. ... , J, 1 r r 3 J A 1 , 1 J; A , 7 r t ' (I ' VOL. 53 , NO. 18 8 PAGES THIS WEEK ; look i mp' BACKWARD ,r ' i ! ' ' f. Fronf thd, files of -flie News-Record ERITOR'S NOTE: The follow ing 'itema were published in the MADISON COUNTY RECORD, aatea . t KIJJAY, OCTOBER 18, 1907: MARSHALL, N. G, THURSDAY, APRIL $0, 1959 Oounty f n pcinbrs l'Jin 7 Blue nibbans In District Meet The following advertisement ap. peared on the first page.' "Old Joe," "Mark Rogers," "Four Aces" Fine Old Rye Whiskies; fine wines for Medicinal and Sacramental Uses, Sold By Madi son Dispensary, Marshall, N. C. A "Want Ad" Also Read: WANTED to buy all your emp ty Flasks. Until further notice we will pay the following prices: Half Pints, 'i-cent each, Pints, 1 cent each, Quarts, 2 cents each. Pinacle Beer bottles, 1 cent each. Be careful not to bring bottles that have had oil or turpentine in them. Madison County Dispensa ry, Marshall, N. C. 47 Members And 13 Adults Represent Madison In Asheville . Promoted At Bluff As a consequence of the recent erection of a school house in this district (Bluff, N. C.) our teiW Crai Burette, Madison County 4-H'ers won seven blue ribbons at the Western, District 4-H Demonstration Day :n Asheville last Saturday, April 25. Forty-seven members and 13 adults represented Madison Coun ty at this meeting in Clyde A. Er- win High School. 4-H'er3 from the other fourteen counties and the 'Indian Reservation also par ticipated in this event. Ruth Ann Carter, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn arter of California Creek com munity waa district winner in the Recreation Leaders Contest. Mike Ledford, 12-year-old son f Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ledford of Walnut won first place as re porter. The followinc Madison Countv 4-H'ers rated as runners-up in these contests: Norrig Gentry, Soil and Water Conservation: Forage Crops; APPROXIMATELY 649 ELIGIBLE VOTERS HERE A PROCLAEIATION Setting Forth OPERATION BOOTSTRAP DAYS '; , According to the Registration Book in Marshall after Challenge Day, wWch was last Saturday, there are approximately 649 eligi ble voters in the municipality. Observers forecast a heavy vote here next Tuesday where three men are seeking the mayor's post of which one will be elected and six men are seeking aldermen's posts where three of the six will be elected. WHEREAS, 'the health, social and spiritual welfare,' and econom ic welfare of afl.fhe people now residing In th , mountain region of Western ' North " Carolina de pends upon , the f ull -,and perma nent employment of its work force, and .'.!-' WHEREAS, the: rugged terrain of the mountain region is a ma jor obstacle; limiting the capacity of our people to derive a satis factory livelihood from , the pur suit oi agriculture alone, and WHEREAS, income from the travel industry is limited to pri marily to the three summer vaca tion months and is distributed to a limited number of people, and WHEREAS,' the beautiful scen ery of the mountain region, the (Continued To Last Page) this year was limited to three and the Waln"t 7th and 8th grade months. Anion those promoted1 "icers, Joyce Randall, Ronnie are Icy Brooks, Elmer Brooks, El va Brooks, Glenn Brooks, Nola Brooks. Mamie Lusk. Grace Lusk. Verge Lusk, Edna Lusk, Clifford Lankford and Fred Wardrupe. Roscoe Lankford was the report er. J. J. Gardner passed through town Tuesday on his way to Spring Creek j to visit his son, ' ' John. - M. C. 'Jackson, the x Lumber Man, was- down from Alexander f J ;,; Monday to get some Job Printing done. ' . ' '0 i n s " . Shad and' Andy Franklin were v over from Big Laurel Monday. .. ' .Dissolution Notice : , This is to notify all persons ihat l liir 1 inn nr r . .1 . n rut niriivi' kf :n . doing a general merchandise busi " 1 iess at Chapel Bill in No. 2 .Town . 1t. ship near Dewdrop P. p., Madison ,; County, wag dissolved by mutual ,' consent. Too Much Rot 1 Under our invitation to Citizen Thomas N. James to reply to our article of last week through this paper, he handed in copy to the amount oi about tnree and one- half c olumns which, purports to be an answer. The condition of our work was such that we could not publish so much ROT without leaving out more important mat ter. Tom's tirade does not reply to a single question that we asked, but he delivers himself of . what was really in him, i the readers thereof may judge for, themselves Johnson, Patricia Dookery, Mike Ledford, Paula Smith and Sharon Burnette. Ihese 4-H'ers also rated blue ribbons: Craig Burnette, Dairy Management; Dean. Ricker, To bacco; and Joyce Randall; Presi dent. Seven red ribbons were won: Dairy Foods, Wilms Cody; 'For estry, Virgil Smith; Fruits and Vegetable Productions Dean Rick er J , vice "president; - Ronnie John son ? secretary, Patricia Dockery; song leader, Paula Smith, and Recreation Leader, Sharon ' Bur netta.. - Thirty-five "Madison ; ilfi'ers participated the,N Talent C-o.n- teai,. inia numner .lncludad tho I surel and Mars Hill 7th and 8th grade Square Dance Teams, a pi ano solo by Charles' Foster, and fa special dance by Catherine Zim merman and Sandra Shelton. After lunch, Ruth Ann Carter led ' a song for the afternoon ses sion. Following: the recognition of winners, the election results I were announced. The newlv elect ed district officers are: prsident, Judy Mims of Transylvania Coun ty; vice president, Larry DeHart of Swain; secreary, Charles Ray Elders of Jackson, and historian, rat Blalock of Henderson. Special HD Council Heeling Held Monday; Plans Hade ' i j.. ' -:':::' i..,--.-- .y.v ,.r-i-X.-- 10c PER, COPY pi A YEAR IN COUNT) ... . w ... A yjg ou.gjjDjg. COUNT? MARSHALL PTA TO INSTALL NEW OFFICERS TUES. Piano Recital Will Feature Program; Dinner At 6:30 O'CIock Variety Of Activities Are Listed; Six Clubs Are Represented A special meeting of the Mad son ixumy n. u. council was held Monday night, in the Court house. Mrs. E. O. Burnette, pres ident, called this meeting to make plans for celebration of National Home Demonstration Club week Mrs. Bryan Wallin gave an In spirational devotional about using your talent. Mrs.. Bill Hunter re ported on the district meeting', Marion Wilson, Home Economics Agent, " . read Statements , from Governor Luther H. Hodges and Uirector. Dk 5, Weaver, , ' After som 'discussion a viri at activities were 1 planned. On Monday, May 4, Mrs. C. W. Ward will make 4 visit of appreciation to - the " County" Commissioners Tuesday, - May ,5, Hot , Springs rT ,r: t-ii.f iMf, ... . . uumo 1 iemusi-rawon liui meets with Mr Si Jimmy Rogers at 2:00. Wednesday, May 6, a home demon. (Continued on Last Pag) V.B.S.CLMCS ARE SCHEDULED IN THIS COUNTY 33 HOMEMAKERS ATTEND ANNUAL DISTRICT MEET RABIES CLINICS SCHEDULED FOR COUNTY, ON MAY 2 ' Tjie- Madison- County Health Department hag scheduled Rabie Clinics iio be held in the county Saturday; May 2, 1959. 'The schedule is as follows: Mars Hill 9:00 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. " Marshall 12:00 noon to 2:00 p. m. 1 4 i!t .Springs 3:00 p. m. to a lis-Airgwul--take-adn van 1 , 0 of these ehnicg and have their dogs or cats vaccinated gainst rabies 1 a required, by the North Carolina State - Law. This vaccination will : be done by a veterinarian ; for 01.00 per ani- mal., k V 1 The annual dinner meeting and installation of officers will be ob served by the Marshall Parent Teacher Association in the school cafeteria next Tuesday evening. The dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock with the business meeting, program, and installation of of ficers to begin at eisrht o'clock. The feature of the program will be piano selections by the fol lowing students of Mrs. Blanche Houston: Mickey Ashe, Logan Slagle, Gail Mayhew, Roger Dole Hunter, Jarva Ann Ball. Frieda Allen, Dale Wilde, Brenda Ram sey,- Jack Ramsey, Judy Roberts Janice Hale. Annitta Wallin. Lo is Ann Clarke, Beth Wallin, Ron nie Brazil and Sharon Wallin. Mrs. Maco Wallin will also pre sent John Gross in a piano selec tion. Following the program, officers for the ensuing year will be in stalled. They are: President, Mrs. Clyde M. Rob erts; first vice president, Mrs. Earl Robinson; second vice presi dent, Mrs. Troy Ramsey; secreta ry, Mrs. Clarence Huffman; treasurer, Mrs. George Roberts; program chairmen, Mrs. H. B Ditmore and Mrs. Overton Greg ory. Local Co-Op Is Granted Loan Of $667,000.00 GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE IS SUCCESSFUL Court Of Awards Will Be Held May 12 At RE A Building M. Robinson, Manager Of Co-Op, Explains Need For Loan Walnut PTA To Meet Wednesday; To Install Officers The Walnut Parent-Teachers Association will, meet Wednesday, ay;,-n wu . m .tttPescnooi auditorium. ' Mrs. Millard F, Tip ton, president, will preside and new officers will be installed. Re freshments will be served. This will be the last meeting of the school year. All members are urged to attend. Also Published on First Page Pastors in Marshall: Methodist, Rev. J. R. Parker; Presbyterian, Rev. C. 0. Gray; Baptist, Rev, J.-W. Suttle. . ; ' Dr. W. H. Brown wa$ the dent . ist in Marshall nd lawyers in- , eluded Lewis J, Bailey, Chas. B Mashburn, ZacheryT and Roberts and Gudger and Ebbs. J. Swann was' editor and publisher, J. A - Hendersoa was associate editor. Nick White Objects V v . . A.-i.-f;.rv.?V oNick White objected to oufc re- marks I ast week to liis farming ability, and tried, to prove by Uncle Henry Worley that he was something of a worker, but Uncle Henry said that he wouldn't say that Nick woudn't work but said Mi at he had never seen him at it ( i Extended Trip . '; -n Murray and Fletcher Web have eon on an . extended Jrougrh Pine Creek, Spring r - i Tpill Corn and will re ? ty way of New York, i and the Jamestown -,i ej cni The Vacation Bible School work ers of the forty-nine churches of The French Broad Baptist Asso elation are completing plans to participate in one or more of the four Conferences to be conducted at strategic points and convenient hours for the workers. Some three hundred VBS workers from the local churches are expected to attend raese Clinics, according to a joint Statement by the Rev. and Mrs, David B. Roberts, Associa tional Missionary and VBS Su perintendentf respectively, i Special conferences are planned, for1 .pas tors, i VBS principals;' 5, pianists, secretaries; also , conferences for departmental superintendents and teachers as follows: Nursery, Be ginner, Primary, Junior and In termediate. ' s r' - : - - The leaders of ..these 'confer- ences, in addition to having spent several days- at Fruitland last February in special training and (Continued on! Last Paget Mrs. George Shupe Elected President; Madison Members Active Bcb Mil, Little League To Start Play On June 8 Schedule Is Adopted; Birth Vertncates Are Required o o r.i adis on County. Baseball ;- Schcdula'.: o O Thirty-three Wnemakers from .Madison County and their home economics agent, Mrs. Marion Wilson, attended the annual 4th district meeting of Home Demon stration Clubs held in Burnsville Tuesday. The district includes Burnsville, Yancey and Madison counties. Hugh Matthews of Canton addressed the group on "Meeting the, Cost of Medical Care." His presentation was humorous as well as educational. ' He told Ww peo ple , could cut down the price of ansurance by not : running to the .hospital , for every; Httle . illness (Contanued te Last Paga) ASC PRODUCTION ADJUSTMENT ; PROGRAM rw 2 r tt X.'fi-, The final goal iof . ASC's Pro duction Adjustment J Program is not to cause farmers Jto destroy or plant less tobacco. H. D. Godfrey State Administrative ' Officer for ASC, in a statement today remind ed Tar Heel farmers that plant ing within the allptment for the farm is the tobacco growers ways of making his program do- the thing it is designed to do. It's only natural for a farnvr! Who f.'nds that he haa ovr-rj ir ' ! and nutst di"p"e tf a fry 1 dre,!ths of ti fi r? 1 i t 1 1 ! The 1959 Babe Rut!h and Uttle League program ' came a step nearer ' reality last Friday night when managers and commission ers of the league met at the Cit izens Bank here and - adopted a schedule for the coming season. It was unanimously voted to stag' ger dates of both) groups so that games would not be played on the same days of the ' week. ;: This plan enables fans to see both the Little Leaguers and the Babe Ruth paylers in action twice weekly. . Bill . Bennett will manage and coach both of the Mars HOI teams. At Walnut,, the Little Leaguers will be managed by Robert Hen derson and thf. Babe Ruth team by Cloice Pletmnona. Frank Moore Will direct the Little Leaguers of Marshall and Howard Barnwell will manage tha Babe Ruth team The Rev. Jimmvl Rogers will man age the Hot Springs Little League team and rt unexpected that; a manager for tie Hot Springs Baibe Ruth team will be named in the near f uture. 1 , ? , : ' Some of the teams are already practicing rand aj closely-contest ed season is anticipated. Babe Ruth gam wi'l ed on Momiavs a id Fi dnarily, and Litt'e Lea will be played on Tue WALNUT HIGH ALUM BANQUET TO BE ON MAY 16 The April meeting of the Mar shall Girl Scout Neighborhood was held Monday afternoon at 1 :30 at the home of Mrs. 0. A. Greg ory. Leaders asked to evaluate the recent Girl Stout Cookie Sale. This year s plan of taking: orders in advance was approved. The to tal number of boxes sold in Pisgah Girl Scout Council (made up of seven counties) was 38,420 for, a profit of $6,057.00, which is to go lor the building of a troop camp cabin at the Girl Scout Camp in Brevard. Mrs. Gregory re minded Intermediate Troop Lead ers that May 25 was the last date for their girls to get Brevard Camp registrations in Marshall Troops and their families plan to visit the camp on May 3. The Neighborhood committee voted to buy two record albums: "Sing Together Album of Girl Scouts Sing" and "Sing High, Sing Low, Sing Together." These albums will be made available to the Marshall Troops through their Leaders. The committee also vot ed to rent a film, "You and Your Home," to be shown to both Brownie and Girl Scout Troops. Plans were made for the Court of Awards to be held May 12 at the RE A Building at 7:80. ' Present for the meeting were: OLfaJdhn Connet of Asheville, MWJkaif'S Davis Mrs. Bill Hunter, Mrs., Charlie Sawyer, Mrs. Craig Ru disill Jr., Mrs. Ed Niles, Mrs. Clyde Roberts and Mrs. Gregory. The following telegram was re ceived Wednesday from Hon. Basil L. Whitener, member of Congress, 11th District of North Carolina: "Rural Electrification Admin istration advises me this morning that loan in the amount of $667,000 has been approved in behalf of the French Broad Electric Member s'hip Corporation to provide sys tem improvements and to furnish electric service for 750 new mem bers." Upon receiving the above infor mation, D. M. Robinson, manag er of the local co-op stated that the new loan fund of $667,000.00 will be used to supplement Coop erative funds that are now avail able in erecting a 7500 KVA sub- . station at Burnsville, North Car olina, an additional substation for the Marshall area, the extension of 50 miles of distribution line to serve 750 additional members, and converting existing single phase lines to three phase. Mr. Robinson stated that distri bution systems in the towns of Marshall, Mars Hill and Burns ville would be re-worked, and volt ( Continued on Last Page) NEXT TUESDAY IS MUNICIPAL ELECTION DAY Following is a list of eanidates in Marshall, Mars Hill and Hot Spnings who , seek election in the May 6th municipal - elections in Madison County.' . ' ' ' Marshall Scout Makes Outstanding Record In Cookie Sale play s or- The twelfth annual meeting of the Walnut High School Alumni Association will be held on Sat urday evening, May 16 at 7:30 o'clock in th school cafeteria, ac cording to James Allen, president A delicious dinner win be serv ed and. the program includes mu sic, singing and the humorous sto ries of former sheriff of Madison and ; Buncombe counties- Jesse James Bailey. ' i-Ths cost, will be $1.75; ($1.25 for dinner and 60c dues). , v '''.' Send your reservation to. Mrs. Emma Thomas Ramsey; secreta ry; P. O. Bo S67, Marshall, N.C. . Early request for tickets will greatly aid in preparing the meal," Mr. Allen stated.' . Shelia Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rice, who is a registered Girl Scout, was second in the number of boxes of cookies sold in the seven-county Pisgah Girl Scout Council. A Scout in Waynesville sold 140 boxes of cookies and Shelia sold 139 boxes. Merchants To Meet Here On Next Thursday Members or the Marshall Mer chants Association will meet at the- Citizens Bank here next Thursday night at 7:30, W. F. Holland, : president, announced this week. - Several important matters will be discussed and Mr. Holland stated - that - all ' businessmen, whether or not ftiey ' belonged to the Association, are invited to at tend.,, . ; MARSHALL . For Mayorr Clarence Nix, in cumibent; J. J. Ramsey and Harry. Davis. , : i For Aldermen: L. B.' Ramsey, J. C. Dodson and John Ward, in-1 cumlbents; W, F. Holland, J. H. Sprinkle, Jr., and W. B. Zink. MARS HILL i For Mayor: Owen Tilson, in-1 cumbent; Adam Dycus. a , For Aldermen: R, Bruce Sams,'.' Arthur Wood, Paul Tugman, in- cumbents; Carl Eller. ' ' - HOT SPRINGS For Mayor: Joe R. Henderson, incumbent; R, C. Kirby. r For Aldermen: Charles Schaffer ' and Aubrey Ramsey, incumbetns; H. W. Foster, H. A. Woody, G. C. , Myers, W. C. Swann and James . R. Raleigh. Bill To Increase Pay Of Officials Here Is Ratified The bill to raise pay of Madison County sheriff, tax collector, reg ister of deeds, clerk of court and others by approximately. 10 per cent has been ratified by the Leg islature, it was announced today. T IV r t' r eac'i : (Ba' Ull; or SHC Approves '' Road Work In Madison County " Raleigh The State Highway Commission has approved and set funds for re-treating -more ill miles of roads in Madison 'y. re-treatment with standard ' -n"e Utuniinous seal in-, I ' 5 and US 70 from 'til !inl r.f- r Fri.' f Cvcr1,C:3:nitond Hnnu:l ' The ; members : of - the Freneh Broad Electric Membership Cor-I poration lield - their, 19th Annual Meeting at the Marshall Sehool Gymnasium on Saturday, April 25. The principal events were the pre sentation of ,music fcy the Marshall High Schoof Band under the di rection of Mr. LatTiey. end a ta". given by J. C. J.ir.r, !' r Ci; Davie Electric ' . c -poration. Kr. Jones i " 1 ' ' cf f.p r,.- and Yancey, and the three counties of Greene, Unicoi," and Cocke in Tennessee. Mr. Jones stated t' at "after hearing the report of t Treasurer, J. II. SpriuMp, s ! tfhe status of the Co. ; I have quietly nn-'e f " back calculi '-t . the n-p" ' i : i ; C

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