) I ( I A 'i r 1 " T ft t " '1 J Va' ji ?"je !i "ushed To Ilcfplt&l A.'.r Ceing Charles Crumley, 20,' ,of ; Gate i' City, Va., was found wounded in the Iijwer abdomen about 4:46 p. c tn.f Sunday on Redmon. toad, Ma.r Khali RFD 5, outside the horn of a girl he had been'dating.He wei taken to Memorial Mission. Hos pital vAieie his conditio .was re ported r critical. ' - f, ' . f .Sheri. f U. Y, Ponder-, said that Stove Freeman,' 52, was charged v, "with assault resulting' in 'serious injury in connection With the shooting1 and released under $5,- " : 000 bond pending: a hearing Sat- uriay J,n ,-the - Madison t -County coui-thou&e at Marshall, -",-,,' ; Freeman- was t quoted, , by the , sheriff 8r saying 'that: he -fired -- the 12-guage shotgun -through .his ' living, room ' door t -an unknown , intruder who had been shining' a , flaahlightjnj the , jrfndos of , ,the i house. a -J'V.j.,,, , The blast tore a, hole in the door i aibout 1 41 - inches 'from -thel floor, i i Ponder said. He said Freeman .re lated that he did .not know. Crum ; ley was the intruder until, after he had fired , ",, '" '. ' Fieeman's daughter, Miss Nan cy Freeman, 22, said she'Wtat, tot : expodtni? Crumley. She was awak- ened ty the ' shotgun blast, from insula the house through the front 4J.MU', went outside and found the iv: n wounded in the lower right . 'ti-n, she said. , . t Uf, llil.eit GoforCh, '., i FreiMn a ii, took-.Crumley i i tl ' ' ' .1 En route i. .-.' i ! -c speeding by r ' ..I Shoulders Jo Be Widened; To Start At Truck Lane Intersection 191 ) ilk v '; i ' ' , ; 'jj r '. v The - State . HiinKwii v Commission -has approved and set! up tmds . j' fof resurfacing and widening por- r tiona of US 2S and US 70, and for the 'construction of an access-road in Buncombe Xountg, j i 1 'f Aipproximately'; 7 miles of US ". 25 and US 70 will be widened and 7. (resurfaced', and shoulders -: recon '. v. structed, from the junction of NC ' 191, northwest to the, 'Madison County in. :) f'iV-i' 1; The access road will be graded, drained and paved for "'a distance of 0.18 mile to the Mills Manufac-I turing Company.,.1.:;, , 'f i , ' It is the policy of the Highway 1 i Commission to' buijd access 'roads from the nearest State-maintained : ; road, to ' industrial " plants. ' and schools, where a road would aerve the public Interest. ' '. . ' ' Completion of the work -is 'ex v pec ted - during Ihe t oonstructom ... season, at an estimated . cost of . 185,400. 't c: I:: Cc.::.!y Bonds eales in i ,: r June were i lii? the ' : !' a r t sin "ay. J Mrs. E. R. Elmor V i iS.ER;EmOSE 1.11 OF IMS HILL ; DIES AT 77 Prominent - Civic, . Welf ar 'And Educational Leader; ' , Rite? This Afternoon . Mrs. Lillie Forester Elmore,' 77, civic, VwelfarS J and , educational leader for many years, died, early Wednesday : mornin?,' August 6, 1959r in an Asheville hospital af ter art extended i'In -s. ''Mrs, Elmore, wid.nv of Edward Robert Elmore, is survived bv four i 1 u-i i' UPH0LS1ERY WORIiSHOPON AUGUST 17-18 An upholstery , workshop 1 w i 1 bo held Monday and Tuesday, Au gust 17 and 18 in the Mans Hill Home Economics Department, be ginning at 9 o'clock. Mrs.', Edith B.' McGIamery; Home Development Specialist with'-the N. ' C.J Exten sion Service will be the instruct or. Assisting with the workshop Will' be Mrs.' Edsel ' Buckner, Vo cational Home 'Economics 'Agent and ' ' Ethel Townsend, Assistant Home OEcdnomios Agent, " , Anyone wanting to take part in this worktmop should eonbact Marion Wilson by Friday, August 14: ' The phone number 'is 2491" in Marshall. The address is Juat the Courthouse in Marahll.'I t , ' Anyone having a chair ' wbich they t would .like to bring to- the workshop- should ' contact Maroon Wilson. She will choose, not more than five or less than three chairs. Chairs', selected must not be too difficult to complete in two days. Mrs.,. McGIamery says, '.'We want to teach principles of upholstery but do not want to get into too many complicated probletms. ' It 'is mo;-t i "orf ,nt to l'"'ve len-tt t.iree r f'-.i.r. I'. r 1-. t r .'ti.it '; t we Passes r f "ST 'I !'i y- . ' Judsorl J. Cdwrd' of Route 2, Mars Hill, is" the hew member of the Madison"' County Committee for the Farmers ' Home j'Admini BtratioHi He wJUstioeeed..Williiai B. MetcaU of Route 2, Mare, Hill, whose 'three1 year term 'expired on June 30. il'?f ', 1 Mr. Edwards operates tobaceb and beef cattle farm' in the Beech Glen community and 1s neof the outstanding farmers' of ,hia commu nity.- He. is a former tax collector and '93 well knows, and respected by th(j 'pple ofjthe counVt-;? ''" W. JCrf'j Anderson, "local county supervisor for FHA, Bays lhat Mrs,w Edwards'! practical lxperf ehce wijl enable him to make, a real contribution to 'the county committee's 'actions" "when they Re view loan application. tl'tA Serving with Mr. .Edwards dur ing -the coming year will be Roy L; Roberta of Walnut, and-WUliajn B. Shelton of R-8.' Marshall,":''' There is a Farmers" Home" Ad ministration, county committee serving every agricultural county la" th country. All loan applica' tions" inust bo approved by the committee before funds can be ad vanced, iThe committee also .helps the countyBupervisor , adapt the agency's loan policies.' and servic es to' local conditions." ' j - .' f r Tho Farmer Heine Administra tion makes loans to farmers to buy livestock and machinery, to f I nance annual .operating costs', to improve buildings, and' fences,' and to purchase land. . . The agency also lends money to farmers or their non-jirofit associ ationg to e tj!ish and carry but improved soiliand water eonserva lion prt as well as for in ni-orintr' irrigation ' 'fly f 1 ,...e but'ii made from funds advn ed by pri. vate lenders" and insured by . the agency , w . , i DRIVER AWARD V :')Roy" Rice, popular rurafmail carrier, ' last week was presented a Safe Driver Aard and pin for hi" .2811 consecutive year as a rural mail deliverer. ' The awards ao(l' pin .were pre sented Mr. Rlcl by F. RayTFrisby, postmaster.' Vxi k -iM i. iMr. ' Rice 1 has actually ' been a rural carrier ' for 1 over , 41 , years, but the awards and pins hove onr been presented f for - the past 2o jH.:::::a.c?,-' the" past 2of!,'" v.. w ,'.2 i, 'ion fie -years. r,'!,,V COLEIAN SPEAKS AT C OF C IIEET i RTKE TUESDAY- l' '-'. i.,.. ',' .. "I ,.,"'l' i.ii,,'' :?': "Si i., ' .i , Olla 'Coleman, Scoutmaster, ofi - jnarsnay T.i roop, , uoy bcouis of. America, was the guest speaker at the Chamber of Commerce meet ing here Tuesday. , Mr!' Coleman pointed . out the' value of a Scout program and the many ways it benefitted the boys. He , then asked the Cbainlicr t consider sponsoring; til e 1 Chepter and :ii,t a Boar! r v',-v ' o' ' r ? .nrv ( " ' t. . :j : 1 i r. .'.';. It... COuiiii '! ASC reportei 1 sure the 'acre.i i co on; the t 2073 ; A. wiftiin '"the count v ( Original' ., hieasurii. ' ,.n i. thereby !aocompli:iuii r one earliest perform . ' , ing to .Ralph, 1 .isey, office manager, i . ,'Among 'the .....- triibutedito getti. pleted at an : en r year, were: (1) A.i ing , -season : ". K2) . training. program X.r r an earlier date; (3) 1'. reporters wiho could Tcvo(v J tima tojthe'woiV; (i) 'i ap)endid;cooperation g-iv ti f . porters by the ti'.acco I " vithin.' the. ..crfuni r when c was.) made; ,)' ASC ma. said ,tl)at there viie sevei ; vantages , to the f .-rmers in 1 ing his acreage measured ' ' . ' He, pointed out that a move curate j-meaauremii nt coi,1 ' made 'while the tobacco was an, ttiat'? the . steel tapes would i damage small tobacco; t' ' farmery if. in excess of his ;.! ment,,iwould .have more securing a r rmen su romc sired "before the : tobacco too large; and' t'i:;t. he , pose Of his eXCC; : .'' -I(v 1;,: to -utilize the ai 1 l uses.; He further jm: I; : some G40 farms k in excels of 1' i w"hich 5 i8 had n dispo."'.' of their that lu farms ! tion fur a man as of . d:iU !. i posed f their t i meastti'-.-iiieri'ts ! i i c plete.l i i ! ) f ly x. apjilicabio to this year's prop. , , . 1 : J 1 ' . 1, . RATDPIUCriCEt! STARTS AT MS; "Jf 1 1 .- ' ' fj; v John Lackey,' .Marshall ' High School Band leader and Instructor, has announced that band practice has started at the school with ses sions being held eadi morning at 10:00" o'clock.' Band members and candidates for the band are asked to contact . Mr Lackey or atjtendl the morning sessions. mm RETURNS 4 Vice President Richard Mi Nix flmr kV fmm Mb Trnn Cur. tain,misBio . Wednesday to '.a! roaring - welcome . a n d , otiioiai thanks' for doing, "a tremendoua )."'' . " - '-'"A v-KV . "TH brought' with, him' the mes sage that "the people of the Soviet Union, have suffered a great deal In war, and tfcey desr irately want peace, just as the .American people went peace."",' " " ( " ""', 1 lie tol d the I enthusiatic crowd' that swarmed around him. and his wife Fat, at Washington National Airport, much 'i good may come from ( e visit Soviet premier Ni kit'' Jirushchev will make to A r , a nejtt month. " , 1 ,.....t KhrusiiJiev sees as he '. in i'eys about the United States II not make my less an advo- I2 of commui i i l.nowli the vice pres- I;' 1 f i . -. , U ' v u i v . .... j , - i - 1 - ' '"- .'t Ml' u ,' v .-' ' ' .... ; o.JujvJv'iLwUi .UvJULu':':.' "7R 17TI iVl XV' Hot Spring. A; upb To Start -fcTuat 23; ; ?s . - iE CIVIL .3 OVER AIR C i '1 nights1' legislation ' will be the : t of a debaW between ( .iaa Sasijl "WMtener . i ( ressman John V. Lindsay f ; v York City, on a nationwide ia Broadlcasting ..System ist this -week' on the pron .. llTtf.-' J,;f Miltn. Al1Af.tlAh ed. fh Washington. T.he pro, ,i will be earried'over .WBf, - lotto at 7:30 p. n., Saturday, ust 8, and over WSPA, Spar. ;urg, "at i:30 p. m.' Friday, iLATJ, PONDER i "E JUDGES IN :m FESTIVAL 'Judges- for the 1959 Mountain Dance and ' Folk Festival to, be held luursd.iy, Friday and Satur day in Asheville City AuditqriumJ have been appointed as- follows: ?lu--4- P. R. ElamB Marshall; , J. 1 nes L. Reeves, Leicester; iid ( li'nn Itodgersr, Leicester. -'m J , . n? S, O, Wilde, -AsSe. i.,n; is. James Sluder, , Bilt- 1 1 1 ; I ?., K, Worley, Leices j ' . ... V- x1 :'! ' ' s ' "'hip DanciPT Sheriff K. Y X Jbest Lmi.ir, .,1.,.. . Asheville. , ; : Participants for Beveral weeks have been signing up for the clas sic festival.' It .it directed annual ly by Bascom Lamar Lunsfordi.W. Douglas Kouns is how phairman. - i A f DEATH CLAIMS ED(JAR ,JUEST ; ATiAGE 78 H I - " m. . 1. . " vy-, - ; DETROJT . Edgar A. Guest, thenewspaper poet . Jwho wrote verses that - plain' people likedt died in his sleep at his home' here early Wednesday' H would have peen vx on Autruet 20. . 4 . apparently uffered a.eere- braHstrokft U " ( 4 - .' .t " Uften called .the .oet . f thp plain people Guest wrote rhymes lT "UI """I tae-uetroit Free Press.- His verses were teyrv- dioated sjid at the peak afhis. pop ularity appeared - in - SOo" news papers.",,, ,T, k . . i , 'Guest wrote' with a leva' of little thimga f ; life. .One of ,hig :most frequently quoted ; poems started wth tha line: "It takes heap 0 livin', in house f make it home." y In, dashing out verses' for .dally publication,''' Guest never pretend ed to, be a great poet. He prefer red ta. baealled a newspaperman. Lee Wallin Wins j Czccr. J, Placo In "Ovcr.CO" Grovip i Lee Wallin, KaJ..-on County won se- muKzle-loading c' c 1 r' e i' ' at tl'.e 1 1 ; ' - M' ' on, - C ! ( pit'tOBliPrV DITUNINib' JR., of Philadelphia, Pa. hasr statted practice at flie Rudisill Memorial Cjinkr in Hot Springs. He is a ha tiV; pt-Baltimore' Maryland and a graduate of St. Joseph's; College in.' Philadelphia where he received. his B,S. DegreeMn 1954- He grad uated from . Hahnemann Medical PollSgO' Jn. 1958 where' he" was 81 memiber of AKK Fraternity, Un dergraduate Research Society and president of the Nenvman Club foi tww years. He served hia lnterne- shp gt Hahnemann Hospital from July, 1958-to July, ' 1959.- rV , l,i 1 Ii IH . 1 1 4 Vi? Draft Board 1$ Closed Tfll Monday It f week that Tb ,11 L.wi ': HaMMMMaMawMaMawMpMMMMB FIRJI SPONSORS DELEGATE TO SYMPOSIUM . The French Broad Electric Mem bershfp cooperative is4sponsormg a teh dollar scholarship to the N C. ' Farm '. 'Woman's f Symposium. Mrs. E.;0: Burnette, 1958 leader ship Award Winner . is 1 Madison County V delegate. The Symposium convened at l;30 on Monday. Au gust 3, in the College Union Build ing, on State 'Collage Campus n Raleigh It adjourns a 12:80 to day," Tlnrrsday, Aust 6; A ':, Thi4 Symposium , was planned as a' statawlda tnuping. school for leaders, Eech of the .one hundred counties was asked to send one delegate. The letter stated, "We do not want yek women. We want thinkers-women, who have an over all concept of appreciation fof the Extension program, We want leaders and not followers, not de pendent on someone else;' or; fm itator7 women , With - courage to apak,'plan, etc" i . ; j The delegates met in 6 groups lor 0 xussion, lollop eath of f .e twe've special fpe: ' ei r On-l-.ony,-. Mrs- EAel Kash A-.ita-'t i.l Fiever'.iv I'ei'. 've, I iwrne . !'y r.'1. 1 t.T !' ' '- , (C.-' ' T.i f : - v ) announced "week tha' Madi- f - " , ' ) sonCounV aohool4will.operi 08 Monday, August 24. However, ae v aald that pupilt will begin' thoir'V 'AH aohoof rindpafe vocational " home" economics teachers ; aild. toe courtty "supervisor Mr. Crover CU7I1 "f-1 t 1, lis, t will -begin their, duOes next 'v- Monda, '.'AogteJ 1 Oj, Mr, ; Aftder- ( t r son stated: ,t r M' rf ,y t AU'princlipala will meet with , f Sunt. Anderson ,iiert Monday W ! :00 "o'elock, in- his .offica for f V ..'' ; planning an ii(structioiial period. -1" After August 10 all principals wall ; . be -at 'their artou sdhoola or Sn - - -r -the , community-. planning their ' " work for the yea'r Mr Anderson ,. , ' sainVV'f'" . 1 vi "Any .parent 0 patro will -be welcomed to. come to tha principars. 1 effke and "discuss ny problem ' which they, might have," Mr. An-i ' 1 ' dersonsaid. ';.'';'''' rl' ' He further Stated, "Waant-" ; to make this yea a banner year r . for Madison ' County schools. Therefore,' I " am soliciting r your', help' and closest cooperation. Mad- l" ison County, schools , are your ,t v-' schools. X know that I can count -1 upon you as paients and students -to make this year 1059-60t . , , the beet school year in the history ' , of Madison County." , , "It k- .with .pride, that I intro duce the-administrative personnel ' Of J 1 h mil Com I cpn- 1 ious Bluer us as en 11 1 e iinid J 1 l..i.'i,.'M'':t' fl" "mmmbmmmi "" Defeat' Spring Creek, 21-S, Then Swamp WaJnujt By 30-6 Score';.;,-"V i ' ,.1-'ri-ff-'---'.'.''-'-.."'-1y..-- .7t ,i-sr The powerful bala.iof .'Hot Springs unloaded foji two victories ' " " over the-week-end. to clinch j!he ,; championship,-M ''the- -Madieon f County . League' i ot -. the , aecond - - consecutive year TBilJ' Whitten'a crew showed no mercy as iney e- . feated . Spring .Creek, 1 21-6 at ' ,i , . ; Spring Creek; "on Jul 18 and 5 clinched the. ohampionhip Satur- - -; . day by sUughtering" Wlattt,m8M. jT k at Marshall "was 7 dropping , , two games to Spring- Creek and kau Manager Whitten" toed the tuB-. ber against Spring. Creek and; was given excellent support at the plate by his teammates who pound- ; ed out 24 hit in - a 21-6 rout. ; Plemmons was-charged witli the.; , (Continued To Page Four) Dee Causes Tciue--" ToWrcc!;C-rC.V E. C-Teague, pspu'ar IW businpssman, had a 1 I rt:,n misn ' Sunday J".. ; t be ..' for c!.u: ' f moi ' " -. , r v - . r,t- v " , n t.3 ",-t J

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