0 I' 7 A NO. 38 ,8 PACES THIS WEEK. MARSHALL, N.' G, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1SS8 " 10c PER COPY M Oar I Uetcrans To Jauc Dally Jere Sunday To Be Held In Courthouse';' Will Begin At 2:30 i - u Clock John B. HunsingerV State Com uwijuci aha. fcim nvxtu vaiiuuti xt- f-Vartment,' Veterans of World War j j of the U. S. A., announced to day, that there will be a rally of World War 1 Veterans in Madi son - and surrounding counties, ; Sunday, September 21 at 2:30 'o'clock in the Madison County ?s Court ; House here in Marshall. ., Headquarters of the WW! organization is in Washington, D. iC., and by mandate of the 5th National Convention they are se eking a pension for its veterans ly .who are now averaging 64 years , of age. Hunsinger emphasized Yhat' while the organization is comparatively ' new, they nave Lmade excellent progress in their legislative program. During the j past session of the Congress the r-.World War I Charter Bill was passed by both houses of the Con ': gross, and sighed into law by the J President, he added. ,, State Headquarters is located : in Salisbury and i during the past 92 local O.S. EDMONDS DIES THURSDAY; RITES SUNDAY Petersburg Merchant Was Well Known Throughout This County AtMVEMENT DAY PLANNED FOR SEPT. 27 Madison County Home Demon stration Club members are eag erly looking forward to their Achievement Day to be held Sat urday, September 27, at Marshall High School. Exhibits in canned goods, sew ing, baked foods, quilts, antiques, handicraft of all kinds, needle- jwork, and many other items will (be displayed and judged in the SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS WILL BE INCREASED n a va a. n ...i.-ii'mor,,W sin a aa , an..... A niormng and afternoon pro- mi i nt uicu ai ix. ij a. in. inuio- day, September 11, 1958, at his iiwiiio a-iiCi a uiioi illness. ., . i nutin, ii. was expiumeu. be served for a minimum sum at He was a retired merchant of the Petersburg section of Madi- son County nflMH1!? ATC TA Funeral services were conduct- mJmJIImVJ 1 k3 m. J ed Sunday at 2:30 o'clock in the Yff I 1 A I If T Laurel Branch Baptist Church. itlULl ilRLLI 111 The Rev. Jess Slagle, Dr. D. E. Richardson, the Rev. David Rob erts and the Rev. Glen Whitley officiated. Burial was in ttie Bowman-Rector Cemetery. Pallbearers were Charlie, Don, Jeter, C. N., Stewart" and Ander son MetcaLf. 'Surviving include .the widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Metcalf Edmonds; four sons, Ottie, Earl and Paul, MARION OCT. 29 Whitener Visits In Marshall And County Last Saturday LiWn vein. 92 lnral huri-nz-Va nf the organization has been formed." Marfha11 RFD 2 n 0sT in thm tj.t. On T,Btinl levl " Ules- lnree oaugnters, more than 1400 barracks "has been instituted and all states and ter ritories are well represented in 2- L membership. Approximately rtiillion and 7-liundred thousand r-WorJ5i War -1 veterans1 are alive, waver,. It was pointed out that e death rate has now exceeded (0 a day. The' time ' has come n something - Should be done k hfr1''0''011 generationi of r i m ti t 1 1 ed. . ' ' - 1 . iJipST OFFICE TO OPEN AT 8)0OXLOCK i.i'P; Ray Prisby, Marshall post master, stated this week that be ginning' next - Monday, September 22, 'the post office here would be open to 'transact business at 8:00 re'clock eaih morning instead of 8:30. . iHe also stated that the of. fice would close at 5:00 o'clock daily. ( i Miss Zelma Edmonds of Ashe ville, Mrs. Lonnie Gibby of Per- rytown, Texas, and Mrs. Christ-. ine Tarlton of Baltimore, Md.; two sisters, Mrs. R. G. Cunning ham of Asheville, and Mrs. Neil Tucker of LaCreecenta, Calif., i brother, W. E. Edmonds ofJack sonville, Fla., and 21 grandchild ren. . , . - Bowman-Rector Funeral 'Home was In charge of arrangements. The 12 million men, women and children , who are now re ceiving old-age, disability, or sur- viviors benefits will automatical ly be eligible for increased bene fits, starting with the Feb. 1959 check, as provided by the new a mendments to the Social Security Act. The amendments to the Act provide for many changes, ac cording to George F. Leinwall, of the Asheville district office of the Social Security Administra tion, and field representative for Madison County. In addition to the increase in the benefits a PRICE: $2.50 A YEAR IN COUNT! KO0 A YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY ROAD MEETING TO BE HELD IN WAYNESVnXE 'A public hearing on important matters In Western North Caro Una will highlight the September 29-80 meeting, of, the State High way! Commission in Waynesville, Scheduled ior the Haywood County Courthouse in Waynes ville, the juibfoc hearing will be gin at 9:00 a. m. on Monday Sept ember, 29,- Fifteen-minute time periods will v be assinged to individual groups appearing before the Com mision. During this time, county and city officials, as well as pri vate citiaens, will have the oppor tunity Of presenting their various Sign-up For 1959 Soil Band Open In County mounts, is the authorization of i roa1 . yjproposals before fiie entire Program To Be Held At Ponder, Chapel Church Sun. There will be a program at the Ponder Chapel Baptist Church the rally, Marion will be the scene of an llt'h Congressional District Dem ocratic rally October 29, on of 12 to be held prior to the November election in the N. C. Congression al districts. The occasion will bring to Mar ion Governor Luther Hodges, U S. Senators Sam J. Ervin ,and Everett B. Jordon, and other top state officials and Democratic party leaders, Falling just six days before the general election, the rally will be held at : Marion , , Senior. ,,High ISchoolfr.oneninsr -with -harbeeu supper .at the .school-cafeteria at Eleventh District Congressman Basil L. Whitener of astonia was in Marshall Saturday" work ing with Madison Democratic Chairman L. B. Ramsey and other Democratics on planning Sunday, September 21 at 3:00 v X I1C 1, AX. AA. lUlUlllll and the Community Chorus of Newport, Tenn., will be in charge of the program. Large delegations from the seven counties in the district are expected to join with McDowell Countians for the rally, Repre sentative Whjtener said. Counties comprising the district are Madi son, McDowell, Polk, Rutherford, Cleveland, Gaston, and Yancey. Children would be brought up! Whitener said ttie state offic- perfectly if families would swap ials and party leaders will trave their kids. Everybody knows by caravan to the pre-election ral what ought to be done with the lies, beginning in the eastern A CAPITAL IDEA benefit payments to thousands of persons and families formerly dis qualified from receiving benefits The authorization to extend benefit payments now include the following groups The dependents of a disabled worker who is now receiving dis ability benefits Dependent parents of a deceas ed son or daughter who was sur vived by a widow, widower, or children under age 18. Disabled children, 18 years of age or over, who are not receiv ing one-half their support from a retired parent, or a deceased par ent at the time of his death, Children who have been adopt ed within the last 3 years,, and the adopting parents are now re ceiving social security benefits, (Mother's benefits are also pay iable where her child was adopted by a worker less than 'one year be fore ner death. ( t , ; iDisabled , workers f will receil" ML.payment)f,theirsocisiL4!ecu- rity, disability benefits, starting August 1958, regardless of any other disability payment they may be receiving. Mr. Leinwall advises that he will be available - at the Court House in Marshall on Tuesday Oct. 7 and 21, to answer ' any questions on the new amendments to the Social Security Law. seven-member Commission. This hearing is one of a series conducted regularly by the Com mission; outside Raleigh, for the purpose, of determining highway needs of the various areas, ac cording to local representatives. In' order that persons desiring to be heard may not be delayed, and So-that the Commission can expedite its hearings, persgns wishing to make an appointment with the group should write dir ectly to Sam Beard, Public Re- Jations Office, State Hiehwav Commission, Raleigh for a defi nite time period. Low bids received in the Sept ember1 23 letting in Raleigh will also will be reviewed by the Com sion at its meeting in Waynes ville, ABSENTEE BALLOTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE Farmers Requested To Visit County Office Before Deadline Marvin Ball, chairman of the Madison County Board of Elec tions, announced this week that all men who are in any branch of service and w"ho are eligible to vote in the November 4, 1958 general election may obtain ab sentee ballots upon request. He also stated that any member oj the serviceman's family could se cure the necessary ballots upon request. Mr. Kali said that he is in his office, located on the second floor of the courthouse, every day from H:00 a. m. until 5:00 p. m. Graham Crusade To Start Monday In Charlotte 39 County Students, An. 1'm'- I micnaing mars Hijl C-llege Now - ' " t.:, jit". Thirty-iiins students from fths county are (enrolled at MarsHil. College for . the ' fall semester. he" 10 neighbors' kids. Censley Stars In Victory Over Spruce Pine Here . Jhrills Crowd With Runs vjOf 45. 64. 20 Yard. For All T.D.'a 'Ronnie Hensley, the "Blond Bliz'ard",' triple-threat halfback of Marshall High, put on a one- marl- show last Friday night on the .Island to .score twice in ..the second quarter and once inj the third quarter in leading the Tornr adoes to a 21-7 victory over' strong Harris High eleven from Spruce Tine. e'. ' 1 , , Hensley was .also superby on the itfense, making timely tackles as fleet Harris becks seemed .destin ed to break away.: He also did .the punting and passing for the. Tor- f :idoerf and completely ' stole ' the .- :ifw In Marshall's third viotofy f the season. : He also .plunged ! Spruce Pine Marshall i aowns n g yardage ; pg yardage ; s intercepted l"-t "zed 4 -60." .' ' 8-1 0 7-29 1 : 25 4 248 6-0 4-26 1 eo 'or one exti a 1 part of the state and continuning westward. The rallies are sche duled four a week over a three- week period. In addition to members of th Council of State, Demorcrati leaders who will participate will include John Larking, national Democratic committeeman ; Mrs, B. B. Everett, national Democrat ic committeewoman; Wood row W tv.- ti. twi Wo,,; wio-h' J""". of. Rutherfordton, state fl.- tmnM tm'P" airman, ana mrs. iHr TAmaA H ns Richardson of Raleigh, state party vice cnairmn. No School In County Tues. were by far yet faced by it took all-out effort on the part of Marshall's line to bold the vistorg to a lone touchdown. Paul Winters, f Harris fullback, was inreac mrougnout the game ana TIAnril h the- third quarter broke of f . 1 1 IJ I P I III I .MARS HILL, tackle and sprinted 25 yards for: the viator's touchdown, v Herman Payne, Cecil Clark, Lew Allen Rice and "CKief 4 Wprley were outstanding in the Marshall line and Hensley, who. carried the, ball 80 percent of the time, was assisted , by, Fullback; BdJJy ; Ray Candler - who made several : nice gains. - In the three games played this season, the Tornadoes have scored 101 points to. their opponents' 7. The Tornadoes havS gained a total of . 758 yards rushing to their op ponents' 164. - i The strong NOSD team " will come to Marshall Friday- night to attempt to halt Marshall's win streak. , The.- North Carolina School for the Deaf defeated a strong Tryon eleven last Friday t, 3-7 and are expected . to t";-j 3cal gridders a rough j jmjms m. vrati a lEVO-OUE 0 0 7 07 0 14 7 0-- 'I Old Fort Defense was the waAohrword here Friday nigjht as the Mars Hill Wildcats and the Old Fort' Redskins battled to a scoreless tie. 1 ' : J iMlars Hill could reach the Old Fort 30 only once despite ' long V i -. - u Mars Hill Old Fort First downs X ' C 10 ,!, 9 t Rushing yardage ' 183 122 X Passing yardage '0 , 19 ' Passes t . , 9-0 18-3 Passes intercepted by 0 . i? - : 4 f Punts K v ' ,J-35 6-35 Fmnbles lost ' 3 ' 0 Yards penalised : M5. '"55 ' gains of 23 and 37 yards by Dave Ball and Gilbs while Old Fort's Lloyd Tcrter pirated three Wild cat aerials. 'Old Fort reacl.ed V.e The Western District 'Annua Convention of the North Carolina Education Association will be held in Asheville, Tuesday, Sept ember 23. The day-long meeting is one of ten N C E A district meetings scheduled for this fall as a part of the NCEA's in-service train ing and professional develope ment of members of the teaching profession. Over 2,000 teachers, principals supervisors, superintendents, and other school personnel from the fourteen counties comprising th district will attend the meeting. W. W. Peek, County school sueperintendent, stated that there will be no school in the county on Tuesday due to this meeting. This includes, 10 from Marshall, 28 from Mars Hill and one from Walnut. From Marshall are Mary Jane Bass, Polly Sue Briggs, James Herschel Coates, Joyce Lee Ed wards, Albert Arthur Freeman, Sylvia Janette Morgan, Sh: Ann Peek, Thomas Elbert Wn it; Harold Garry Wilde and Juanita Anne Windsor. Those from Mars Hill are Jot Paul Anderson, Albert Blackwell. David Boone, David Bradley, Ben F. Brown, Jerry Brown Sam Levi Buckner, John Hampton Burry, Donald Lee Caldw' Shirley Jo Chandler, Mary Etta Coffey, Mrs. Gentry O. Crisp, Wade Vernon Davis, William Eci ward DeBruhl,. Geraldine Shirby Doan, Jo Ann Dycus, Carol Ken dall, Don Lambert, Betty Jea Mays, Tony Ponder, James Rad ford, Marian Reese, Carol Riddle, Wayne Roberts, Patricia Ro. son, Jannette Robinson, Vinnet Judson Willis and Edgar Yar Brough. Lone representative of Wain is Carol -Elaine Wild. Evangelist Billy Grahams re turn to his home town of Char lotte for a multi-week crusade is being heralded on two new com mercial programs on WBT Radio Virgil V. Evans Jr., managing director of the 60.000 watt CBS .affiliate here announced the ad dition to the WBT schedule of "Songs That Lift the Heart," featuring gospel singer George Beverly Shea, and "Prayer Time" w.fh.-'Cllff, BarrowwGxdU- son and otner meiwjers oi me Billy Graham Crusade team. - v 1Songs That Lift The Heart" is heard Monday through Friday evenings at 6:15-6:30 and is spon sored by J. B. Ivey and Company, a Charlotte department store. "Prayer Time" Js broadcast Tues day through Friday mornings 9:45-10:00, and is sponsoredby the Graham Crusade. Billy Graham is a native Char lottean who skyrocketed to World wide fame as an eveangelist in 1949. H i s Charlotte crusade opens September 22. DEFINITION Parisians have a new definition of an intellectual : He thinks he is a man who, upon hearing the name Monroe, fhinks or tne doct rine. 1 The signup under the 1959 Con servation Reserve of the Soil Bank is now open in every ASC County in the State. According to H. V. Mangum of the State ASC Office, the first step in the sign-up is for . the farmer who is interested in the program to come to the ASC County Office before the deadline the end of this niont'n and request that annual rental payment rate be established for his farm. At the same time the farmer should bring with him informa tion to be used by the County ASC Committee in establishing rates for his farm. The chief facts needed, Mangum said, are acre age and yields of the tliree prin cipal crops on the farm for the past two years and acreages for other land use on the farm. The conservation reserve is the only soil bank program available ior isoy. under the program farmers retire land from general crops for up to 10 years and de vote the reserved acreage to soil, water, or wildlife conservation practices. The government makes an annual rental payment for the land and will share in the cost of establishing the conservation practices. The acreage rental payment rate for conservation reserve land in North Carolina in the 1959 program is $16.00 per acre per . year, ; Payment . rates will be higher fo the most productive -farms and lower for .the less pro-; ductive fafmsi Another, rata 10 percent higher will be available it '2 all eligible land on the farm i;-' put in their reserve for at least five years. - V - FOOTBALL Walnut vs. shall tonight o'clock. Crossnore at Mar Thursday) at 8:00 N C S D at Marshall night at 8:00 o'clock. Friday 'Hot Springs vs. Cane River at Marshall Saturday 8:00 o'clock. Clyde at Mars night 8:00 o'clock. Hill Friday 4-E3 Poultry Show, Sale To Be Held On Saturday Marshall FHA Club Elects ; - :t-. ' ;i r'.ji, t.;-r . Officers Monday 1 A . meeting v f . the ? Marshall FHA Club was held "on Monday September .15 for Ae election of new officers. . ' Elected were presi dent Thora Belle Worleyj vice president, Pat Houston; secre tary, Sally Tilson; ' treasurer, Rose Mary Green; reporter, Pat. Ward ; ' acrapibook 1 keeper, Ruth Rector; parliamentarian, Donna Gail Fisher and song - leaders, Joyce Slagle and Leta Jo Ram cy. . ... J.'r. Rex Cohrt is faculty i or. ".' Tl v -s t-1 . t t" . ; c GIRL SCOUT CO UR SE IS SCHEDULED A; four-session bask leadership course is .being planned for Madi son County beginning' Monday, September, 22nd, at 10 o'clock at Memorial Park Recreation Build ings 'The sessions ' will be held four days," September 22nd 23rd, 80th, and October 1st from 10 a. m. to 2 p. tn. at this location. Allj adults Interested In this1 training are urged , t : attend with the leaders and assistants who - are active at this t5me. Ther is no charge, and all attending are ask ei to bring a nosebag lunch to n of the sessions.; 'Anyone cannot attend every session invited to attend iii any time Ivg these days.. Any person rj in a : community where a is no Girl Scout activity vited to attend these ses- far information anj guid ? "advance rop:i ration -rr, ti:t f -r f " -r HIGHWAY 25-70 RECEIVES NEW TOP SURFACE iMotorists in fhe Thirteenth Highway Division have been en countering one-way traffic on US 125 and 70 for the past severs days. . r While State Maintenance forces were retreating the section of tJS 25 and 70 from Marshall to the Laurel Rver Bridge' .with seal one-way traffic 1 was -maintained M ffigbway : officials i indicated there would be a delay of approx imately fifteen minutes over, the one-way .portion ; ; of f? highway which, is 11.3 miles in length. . ; information ' interested . persons may tfelephone Mrs. Clyde Rob erts,: Marshall Girl Scout NeigV forhood Chairman. The training coures will be" conducted by I.fw. John Connet and Kiss f'.'rlcy luac-Donali .of t'-.e profc ' -a! staff of Fi.ih Clil Scout G-unci.. ' Farmers Federation Will Award Ribbons And Cash Prizes The county 4-H poultry snow and sale will be held at the court house in Marshall, Saturday, September 20, at ten o'clock. . . , Ten 4-H club boys and girls will sell-twelve Warren Red pul-r ' lets each,'; and the money they re- ,' ceive for them will be used to re place the!' . poultry- chain again j-j next year. The pullets will be six x. montns ua, ana most oi uiew A will be auctioned off in lots ef twelve and sold to the "highest bidder. " N After the sals each boy and girl that has grown out of a ' . flock xf the pullets will receive 'a ribbon and cash prize,1: which is furnished by the Farmers Fede ration, t who sponsors the-poultry chain, v;'i yC''. .- Anyone will be e'ig?. 'e to b 'y the pulleU, so if you s e r. " - some Ugh quality . i s U f -ish your family e-rn f r ' - ' year try to ie rrfr-t. r: t

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