V.: J NEWS-RECORD NONPARTISAN IN POLITICS' S , . a :v.,L r'Vd . ' i n . : : " . " B.L. STORY. Own ead FbKW t , . . ' b o ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES , SVBSCRiPTtONRATRS , j r,FMu invrr 1 ?v MADISON COUNTY , .. ui.v ULOfi e Tea7 $4.60 61 Month. W.00 12.00 Airmail 0o Per Week EDITORIAL POINT SYSTEM NOW IN EFFECT In baseball it's three strikes and you're out. In driving, it's la points and you're out! That is, your driving will be suspended if you accumulate 12 de merit points. . , . . Judges, lawmen, educators, industrialists and other leading citizens from a four-county area of Western North Carolina endorsed the state s new driver's license point system at a meeting last Thurs day held at Troop E Headquarters of the State High way Patrol. Approximately 150 persons, including more than 20 from Madison County, attended the conference. . , The new point system for habitual violators was thoroughly explained by O. M. Alexander, driver ed ucation director. Also speaking were Rep. Gordon Greenwood, Judges Sam Cathey, and Burgin Pennell. Set. E. C. Guy of Troop E presided at the session. The system, which has been Working on prob lem drivers" for a little over 90 days, hasn't claimed any licenses yet, but several drivers are at the danger ImeLi cense chief Elton R. Peele pointed out that "eight or ten" Tar Heel drivers had accumulated at least 11 points since the new law went into effect last June. A point total of 12 permits the vehicles agency to start suspension action. ... . , '. Peele also said that about 315 official caution letters had -been sent to drivers with four points a gainst them. And 55 drivers with seven points in their record had been called in for trouble-shootrag conferences with licensing officials. " , A majority of those with seven points had elect ed to attend one of the department conducted driver improvement clinics, Peele said. Successful work ra the cinks erase three points from the drivers record, Purpose of the point system, according to Peele, fa tn imnrATA the h&bita of those ;who ? per&istentlyj -ttrive: dahgerouslfeTWs is accomplished by; aw W,, d nnmher nf demerit uoints for specific traffic violations. Thus if a driver,5 even after an official -warning, continues his iunsafe practices his points accumulate. When they total 12 the point system acts to remove him from the highways. "The good driver, on the other hand, has no reason to be concerned with points at all,'' Peele .declared, "because the safe and intelligent driver has no points and gets no points. Actually, the point system. af fects only those who will not or cannot drive safely. North Carolina is one of 26 states having similar programs for driver control. The point system has been termed by leading motor vehicle administrators, including Dr. Wallace Hyde of the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, as the fairest and most impartial way of dealing with problem drivers yet discovered. -oOo- NO PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT A visit to the Marshall school a few days ago re vealed that the children have very little playground equipment, l v v. , ., When we approached the Island we could see hundreds of energetic, playful children running about and also noticed that many were forced just to sit on the steps or stand around in 'groups talking be cause there was nothing else to doi There were no swings, children?' slides, horseshoe pits, etc. Many of the children arrive by school buses ear ; j and must V stand around and wait for the bell to ring. These children need and want to be able to play together and have a little fun before starting to their c1jisss! ''"''' V;.'':-:,;'J' 'i-C'-, ' -",'-V"iJ"'V -iv-!.-1" '.' -c- v 'v;--r ' - ? The acquisition of some playground equipment would indeed be a worthwhile project for some local i organization. . Tv , , s - - ' 7"7 T: , SEPTET.IBER 1059 S V.'A.y September, the last summer month, is upon us,; and when it is over, only three months will remaiir in , 1959. Needless to say, time continues to fly. v -f ' Autumn begins on September 23 this year, which , is late for autumn, and school for millions of young- sters opens during the month.' College football begins late in the month, and, generally speaking, a welcom ed Fall, with it3 cool weather, will be ushered in, The official end of World War II fell on Sep trmber 2, v.ith the authoritative surrender of ,T.-rn, alihrtv-h tT a f:ht:r.jr actually ended August 1 Lr.' -r D-v f V-i on .;-f la t: .h.uiu MtMniii au if t., ' ,r.. IK WniUii W-QO On. Teat Z WW Bight Htt g-J Six Montka jIm. Four " Mentha 'V-. L.-rtemfcer i tnis year, ana summer holiday week- '1 la rcmembereJ f"J ; .. ; ll.e Gc ; ; t to cr.l w c: . I sr1 3 no,. Mi V .JUUK ''MrslwlV Hi C. September 2 V 1969 Dear Mr.' Story: ' Belw' in few words I've written which ,'mdgiht help ve somen V lire i 1 . i ."ONE SIMPLE ' -WORD CAUTION" ' Hotr many of "an" driver have jven" , Hhia word consideration, since ( our- school buses started carrying; our children to and from school every dayT We .all know the hours, morn ings ; and afternoons, that these buses will be traveling our roads. Let's' all watch for the buses load ed with our future men and woav en, try to help them to reach tnan and womanhood; and permit them to reach home as they kissed their parents 'goodbye" in the morning. Don't You be the one responsible for some saying their last "good bye" to mother. Give our, bus drivers as much courtesy as pos sible, reduce our speed during tfhese few hours. Some of our roads are very treacherous for instance, "Redmon Road." We should all give our children and bus drivers a "Brake." Speed is never as important as our I children's lives. Let's all please remember this. MRjS. NATHAN WEST Marshall Joyce Tweed Now At jGardner-Webb Springs ' Gardner- Webb'5 College, boasting a, record 626 'torolhnent, has one student from Madison County. . Late applicants and special stu dents are expected to boost the school's total to 550. The current figure includes 358 men and 168 women from eight states and 'one foreign country. Native ; Tar Heels number 462 from 48 conn-ties- 4 1 SMam. vocational choices are business administration and sec retarial work, teaching, the minis try and -vocational' Christian work, and engineering. A great ma jority are Baptists, with some 20 other denominations represented. The Madison County student is Joyce Tweed of Marshall, fresh man business major. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tweed of Route 2, Marshall.' Walnut Beta Club Meets, Elects Its Officers For Year ' The Walnut Beta Club chapter met Sept 16, in the Home Eco nomics Department. Officers for the following year were elected as follows: President, Nicky Rob erts; vice president, Betty John son;, secretary, Janice Plemmons; treasurer, Nancy Stackhouse; re-, porter, Delba Fortner. The main business for discus sion, was the induction of new members to take place next month. She following committees were ap pointed by the president to plant for fiiia event: Installation, Nicky Roberts, chairman; Nancy Stack house, Johnny tRigsby, and Judy BlankensMp ; ' Imtiaifcion, IB e 1 1 y mson, cnairman; ueina ; ort- , Rowlla Rice and Betty Me- ,Th" remainder of the meeting as" devoted to the discussion; ' of thebyJaws concerning the future meetings Of the chapter.' " The meeting ' was adjourned '.by the president, Nicky Roberta..'' Mrs. Harold Worley is sponsor. - ' Next Library Board Lleeting In October - ;:"; . . In Iceeping wih the plan of holding quarterly,' instead of monthly sessions, the next meet ing -of the Madison ' County Li brary Trustees will be held on Monday, October 5, at 3:30 in the Court House. '" . ' - : '-'v ,'' ' '; ' X.II IS '. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE U.S.t.'AIL 5 OOO Sprinkle$uct Revival In. River Rouge, Mich.v ' The Rev" Everett Sprinkle, cf Marion, N.. C, and formerly of MoMi'Kall wiill ka nmrfvlnff In a.r revival meeting at theK Goodell Street Missionary Baptist Church, 282 Goodell Street, River Rouge, Michigan,' with services each eve ning at 7:30, from September 20 for two weeks. t The Rev. W. H Guinn, the pas tor.' extends to each person living close enough to attend, a hearty welcome. '!:-';"''' I Hot Springs Football Schedule Sept 25 Marshal at Marshall : ; 8:00 p. m. Oct. 2 Christ School at Christ ' School, :00 p. m. Oct 8 Thusday) Walnut at - Marshall, ' 8 :00 p. m. Oct 16 East Yancey at .Buimsville, 8:00 p. m. Oct 23 T- Edneyville at Mar- - shall, 8:00 p. m. Oct 29 (Thursday) Rosman " at Marshall, 8:00 p. m. , Send The News-Record . To ' Your Boy In Service t ' . X.L "' - - ' "' - : ill' S " , S fvr p. r a 3 rf" .' 4-: Ja i V J & J '''; - ibuii t f " - , ' Club UcV Friday VVith , rtlrs. Sprinkle 'tPhe.iT Grapevine Home Pemon- traiion Club ; met . Friday; with Mrs. ; JRell "i Sprinkle, ; a member who haa been . sick for eometlme. Mro.' E." B. Proffitt led the devo tions, using h ,23rd Psalm. .All membes repeated the Lord' Pray- er, V'kf fM'i&iMiM . A business ;' session . ,'iwas" held with ,the minutes beng read and approved, , Mrs. r Proffitt gave the treasurer'a ' report kr Xt'iS. . The , following off iceri were e lected to serve for the next two years : Mrs. Ei B. Proffitt,' presl dent; Mrs. James H, Arlington, vice president j Mr. 'Kenneth Hensley. secretary; ' Mrs. Alene Cody, treasurer, and Mrs. J D. Gosnell, reporter. Mrs. Marion Wilson, home agent, gave Very interesting and helpful demonstration on guides to good eating and ' helpful Units to meal planning. She used a flannelgraph board and showed mixes to shout ' cuts in meals which save both time and help to save a balanced meal. Each member received a lesson sheet with recipes and short cuts to meal - preparation, A social hour was "held with re freshments being served. The next meeting will be held October 16 at 2 p. m. All mem bers are urged to attend and vis itors are welcome. September 26 is Achievement Day being held in the lunchroom alt Marshall school You Help More The United Way No DUPLICATIONS Kach Coat A Different Style , In Our Entire Selection 4 - ' Different 'Style VS? tl- 1 ... t . ra.rj in Cutter! Faialba JSnt lot day landscape PlaU. 5-1?, ? mar LA : . TIi',:'..'tff.JJ. 'V - ' - lrW jn(indiiTe4;UeUcoat.crwcoamiy or o tawn. :. '"It .Ojccr accent S-1T.W8. , or n , J; "1 r.!art!:all D-jt Church Picture j Plates On Sale - v " Goid-Wmmed " commemoratiye niktnii -mM, the old Marshall Bap tist Church bufldiiig ptotured on the front and seventy-five word history of the churcih on. the Pok are now beW sold by membere of ;The;''l!iatos;,;, iFotowareind are for decorative use only, it was pw&&',iwlM-:tb of the ti1tth -will BO o . the Building Fund fox the new church which is now being erected on the tome site. . ' 'These plates make a lasting remembrance of the church build ing which was built in 1905," one member said. Anyone desiring to purchase plates may do so by contacting Mrs. Kermit Cody, Vota Vote Class president; Mrs. L. B. Ram 8ev. Mrs. Eva Sains or Mrs. Clar ence Jenkins. The plates are also on display ajnd are being sold at the Belk-iBroome Store in Mar shall. ' Resolutions to reform come from those who have been detected, . A low neckline is about the only thing a man will approve of and look down on at the same time. Social Security is paying bene fits of $183.00 per month or more half of present retired individu als or couples. IBananas are not suitable for. food, if allowed to ripen on plant. PfA ' ,lr v , ' , V ' ' aight,. pwclely Uilored to uiii-eowr i 1...- a .J, .".-:',. ' 15.U5--H W 1 jp it mi XjjV l. II' Wit ; "Mr; n.l M.S. lit'r I. Ftl.It- . 7 mose .have , returned . from Dur- ham,' i. where they accompanied , ; , their daughter," Janet, who re-entered college ;iiere,' . ;'-''f'& ;A The ; Ladies': Civic Club 'met .-in. ,;i y,' the library . Monday night , t j .''The. Missionary ,' Society of the,il Presbyterian Church met t the l1; ,'? home, of. Mr,' Palmer Tuesday i ntokti 1 .Mr " and j ' Mrs; ; W, j; M,' vPalme? have returned ,frora . vieH rieVt n Caroli- Ohio land points in South, Caroli- v; Ofl,rlday:ii4'l:September: 23, ' a mefsuring-'pavtiy wdU be; fcald,a?3..s,f. the home of Mr. and . Mrs. B.' W. ' : Ponder, t The' jparty i being held , .to ,;benefit he! iBaptist (ChurA' ! BuUding program. . ';. , after! unrgoing inajor stuery at Moore General HoapiUL His . condition is repozlted improved. ;:.! Tbe WSCS held 'its i. regular -monthly ;meeting at the Metho dist Church. Tuesday night . .. A revival is scheduled to start October . - )1 - at lUhe Methodist Church, , . The Rev. Mr. Greene will 'assist the pastor, the Rev. James WM3 i, If youave items for this eolr umnj phone 2691 before Tuesday, at 2, p. m. Returns To T.P.J. i ' Lawrence Ponder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorado Ponder, of Mar shall RFD 1, returned to Tenoea see 'jPelytecbnic Institute, Cooke uiel Tenn.. Tuesday of this week; Mr.jjPonder had been at h home due to. Aback injury which caused himf-.to abandon football at TPL ',? 4'".' - ' ' f .''.'.--'. mer .fH. ,. to- t -( J tT l 1 ' ' ' A

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