S CD NO, 13 8 PACE3 THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, TIIUrJAY, JU;."" 30, I SCO 10c PER COPY f 3.60 A Year In Madison A Buncos be toa;. 3 14.00 A Year Outside These Two Court e flT oceeds To Be Used For - Summer Recreation rogram i ij pununer I Elaborate plai lans are being made for the Fourth of July , in Hot Springs, Starting at 10:00 a ,xn, ' a full day's program Drill come , to " close with a street dance start- , ing at 9:00 p. m, Proceeds from the events will he used to help de- fray expenses of the Summer Recreation Program,, for Hot Springs.' The program Monday is being sponsored . -by the Citic - Olub of Hot Springs and a huge crowd is expected. ..' s At ' 10 o'clock Monday morn- - ing, a skeet, trap and pistol' shoot ' At 12:00 Noon, a Babe Ruth ' All Star game : -will pit a select ' group of players from Marshall - and Mars Hill versus a picked ' team '- composed of players from '.,Hot Springs, 'Walnut and Laurel At 2:00 e' dock the' Annual - Madison County League All-Star '; game . will bel played.. The host team; not ye? determined, (either Marshall or 'Laurel), will play a ,. selected team from the other four clubs in the league. - ' ' " 1 , Bingo "will be : played at 5:00 .o'clock and the Lions Club of Hot , . Springs will' sponsor ir a, fish fry on the Hot Springs Irfn lawn fce- . tween 5:00-7:30 o'clock. i At 8:30, free fireworks will, be $ displayed and this event will be - followed by the street dance which j Will be , called by Bill Whitten.' MARS HILL CLUB HONORS . W.R7 ANDERSON The Mars Hill Citizen of the L Year Award was presented ' this week to William Kenneth' Ander sen. - i The presentation 'was made at a Ladies Night Banquet in the high school cafeteria,' in Mars Hill. An installation of the club's 1060-61. officers also was held dur ing the meeting. The officers In clude ' William' Powell, president; Don Cox, rice-president; and John Anderson, secretary-treasurer. Jim Cox served , 'as president during the past year. The installa tion was conducted by Erik Fris of Asheville, deputy governor of Area "A", . North Carolina Civi- tan District. Dr. C. Don Gerdes, immediate past president of the Asheville club, was guest speaker. . Wins Nomination For Governor T SAVINGS BOND ; ; SALES AHEAD ; OF LAST-YEAR ' The ' sale of Series' E and H Savings Bonds in North .Carolina continued to . strengthen, - May , sales were , over 8 higher than . May, 1069. ; - ', For Series E Bonds alone, May 4 sales -were the v best since 1058. Purchases were.'. i 'higher than . in May, 1969.' ', , The sales for' Series H Bonds I were 33 above a year ago. ' The combined sales of both Ser ," ies E and H, If or the first five months of this year,: amounted to $20,880,3&1. This is an increase ; of 4 over 1959 and the largest sales volume since 1956 for this ,' period. ... - . ' Alleghany ; County is fhe first (Continued To Las Page) LIBRARY BOARD TO MEET TUES. . 'Due to the Fourth of July eom ' ing on the first Monday, the we- ular quarterly meeting of the li brary Board will be held on Tues- day, July 5- at 8:30 in the court house. This is a very important meeting. Mr. Bex Alien, chairman Jof the Board urges all members 13 COUNTY TU JUNIORS ARE STATE WINNERS . On Tuesday, 13 Juniors of the French Broad Association attend ed the. State Training Union Jun ior , Memory Work Tournament at Fruitland. They wer accompa nied by their church pastors, T(U leaders and parents, . " , , ' 'From; North Fork- .church were eight boys and girls t 4 Kith Buokixerirtf year-wlnn Roger Buckner, 3rd year -winner; Donna Jean' . Wild, 3rd year win ner; Winona Buckner, 3rd year winner; Kathy Buckner, 2nd year winner;; Pansy Buckner, 2nd year winner;, Judy Roberts, 2nd year winner; Sheila Buckner, 1st year winner. . .. - Enon church: Linda Sue Brlggs, 3rd year winner; Brenda Rant-, sey, 2nd yeaf winner. Calvary church: Billy Briggs, 3rd. year -winner; Linda Sue Large, 1st year; Gerald Ball, 1st year. , y ... . These Juniors had previously been winners at the - Regional Tournament at Spruce Pine, and the Associational Tournament at (Continued To Last Page) 'W M ft-- t A i I. Terryi Sanf ord OFFICERS TO CHECK ON LOCAL TAX-RETURNS i Within the next few. days offi cers of the U. S. Internal Revenue Service will begin a compliance survey of many Madison County business firms to determine whether taxpayers are aware of an complying with' Federal tax taws requiring filing of various types of tax returns. ' J. E.!Wall, District Director at Greensboro, said that revenue of ficers conducting thesurvey will check" on filing of -,tax -reiturni eweriitg-busineBS-iinconieeinpIay ers"i Social ; Security, withholding tax and excise tax. Wall; added tnai uie survey anouid be com pleted within about one month. -Director Wall emphasized that the survey is not designed' to au dit tax returns but to determine the public's awareness and he ex tent of compliance with the filing requirements of the Internal Rev enue laWS. . ' .i :. i--:L.:- Wall pointed out that compli ance surveys of this type are re quired by the Internal Revenue Code and are a part of the Serv ice's tax enforcement program. The survey will probably bring to light some instances of delin quency in filling required returns, (Continued To Last Page) BEEGIGLEN GROUP WISHES " TEACHERS IiEPT-: others To Aid In Sivimming Lessons At niarsball Pool $o attend. fled Cross Board v j Meets Next Week , ' The board of directors of the BuneombejMadison County Red r oss Chanter idll meet next ' , i.'nesdey at 4 p. m'in the chap- V "J.fiice.'v-f 't .i;i.:...i'.;:';-V-; v t i he chapter office will be clos ti all day Monday, July; 4, but I r-er-ncy calls, to the :Asheville : ,'opal Llood Center .will .be 1 -JkJ 63 'usual. I'.iC. ' '? ""-4 i.. Cc Seven Marshall . mothers m e't Tuesday at the home of Mrs.' C. : D. Bowman to make plans for, Mother's Aid Training Course . to help in the ' swimming lessons'v to start soon at the Marshall pool. Mrs. Stanley Atkins ' and Mr. Charley Bradley, ' Instructors, . of Asheville, met with the group and explained the plans for the course. A group of the mothers will it tend the opening session of the course' on Wednesday, July i, u the Recreation Park and will meet at fhe Marshall pool on- Friday, July 8 for the second phase of the course, :2:,;:j.., -i .- s ' Mrs.. Atkins was most pleased with the interest shown by the Marshall ladies and stated , that she is looking forward to further instructing them. Z '' s , : -, It was also stated that several teenagers will also assist the mothers in tle coarse. Those atte-ru!nj the meet'r.g 1 "-a Tu " ' y fro.-n I"ar,:.ha!l v tret ? ir. e. l;:, ,r,c: : ' , ' r, ,:t c-.v, u . : ; j, s. L. . i TINFOIL FALLS FROM SKYlAf: FOSTER CRMt Claude : Pcoffitl Brings Evidence Of Mysterious . In What would you think if you and your wife were comfortably resting. on. the' porch after, supper and ; you suddenly looked up and saw: something., brilliant falling- from the, skyT , ,. i . , Well, this is exactly what hap pened to Mr. and Mrs. Claude ProiTitt, of ; Marshall . T.FI 6, Monday night about. 7:33 oVock. Mr.' Proffitt visited The News- Record office JV:A us of the unusual said he and h's '- on t'-.a rorch ' r 1 c;..:n" ' T 1 t" - Mr. T. Bv MetcalfK. who headed a, .delegation which appeared be fore the board of education recent ly in regard . to retaining " two teachers at Beech Glen.' has the following to say this week: , , "A front page article appeared in 1 last -weeks News-JKecord en1- titled 'Beech Glen Delegation Seeks Teachers.' : - ' . , ' "The ,. true interpretation and purpose "f thisfc r ' rr Pon, w s ,to keep' good Iteacht at j3e 1i Gun Grammar Bchool.": VS"' jiittcttlf writes,, ' "There swas not an explanation as to why the top members of the faculty where chosen '.for dismiss al. , These', teachers who held Grade A and Master's Degree cer tif icates, v whose past records as instructors were unquestionably high,.' were dismissed," Mr Met- calf said. : ' , 1 .. ''The above mentioned delega tion,.' voicing the opinions of par ents and taxpayers, demand a re tention of standards in a matter bo ', greatly affecting the lives of our future generation at this crit ical period, of. training. We, parents, like to feel that we are able to meet at any time when conditions C necessitate, ; , with ' group to whom . the responsibility of maintaining the highest stand ards for. our schools has been! en trusted. ?: j' ''. i. - . -!.;"We -would like to express" our appreciation to; the . board of ed ucation for their efforts : to - re tain these principles.' where' facts of existing c6nditions in that lo cality, are , presented and correc tion are.' made by the reinstate- ment of the" - two highest quality teachers who J were : recently - dis missed,". Mr. Metcalf concluded, ' : il I III I 11 If I I I I ' 11 If .Mm 1 IV 1 -v VJ7 JU n 11 1 1 ''.::'!'''t-'..' .Hi i BL00DM0B1LE TO BE HERE ON FRH)AY,jULY8 Visit Is Being Sponsored By Marshall Lions Club . ' It ' was announced 'this week that the Red Cross Bdoodmobila will visit Marshall on Friday, July 8 from 11:00 a. m, to 4:00 p. nw . 'The unit will be located in the Davis-Sexton Post, American Le gion Building, on Main Street. The visit is being sponsored by the Marshal Lions Club, it was announced, "It is hoped that many will do nate blood on July 8, as this will be, , W.' ' Oelmar Payne, presi dent of the Lions Cluft, said. ASC Office To Move To Old Post Office fildg. ;,The Roy 'Wild's Building on Main Street, which was formerly the post office,, is being renovated in preparation for the ASC offi ces, ' it was announced this week by. Ralph Ramsey. ' v , v v The building is expected to be ready for the ASC offices by the first of August, it was said. - OFFICERS ARE L'iSiYiLLEJ Zi - LIONS OTB TUES. Ladies Night Is Observed At - S&W Cafeteria) 39 Attend Hubert L; Kanipe, District Sl-A Governor, .Lions International, was the installing officer at the annual Ladies Night and Installa tion . observance of the Marshall Lion's Club Tuesday night at the S&W Cafeteria in Asheville, Lion 1 President Howard Barn well, who recently moved to Ashe ville, presided at the enjoyable (Continued To Page Eight) BELL INSTITUTE ALUMNI MET IN WALNUT SUNDAY Clyde McCIure Will Head Organization? To Meet Annually .Former teachers and students of the Bell Institute met Sunday in Walnut and after attending morning worship at the Presby terian Church, enjoyed a picnic dinner together at the Walnut Free Will Baptist Church. A business session was held Sunday afternoon with ; the fol lowing officers being elected: President, Clyde McCIure; Vice President, Luther Waldrup',' Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs, Bob Hen derson; Historian, Miss Lula Chandler. . 1 . ; iMr, Fleet Reeves w.as elected chairman of arrangements -. for next? year's meeting, f The teachers and students; plan to " make . the meeting an annual event with the next gathering to be held at the Walnut Preabyeri-: an Church the fourth Sunday .in June. 1 ' -.".a; v v .(Approximately 100 persons tended the reunion Sunday. ftt- STORES HERE , TO BE CLOSED. i:0?fl)AY; JULY 4 i'WV F. Holland, president of the Marshall Merchants Association, stated this week that practically all places of ' business will be closed Monday,' July 4. Also closing will be State and Federal offices, the courthouse, offices, post office, banks, etc. 1 Many people are expected to at tend the full-day program at Hot Springs, which includes skeet shooting, - pistol shooting, bingo, two ball games, street dancing, and, fireworks ' State Patrolmen urge all driv ers to toe careful on the holiday week-end as it is expected that all highways will be crowded. County Gives Sanford 3US Votes Lake-,' , Get 340 - Terry Sanford Saturday cap tured the Democratic - nomination for governor in North Carolina's, hotly - contested runoff - primary which , featured bitter debate on integration problem,' '", " , eyeraj state Democratie virttf leaders agrees this was" an Im portant factor in Sanford's - tre mendous victory.' j Unofficial returns from all but 17 of tlhe state's 2,094 precincts gave Sanford S5 2,945 votes , to V7K K1 9 Inn TittlrA nrlA AQmt.!ml. ed ' as ---'a last-ditch segregationist. This was 66.2 per cent for San-' ford and 43.8 per cent for" Lake. (It was the second highest Tar Heel vote en record, The highest, ' ,060, was set in the first pri mary May 28 "when Sanford built lip an 87,7l-vote lead over Lake . in the four-man race.'? . ; j r ' The state's 100 county boards of election . met Tuesday (, to' canvass ' -and certify the returns. The State . Board of Elections - meets July 5. - Sanford, supporter .of North Carolina's Pearsall Plan for hand- - ling-the school -segregation . issue, ; said, ,"I don't know ..whether the ; peonle will ever be Satisfied with ' t!he wav, the Seerecatfon hroblem is being handled, but. I know they have confidence in. our plan."' ,. - The Pearsall Plan has resulted in-;, token ' integration at some schools in a few Tar Heel cities. Lake, 63, a former assistant at Ikornfey general, pledged djain Vould create a climate of puWic" . opinion ap-ainst intPTation. ITa flKsailed EuiiiuiJ's U1V, 1 . ir? tr. -pa. a. ' i" - ;t -non either bankrupt tlie siaLa or re quire big tax increases. , Sanford. bovish-lookino' i..w&r. . old attorney from Fayetteville, campaigned on the promise for a 1 new dav of nroerpia in Vat1i r-ar. olina. He emphasized the import ance ox increased spendinir for ed ucation. , . i i ( " ' Below is nuhlished the official results of the June 25 election in Madison1 County j . ' Sanford . 664 Walter D. Kolte Is tod ," lommarlund Uice-PreoiL'ont New, York New -Features Two Marshall Pictures r!-y i i V -3 tol! He Marshall 'was featured in the June 26 issue of the Colorote mag azine section ei the -New York News. ;:.T Two pictures' were ; published, one taken of Marblail's business area' from the" west s!,!a of the French Broad River tr, 1 l!ie other picture showing t" j si,;. ,k and benches-in front rf t:, a court house. Yes, t':e I" v ere crow ded. Eoth p'ct ir' i 1 : ! ! en taken several yc: "3 ; Will Continue Asr General Manager Of Mar Hill 1 - Plant - Walter D. Nolle, manager of fhe Hammarlund Manufacturing Co, plant ; in i Mara Hill, has been named a vice-president of the com pany, President Joseph - K. 'Ma Phee has announced,. V v ' Hammarlund, which : celebrates its 50th anniversary this . year, manufactures t control systems for industry anil praiessional rauio communications equipment. The company Is also well known in the amateur radio circles., ' . Mr. Nolce, S9, is a graduate of Jfassachusetts Institute of Tecli nology and the U. S. Naval I.. ' , School in Washington, D. C. X fore joining Hammarlund in 1 ' T he M',19 T 1 j'at ' x si- i t ' tfrta C ', i I- C,, . .. . :, si' i j A - T1W1 T1W2 Tl W3 T 2 W 1 - T2 W2 T2 W3 T.3. , T4 Wl T4 W2 , T5- T6 ',,,, T7 ; T8 wi: T6 W2 i; T9 y T10 Wl T10,W2 i Tll - T12 , -J .' T 13 , , . ; T14 ; ; ,4 T15 T16 115 115 148 , 48 100 58 140 88 94 .43 122 161 ' 94 311 ' 56 85 48 89 141 88 350 10 TOTAL i . .. 3113 Lake 58. 8 , 21 3 , ' 6 .'.5. i 10 6 6 8 11 14 19 14 13 ' 6 ' 67 1 0 ,13 . 15 - 34 - Two Frcr.i C TU7ciI: J, t-f I.'r. a i ; ' .1 i-- 3 I