7 r & f -A 1(V VOL. 57 Na 39 8 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ?3, 1958 1 10c PER COPY PRICE: 12.60 A TEAR IN COUNT! $4.00 A YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY ROAD'MEETING TO BE HELD IN WAYNESVILLE To 0e E3eld :C3erfe Sat. TinM oMer Mm " ft M Jpl ,'i y Slated la m 1 Many Fine' Exhibits; Lynch To Be Served At Noon On Island Achievement Day, Saturday, September 27, will be held in Marshall High School. This is the ONE DAY in the year set aside for Home Demonstration Clulb members to display theii exhibits and fellowship with each other. The day's program begins ear ly that morning when the exhib its in canned good, sewing, gar den products, baked foods, flow- erg, quilts, picture frames, hand icraft, and many other items wil be arranged and displayed. Jud ges from out of the county wil be on hand, and it is believed many blue ribbons will be placed n ice prizes, contributed by our town folks, will be awarded. More interest and enthusiasii is shown this year than ever, in celebrating our fifth anniversa ry. Mrs. Helen Hunter, chair iHgn for the day, lias worked hard in completing plans. A very in teresting program for morning and afternoon will be given. The guest speaker is the Rev. Dean' NEXT TUESDAY CLOSING DATE ON SOIL BANK luesday, September 30, is the last day whereby farmers who are interested in placing a por won or all of their eligible land in the 1959 IConservation Reserve phase of the Soil Bank Program may file their initial request says Novile Hawkins, chairman of the Madison County Agricul tural Stabilization and Conserva tion Committee. He emphasized the importance of farmers who were interested to contact the ASO Office in Marshall not la ter than Tuesday, Sept. 30 and file their request that the county committee establish a payment rate for their farm because the department is not expected to extend the initial sign-up date, and because the farmer is in no way obligated to follow through with a contract until he signs a contract at a later visit to the office, should he decide to file a Marshall Delegation Plans To Attend; Others Urged To Go during L. Minton, assistant pastor of contract. the Mars, Hill Baptist Church . who will (bring us a message on the "Influence of Christian Pa- - rents in the Home and Communi 1 ty". ,"ijjfV Lunch willi be served , the-noon hour. Special features )tf the afternoon program will be club members modeling as group wearing? apparil they "have ,4 marie -r antf giw.n j deuMmatvations in projects, they hatajecauily learned. ,' Such ' . as ' Sweedish Darning, ' Ball Point v Painting, Cake - Decoration,': Covering Coat Hangers, Copper Planter Boxes, Dried - Arrangements, Refinishing Picture Frames, and others. The public is invited to attend County Men Leave Monday For Army - , Madison County- men leaving Monday far Charlotte for induc tion the U. S. Army were: Ri pley Matcalf, Fred Shermont Stills, Denver MoMahan, David 1 Lee McKinney, George. Ramsey Jeter Lewis, Weldon Peek, and David . Norton. j : 4-H PULLETS SOLD FOR $2.50 EACH SATURDAY t -Teh oys- and grWs 'were "pre sent! .-with twelve,. iuJleita(eac!aJoE. the county 4-H poultry sale Sat urday, September 20. 1 Seven bunches of the pullets were rated in the blue ribbon class, and three in the white ribbon class. P. W. Lee Assistant County Agent in Buncombe County served as Judge for the event. The following people and busi ness firms paid an average price of $2.50 each for the 120 birds. (Mrs. Troy Rice was the largest individual buyer with 36 birds, Citizens Bank purchased v 48, Earle Robinson 24. and W. L Phoenix Ibought 12. Clyde Rob erts of Marshall, served as auc tioneer for the event. The money received from the pullets will be used to buy one thousand day old chicks, which (Continued on Last Page) A public hearing on important matters in Western North Caro lina will highlight the September 29-30 meeting of the State High way Commission in Waynesville. Scheduled for the Haywood County Courthouse in Waynes ville, the public hearing will be gin at 9:00 a. m. on Monday Sept ember 29. Fifteen-minute time periods will be assinged to individual groups appearing before the Com- mision. During this time, county and city officials, as well as pri vate citizens, will have the oppor tunity of presenting their various road proposals before the entire seven-member Commission. This hearing is one of a series conducted regularly by the Com mission outside Raleigh, for the purpose of determining highway needs of the various areas, ac cording to local representatives. In order that persons desiring to be heard may not be delayed, and so that the Commission can expedite its hearings, persons wishing to make an appointment with the group should write dir ectly to Sam Beard, Public Re lations Office, State Highway Commission, Raleigh for a defi nite time period. Low bids received in the? Sept ember 23 letting in Raleigh will also will be reviewed by the Com sion at its meeting in Waynes villei A . delegation of Marshall citi sens .is expected - to attend, the wieeuiig ana it is urged that all wmw -cant-possibly ' go: -con tact Dr. H. E.,Bolinger or Mr. Allen Ducket, Marshall. 1 1 1959 fJniied fund Campaign To Start In Madison County October 1 To Continue Through The Month; Last Year's UF . , Figures Cited FARMERS URGED TO VOTE OCT. 2 are Clill College Lions To Host liingate Saturday WUl Be First Home Game; ff; ' voach- Henderson Is . ' v Seeking Victory The" Mat Hill CoUege Lions , y ill open the home portion of ; their 1968 football season at Mars -Hill at 8 p. m. Saturday against the strong Wingate College -Bull dogs. J . ; ' " Disappointed by a 28-20 loss to Gardner-Webb in their opener last week, the : . Lions of Coach Don Henderson and. assistant Bob Edwards have undergone ri- (rorous ' practice . tJhis week insn effort to eliminate weaknesses re vealed n 4he opener. 1. v. -A speedy backfield, ' two and. three deep at each position,' and a big tough line promise to give li e Lions an exciting; ball club. 'crson can keepr his attack ' 'i by freely alternating' corn- units. V A pair" of equally ! quarterbacks, , a quartet of 1 fullbacks and a bench t but fast "halfbacks i possible. '" :'jt3' ESlliatis, Jerry 1 Bill DeCruhl, plu? t'-e I ' i forward October 2 which is 'only a week away is an important date which all farmers are urged to remem ber in that it is the day on which farmers will decide at. the polls who will represent them as 1959 ASO community contmitteemen. according to county ASC office manager Ralph W. Ramsey. He said that it is urgent t!hat all eligible voters go to the polling place designated for their com munity and cast their ballots for the men who they think will rep resent the interest of all farm ers. Hrligtble voters are farm owners or operators and tenants or sharecroppers of legal voting age (21 tyears of age) who have (Continued to Last Page) The 1959 Madison County United Fund campaign will gb umdenwfay next Wednesday, Oc tober 1, and will continue through Friday, October 31, it was stated here this week by Dr. H. E. Bo linger, president of the county UF. Dr. Bolinger also explain ed that rural areas would not be canvassed until December due t the fact that rural citizens would by then have their returns from the "tobacco crop. Dr. Robert Sejj Hill, is Uampaij the '59 campaign up various waj A "bre buraementsa Vpars m yn tot I las set i i l i v; V pledges for the new drive. Mr. J. ""Frank Fisher will again serve as treasurer and pledges can be paid direct to Mr. Fisher as t'hey become due. The 1969 budget totals $15,000 and will include practically the flame agencies as last year. -TThe goal last year fell short approximately $5,000, thus, the -disbursements were reduced to tnree-fourths of the original al locations, . it was explained. .-'Mr- Frank Fisher stated thaj thai; if anyone wished to exam ine, the records for last year, he will Kb glad to show them. "We sincerely hope that our budget can be met in the 1959 campaign and surpassed, if pos- LETTER WRITING WEEK WILL BE OBSERVED HERE epurig gii)le,Dr. Bolinger stated. of the 1958 United Fund dis- IowsT" - 2.20 26.50 1.50 750.00 750.00 1,016.82 900.00 international Letten Wifliting Week will be celebrated in Mar shall during the week of October 5 to 11, Postmaster F. Ray Fris hy announced today. Twenty-one years ago, realiz ing the importance of written communication, the Post Office Department joined in the observ ance of an annual letter writing week an event celebrated to em phasize tile meaning and value of letter writing as a link between people throughout the world. Postmaster Frisby explained ; s printing . TUT V ' t ' The News Dr. Robert Girl Scouts Boy Scout' Carolines A Madison. Cl Madison Co American Red Cr k Mashbunr'&' Huff Salvation Armv White Cane Fund (lind) Madison County Crippled Children Fund -Dr. H. E. Bolingef -.-i- 61 Cases On Docket; Judge Hugh Campbell To Preside The September term of super ior court for the trial of crimi nal cases will begin here Monday with Judge Hugh B. Campbell presiding. Among 61 cases scheduled to be tried will be two murder cases State vs. Woodrow Nor ton and State vs. Clarence Shel ton. T'he Norton case concerns the elaying of Bill Burris, 44, of Marshall RFD 5, on May 23,1958, as he sat in his car on the Long Branch Road near the home of Woodrow Norton, 41, also of Marshall RFD 5. Norton is charged with the killing. Jack Smith, 35, of the same section, surrendered voluntarily at the Marshall jail about 'half an hour after the shooting, re porting that he shot Norton after Norton shot Burris. Norton was charged with murder and Smith with assault- with deadly weapon lit i. i x i-ii wiin mucin, to Kin. -Smith 'has been out on a $2500 that bv nflt-tirinatinir in both In- I ternational Letter Writing Weeklbond sine the "dent, tend National Letter Writing According to r. FuncT ... 1,500.00 56.25 600.00 25.00 Total Disbursements . $9,620.27 'Total Deposits 2 $10,154.40 Total Paid' Out 9,620.27 Balance in Bank ? 534. la Due to budget not beingr' reached, three-fourths of budget allocations were sent agencies. Week this worthwhile objective is promoted between all peoples' everywhere. "As we all know so well," Mr Frisby said, "a personal letter is next to an actual visit, tne I most intimate means we have to method of establishing friendly relationships and understandings. "I urge all citizens of Marshall to join in this celebration of In ternational Letter Writing . Week, And at the same time, don't ov erlook your friends and relatives in America. Write them a letter, too!" August Bond Sales Total $11,240,30 In Madison County To Study In Germany Ik . :.:v : "v,v;:.: , ,v Jlf t w . - -----, ... - , ' . - v... $ m ; . f j..., .A;. Pr I s :. ': ' M AITIXG PANS FOR ATTACK Coach Don Henderson, left, of Mars Hill College, ' explains a play to freshman Allen Fish, center, and sophoTnore Gene Hall. IXth rlayers are from Candler. Fish, just out of V.: a J'. ' Cor,ps, is one - of a host ' of speedy fcaL". -.c ;i 'rr?on has on the squad this "A. I'-". - ' "ce f election as a fr-'-V r i '; ' ' -'t r ' " ' t c f I ' - . The sale of Series E and H Savings Bonds in North Carolina during the first eight months of 11958 was $32,502,641 Mr. C. L. Rudisill, Jr., Madison County Volunteer Chairman, announced today. Compared with the January August period last year, the com bined sales 'of E and H Bonds were up 2.6 p'ear cen :'-?'" . August's total sale of $3,843,- 851 was nearly 4 per cent higher i 1 than Anguar. 1957: ,J - -Series E August sales ? remain virtually unchanged,; Vit!h v 1968 August sales being under ,1957 August sales by only $18,000, The Series) H August sales of 470,500 were np 61 ,f pef cent irom the August sales of a year ago. ;yim1r:,: :hU. 'Mr.': Rudisill pointed "eut that over ,66 per cent of the 1958 an nual -quota of $49 million ?i has been achieved In the first eight months of this year.v" f - 4.' Madison County sales for the month of August were $11400. Cumulative sales for the year in Ihl rounty n were 4 $11993.11, whWh is 65.9 pet cent of the 195S county quota. , . ' - j-i SOCIAL SECURITY 4" rr" at f Blind Federation I To Meet Saturday The fourth annual convention of the North Carolina Federation Of The Blind- will be held a the George Vanderbilt Hotel Sept. 27th and 38th. The first meeting will begin at one olock Satur day afternoon. Banquet at 7:00 o'clock, tickets for banquet, $3.00. An interesting and entertain ing program has been arrangea. , the sheriff, Nor ton was nit in tne armpit oy one bullet after it struck his finger and entered his chest. Another bullet, he said, hit Nor tori in the right arm near the shoulder and, passed through. iBurria was killed by a bullet wound in the jaw, it was said. ' - TM,ahe riff quoted a witness, .ArthurrTwed, 66, dtie .of Nor ton's tfelgfiBsaxlnhe. aw Norton, holding a pistol' in the when Norton reached for another pistol, (Smith shot twice. , ' The officer said the three men, had been riding' together and had been drinking. They stopped,. Norton got out of the car and was walking toward his tobacco bed when he met Tweed. Shortly after, the two other men came up in the car. Burris called Nor- ( Continued Tit Last Page) ' FOOTBALL Clyde at Marshall, Friday Cane River at Mars Hill, Fri-. day. Walrtut at Tryon, Friday Hot Springs, (Idle), Wingate at Mars Hill College, 8 p. m., Saturday. nCSD Ends Marshall's 13 Conference Game I'Jin Streak re Roads Resurfaced In County During Mr. Harry Ray Waldrop. soalW . . of, Mr. and Mr. Otis Waldrop, month Ut AUgUSC RFD ;1, Hot Springs, N. C., has enrolled in tne Dofinetscher In-I State Maintenance force stitute at .the University of Heid-I surfaced, with bituminous seal, k eioerg, West V Germany for the total of 6.1 miles of secondary winters Semester 1858-59. He I roads in Madison Coumh? durlnir wui study music, and tne culture I August. -The work; in volveh 1.6 and MnvtQMy':.;A mile of Mars Hill ..High School Harry graduated Iron Warren I Road; and 4.5 miles- of 1 Old 19 Wilson Junior' College last June fronv Forks of Ivy. North. at the age of 18 and received a v; i.- ...'" , '. s his study in Germany. I: ; t" ars nill ClVltan He. will leave the State? on the CIub Tn Snartxnr c at a - 1 . - I .i. o. America vcvooer o. - j ison County. . ; -'; : e.July 1957, disabled work--cn t'.e sf?j of 5(J and o acn rfccirirj disability v.'-r the new a- : - ' i f 1 ! . Bar-D-Q Saturday The Mars Hill Civitan will serve Chicken Tar-V, Q to'Va JTars E''MV: C " !1 f -i : - : : c: Poor Pass ' Defense Proves : Fatal; Hensler Scores "' All Marshall Points - North Carolina Sdhool for the Deaf, displaying a wicked 'pass ing . ; attack " with quarterback Gary . Greenwood at the throttle, " edged Marshall High, '14-13, ner Friday night, ending i Marshall's -13-game Skyline Conference win- ' ning streak. -v', t - t .Greenwood, who', completed" seven of 13 passes, tossed two for touchdowns.' V He pitched 20-- First Downs Yards rushing Yards passing r.. " I'.- i i ' - NCSD 13 131 4 11 J- ! 1

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