Wi V 4 fan niiDAy, ilj. 12 V-.' ft' . 5V" . 1 I 'II I Y''' ' '" ' ' Jse Cf . Ml Presides ' The minder trial of Aus King 41, of V.-A Springs; Gay .Rice, 62 of PI. Pond; , Clyde Cook and: . Aubn-y Chandler, both . of Mar t-haW kfd 3, wag. continued un- U thu February term "of- court ! ",; on Monday,, j " J ii f and , Ricev,( are charged wi'li the murder of Fowler Shel- t-m, 63, of the Laurel 'section on (Ji t. 29. Chandler and. Cook were arrested later and are charged in connection with the same case-. '"' Judge Hugh B. . Campbell,' , of narioue, is . presiding at the term and he' took' part 'of Mon day's "court time to swear in &un ty officials . elected November 4. . Included , in " cases heard ; this week are the following:'. ' ' Clarence Massey', was 1 charged on eight counts, including failure -to make auto title, assault 'oil fe male, no operator's' license, driv ing dr unk, reckless driving, ' car concealed weapons, ADW on funale and damage to public pivperty. The State took afiol pros on all charges except failure to make auto, title, ADW on fe- tr.ale and damage to. public prop J erty, f, i " i i On the first eourit," the judg ment was that he pay $140 and e svnnd conrct, $300 fine fil c It i el tliird count, $50 . ( c a ' I in . .".,- 1 en y a 1 at ? 100, J fiom S). 13 yi n-i. ii after revh-wi, inp-t. returns To R?ara 11:11 ' J Am I .Dr. Charles H. Powell V . .,; i n,.r-. .r,,, V;a:. DR. POWELL TO T0EIARS HILL I2D. CENTER , )t rtm, u - To Resume- Practice Next Tuesday Following A " Twd-Year Absence , The American Red Cros I.!od mobile, will yiit Marshall on F day flnext week, December 1 according; to Dr. W,,,1A: 'Sams, Blood Program Chairmam It will be Bet up at the American Legion Hall," Upper Bridge Street,' from 12 .noon td 5:80 p, rn.'f VV"; , via very 911a js urgea va rgo 0111 and .give blood on December lSf Approximately j00 donor's are expected. v i , v ii ' V " FIRST D?iA"fTi'GS FOR PHIZES TO BE ,'Dr; Charles Bf.',PowelU after' a (two-yjears absence, will resume Ma practice at the Community T.Tedii-al Center at Mars Kill next Tu?sf!ay, where he will be asso ciated with hia brother, Dr, Er-n-t Towell, and Dr. W, OtL l u.k; . . ' . " I r .. f p-! t f- . ' Merchants" Of - Marshall. , ;;uje; Crowds'-;: . People' ,who';have ' registered ' n Marshall and Hot' Springs during the - past- few1 - weeks arc expected to travel' to. these two towns come Saturday l afternoon,"."; ;T& -f "-'y In Marshall, a drawing AwH be held at the courthouse ! at '' three o'clock when "someone Iwill 'wina beautiful television "set valued, at $179.504;h ?s(y, : At Hot Springs, those Vho have registered will perhaps be. present at four o'clock when r' dinette set, a set of encyclopedia, a carving knife set, a salad bowl and a box of 'candy will be awardod the win neis. Another t'-i-vi ',? will be held in 1 1 .'n on Sat- ..y L. n. Vy 1 . ill - . 3 1. i. George A. Garner (Alias Terrel Stone) v 1? J .11 Fsruent C Kiine f m m i , I . L -i - - A pa JS, jg, " T'C"'"""" -wa 1, j To , Ce Larf r; All i nj To Ce U.ll' Decerr.ler 71 'I. BREAKS CASE incident" Kesults". In Ue. ,.i "'; Of Carson ; Lawson; k ' r Others Earned , ,.'JA South' Carotlnai'' convict '.nas cleared pp. a three-year-old Madi son' County bujjglary, Sheriff-1 Y. Ponder -said Wednesday.';, ' v Jffe'j 'aaltt;-Charles P. "(Rocky) Rothschild, 34,' ' admitted , to. ' . h im at,jWlumfbia S.,C.f: Friday nhe jepi. 28, ivib. ana implicated two other men. i",- v i ' ' '. ', -j ?. . , The sheriff ' said LawSon, then ' in his- early 60's, died of a heart , attack 'during.' or right' after the robbery as 'he and $hree other persona lay bound at his home in. A. 1 Fit i ' - " r , . I me, emran community. ; - ; 'Rothschild is. " the , sania man whose, confession ' last July' saved . another man', from .execution. ' Lawson'a; death - added , murder . to the Warrants issued; . against , Rothschil4 - and the two ' others, idendnfied, a FtuyitC. Kimes, 30, of Blightful, Ark., an4 George A. Gamier; -8,, f Cairo, III, the etferiff said: V;" "VV" ' ' He said the warrants issued al- s charged 'jutth with(first doree burglary , -.and armed - ro' ' ery. Ponder 'said" relatives reported i -bout' $40,000 was "missir t a' the roH.ery. 'Witnes-seg 8 ii i .j saw the r"ii.Uke t i t" 3 I fr nn f. e 1 ' 1 pr I ! ; IrrH.'i Kenr.tl'i Cantrell, t.n-Jirj nd R.D; Johnnie Bry an Fore, IiD: Grady Olen Ed wards, NOL; James Breeden, KOL; Charlie Chandler, Lar ceny; Jeter Buckner, VPL, Speed (Continued oa Last Page). - brigiianmied; rtft i inn 1 kT n tUiimiiiAix ur; co;.i;,hssioners , The . recently, re-elected -board' -of county commissioners, compos ed of Wayne Brigman. Dewey Wallin and Rex Allen, niet Mon day, morning in! (the .courthouse On motion -of Rex 'Allen.. and 'seconded by Dewey Wallin Wayne Brigman .-was . elected I chairman the board, i ' ' , - .- nounced that Joseph" B. Huff was renamed county attorney;, Ted R. Russell ' was' reappointed .supef- Mrs.v Emm , Sprinkle was- re-sp-' pointed assistant tax supervisor and ' clerical 'assistant,'' r W LdJ 1 for H. Medu 'North, ber'of celvedt fersonl delphib. ber of j ternity ship' at pital irl It wl plans ; larging Center I . '! ratne Accidentally 5not While Cleaning Rifle Lewis'' Metcalf of the Spilteornj community (Marshall ; RFD : 4) is a panent in memonai , iuission Hospital following an accidental shooting his home at 12; 30 p. m.r last Thursday, while he was cleaning1' a. 3Z rifle. ' : . Sheriff, E.Y Pondei" aid. Met calf; the- father jt .seven; children, was struck in-the right-hest by the bullet. 5 . - C dentlal sections and the oldix-TliiBsrreowcrij tures now in .the residential sec tions would be discarded. ' D. M; Robinson- announced that a power stoppage would, be in. ef fect Friday - afternoon in Mars Hill from' 3:00 -to 3:30 o'clock for; the changeover. North Carolina counties are ex pected to be on hand for the lunch eon and awards ceremony. , 0ver 100. organized rural com munities in 15 counties , reaching from Burke on ' the east through- ' (Continued to Last Page) . which 1 displays the besT"5veiu decoration. There will be a. $5.00 prize" to the nome with the most attractive door: decoration and a $5.00 prize is being offered to the home with the roost original dec " " (Continued on Last Page) ' the Mars Hill and MarshaOiign SAool Bands ' will ' . participate. There will also be floats, ponies and horses in the parade and. Santa Claug will make his ap pearances in Mars Hill. i ...I ' :i ' .: " 11 " Zz'j 'Fc'ra c!:23cd nifctniont The regulations governing the toliacco acreage ;l allotment, and marketing quota program provid es that not more than one-fourth cf one percent of . the annual i , ioi iil quota may be used in , t- '.acco allotments on i f -us vl.iih meet all the v rc , ' r'. 'x County ft :' o f'ang-3 i i ' 1 . v end a BASKETBALL FRIDAYCjIiT ' Walnut at' Laurel.,' irarshall at Mars' Hill. ' : Ppring Cr?ok at Hoi Springs.. ' rJLLHTiri! n a p - to t!-e nevri v . V. i - , lMTiiDtUi,i) HONOR ROLL ft. 1 jjl . Jl s . MARSHALK . r News-Record 1 f ' v ' Citizens Bank I ; (handler Hardware' ,) Service Motot Satej Bank French Bros! - 'National 5c&10o Store , Coal,, Peed & Lumber ,f '" Trisby's Gulf Service '' -Whitehurst Insurance Acreiicy - . " Marshall Post Office " East" End Service Slat- Edwards" Cleaners Sprinkle-Bhelton Whol, , Board of Educ.-'" .."SCHOOLS rrf. ' - El ' 0 C ir.t : Mars Ivy