PAGE SEVEW mm mm . mm ft mW w. mm W W BW iot Springs News REV. JIMMIE ROGERS, Correpondent Sick List a Mi8 Frances Ramsey, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ramsey .had lier tonsils removed on Fri- Jtiay morning of last week. She " returned home the following day and is m-overing rapidly. Mr. llazelwood formerly of Hot Springs has recently returned Inline from the (Ireenevillc llo.s- pital. His friends here in Hot Springs wish him well. Sidney Harrison is' suffering from a minor back ailment, and is doing fine. Visiting Friends Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ramsey were visitinjr their grandson in Kintrsport Tennessee last week. Relatives and friends here in Hot Springs wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fowler on March 10th. Shirley S'nelton, and Mary El len Moore accompanied Mrs. Carl Swann March 17, on a visit in Bristol, Teniu and Virginia. Mr. Brt Roberts, brother of Mrs. Woodrow Ramsey, vrisited here, Sunday, March 10. Mr. and Mrs. John Garenilo and Mr. and Mrs. Fowler visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Hazehvood in Newport. They were also visit ed by Mrs. V. C. Swann, Kev. .lirhmie Rogers, and wife. Around Town The Friendship Club met at Mrs. Jean Carenflo's- on the 10th of March. Mrs. Paul McFall won the door prize. The Hot Springs Baptist Church gave its Pastor a new suit and hiis wife a 50 piece set of tonquin china, along with many canned foods and kichen tools. They were surprised and deeply grateful to the members of their church for being so kind. There will be a play at the Hot Springs High School this Friday nig'nt. The public is invited. A llanstahd News MRS. BIRCHARD 8HELT0N, Correspondent The Rev. L. A. Zimmerman filled his regular appointment ftt the AUianstamd Presbytersin Church Sunday morning-, taking his text on demons from the Sun day School lesson. All -the mem bers of this Little church were happy to learn that he had only retired from a salary and would continue to preach for us with out a price. Without him we couldn't go on. Our little church would surely die. Several folks around here have mumps. They are llarley Gos nell, Johnny Gahagan and Troy Gahagan, , Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Styles of Asheville, spent Saturday here with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Bichard Shelton. Mrs. Verlon Aikeng has been on the sick list but was able to attend churefo Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Tweed and Mrs. Warner Gosnell of Greeneville, Tenn. visited their sister, Mrs. Garl Gahagan last Sunday. Mr. Howard Trimble of East! Tenn. College, is spending a few days at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Trimble. Singing Convention The Madispn County Slinging Convention will meet at the Davis Chapel Baptist Church Sunday March 23, at 2 p. m. All singers and the public are invited to come and take part. JONAH RICE, president MRS. JONAH RICE, Secy. E m ANN PAGE PURE STRAWBERRY REG. 69c- NOW ONLY rate O (svsa mmmmmmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A&P LARGE DRIED SPECIAL LOW PRICE! FLAKE STYLE SULTANA TUNA SPECIAL LOW PRICE! PRUNES SPECIAL LOW PRICE! A&P FANCY PRUNE PLUMS 2 l-Lb. PKG, 25c 6'2-Oz. CANS 2-Lb. PKG. 29-Oz. CAN 39c 49c 25c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! SHORT GRAIN SUi'YFIELD RICE COLD STREAM Pink Salmon Jf nX can 53c 3-Lb. PKG. N.B.C. CAMEO 45g Cremes CELLO PKG. 25c How "Easy" Are Easy Auto Payments? They may add up to much more of a problem than you think. State Farm's "Bank Plan" may cut $75 to $150 off your next car! Call soon. JAMES ALLEN Home Elec. & Furn. Co. Phone 3541 MARSHALL. N. C. Ciali Fan Mutual Automobile Instiunce Company Home OhceBloommgton. Illinois Davis ,1s Promoted In Asheville Firm 3 . WORTHMORE DELICIOUS EASTER CANDY Mw (Eggs l-Lb. PKG. WORTHMORE DELICIOUS EASTER CANDY WORTHMORE MILK bocolate Irops 25c CHOC. COATED NUT and rait Hggi- HD( SPECIAL LOW PRICE! JANE PARKER LARGE I jiib(4;t PRICES THIS AD ! t j t T) ARE EFFECTIVE ' Ford Davis of the Leicester 'section has been named manager ot the seed department of T. R Morrison and Co., 39 N. Lexing ton Ave., in Asheville. A native of Madison County, Davis graduated from Walnut High School. He is married to Vftrmafa Ming NeU Shewpard and has one child. The Davises 'reside on their farm in the Lei cester section. Before joinnng T. S. Morrison & Co., Davis was employed by Ithe Buncombe County Agricul tural Conservation Board for five years. Prior to that time tie Iwas elected Demonstartion Farm r tor Buncombe County. He ihas worked with, or been con nected with, farming operations most of his 34 years. Davis served as a comibat rifle iman in the Infantry in the Eu ropean Theater during World War II. He is a marroW of the Turkey Creek Baptist Church, where he serves as a deacon, Sunday School superintendent, and choir director. DINNER GUESTS Rev. and Mrs. George R. Blue Mid family wvre guests for din ner of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Da vis of Hot Springs on Sunday af- iter t5ie morning service. Thel imormni? service of worship in the rights of the parties of the first Dorland Presbyterian CliUTch'P1" accruing to it bv reason of NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY Under and bv virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by C. L. Proffitt and William T. Jobe dated the 17th day of Sep tember, l!.r5 and recorded in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, Vol. 48, page 620 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Madison County, North Caro lina, the undersigned Trustee in said Deed of Trust, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and other covenants therein con tained by the grantors, and the holder of said indebtedness liav-i ing duly declared the whole of said debt and interest and all oth-1 er monies secured by said Deed I of Trust owing from the grantors to the holder of said Deed of Trust I and Notes secured thereby in stantly due and payable, and the said holder having called upon the undersigned to foreclose said Deed of Trust by sale of the prop erty described therein for the pur pose of satisfying said indebted-' nesa in the amount of $4500 with interest at the rate of 5'o per an num from March 28, 1957, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the hereinaf ter described lands and premises with all and every the appurten ances thereunto belonging on the 24th day of March, 1!58 at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Court House door in the Town of Marshall, Madison County, North Carolina said lands and premises lying and being in the County of Madison, North Carolina and more particu larly described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel and lot of land situate, lying and being in the County of Madison known as the White Rock Hospit al property, more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING on a double pop lar on top of a ridge near a cem etery and runs thence South 62 degrees West 99 feet to a chest nut; thence with the top of the ridge South 30 degrees West 297 feet to a stake; thence West with the top of the ridge to a yellow pine; Tweed's corner; thence with Tweed's Southern line South 73 degrees 30' West 13 poles 11 links to a white pine with point ers; thence South 75 degrees West 11 poles to a white pine: thence with his line the same course South 75 degrees West 2 poles to a stake in the center of the road; thence with the center of the road South 28 degrees East 2 poles 5 links; thence leaving the road South 30 degrees 30' East 11 Doles to a stake in. the branch ; thence up and with the branch South 65 de grees East 8 poles; East 4 poles to a stake in the branch at the mouth of a small drain; thence up and with the drain as follows: North 79 degrees East 4 poles; North 75 degrees 16' East 4 poles; North 58 degrees East 4 poles; North 43 degrees 30' East 4 poles; North 77 degrees 30' east 2 poles 22 links; North 44 degrees East 8 poles; North 73 degrees East 3 poles 10 links; North 80 degrees 30' East 4 poles 11 links to a stake in a drain; thence leaving the drain and with a wire fence North 12 degrees 30' West 20 poles to a stake in the fence; thence North 26 degrees West 4 poles 12 links to the Be ginning, containing six acres more or less together with that certain right of way across the lands of T T 1 i, T . -. . I "y ' on cne rvortn lor a roadway reserved in that certain Deed executed by the parties of the first part for a width of 8 feet on each side of the center line in the Dresent rondwav fmm the highway to the hospital, said line running as follows: Begin ning on a stake in the renter of the roadway North 75 decrees East 8 feet from the second white pine corner called for in the a bove described property and runs North 31 degrees 30' West 7 poles o units 10 me center of the White Rock Road together with the right reserved to the parties of the first part in said Deed of a right of way to erect a line or lines tor electricity across the lands of Rav Tweed to t.n White Rock Hospital, together with the 00 YOU HEED TIRES SEAT COVERS BATTERIES ACCESSORIES BICYCLE PARTS FISHING EQUIPMENT IF YOU DO, SEE Cody's Auto Store & Texaco Station MARSHALL, N. C. TEXACO GAS & OIL THE BEST OIL MONEY CAN BUY YOU CAN'T BEAT CODY'S FOR PRICES NOTICE I will sell at public auction at the Madison County Courthouse, Marshall, N. C, on Saturday, April 12, 1958 at 12 o'clock noon, the following car to satisfy repair and storage lien: One 1940 Ford tudor sedan; Serial No. 18-5256411. G. G. COOK Marshall, N C, RFD 3. 3-13 4-3c NOTICE I will sell at public auction at my home on Marsnan, in. -;., Jtr u i, on Saturday, March U9, 1K, at 12 o clock noon, the lollowing car to satisfy repair and storage lien : One 1949 Oldsmobille "88" tu dor sedan; Motor No. 3A17C728H, Serial No. 498M39696; Ky. Li cense No. J48-24Z. T. D. BLANKENSHIP Route 3, Marshall, N. C. 3-20, 27p Hot Springs Presbyterians Plan Services ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Grover C, and May I'lemmons, deceased, late of Madison County, this is to no tify all persons having claims a gainst the estate to submit them to tlie undersigned at his home, RFD 1, Hot Springs, N. C, on or before the 13th day of March, 1959, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons' indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 6th day of March, 1958. TED R. RUSSELL, Administrator 3-13 4 -17c Compare Our PRICES & SERVICE Anywhere CODY'S TEXACO STATION Most people imagine their troubles would end if they were paid all the money they are worth. lislps llssl And Clsar Itchy SStinRssh! Several plans are now under way in the religious life of the Hot Springs community. On Palm Sunday there will be serv ices every evening on Mon ithe pastors conducting services. Plans are !eing formulated to "have Union Service.-, during Holy Week. It is planned to have serv services every evening on Mon day through rridny, beginning at 7:30 o clock. A'l member are cor Tally invited to attend. Zemo liquid or ointment doc tor's antiseptic, promptly relieves itching, stops scratching and so helps heal and clear sunace akin rashes. Buy tilrai Strength Zemo for . stubborn cases ! zemo At least a fool and his are always in circulation. money was conducted last Sunday by the pastor. GIVE The United Way O ' o EYES EXAMINED , GLASSES FITTED by DR. LOCKARD Optomttrist 8 A. M. to 12 Noon . FRIDAYS THE L. P. ROBERTS v ' BUILDING MARSHALL, N. C. . ALLEN LUMBER CO. Saw Mill Planing Mill MARSHALL, N. C Route 3 Phone 3182 FRAMING ROOFERS SUB FLOORING What clean, refreshing shaves you get with a (BfMettite srzu t - m IM "Hi J matched to y your face J wittiBlu B10 CisMnscr and Stvrcnt Ctlt j conveyance of certain water rights m max certain ueed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Madison Conntv in nvi Book 34 page 75. I This sale will be made subject to an outstanding and unpaid taxes and to rights of way of State Highway and Public Works Commission and easements appar ent or oi record. This the 22nd day of February, a. v., lOS. WILLIAM J. COCKE, Trustee, 2-27 3-20C CTADACCII East PAINS OF HEADACHE, NEURAL CIA, NEURITIS with STAN8ACK TABIETS Of POWDERS. STANBACK combines several medically proven pain relievers ... The added effectiveness Of these MULTIPLE ingredients brings faster, more complete relief, easing aniiety and tension usually accom panying pain. m. t STANBACK BL'1fi1.l:fiIl i 1 j gains! n WjMU J'WI 1 preparation llMWiUS! I I youvvr "frr I 'i jdggrsvjp '' "vGz&SLmS' REVIEW YOUR ; Subscription To v Stove-wood Delivered Big Truck Load or Pick-Up Truck Load Custom Built Truck Bodies 2-13 3-Up (i FOR SALE HOME ELECTRIC h FURNITURE CO MARSHALL, N. C WANTED COUNTRY HAMS HANCOCK'S RESTAURANT 8 N. PACK SQUARE ASHEVILLE, N. C Always Look Heat By letting us keep your clothe cleaned and pressed. Ow REMEMBER YOU ARE OFTEN JUDGED BY YOUR APPEARANCE . 0 WE HAVE MODERN DRY-CLEANING EQUIPMENT If you haven1 already had your heavier clothing cleaned; brine them In Now, or " , , ' lafT Htnf lift a r" riwivwi- Anu utuvtKT DIAL 21 Vm' ' ' Ui, . v " .... : MARSHALL, 11. C The NEWS-RECORD