U ' U it ' ou 1 VI ) i t !' I out? Giien thin i 'i is due to "Iron ry i,iooa " (simple iron u.noy anemia). 'Then it's in tor most women to suffer Biii lx awful weariness. Take Lydla E. Pinkham ttto lets, only Iron tonic made espe cially for women. Rich in iron. Pinkham Tablets start to 3 l.'inifsl C!ood-Slren::iier.iVtj ,i Cf TJilj Women's Iron Tonic! t's sifipn, do 1 dt n'i strengthen your blood within one dayt Thus Quickly help build rich, red blood . ..to restore strength and energy so you feel fine again last I If your blood is so starved for iron that you just drag through the day, get wonderful Lydla E. Pinkham Tablets from any drug store today. Then just see if you dont soon feel like a 'new" woman again. fH!Ll ,,l?BS? "T tydla E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound (Liquid) also brings blessed relief from the miser able discomforts of change-of-Ufe and monthly pain. KiV3 from th Gomicoo Fort McClellan, Ala. (AJHTNC) Army Pvt. Lawrence H. Naves, son of Mrs. Ossie A. Ramsey of -Marshall,' completed the' eight week chemical . warfare basic at The Chemical Fort MoCleUan, course June 8 Corps (School; Ala. v , . He received training- in ' chem ical, biological ' and ' radiological warfare which included ' study in radioactive decontamination and the offensive and defensive use of chemical agents. ' Naves entered the ''Army last January; and was flast stationed at v . .Uil, J. C Tiie 19-year-oU solJii-r ed Marshall High School. Lend Fort Benning, Ga. (AHTNlC) Army Pvt. James A. Norton, &3, son of Mrs. Nora Phillips, R4, Marshall, recently completed 'ad vanced individual training with the 2d Infantry Division at Fort Benning Ga. u Norton -received eight weeks of intensive heavy weapons training which featured the use of the 106 millimeter recoilless rifle and the 81 millimeter mortar.' , ; He entered the Army last Jan uary and completed basic training at Fort Jackson; S. C, " -n Norton is a 1957 graduate of Mars Hill High iSchool and was employed by the Warner Lumber Company In Asheville before en tering the Army. Airman Allen G. Joyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack V. Joyce of Hot Springs, RFD 1 (Spring Creek) recently completed Air Force basic training at Lackland AFS, Texas. He will attend the technical o jlvcill:: :. . Field Lit Madison C : V- .09 J ' X ' 1 (1 I, - jUL 17 CHOCOLATE VANILLA - , STRAWBERRY . SERVE AS A TOPPING " ON CHERRY PIE 12 "Gallon CARTON e ICE CtlEfir.l SCOOPS 49c ALL METAL n CigC - ' ' ' ' ' i "SUPER-RIGHT" u nn l-LB. pkg. "SUPER-RIGHT" mm nn UVJ l-LB., PKG. You do not have to retire com' pletely in order to got social se curity benefits after you reach retirement age. t . Mlf entitled, you can receive ben afita for every month of any year you do not earn more than $1200, And you may receive benefits for one or ' more months if you do not earn over . $2080 during the year. Moreover, regardless of how high your earnings are, you may receive a benefit payment for any month you neither earn over $100 In wages nor "render sub stantial services" (that is, are ac tive) in a business of your own. After you reach age 72, benefits payaoie regardless oi your earnings. , These and other social security benefits are not automatic, how ever. An application for the ben efits must be (filed with your so cial security office, or the rep resentative, promptly 6r else some benefits may be lost, t To a void any . loss of benefits, I urge everyone to get in touch with us 2 or 3 months before he reaches retirement age. "Inquire before you retire." And i!hen to help us help you 1 get your benefits started without undue delay file your claim about six weeks before you reach Retirement aeefF. Stines and Jack Stines, andor retire; -1 i . . , A representative of the Social Security Administration ' will, be in the courthouse in Marshal! on the third Tuesday in June, begin ning at 9:30 a. m., to give infor mation and assistance to Madison County residents on social securi ty matters. ' 1 ' , ' ANN PAGE GRAPE V 1 2-Lb. JAR n Q Q Schedule ofHoiiie , Demonstration - Clubs In County O O Monday, June 20 Beech GJen HD Club meets with Mrs. Bill George at 2 p. m. i, Tuesday, June 21 Little Pine HO ' Club meets with Mrs. Bill Roberts at 2 p. m. "Wednesday, June 22 Mars Hill HD Club meets with M. Bryan Wallin at :30w.-mt Thursday,. June 23 Walnut HD OJub meets in the abasement of the Baptist Church at 8 p. m Jrnaay, June 24 Marsnall HD Club meets with Mrs.' Clar ence Jenkins at 1:80 p. m. Momecomingr And Decoration On Big Pine This Sunday ' J. There will be a" homecoming and decoration Sunday, June ' 19. at the . North : Fork Baptist Church, on Big Pine. 1 . t , It will be an all ' day service with dinner on the grounds. All singers are invited. ; s , Reunion The annual "Balding and Haynes reunion will be held June 26, at vne Meadow Fork Baptist Church Everyone is cordially invited to attend. - ' ' TTV. OF NORTH. CAROLINA L UNTY OF MADISON , ' Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by (sharlie , Phillips and wife, Nina i'iiillips, to A. E. Leake. Trustee. dated the 11th day x of August, 11)58, and recorded in Deed of Trust Book No. 41, on page -283, in the Office of the Register of ueeas of Madiaon County, worth Carolina, and default having been made in the payment of , the , in debtedness thereby secured, and the said Deed of Trust being by theVterms thereof subject to fore closure, and the holder of the in debtedness thereby secured hav ing demanded a foreclosure there of for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will oflfer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Madison County Court House door in Marshall, North Carolina, at twelve 'o'clock noon, on Wednesday. - June 22, 1960, ; the land conveyed in " said Deed of Trust, the Bame lying and being in Madison County, North . Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: All that certain tract of land lying and being in No. 15 Town snip, Madison County, North Car olina, and being known as Tract NO. 4 of the Joseph 11. Stines Subdivision, and beinar more par ticularly described according to a survey made by Ben H. Frisfoy, dated July 31, 1968, as follows.: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Chandler Road', said point being in the line of J. F. Stines and witnessed by an iron stake in the West margin of said i Mj i :tu nn:j ivoui iiu (una up M11U Wllll miu Road as follows: North 22 deg. 12 min .East 300 feet: North 25 deg. East 128 feet; North 34 deg. 30 min. East 100 feet to a point in the Road, common corner of J. said point located opposite an iron stake in the West margin of the road; thence leaving the road and runs with Jack Stines' line, North 60 deg. West 375 feet to an iron stake on the first ridge; thence North 46 dee. West 326.5 feet to an iron stake on a ridge; (For merly a white oak stump and the original BEGINNING corner of Tract 4); thence down and with the extreme height of the ridge, South 62 deg. 10 mm. West 100 feet; South 79 deg. West 87 feet; South 24 deg. West 645 feet to a poplar on ton of a flat knob; a corner of Briton - Stines; thence leaving the ridge and runs with said Bidton' Stines' line, South 73 deg East 925 feet, more or less, to the point of the BEGINNING, containing 12.05 acres, more - or less. This sale as above set forth wall be made subject to taxes subse quent to the year 1959, and the highest bidder will be required to deposit with the. Trustee at the time of the sale ten percent of the first 11000.00 of the bid, and five percent oi the amount of the bid over $1000.00. Upon failure of anv Dartv to ' make said denosiit ! immediately after .: becoming the I i i i l j. ... 1 1 nn - tee shall have the right to imme diately expose said property a- srain to sale. . . " ?' . This the 23rd day of May, 1960. A. Ki HIA.K1S Trustee. 5-26-6-16c - PRE - SEASON 'Or a fi mm - M u pnnBng' 2 WEEKS ONLY ALL-Ar.lE2ICAn PDE58DDE mium HOLDS 7 ONE-QUART JARS COMPLETE WITH PANS AND RACK , , (Regular Pric $24.95) o. c. mm tmmum go. MARSHALL, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of S. W. Mc Clure, deceased, late of Madison County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Box 341, Marshall, N. C, on or before the 16th day of July, 1961, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovevry. All persons indebted to said estate will please maice immediate payment to the undersigned. Tnis the 16th day of June 1960. ... CLYDE M. ROBERTS, Administrator. 6-16 7-21c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havintr Qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of E. Frank Bryan, deceased, late of Madison I Lounty. Worth Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said , estate to present them .to ! the undersigned at 122 unurcn at., Blade Mountain, N. C, on or before the 16th day of July, 1961, or this notice willl do pleaded urn bar of their- recov ery. All , persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment to the undersigned. "Ihis the 16th day of June 1960. W.v G. BUYAN, Administrator. 6-16 7-21c . , , Zcno Grcatfor Miner DumSaCcts Zemo, a doctor's formula, liquid or ointment, soothes, helps heal minor bums, cuts, bruises. Family antiseptic, eases itch of surface rashes, eczema, teen-age pimplea, athlete's foot Stops scratching, so aids faster healing. For stubborn cases, get Extra Strength Zemo. :Gillette Adjustable Razor y Settings torsupen Miami BOX SCORE ON N. C HIGHWAYS a y q' $195 jn Raleigh The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 a. m., Monday, June 13, 1960: Killed to date ..;;r- 471 1 riP to Charlotte for a while. He V flP flP . : on them! at: PACIFIC MILL ! fl V 9& flP fl fl , Josey said she enjoyed the weekend. She had all her broth ers and sisters home. Doris Holt said she had compa ny all the weekend, and sure en- l'i joyed it. Viola and Luke visited relatives . over in Flag Pond, Team., Sun day. 4 , ' - ; Mr.7 and Mrs." Howard Harris and children from Florida visited Mr. and Mrs, Joe King and fam ily during the week. - Mrs. Harris is June's sister. Frank said he fished the whole weekend. Got only one bite I Billy Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. V, Roberts, is now sta tioned in Fort Meade, Maryland.' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Whitson went .to Knoxville to-the fights Friday night and went ; to church Sunday. - : - ' Claude said he made his last NOTICE GIVE The United Way NOTICE CF SERVICE PROCESS BY PUBLICATION OF training course . for . supply spe cialists at Amarillo AFBl Texas. v Joyce is a graduate of Spring Creek High School. 1 J Pensacola, Fla. (FHTNC) A first solo flight was made ' May 17, iby Naval Cadet Herschel Z, McDaris, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Grant MoDaris of R-2, Marshall, Before entering the Navy , in October, 1958, he graduated from Mars Hill College. ; In addition to solo flights, he is being instructed in Communi cations, Navigation, Engineering, Athletics, Aerology and civil air regulations during' basic flight training at Pensacola Ha. STATE OF NORTH VCAiROLINA I ; ' MADISON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BLANCHE HARTEL, Plaintiff, V. J. HARTELrDefendamt. ' TO V. J. HARTEL: , Take notice 'that a pleading! seeking relief, against you nasi been filed in the -above entitled I action. v ' The nature of the relief being I sought is as follows : To secure an I absolute divorce of the plaintiff! from : the defendant upon tnei rrounds of two years separation. You are required to make de- fense to such, pleading not later I tnan : tne sn i oay . oi August, i 1960, and upon you failure to do J so, the party seeking service a- gainst you will - apply t o the I Court for the relief soueht. 1 ' This is the 9th day of June I 1960. - ' , - - Herbert; Hawkins , Clerk Superior Court 6-9, 16, 23, SOcher. Killed to date last year . 498 GIVE The United Way For faster, mors eomplett relief of headache, neuralgia, neuritis pains, take STANBACK Tablets or Powders. ' STANBACK'sS. A. (Synergistic Action) the combined action of several , medically-approved ingredients in one easy-io-iaKe nose-eases anxiety and tension,, starts bringing relief right .way. v STANBACK against any preparation . you've ever . . usea brought his family home Sunday. Faye Gunter made a, trip to ' Boone Sunday, r where-' her hus band is going to college. , Tisiiie's sister from Farmville, Virginia was visiting her, over the weekend. r Charles Sawyer, went " to the races Saturday night in Newport. , . 11UIWUIU lilt Hoirte Paper to Your Abaent Son or Daughtar ? b IUpa To One HoBMdckaMi MAMA 'J Line a - HOME EXECUTRIX NOTICK The undersigned. ALICE B. HUi F, haviinr qualified as Ex- ntrit of the V Jte of Jon W. Ifu.f, divoasf 1, late of Ji adi.on Coiinly, t is in to notify all per- ' to y I - t i -i to t'-.e vi-