VOL. 57 ,NO. 5! !!:ry. Ccricn, Cf Gas ' Fumes, -v. v. ' A third man overcome ' by car bon monoxide fume in an auto mobile near Marshall last Tues day died Sunday. , December 21 1358. J" ' . ! , - I He was Hillery Norton, 30, of Marshall RFD 'Aj who , has 'been ,. iifspitaiized in Asheville since the mishap. ' Two other men, Joseph T. Nor tort, 29, b Marshall RFD 4, and Ray Kenneth Chandler, 22. of Marshall RFD 2; were found dead in the still running car. i Inn ; automobile - skidded and struck a bank and Sheriff E. Y Ponder theorized they decided to ; stay in the vehicle .rather than . brave- 14-degree weather. . v The (sheriff said the men were overcome by fumes from a burst muffler. I ,i - , ' Services- for Hillery' Norton, were "held at 2 p. m., Tuesday in Union Valley Baptist Church The Rev. N. , H.. Griff in officiat ed and burial was in the Presby terian Cemetery at Revere. . Surviving are the wife; a son, j Ray; two daughters,: Glenda and . Cathey, all of . the home; five brothers; A. B., Emmett, , Donald, Jo and Avery; three . sisters, tMrs. ; Edison' KaroBey,- Mrs. Clar ence Gunter and Mrs. - Charlie Rice; and the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Norton, all of Mar shall RFD 4. The Jbodyf was , taken to the noma Monday'. Bow-man-Rector Funeral Home was it charge of arrangements. ' ' Winners Announced In Lions Club V".-;f Drawing Saturday ' Mrs. Ruth B. Fisher,,, of Mar- . shall, was the ''top" . lucky ' win ner in. the -drawing sponsored by the vMarsnall Lions. Club here Saturday. ?. She' won the register ed Shorthorn. Yearling. Her hus band, J. Frank Fisher, immedia tely auctioned the animal off and . it was purchased by E. C, Teague ' for $145.00. J- Mr.'- Teague1, had previously donated the animal to the club. O, ' H. F.v Payne, of Marshall; won the .22 automatic rifle. Wayne Payne, of, RFD 5,. won the club aluminum set - ,.,' 'y ; Philemon Chandler,' of RFD 4, Marshall, won the. 45-piece set of Fiesta Dishes. , .,,' Christmas Service At Old Bull Creek -Eaptist Church Wed. There will be ' Christmas sorvice at the Old Bull - Creek Eaptist Church Christmas Eve, December 24, at 7:30 o'clock - This cliurch is located on the JTarsh all-Mars Hill Highway. ... Tveryone is cordially invited. ' 1 O i O t of -nria-V -t 10 PAGES, THIS WEEK Third Uictim Dies Sunday manaccused of;damaging 35 mailboxes A 20-year-old Hot Springs man was arrested Monday and' charg ed with running down a number of rural mail boxes with a ear-a long the Hot Springs RFD 1 route and damaging others by throw ing firecrackers in them.:' :. ,-. in all, federal ; postal authori ties said, Lewis William Shetley destroyed or damaged about 35 lettejr boxes early Sunday be tween 3 and 4 p. m: Taken to Asheville Monday night, Shetley waived preliminary hearing 'before U. S. Commission er Lawrence C. Stoker and posted a $1,000 bond set for his aippea- ance in the May criminal term of U. S. District Court in Asheville.: The route along which the box es were damaged and knocked 8' bout runs through the'' Meadow Fork and Spring Creek sections of Madison County. ' , ' , .". PREPARE FOR LAJIBING SEASON printers :W England assistant EgricuHural agent, saya the next 90. dayt will be most f disagree able from the -' standpoint of weather. This is the time, of year when most of the lambs tome. Many of these lambs will not sur-t vive if precautions are not taken to provide a comfortable, warm places for ewes to lmb. The cost of providing a suit able place on most farms will be very little. In almost every in stance the case house, where to bacco is worked, makes an excel lent place for this purpose. ' .An old 'stove is already set; up and it ig a simple job to build sever al small , pens in the case bouse. The experienced sheep farmer can usually tell which1 ewes to place in the lambing pens for the night. If the ewes need ' attention, '' the ewe is amfortable as well as 'the farmer.; . Every; lamb saved -'Will mean twenty dollars toHhe farm er come selling time, v; 4. . ASC OFfTCEi TO BE CLOSED DEC 25 26 The "Madison .County ASC Of fice will be ' closed on. December 25 and 26 for Christmas Holidays according to Off ice " Manager Ralph W. Ramsey. ? ' ' - . ' . ul..j u Tle armifil K.'w Ycr-r's T ' ' -n MARSHALL, 3t Enjoys Party Here 1 A Christmas program and par ty was given, last Thursday eve ning at the home of Mr, and' Mrs Howard Barnwell by member of Mrs. Barnwell's Kindergarten "The children , gave Christmas readings 'and stories, and sang carols, accompanied at the piano the children presented their par ents and "guests with gifts which they had ; made, and Mrs. Barn well served refreshments. 1 . - Children in attendance were Franklin .and " Susan - Fnsby, Lynne and Jimmy Baker, Debbie and Timmy Barnwell. Adults in cluded Mrs. F. Ray Frisby, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baker, Wade Huey, Mrs. Jim Story and Mrs. Barnwell. s : Tee Clowns On Display At Ivey V 1 In Asheville Y ' ' b The Marshall Tee Clowns have reached one of their life's ambi tions by being: placed on : display I in Ivey's Department, Store win dow in Asheville, where thousands of people can see the uniqueness and talent which is shown in mak ing tiuoh cute and attractive "peo ple."! - - : . , . The huge clown, which is on display in. the toy department at Ivey's, . is thrilling thousands of children as well as grown-ups . .: Mrs. L. Richard Mellin, of Mar shall, is the originator and "man ufacturer" of the colorful clowns n. 0 cf 1 ord v 1 f r N.C THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1958 10c f ER 4 The Staff Of; f-SJ The News - Record ;, Wishes Everyone.' y 1 fw;.: of yrf' Presby. Church Enjoys Party Thurs, . The .Woman's - Mm1 " ry , So ciety of the Ycln'-i Pi'ts'.yteriap Church held its annual' Christmas party Thursday night at 7:00 at the home of the, Misses Lula and Jennie Lee Chandler of Walnut ' Devotions were given "by-rMrs. Carroll Tweed and, the. Christmas prayer;- by "Miss 'Lula Chandler. After short .business session, under the direction of Miss Ruth Guthrie, president, gifts were ex. changed, and group singing of Christmas Carols were enjoyed. Refreshmenta . of punch and cookies were served oy the host esses to Miss Ruth Guthrie, Mrs. Jack Guthrie, Mrs. Charlie Mar tin, Mrs. Carroll Tweed, Mrs. Minnie Davis, Mrs. Sally; Honey cutt, Mrs. John1-Chandler,' 'Mrs. Hartford , Tweed, -Mrs. Xt E. Leake, Mrs. George ' Blue, Mrs; Spurgeon Chandler, Miss Odessa Henderson,; Miss Louise McClure", Mrs. Clyde McCIuto, Mrs. Fleet Reeves, and Mrs. Arthur McDey- itrfc. ft. U. S. Air Force; - , Announces Urgent ' Need For Trainees '.T-Sgt..' Bay C. Holt, : local Air Force Recruiter announced today the U. S. Air Force has an urgent requirement , for young men who can qualify for training in any of tfhe numerous Electronics Schools. Air Force trained personnel re in demand by 'Civr.iaa Industry and this fine to..'. :,1 training will qualify you f -r a j c 1 yy'vng civilian job. 'IV 1 ; ir r;...-ary r rvi. CI.!'. i your ' . ."It, p.". r-i v i . u; if' : n in in n. it u it xi ju u V 7TII GRADE ' The hammers ring out with happy sound as students' tap, tap on Jthe ' metal, there is a rustling and a scraping and happy laugh ter and it might be Santa Claus' workshop for -all the work - and activity. . ' - , - Really it is Mrs. .William W. Peek's' seventh grade at Marshall School, and the ' noisev is the students working' on copper . gifts for friends and family t , Mrs... Peek . introduced the craft about three years ago , and al though it looks like fun it really is work. Arithmetic is very much in use as students measure and de cide. On sizes and scales. Art plays a large part because students en grave the copper trays with . de signs a na .pictures. , General knowledge, care and " ekill , and even English are included as re lated subjects. . English enters the activity,' because . Mrs, ; Peek ' as signs students to write a des cription of the work. , MOVEMENTS IN HOT SPRINGS Below is published an article on Hot Springs taken from the Nov ember issue of . Finer -. Carolina Report: ' f HOT SPRINGS, N. C. A fire department has been organized in Hot Springs, and at last report has already conducted one fire drills $100.00 of the Finer Carolina Prize of $150 was applied to paying off the mort gage on the Community Center. Several other projects have been held to help complete the ra'1crt of the mortgage. Vem A'.nn b!in,J? lave been placed st V e t o 1 ' v-'i' !.iws of the lrsry t I C n,ui.l!y' Center inf..;' -. COPY iJtirsing' Cloiiie Uins Top Clonor Dn Local Contest SAVINGS BONDS SALES NEAR 1959 QUOTA In the first 11 months' of tfhis year U. S. Savings Bonds sales in North Carolina passed the 44 mil lion mark. :This amount is over 2 per cent ahead of the same per iod in 1957,, and represente 90 per cent of the State's 49 million dollar goal for 1959. Sales for. the month' of Novem ber in North Carolina Were $3,- 708, 13, which Us 2-H pet cent belw November '"1957. . In Madison County, sales for the month were $11,841.10, - and for the year to date $165,420.10. Mr. C. L. Rudisill, Jr., County Volunteer Chairman v in making this' release said, "North' Carolina stands an ' excellent " chance of making -its quota for the v year." He urged all late, Christmas shop pers Jq' remember U. S. Savings Ponds as a .v ipmctical r gift ifor t Ramsey Warns Agreements Are' In Effect thru Dec. 31 . The 75 - Madison County ; farm. ers who signed acreage . reserve agreements under the 1968 pro gram: were cautioned today by Ralph W Ramsey, Office Mana ger for . . Madison . County ASC Committee, that these agreements remain in full force through Dec. 31,. 1958. . The land specifically designated, as the reserve acreage in the contract may not be cropped nor can, livestock be permitted to graze on it. , - Ramsey explained that since 75 of the farmers taking part in this acreage' reserve phase of t!he soil bank has. been paid in full for underplanting their 'tobacco or wheat allotment, . .that some might feel, at this time that they had fully complied with . all the' terms of their agreements, i This con ception is not true as the " pro visions In the agreement are in effect throughout , the calendar year even 'though the v payment was made before the. end of the year. J , 1 . ' , In conclusion Ramsey . pointed out that it is definately the- re sponsibility of the farm owner to see that his part of the agreement is complied, with and t'hat he in tentionally or willfully' permit any grazing of the designated acreage prior to Jan. 1, 1959 that stiff civil penalties become necessary for breaking his contract with the 'government, f Prxr ry TU To PRICE: $240 A YEAR IN COUNT! $4.00 A' YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTl Roberts Home Wins Second Prize; Other Winners Are Announced The Christmas Lighting and Decoration Contest, sponsored . jointly by the Marshall .Garden Club and the Marshall Merchants Association, ended Monday night when the judging was held.' ' ' The Mountain View , Nursing Home won the grand prize of $10.00 'for the most inspirational decoration. Second prize of $5.00 Was won by Mr. and Mrs George Roberts for having the most at tractive door and . window dis--. piay. xne noma oi air ana oivg, Bernard Brigman won $5.00 or ; the most original decoration. ' ' aonoraoie mennon went fo inr. and Mrs. .Reeves Fisher for hav- . ing the best outdoor tree and the :' home of Dr. and Mrs. Edd Lee Niles for the decoratioa having the most "youthful appeal. Other outstanding decorations Were the residences of Mr. and Mrs. 1 R Worley, Mr, and MrsS. C'Rudisill, Mr. and Mrs1, .i Ralph, Ramsey, ; Mr.v and Mrs. Bill Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. . Robie Edord and Mr. and Mrs.. fWaJwl .1. : The contest V as 'open to all. including Walnut, Walnut Creeks Hayes Rim, Rollins, Redmon, Rec- tor Corner, 'and any other near' by communities - in , which ' resi- ' dents .participated.- s,t .' -1 '.''Decorations wera iudireil . on originality, artistry and general appeal. ' : , . VETERAN TRAVELER Newington, Conn. .- All alone, .. Mrs. John Nordquist, 78-year-olo; i great-grandmaima has just , com pleted a 22-state tour of the West in her 1053 model sedan, f . T-t- 9 m UNITED FUND HONOR ROLL . MARSHALL , . , The News-Record . Citizens Bank . :.' Chandler Hardware ' ' Service Motor Sates - - Bank of French Broad i' National 5c&I0c Store Coal, Feed & Lumber Co. 1 ' Frisby's Gulf Service Whitehurst Insurance Agency V Marshall Post Office -. East ' End Service Station Edwards Cleaners Sprinkle-Shelton Wholesale Cf ;t " Board of Education " Court House Personnel SCHOOLS iFacuUy): ELbs Ci.rr-1 i:af:"l . Hot f. ' ' i !' . ' I f c