J.V' " A- .V f Hm mmwt are eased V ih International S. S. .Lcmo Outline, copyrighted ey tA ittmawmoZ Cometf e JtKf iem ffaWNon, pSA,1 mni u4 ty airmanfe v. 9 . O O JESUS' POWER v . . - IN HUMAN LIFE f jt - j' ' f r , ';;.M ornery Selections "Go horn ,. to your friend, and tell them how mutch the Vord hat done for you." ' (Mark 6:19.) it. Lesson Text : S:iS. Mark 4:35 through . The lesson which we are. study tog today points out the influence that Jesus had upon persons of his time, and endeavors to show ' bow the power that he possessed can be equally effective in our Uvea today. Reading the scripture which we are studying today in the Book of Marie, we read an account of how Jesus cast out unclean spirits from a man who had lived alone in the tombs, and who had pre viously refuted all efforts on. the part of the people to subdue him. We read, also of how the unclean spirits entered into the bodies of swine, who in turn were drowned in the sea. We also read an ac counting of how a woman, moved by her grea't faith, timidly touched his garments, and was cured; and of how he raised from the dead the twelve year old daughter of a ruler 'in the synagogue. In short, we see how Christ ruled nature; , how lie -cured the mentally ill; how he healed a sick body; and" how he raised the dead to life. If we read and re-read the life of Jesus long enough,' we will :. 'i ' ' SOLVED; MCKKNIFE RIDE FOR "MAN IN THE MIDDLE." The hump in the floor has been whittled . way down in the new Mercury to provide more foot room. J: t , ', - SOiVEDi LOOK-ALIKE styuno. Mercury is the only car in its field that doesn't share its styling with any other car doesn't .use a dressed-up body of a lower priced car. x Huon come to the' realisation that Vie is the truest, purest love the universe possesses. Every time he did anything wonderful, It was to help somebody. , ,., He healed the sick woman with the hemorrhage because; he';, had compassion on her, .. ' i He 'raised the Vuler's. daughter and the widow" ton, to life, be cause he pitied the poor parents. In fact, all he did every moment was to look for people to help. i He did not perform miracles to how; off ' before the multitudes; he did them out of a great, a di vine,, an all-encompassing love. This' love stiU encompasses us today. Christ Is redeeming life today, right in our own communi ties, and perhaps in our . own homes, just as he did in Biblical times. Although the scripture for this lesson is in some respects difficult to understand, it still indicates clearly that Christ can and does work almost incredible transformations. And oftentimes he uses us as his tools, calling on us, as Christians, to give to our fellowmen all the compassion and understanding we have in our natures. The transfer of the unclean spirits into the swine mentioned in our scripture study carries great meaning. It says that one man in his right mind is of in finitely great worth to God, and that anything: men possess in the form of material wealth is ex pendable, even if its total de struction is necessary to assure a man the dignity of his rights as a human being. Looking around us today we can see many who are debased by a problem peculiar to this day and age in which we .live ma ny who have fallen prey to a de mon who lives inside them the demon of the desire to indulge in strong drink. How many peo ple, heir to the stress and strain of everyday living, have an in satiable craving for relief from anxieties and pressures1 through 3'.: see v i . , ' " 3 . SOLVED THE PROBLEMS '59 CARS FORGOT solved! poor gas mileage. All of Mercury's new Marauder engines (up to 345 hp) are amazingly efficient. And for top mileage and savings, Mercury offers a brand-new Monterey series that uses regular gas, not premium. flEV3 from the : Gbrvicoo ,Tort Gordon, Ga. (AHTNC) Pvt Charles H. i Brown,' 17,. whose wife Linda, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Q. Brown, live on Route 2, 'fcteester; N. C, recent ly completed the eight-week; tele type operator course at the Army's Southeastern - Signal School, Fort Gordon, Ga. ( Brown entered the Army - last Dune and received basic combat training at Fort Benning Ga. In civilian life he attended Leicester Hign School and was the media of alcohol? Truly their name is Legion. We show compassion to the sidk in body the old, the in firm, th. crippled. 'We show compassion to the sick in mind, because we are more enlightened about this than our forefathers used to be. The chronic alcoholic is the victim of both sickness in body and sickness in mind. It is our Christian duty to extend a helping hand to one who is weaker than we; but in our ef forts to help persons triumph ov er the problems caused by the use of beverage alcohol, there are several attitudes that we will wish to cultivate. The first of these is a spirit of infinite love. We must remember to look at such persons through the eyes of Christ the eyes of a loving Christ. Secondly, we should post- is boundless patience. Finally, we should remember and use the power of prayer. In these ways we can hope to bring new courage and strength to those who need our help. In helping to restore these men and women to the dig nity of human beings we are ded icating our lives anew to Christ. STOP IN: ):t ( f II L. ..I rAI.JLU, CorreuJ t ; , . (Too Lite for last weuk). V Mr. Paul Davis filled his reg ular appointment at Bethel Chris tian Chuuh Sunday. A large Crowd attended. 1 He and Mrs. Da vis and their three daughters took dinner with . Mr. and Mrs.'. Dan Gardin, . . i , ' ' : Joe ; Massey of Spring ( Creek visited Lattie Rollins Monday1. '.'Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gardin and baby took, dinner Sunday With his parents,! Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin. " , f - ' ", j - Miss JeanfFowler; of. New Jer sey is visiting her mother, Mr. Tisha Fowler at this. time. ' Mrs," i Carolina Tangle visited Mk and Mr. .Mejvin Wyatt Sun day afternoon. ' Mr.' and Mrs. Arthur Fowler visited his !' Mother, Mrs. Tisha Gowan Sunday . afternoon. - Mrs. Carolina Pangle, Mrs. Da vid Frisbee and sons, Gary and Stevie, and Lattie Rollins made a business trip to Hot Springs Monday. " Mr. and' Mrs. Francis Kent and engaged' in farming. Mediterranean (F H T N C) ) Frank :B.. Norton, boatswain's mat "first class. USN. ot Hot KnrinR. ia nervine- Aboard the at tack cargo ship USS Oglethorpe Derating with the U. S. Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean area Darmstadt, Germany (AHTNC) Army, Specialist Four Junior H;', Meadows, 25, -son of Mrs. Ma die M. Meadows, Marshall, re cently participated in a field training exercise with the 38th Artillery in Germany. 'Specialist Meaflowsy a truck driver" in" the artillery's Headquar ters ' and 1 Service Battery in Darmstadt, entered the Army in January) 1957 and received basic ' Villi flPA STANDING ON YOUR EAR TO t'.wghjeld jntryes ip mto you see high traffic lights. wipers clear 42 larger area including middle, : ' SOLVED: WHACKING YOUR KNEES GETTING Sn OR OUT. Mercury's front doors are wider than those in the costliest cars. And the windshield post has been moved forward, out of the way. SoLveOi tension when PASSING. New Marauder engines react with split-second precision. ; You enjoy the difference -between merely "enough power" and real peace of mind. . - fbwen c'Ic-ljy! Anr.lvers - i i . Children were . in Hot Springs Monday- ' v " f . j ' Mr. and Mrs. , Dan Gardin, Wade and Wayne visited Mr. and Mrs. Calvin guttles at' ( Shutin Sunday' hight v , , ' i Miss , Agnes Mathis of; Spring Creek visited : Mrs,. Cor" Gardin Sunday, - f y ; f f ' 'Laveonia Pmngle and Lucille Caldwell called on Emma Jean Al lison Monday. ' i ,,, , Mr. and Mrs. Charlie .Williams visited Mr. and- Mrs. Rochelle Parker Sunday.' Mrs. Williams was the former Miss Nell Pinker ton of., Asheville. - Mrs. Ruby Plemmons and moth er, Mrs. Hattie Ebbs, visited Mrs. Wilson Payne Sunday. , , , Mrs. Carolina Pangle and La veonia, Mrs. David Frisbee, Gary and Stevie visited Mr. arid Mrs. Dan Gardin Monday night. Mr. Bud Greene visited Mr. Melvin Wyatt Sunday. Mr. Dave Brooks took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid ney Brown. In the 75 years before 1948, a bout one-third of all our redwoods were cut. Now, some 600 to 700 million board feet are harvested yearly, About the time of Christ, Ro man gourmets gorged themselves on flamingo tongues. Your Christmas Headquarters Marshall -Department Store FREE GIFT WRAPPING training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. He arrived in Europe in June 1957. ? H e attended Hendersonville High School, East Flat Rock, and was formerly employed by Cadil al Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan. SEE TRAFFIC LIGHTS. - the roof, lets New windshield ry V. r i CHBISTLIAS Basfoetball took the" spotlight t; Mars 4 Hill Wednesday " nfght when the Mars Hill College Lions bpened , their 1&8-59 season in a Western' Carolitoas" Junior poHege Conference '' iraroe - against Ashe- : Coach Bob Edwards' squad will pley our more games before the Christmas ... holidays, including conference; igames; with Gardner-Webb- here bri Decl 8 and Lee-Mc-Re here- on Dec. 10. The other pre-holiday games will be in Vir ginia against ABluefield and Fer rum Dec. 12,' 18 4 The Lions 'will field a team com posed of two lettermen, a squad man from last year, three sopho mores who did not play basketball last year and nine promising freshmen. The returning lettermen ere guard Mickey Hoyle of Asheville, a former Lee Edwards High School star who earned all-conference honors for the Lion last year,' and Clifton McClure, 6-3, of Charlottesville, Va., a reserve forward-center last year, Hoyle will captain the 1958-59 team. The returning squadman is Lou- is Burch, 5-11, from Roberson ville. Three sophomores who did not play basketball last year are Gene Hall, 6-0, of Candler, star full back here for the last two sea sons; Mike Hough, 6-1, a member of the Leaksville High School Class AA champions in 1957; and 6-6 James Radford of Mars HilL Heading the list of freshman prospects is Burt BurcVield, 5-10 co-captain and Most Valuable Player , at Murphy High Schoo last year; Ray DeHart, 5-11 Dan Waddell, 5-11, a member of last year's Class A state cham pions at Valley Springs High School; and Bob Reed, 6-5, for mer co -captain of the R. J. Rey nolds High School team in Win- BtonnSalem, who played 3 years in the Army. . ; ' Other are" Howard -Wood, 6-2 a four-year ; letterman in , basket ball and soccer ' at " Glastonbury. Conn. jHigh : School; - Wayne rreague, 64, former . captain o. the Lenoir High t School team Jint , Alexander, 6-lJ.j oj Lynch burg, Va.; David Bradley, 6-1, of Mara Hill; and Clay Jones,' giant 6-6, 250 pounder from Greenville South Carolina.. i ' Coach Edwards " predicts his team this 'year .will improve oh last year's . 5-9 conference - record which gave the Lions a tie with There's A For Every -Typo E3oq Under Floor - Basement - Utility Room Installations All Metal Work SEE US Laxalre Furnaces Custom-made Duct Work - ! r' -x ' - '' - ' ' White Automatic-Water Haaters American Stan -dard Plumbing Fixture . Cat Work of all Kinds ' Burner Service. 24-HOUR n rj r i V e.j a. aunT3 " HALF 1 1 IX .71:, Cw-cr I- .J (. ' " ! 1 i. Lester Boone, 83, of Mars Kill RFD 2, died suddenly- Sunday morning, , November 30 1958 in his automobile - near his home. Death was attributed ,to natural Causes; t-' 't f, i j ' i " i : Services f were1 held .Monday at 2:80 p, m;; in MiddleFork Bap-. , tist Church. , . The Rev,; Orlando Hawkins and the Rev. Jess Corn " , officiated and burial was in . Hoi-1 combe Cemetery,11 ' T t ' ' - ' Surviving ' i are v the wife, ' Mrs. ' yirgle Boone; fonr 'daughtefi,r . Joyce nn, Dianne, ' Judy and t Margie; four sons, Earl, - Lester - - Jr., Alvin and .Jerry, all ef the . J home; the1 mother, Mrs, J.' . . uoone-ot jnaiis nm iuuj a; wo i. Sisters, Mrs. 'Garrett -Hensley and-,. Miss Margaret Boone of "Mars ' '' Hill RFD 2 ; and three .brothers,'; - y Mack of Mars Hill, Arthur , of Weaverville, and Calvin of Cand- 1 ler. . . Pallbearers were Levi Hunter, .- Shelby Ray, Grover Tomberlin, Earl Hill, Carmel Roberts and ,- Lee Maynard! . , -..' t : , Brevard College for fifth place in .V the eight-team league. He also.' ;, predicts closer competition this ? . season' within the conference . which has been dominated for the last three years, by North Green-. , ville. Wingate, which jointed the league last year in time to com-) .- .- pete in basketball, "gave North - : Greenville its stiffest competi- j-. tion and appears strong again.:.!:. (this season. North Greenville:;; lost its coach and two star play ers but still has a powerful club. MARS HILL COLLEGE BASKETBALL 1958.59 Mars Hill . 'FoUowing is the Mars HOI College basketball sche- 1 dule with, home games designated ' as "here." - , . . v- 1 Dec. -S Asheville-Biltmore Here ".. Dec. 8 Gardner-Webb Here Dec ' 10 Lees-McRae-Here ' -. ' Dec. 12 Bluefield, Va. There Dec. 13-iJ! errum. va--Tnere Jan. 6 iN. Greenville, S.C. Here Jan. 8 -Htwassee, Tenn. Here Jan. 12 Spartanburg There Jan.; 14 iBrevard There' .J Jan. 17 Wingate Here --' ( Jan. Z8 nuaueiieid, va. were- . Jan.i 80 iLees-McRae There 1 Feb.. i (Spartanburg Here . f Feb. 6 jF errum. Va-Here Feb, 10 N. Greenville There There .There J -TliAPa: .it Feb. 12 Brevard Here Fab. 16 Hi was see. Tenn Fab, 18-iAsh'ille-Biltmore There Feb. 19 Gardner-Webb There , 'J. Feb. 21 Wingate There Feb. 26 - 27 - 28 Conference Tournament LDIIAD GO Is Custom-Made FOR guttering Sheet Me- "Air Conditioning ' Oil SERVICE 1 fn n.