: 7 J v ' "Ji .,.. . y1 ' County priffutMrcZXizffWjf; a . " . Farmers oi any .section of -tht their UniU'J. States ' have three' thing, . cultural enterprises. these .three , . , things are ;labor, - capital."" and management, All,, agricultural y l ' ' wealth is created by the wiaV use! t these three, resources,: i -. , , 1 1 , .' Cartitar resource; 'include, our land, -money, building,' equipment f pasture or timber, n wasting cap : , -v"and "ability, to obtain credit.. .jAre ,"' you using -your capital? J'' ,-Piwwi land not ptoducing; a crop, , - y ' ftal. x' MadisoilvCounty farmers (' , bwn theusanda-of acres which kV J,", doing nothing for (theW'3Jy iaing ,!' a 'very little, Jabo'r., nd ,manage- : .- rment this 'wasting capital can be v" . ' ptit to rk."? Tnbe production tat b.1 individual , requires land, tintej nd a, small amount of la- Champion Paper ' and Fiber , Company is mali$r - available I, i BOO,000 tree seedlings to landown V ers of Madison. "Bimeombe, Hen- ,t . derspn -and Haywood' counties "be- 1 .tween noyf and April. Fanners ' i' interested in making use of their .'.Idle land? growing" trees may now receive up 0 4,000 seedlings free . '-for planting on their land The , only restrictions roa v these" seed lings arei The receiver must agree to plant them carefully and ,to i protect thent from'fir and 'raz- For your free tree 1 seedlings ixHiidci. t"'y oo oj, .mis muvvni&, uur .wuuujf ns-iijmioi, 18c"" irf Marshall; the.ASC office te "Marshall; your voc it nal agncul, ture; the soil conservation'' office in Mar hall; or Mr I.. ; y Chand ler.': W ' . .vour . la 1 v. , Mil UIDGE t l -mWM EXPJi :;ATSCliOOL HERE 1 r .W'Jt.'.:'Pwnana:?yoo mignt . uve been, visiting" at Marshall High (School this week maybe just C walking down a corridor, minding your owii business when boom! ift you heard" the most terrific explo sion I But before you nad.time to Investigate, there waa another ani another -i- each time louder , and more ear-splitting I : And If maybe you are Mill wondering '(. what is was all about, we will try to wise you up a bit- ' is,i: The Marshall High" School sci ence department hat been having . one .bang-up good time this-week, v Through the services the Oaki i Ridsre Traveling Science Demon-i '(. stratiott lecture ' Program, wa are (Continued To Pagp Eight) ASCOFFICIAt RpmffiNDSlf The Agricultural Conservatlonij Program for I960. wHl provide i . several Instances . where .the Gov ernment shares with the farmer the cost of conservation practices TwrrnrinT. an'. icatiofli of lime or; fpr!:vr. r;,i h Ramsey. ASC of fice Tl ty, f is not t1 , r-' , - ' r for t t." ' Coun uU test V my of y rec- mld be SOILTESTIiVUv; 3 PAC Till "I 4,. J - ? lift). 1 - I W 1 I. .ii, Mi. mill ll II. I HI i "V Acceptal Pastorate i ' 1 Rev. Ray flboper'-1 f HOOPER ACCEPTS PASTORATE AT - BULL CREEE ;! He And .Family. To .Move ' 'i To.PaMqnajre Hi The Bull Creeli' Baptist Church haa "extended-a, tail to the. "Rev. Ray Hooper of Forest City, N.'C Mr. ijoopef ' haa accepted the1, call and; "will move wto tne' ' pnurcti Darsonasres' oni November '10. and i wjjj R81Hulie the pastorage oi, ie -churqh "'on me lojiowingJ ' aunaay, November IS. " ' ' ' ' ' ' ne oomes to the church highly recommended, beinr a graduate of Cool Spnnf"! r .-h Sihool n ' ni n! r 'it t f lle Tn ' ! 1 In prt'partation for the coming of the new pastor and his family, the; parsonage has been put into complete readiness. , A ' new roof has been put on the building .in sulated, a hoi alx heating system has been Installed, the basement has been renovated, with concrete floor and block walla, and the whole building has been redecorat ed, both outside and inside, with appropriate coats of paint. The church was left pastorless when the Rev. S. Glen Whitley, who had served' ably for some four years, resigned on March 15 to become pastor of a church near Hickory. During this interval the church has been efficiently served by the Rev. W. B. Sprink le and the Rev. W. L. Lynch as interim pastor. PTA Hears Panel Talk On Reading Here Monday "Reading and Library Service," was "discussed by a panel "at the November 'i meeting of the Mar shall PTA-! Monday, afternoon k the school cafeteria, ; Plrinclpal Robert Lee Edwards, served as moderator and introduced the following who ''; spoke briefly ? on different .phases of ' the subject! Mr. - J. E. Robinson of California, and': Oak Ridge, Tenn who. is spending' this week bera at Mar shall school lecturing to science classes; Mrs Harry Dotterer, County Bookmobile .Librarian; MUs Thora Belle Worley, student; and Mrs. Howard Barnwell, form er teacher and parent., i f Mrs. Janie Ramsey, former PTA President and County . HD Arnt, gave the devotion and IIis. Cly;!e Rulrts, presided over t! e busings scssiom. . - ' ',') . I' . Vil'.re Tr -ue's second ft. .! von the r-'.a for. having i T,:t rsu-nta in -nt at fie I Wu:,! SUSY VALLEY -:. TO US JUDGED ', iNRCD-PRCuRAM .v-.... jtr ;y j v .. .', vw "Area'Jud4inir w select the WP winners' n, ;th' Western; North Carolina: Rural Community Devel ppmjht. Prognwn .iwill .begin ,on Monday 'ofjjnitx1; f weeK jmd; - will rn tbroughoui the .'weeltk,' SThe Judges wiJl .visit the-ijleepy Valley cbmniuniiy 1 'lu. Madison upunjy on- fWeanesovayoYeraiper 11 jtf 12;15;00 oNjtoqk.f ;. .r. t thb Judge will travel 'approxi mately ,l)0v 'mile&M-11 Inspecting tqj. winning: oewmuny jn. yacn. -w l;i vSwestei7icouitie8.f'3'Thesff ate from a record field of 12ft organ' ized rural '.eectionn. that- have talk en partinthe'.karei!f .Commuinity pevelopment '-Program lhi'ry8r. Th ' coromunfyiea in,.'eaie-h' cott'nty were,'iudged durlng,)ctober ; on" a county level,. ,ancf approximately f9,00Q in county" amcards, 'rer presented by local spooaorsr in .tfie 14, counties, t ' tj" .The " county winners .are1" 'com peting for $2,000; in -ara ; awards. riual' Community .Awards" Uunc eon at" Ihe Asheyille"' City" Audlto rlum'on Saturday, J)eoemper 5 at lit:00 inoon. . Thd, Western ' Nortlt Carolina Rural Community Development Program .As " sponsored v by the AsheViUe. 'Agricultural f development- Council in'oooperatlori, with He cunty agricultural , agencies. j'Area judges are, Mrs! Elizabeth Parhanv Home Economist, Caroli na JUghtt,& Tower; Co. AsheViUe; Horace .lienhower, Pi tec tor, farmers Home'" Administration, Ralefgn; 'Horace Godfrey, Admin istrative O f f I e e r,' Agricultur n i Stabilization & Conservation" Com mittee, Raleigh. , .' i The. November term of supcrii court, for the .trial of civil su. started ; he,re . Monday moimii with J udge'. J i.. Frank -Hu skins, oi BurnsviBe, presidin. Vf v. " Included . fat ' case heard thus far are the following": ' ? v Divorce; Sadie Messer Gurger vs. William Lee Gudger, ' " i ' Divorce: - Ralph. Revis vs. Mil dred Mcintosh Revis. 1 Miss Shirley Jean Sharp, Little Pine, was - awarded $2,600 and Miss Betty Sue Roberts was ' a warded $500 in an action involv ing an automobile accident Which injured the feirls. The. accident occurred' on June 28, 1959. ; Hugh E. ' Wallia - vs.' William (Bill) Irby, alienation of affec tions, non-suit. , ' i 7 Mrs. Marie Eads: va. Robert, A lonzo Waldroup, automobile" acci dent, continued. ' ' 'j Dwight MoDevitt vs. Roy E. Downs and the Associated Petro- Meum Carriers. ' Inc 'consent1 jiidg- THant It t t r FIRE DESTROYS : HOUSE OCCUPIED BYBOINGS FA,IILY ' The- four-room house owned by Mr, Robert Peek of the Ilast Fork Community ' '.waa1 completely, de stroyed ' by' flra Tdesday. ' r The house was 6ccupied(,by Mr, $ and Mrs, Gibb Boings and four chil dren' AH .household' furnishings weredestroyed.s,"r(i;- "'w Two. Cc-" Leave Tu Fcr U. C. 7 ,.cn .i;.:y Paul Rul le Ti'yutt and I f FrankHn U:: 1 Vy, 1 3 f r C " r i to -r e V. t: ( :.t f - i ' ). ag:.' . AGiiL iiehe. .The 'MadHon (ounty . ncul tuty. "Workers Council t ,npos ed erf all agricultural kiti s, in cluding' fllA, Extension ; rvice, SCS.i' Forestry Service, V utioti al jigrioulture and Home i . unom fc. teachers, end F.BE. Tlii.ber ahip'Corporation, held ita regular monthly meeting, Monday, at 2:30 p..m in , the French Buid Elqc tricMeniibership Cii oration Building.,,'' i . - 'Representatives .from the Forest ry iijCommissioit of the' Asheville Agricnljural, : Development Coun cil, through the cooperation of the Appalachian- Lumberman's Club, metf with the group and. announce i iContinued To iPage Eight) FARHERS UHGED TOISSPAC AT3-' ilv- v 'JWadison ( ducJ the li bacco,.this yc:i in the com" . bined 'i a at Jiarvc -t t . heavy t'M " Early ci I from, bfii ii growth, . rotted ui a' cir of rn . i. n'l . i : y ; ta. : . v i 1 , ny 1x9: . pro-, irley to . grown .-..r com--humidity i a very t citp 1 "ii 1 1 Vd:'G-6f io Q o t h Linea Rugged ; ' fcon -Bpckner Run 54 'Yarda-H J i'Tor Touchdown,;; ' , it i l , ' ) t 4. , r Two rugged lines met headon here1 Friday night and 'specta tors saw one of the finest defen sive battles in history as Marshall and Mars Hill -played to a 6-6 tie.- V ; j It would be' hard and unfair to pick out any Individual in the fierce battle . at a : star. , "Every member was. a star and it was the entire lines of both teams thai were outstanding. v . V Although the lines drew - the major praise, the backf ields also ahined. Whenever - Marshall would break .through the stout Mara Hill line, a back would be there to smear the runner.. The same was true when, a, Mara' Hill back' would get into the secondary. Much of the game was played be tween the S0-yard lines.; Mars Hill, punted four times and Mar-J - -('4 10c pri copy . .. v:'"" , .: , : .... .i .: , : . . ': . , . ...... . . ' ....... .'-l: ' HOn C1GGG : y aa- raol uou DC jL J J." vi- 1959 CORN 7& CUPPOBT RATES AREMOUNCED 1959 com crop produced in Madison.' potinty will carry a jupt port rate of a bushel This rate, according "to Novile rfaw. kitS, 'chairman of the ASC?" coun ty; committee.- lg" based on, ft iw tionat average "rate of $1.12 a bu shelfor.oori grading Ho' 3 or better excepttor moisture 6$ com eiadfngiNotT4,fo st weight on ly' but otherwise grading No. 3 or l Thecoru acreage allotments, and the .commerciall corn-producing area, 6f earlier programs are hot in effect for the 1959 program. Under the' new program, approv ed by a , per cent favorable vote lri a referendum Jd Novem ber l'Jbs, as- 'authorized by ' the Agricultural' Act ''of " W58, each county 'corn rate reflects tne na . (Continued To, last PageJt ' 11 " - ' ' ' VETERAN'S DAY , TO BE OBSERVED; IDE NEXT WED; Veteran's Day will be observed i a next Wednesday t Novem- ii. ' .Miwng.'the" agencies and firms will be the offices in the p, fie post orfite, bothf I 't I -d, tlie Ac V Ji a.' - J Gore shall six times. This shows the type Vf defensive game it was. . Marshall - moved ahead in the second quarter when Ron Buck ner; subbing r the injured Billy Ray Candler, picked off a way ward Mars Hill pass and raced 54 yards to score. An attempt through the line for the extra point failed. ' Late, in the final period, Mars Hill started a drive on its 45 yard line which ultimately resulted in the- 'tying TD when Bill Grind staff jplowed over from the one yard line. v" A placement for extra point was: wide,; . rvY MH First downs 6 Rushing yardage 145 Passing yardage 0 Passes vf' 2-0 Passes intercepted by 0 M 2 40 10 , 4-4 x . 6-30 : ' 0 0 6-6 e o-6 Punt 4-22 FumbJeslost Yards penalised -Afars Hill.. "Marshall . '- 3 5 0 0 0 6 '" i '7 0 t "1 Friday $4.00 A-V Receive ; Citation Rev. David B. Roberta DAVID ROBERTS-" GETS CITATION AT G-W COLLEGE: i ' ' i , ,t( i . ' J- Popular . County t Mmuter Receivea Honor $a,tur- ; 'day Night , i.t,;;-t', ... The Rev r David !B: Roberts", popular Jaftd faithful 'French Brad 1 Baptist Associatiohal Field Worker, received a citation fmni tVio" .a.lnmnl nf njirdtier-Webb rt.iL PAiHr,., Rnrinw N - C. .' in appropriate services last. Sat-Twer announced Wednesday he urdav nipht. , He was. accompan led to Boiling Springs by his wife 1 on, Ton. ' r ' . 1 as f il thf i I ; Mi" oc (U AO A . . - Classroom Teachers'j Association To Meet Here Tuesday Night It was announced this week that the Madison County Classroom Teachers Association will meet at the Marshall school lunchroom on Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock. The Marshall teachers will be hostesses and refreshments will be served. All members are urged to at tend. MHC LIONS PLAY EAGLES AT MARS HILL TONIGHT Stunned bv a 9-3 upset last week at -the "hand of Wingata, the Mars Hill College Liona will try to get back Into the win ; col umn in a, non-conference fan Mars Hill tonight (Thursday) a gainst the junior varsity of the Carson-Newman ' (Tenn.) ' Eagles. Game time it 7:30..'!;-i-'--SS-1. The Lions were riding atop the Western Carolina Junior College Conference standing with- a 4-0 record before being derailed by Wingate, and they. still have one conference gama remaining with Gardner-Webb on November 14. The conference race ia still un settled, but Mara Hill appear to have the upper hand. Gardner Webb and Lees-McRa foi'fht to a tie last Saturday to. make the conf"-pnce, standings as fvl'.ous (a til counts' one-half fame von and one-haif game lost)! TA"! Wa 2"' y,., r;;i . 4 1 en r Outside Thcae 1 wo Counties " '.-I i ui "I ' V; ' ,; ' App' Plans have been approved 4tor J Madison" County for the Current, fiscal year (l59-1960Ji at an timaterf cost totalfnir tM700.Q0r?' . it was' announced ,thls"weeK py , ; me ovaie mgmway. '.vrowifisffi . In some instances it was jmeces-,, e sary to assign' a iKfrtion of' 1959- r ' ,60 funds to projects on a previop? i year's plan. If this" Is the" case m ! , ' your county, the projects are ;ia& ' x -f fed iust below the l9"59-60- 'plan v ' with the specific roads listed andr t , the amount needed to complete the v nnmvMi nroienta.' i uims - nsiea.. as reserve are, available for conn- noXwint- -nr'hfp'Jt ivittv P"itpekl s ' - .f - odst estimates- , t s," a v s v V The 1 fact . that fundi are allo-?, cated ,for the, 1Q59-60 fiscal year does not rtecessanly; mean"Xhai; r the approved work will.be com-. pleted prior to July 1 1960. Be cause otiwork loads weather etc.,'v, ' it may be necessary tor carry some ; orf the1 conatructiojl' over, to the ' .' next nscai year,, t fiwwever u , fliind ftr ' ATMMnti&ered' 4a each i projects un&l 'the .actuaf work is " completed and' these funds will be j( v (Contteued" To Page Eight) . Ike Maps 20,000 V r.me uooawiii i our Of Nine Nation l " . f Washington, -."President Eisen is undertaking an unprecedented . 20,000-mile goodwill mission next month to nine -notions on 1 continents.' - 1 he pre-Uirisi'. .: t ' .1 i d'l 1 .Jiihiwer ii nKv.o. i 1 .1 I r ,f All KH. t p-1 ha- i jit Iii .un to tne capitals of li'y.': Tuikcy, Pakistan, Afghani&tan, India, .Iran, Greece" France and Morocco. ! 1 ' t MARSHALL WILL MEETDREXEL HERE FRIDAY : The Marshall Tornadoes, smart- t ' ing from the 66 tie with Mara Hill last Friday night, will meet " the strong Drexel eleven on the -s Island here Friday night at -seven ' o'clock. ; 1 The Drexel game was previous- . ly postponed from October 2', ' , The local team is in good phy sical shape except for its star fullback, Billy Ray Candler," who is still out with a leg injury. - BRUSH BURNING PERMITS ARE NOW ESSENTIAL ;'- '- ' ''-" 'i "i ... J. Moody Chandler, Madison County Forest Ranger, announced this week that brush-burn ir re mits are ' essential and vrzr 1 everyone In Madison Ci ' y t read ftie fo"imi.-,j. 1 i'-v ar Is permits at once: ' Brush-Corr "T " I 14 ' f I " ' five l.nn,!red ' ' '" pro! . . '..rn f . vice. It s 'i ' i - :'. t f -

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