frisibee called on Mrs. Nora Al lison Monday. Mrs. Pole Holt Called on Miss Ethel Brown Thursday of last Mrs. Berth BroMrfcWfct trVi days last week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Baldwin of Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trantham and son Fredy visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker bun. nicht. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin were also visitors at my home. Mrs. Lucy Parker is on the sick list this week. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Floyd Shetley of Waynes ville, spent a few days with her (moflier, Mrs. Thomas Allison last week. Mrs. Herbert Pangle called on ,Mrs. Melvin Wyatt,, Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Allison and son Ricky, and Emma Jean Al lison and Mr. Edward Wyatt .went to Waynesville Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Caldwell and son Allen of Asheville, and Dock Wills took dinner Tuesday with Mr. and Mr. Hubert Pangle. Mr. Joel Pangle of Knoxville, Tennesese visited his mother Mrs. Lucy Parker over the week-end. (This Week's News) We are having a cold snap at nroapTit which isn't very pleasant. iMr. and Mrs. Dan Uarmn ana Mr. Cart Freshour called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker Saturday night Mrs. Carolina Pangle, Jerry and Billy Parker called on Mr. and Mrs. Pole Holt Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker and grandson, Jerry Tranthaim, called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Parker, Saturday af ternoon. Theron Pangle loft Sunday for Seattle, Wash., after spend ing 30 days with homiefolks. Mrs. Rose Williams is very sick at this time. Her daughter, Mrs. Georgia Sayne, of Tennes see, has spent several days with her. Mr. and "Mrs. Weaver Allison and son, Ronnie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frisbee of Shutin Saturday. Laveonia Pangle took dinner Sunday wit'h Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Fowler. Laveonia Panple and Emma Jean Allison called on their aunt, Mrs. Melvin Wyatt, Thursday evening of last week. Theron Pangle visited Spencer Allison Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Allison and son, Ronnie, took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin. We Fill ASC Orders 0. C. Rector Hardware Co. MARSHALL, N. C. Taxicab Ride Proves Costly To Walnut Man Dean Ledford of Walnut, who, according to testimony in Police Court in Asheville last Friday, failed to pay for a taxi ride to Marshall and back and took fre nient drinks from a bottle of vodka en route, was taxed court costs of $14.70 and ordered to pay the $15 taxi fare. He was charged specifically with unlawful possession of whis ky and failure to pay a taxi fare. A fourmonth roads sentence was suspended. PULL THE PLUG ON STOMACH UPSET without interrupting sleep or work! When constipation bouts your stomach, you feel lofjy, headachy. Taken at hedtime, Blttck-DraUBht Is "timed" to relieve constipation first thins in morning without harsh griplns or urgency! This amazing "overnight" laxative helps sweeten sour stomach too. Then life looks sunny aguln! Made from gure vegetable herbs, thorough ut gentle. Oet Ulack-Draugh t. n Poxter or Granulated lorm . . . and now In new, eanv-to-take Tableti. too. MfflYYfgftJ When constlpfttlon loura a3iUUlUftB jounc dlgeatloDi, Bel Syrup ot Blck-Drauaht. Tutes oonej-aweetl MUFFLERS $5.95 & $6.95 CODY'S AUTO STORE Mt. and Mrs. Clifford Allison and children of Asheville, visit ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allison, over the week end. Dud Shetley spent Friday night with his sister, Mrs. Betty Waldroup. Ray Parker and Charles Rol lins fanlc dinner Sundav with Wayne Gardin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waldroup spent Saturday night witfh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shet ley. (Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Suttles and children of Shutin visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin Monday. Mrs. Carolina Pangle and Gary Frisbee also called at this home Monday. FIELD GARDEN LAWN For best results, buy seed tested for Purity and Germination We are qualified to handle Madison County ASC PURCHASE ORDERS FOR SEED, FERTILIZER and LIME T. S. MORRISON & COMPANY 39-41 North Lexington Ave. Phone: ALpine 3 2348 ASHEVILLE, N. C. You'll never know how good can be CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportu nity to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindness! and sympathy hown duriMf tha illness and death of our much be loved mother and grandmother, The family of .j MRS. MOLLIS MclNTOSH Attends Convention Ralph Lee, dean of Mars Hill College, attended the national ti. rf the American As- tociatton of Junior Colleges held recently at Grand Rapids, Michigan. COMPLETE -. : - i Pick-up and Deliveries TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS - INAKDArCUKD , MAnCIIAI-i UJeavc: S. -r .ittTa distinctive flavor-and rich, rich aroma - of the world's choicest conees . , . give , y f : 'you a hearty goodness in cup after cup! Taste - JTG and youll know how good CoSea con tc

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