' V ' a " n r rS-'' -i J (( (j j , .) R y L ,. ,.73 y-S Li X '? ;- - ' ' ' r 1 4 4 ' ft ' i ij-'iyivfv,. ....... f L f u U UL 'Ik'. ':- '' '- u. rv VOL 57 NO. 48 Q ;Gs idnal 'GonrtrTo '$mii : lore Monday; ; ; G::s Scheduled To. De Heard V 86 Caaea On Docket For' To Preside ; The November term of crimina 7 court will . begin here Monday1 , taornlng, December 1. with Judge , ' Hugh' B. Campbell of Charlotte, ." Among 86 Cases to be tried in : ;v -the case of State vs. Aua King, I -s-41,' of Hot Springs and Gay Rice, .62,;oi Flag Pond, Tenn., charged 4with murder in the death of Fowler Shelton, 66, whose body - was found near his homn about I - . four miles from Belva on Octo- oer so, oy nis oroiner-in-iaw ana . another man who were checking a possible route for a new. road, ft ia believed 'that tie had been dead 24-36 bourse when his body was found. , The bullet from "Shelton's body ' and a pistol in Rice's car, which was driven by King, 1 were sent . to Raleigh for comparison. Sher iff Ponder stated here this week (that v the examination revealed that the bullet was "fired from the .44-caliber pistol found in the car.-'' V f ;! Shelton's body was slumped ov- . er a .22-waliber rifle which he probably , had when lie was shot He- lived alone in his cabin about 17. miles north of here. . : Also on. the docket are 16 driv 3 drunk cases.,.''"'" '. " i oeiow .is a list- 01 jurora xur Na term: -v, . , . ' . M. C. JacksonK George G. Rob-cyts,'- Reid Teague, George E. .kod.'. John Goode. J. P. Phil lips. Charlie "Morrow." L6yd Self, Ernest Franklin,- H. S. Davis, R, A. Myers, .Peston Wilson, Troy Lee Moore, M. Caldwell, John H.' Caldwell, Edgar Robinson, Boyd Plemmons, William J. Reed, 31ertn Norton, Paul ' J. Roberts, . Clyde, Gregory, , Howard Ogle, Vaughn Robinson, Earl Cutshall, ' Kenneth Burgin, A. E. Worley, '. J. P. Ramsey, Zade Forester, v Hillard Bishop, Eugene Edwards, Grever Chandley, Ralph W. Brackens and ' Ralph : Ferguson, OVER $1,000.00 IN MERCHANDISE mv nn a iir a nnrn 1 ll AWaAWMWLV Practically All Of Marshall ' ; ' Merchant Are Participating J . ' The Marshall Merchants Asso - ciation announces this week in an advertisement on . Page 8 that v more than (1,000.00 worth of mer f ; chandise will be given away - be- tween now and December-24. v ,r: .! Three drawings have been sche duled, the first on Saturday, DecJ i 6, when the pri2e , will be a por table television set " valued at $179.50. ' The second drawing will be on Saturday, . December ,13 when a boy's bicycle , will -. be - ' warded to some lucky person. The grand drawing will be; held on Wednesday, December 24. . ' ' Ajinong l!he items to be given away at the grand drawing in duje: Freezer, Sewing' Machine,' Wi'st Watch, Rifle and Ammu nition, Electric Mixer, 100 gal lons Gasoline, Flash Camera, Gro ceries, v . ' .''V ' ' ' ' . All drawings will be held at the courthouse at three o'clock. In order to be eligible, you do not have to purchase any item just register. You must he 'prf sent to v in. ' 1' r fu'l t !a'!s, r . 1 advert' . .? t en r .-8 3. 10 PAGES THIS WEEK Sliolton ui&r THANKSGIVING f UNION SERVICE ON WEDNESDAY The Marshall Community Thanksgiving Service will be held on Wednesday evening in the Free Will Baptist Church, the Rev. Warren Reece will preach the sermon. An offering will be taken for the Parent-Teacher As sociation of Marshall to be used for needy children at Christmas. THREE HURT IN MADISON ACCIDENT SAT. Three Madison County men were injured in a car wreck Sat urday night When their vehicle overturned in a slight curve on a rural road in the Franklin Town Section, Sheriff E. Y. Ponder re ported Monday. All three are farmers off. the Marshall RFD 4, section, the shef- iff said.! JT. . Maco . Wallin, 52, was admitted' to Memorial Mis sion -." Hospital ,. about f midnight Saturday Yor observation.. He suffered laceration of the fore head, according, to the - Jwrpital report ...i,', w Otto Reese, 60, 'who received dispensary treatment at the, bos' pital Saturday night, returned earlv Sunday and was - admitted for treatment of fractured ' ribs. The third man, Charlie Randall, 69, was treated for a minor chest fnjury. Ponder reported. He - said that the car in which the three were riding went out of control and overturned once down a six-foot embankment. LIONS DISCUSS PROJECTS AT . MEETING MON. The Marshall ' Lions Club me (Monday night at -the Rock Cafe with 15 members present, , won President Earl Robinson presided over the meeting , at which vari ous projects were discussed., -Lion' W. B.. Zink reported on the Lions-PTA Calendar project and committees were' appointed to further plans for the Calendars wtiich will "run" from. March to March. Those wishing to have birthdays and meetings listed are asked to contact members of the club at once. ' . , . The annual project for , . the blind.- consisting " of . Christmas Baskets, was discussed and plans were definitely -i .- made for the drawing to be held at the,- court--house on Saturday, . Dae.' 20 . at three o'clock. - - - J "Anyone making - a donation of $1.00 will be nelping the families of blind to have 'a happy Christ- m- s and . at the. same time will give them an opportunity to win valuable prizes on Dec. 20,", Lion Rohinson said. : v " ' " ' i v n Any? 1 1 MARSHALL N. UNITED FUND PLEDGES REACH $8,000j00 MARK Honor Roll Increase; Mors Pledges Needed To " Reach Goal" iDr. Robert E. Seymour, cam paign chairman of the 1958 Mad ison County United Fund, said this week that latest igures re veal that slightly more than ?8, 000.00 has been pledged thus far and reminded the public that this is slightly over 50 per cent of the $15,000 goal. Only ?2,000 has actually been paid to date but those making pledges are ex pected to keep them paid up as promised. "It is encouraging to see tho United Fund Honor Roll increase each week and it is hoped that many more firms will become 100 in the near future," Dr. Seymour stated. It is 'hoped that hundreds of tobacco growers will participate in the United Fund for Madison County now that the markets have opened. If you wish to con tribute or to make a pledge, con. tact Dr. Seymour at Mars Hill or J. Frank Fisher at the Citi zens Bank in Marshall. "M" NIGHT TO BE HELD IN MARS HHiMONDAY "M" Night, for all the church es in. the FrencK "Broad Associa tion will be held at the Mars Hill Cn irch ,Mni"''l n'ht, 1 Obce'nher 1 at 7:30 ,"o'loc5. All? churches, whether or not they have a . train ing nnion, are invited to send as many; people as .they Jike to at tend the meeting. - ", . - ' All training anions are asked to select four singers, a soprano alto, tenor and bass, to nelp com pose, an associational wide BTU choir for this meeting. Two attendance banners will be nresented. One will no to ' the church for the most people pre sent and the oftier to the church having the largest percentage of their BT.U enrollment present!!, I t "Please do your best for "M" .NKght, as it is a great day for our association," Mrs. Paul Tug man, associational Training Un ion director, announced. ? Approximately 1,200 r persons are expected to attend. , Employees Are Eligible For free prizes Here W. F. Holland, president of the Marshall , Merchants Association, stated this weak fnat -employees in - Marshall stores were eligible to register for the various Christ, mas prizes being, of fered by Mar shall firms. . . , "The only requirement Is', that employees cannot register inv.the The T ! 1 V O, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1958 , 10c PER COPY, UULl'J . U MAIL EARLY; POSTMASTER. ADVISES Wrap securely, address, correct ly and mail early, w y 4V Postmaster F Ray Frisby sau f patrons will follow these aim pie suggestions, they: wflT"have nc trouble getting "their Christma packages safely through the mails. - ', Pa tons are also reminded tha size and wleight iimiWtttms on parcel post packages s varx ac cording to place ' of Tfiailing and destination, j . " All mail for ip distant points should be mailed between now and Dec. 10, Mfc Frisby said. CHANDLER, COOK ARE ARRESTED IN SHELT0N EIURDER King, Rice Also Charged ln October Slaying On . ' , ' Laurel ' and Aubrey ot Marshall I Sund;f af- ov Fowler Shekon, 06, Miosfrbod was found near his small " home about four- miles from, Belva: on October 28. Sheriff E. Y. -Pon der said that, both ' men ere charged with murder and aiding and abetting. ' ' ' " v ' f Also charged with S'the same murder are Auz King, 41, of Hot SDrintrs. and. Gay Rice. 62.' of Flag Pond, Tenn. ''i '' T Shelton's body was diacoyered with a bullet in his side' by a brother-in-law and another man who were , checking a,1 possible route for a " new road. 4,It is be lieved that he liad been dead 24 38 hours after his body?; was found. v The bullet from Shelton's body and a pistol found in Rice's Car which was driven by . King, -were sent to Raleigh for ' comparison. Sheriff Ponder stated " here 'this i week that the examination reveal ed that the bullet was fired from ie .44-caliber pistol found , hi the car. ,.' ' j ' s " Shelton's body was found "slump ed over a ,22-caliber rifle which he probably had when"? he "wa shot. ! store or firm in which they .are employed. They may register in any other place except where they're employed," Mr. -Holland explained. TO PllAY.AT FOOTBALL GAME FRIDAY NIGHT- Ilar.-hall Huh School f.t ti n ArJrews-Sot : : c c-; 1 . 'ium in .' 1 ! '!'"! r c" refer, t :n Div: ' a def t : i Minnn CAGE SEASON GETS UNDERWAY TUESDAY NIGHT The 1958-59 basketball season will get underway Tuesday night, December 1 in Madison County. The opening schedule is as fol lows: Walnut will play Spring Creek at Walrtut; Marshall at Cane River; Hot Springs at White Rock. Mars Hill opens its season with Marshall at MarsH Hill on Friday night, Dec. 5. The girls' games will begin at 7:30 o'clock and the boys at 8:30. The Walnut girls and the Mar shall boys are defending champ ions of Madison County. PACIFIC MILLS SAFETY DINNER ON THANKSGIVING nii Pa.;-ri. M ils Affi - , A ,niuh M1VV A. MV.V mm. " - uv cial, stated this week that a Safe-f and power plays. ty Award Dinner will be observed ' Some of the players expected to bv three shifts on Thursdav ofee action for Walnut are Jimmy this week Thanksgiving. ' !Mr;' Blue announced- that the Safety Award Dinner: was - made possime through' the splendid rec ord of the plant, of no having a Inajor injury in over two years. h. wj )8re looking f orwardt to o oli..iiiiiJk hnrlhnon" and- l-htrJcfin dinner tor au tne personnel ULt ftie plan at Hot Springs. Each shift will enfov senarat dinners."' Mr. Blue explained. COUNTY BANDS INASHEVILLE PARADE WED. 'v. The Marshall and Mars Hill Bands, under the direction of ohn Lackey, participated in the annual Christmas Parade in Ashe ville yesterday (Wednesday). -, Miss Thora Belle Worley Miss Marshall High rode in a con vertible in" front of the band. .."Miss Joyce Hamlin Miss Mars Hill High led the Mars Hill Band in the "parade. Hundreds of Madison County people viewed the parade. ADVICE UNLIMITED ' San Diego, Cal. A note on the College Ave. Baptist Church bulletin board read: "Two books have been missin from the li brary for a long time 'How To Pick-a Wife' and 'How to Choose a' Husband.' If whoever has them would return them, we would be most grateful. ; 5wn above, football ' y r.i,zht. i team, '?. CI:.: 3 Jlot piriiigs Hew Gymnasium Ready For Opening Event At 8:00 p. m. FOOTBALL GAME TO BE PLAYED HERE THURSDAY AH Stars Of Marshall And Walnut To Battle At 2 P. M. Football fans of this area will have one more opportunity to see a game before the season official ly ends on Thanksgiving Day, the Marshall All Stars will meet the Walnut All Stars on the Is land at two o'clock.' Jimmy Johnson, coach of the Walnut team, expects to field a team of experience and speed while the Marshall team will de- iDenri emeiiv on a ruetred aeiense Johnson, Boots Landers, Eugene Thomas, Kenneth Reid, William Roberts. Some of the Marshall's All Stars include Bobby Sprinkle, Clarence , Edwards, Everette Boone,, Lawernce .Ponder, ; Johnny Bryan, Harry and Bruce Bald WH and r 1 win and Fain Davis. ? "' v finm" -t v ed for little League Baseball; at Walnut while: part "Will be donat- ed to the Marshall scnool lor athletic sweaters. COUNTY'S ONLY RESUSCITATOR RECEIVED HERE Jim Tilson, operator of the Mountain View Home in Mar shall, announced this week that he had purchased a resuscitator primarily for the residents, of Oie Home, but that in cases of emer gency, ' he will be glad to make the resuscitator available. IHe stated that it was an Em erson product, approved by lead ing fire departments, medical as sociations and hospitals. He explained that the resusci tator naturally , wasn't , 100 ef fective but in most cases it works j miracles, such as in cases . of drowning, smoke exhaustion, or any respiratory, disorders. - i He stated that since this was the only one in Madison County, it can - be available by phoning 2301, Marshall. - "I will be glad to Joan M if the emergency .arises, MrK-t - Tilson said. ' ' Stores, , Offices, ' " v -Firms To Observe Thanksgiving Here Practically all places of busi ness will be closed Thursday in observance of Thanksgiving. All Federal and , State offices, the Courthouse, . post office, bank3 etc., will recpen Friday morning'. Many local citizens will , spend tht day at Ik ties !.! rr'.-ta-a: I 1 turk! ;:, ' pun , " ' with their fa:- i f?, enjoying1 t' "H-ir Wf-'J c ' -Try s- I.t :.l : ti t 'I f a A' PRICE : S2.50 A TEAR IN COUNT! : $4.09 A YEAR aUTSBDE COUNTT -oOo- Capacity Crowd Expected ; Preliminary Game At 7:00 O'clock Etika's Rayonites, second place finishers in the Southern Textile League last season, open their 12th year under the direction of Sam Patton Saturday night at Hot Springs against Earl Wooten and his Piedmont Rangers, de fending champs of the circuit. The game, with tipoff time at 8 o'clock, is to serve as the fea ture of a program for the new 1,500 seat high school facility. The Rayonites have been hard at work rounding into shape for the past couple of weeks and have been very impressive in 4 practice games with various ju nior college teams. With the exception of four players the roster is the same as it was in 1957-58 when they roll ed up 12 Textile wins wnile, drop ping four. Piedmont won the ti- , tie with a 14-4 record. r Gone from last year's team are Bob Saylor and Jim Patton,. both", of whom have given up the hard-' V wood sport. Replacing them, are Floyd Pryor, a-WCC player last" year, and Scott Conner, . who has"' ' just completed a hitch. in the i "yif"'" r, ywn.-. Jumping Jim, Connei;, fJfe ba? S handling, Enka forward. 'Pri 1 fcr- handling , Enka forward. ' Pri . was one of the top defensive piay eds at WCC last year. , Patton lias altered his of fen , sive patterns for his team and - plans to play a more deliberate type of ball with possession, be ing stressed. "It's the same type as used by Maryland and West Virginia," Sam said Saturday. He indicated that lack of height was largely responsible for the change, "Our biggest weakness," -' he said, "will be in rebounding.- A side from Pappy Neal (6-9) we r have no real tall players. Floyd Pryor is 6-2 and after that the boys stand right at the six foot mark. We'll be able to run pret ty good and our defense should be good." v . The Rayonites currently nave ' (Continued on Last Page) V V ' UNITED FUNK HONOR ROLL O o MARSHALL The News-Record ' , t . Citizens Bank " v , a: Chandler Hardware ' ' Service Motor Sales - Bank of French Broad - y National 6c&10c Store , Coal, Feed & Lumber Co. ' ' Frisby's Gulf Service ; : Whitehurst Insurance Agency Marshall Post Office 'East End Service Station v - Edwards Cleaners SprinkleShelton Wholesale Co ' Board of Education SCHOOLS (Faculty): Ebbs Chapel Mashall ' Hot Fj'rir -3 : ' MAr.3 KILL Mars - n;:i rs.siv:- 7 ' Cox Drrar- t :

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