7C0xl4 Several 070x15 71Cr.l5 AND OTHER SIZES ALL NYLON FIRST CAP ; . Mostly White Wall Doybcd Sfcos Gulf Ooruibo Gtogca find Dcaapping MARSHALL - WALNUT HIGHWAY Mars Hill News v MRS. J. W. BUFF, Correspondent Mrs. Locke Robinson spent , week recently in Jefferson City, Tenn., visiting her brother and family while her daughter; Miss Patricia Robinson, spent the time with (friends at he beach. Mrs. L. L. Vann left Wednes day of last week for two weeks visit with relatives in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Tilson Fleetwood and family, of Kinston, visited here the week-end of the Fourth : and, on ' their return, they took Mrs. Julia Tilson We with them '- for a visit there and to other rel ' 1 atives in Raleigh and '; Walston - bur. j Mrs. Canl Brittain and little son, of Statesville spent the week before the Fourth here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ed wards. '(.-.' Mr. and ' Mrs. Gerald .Griffin and little daughter visited here r. the week-end of the Fourth. Miss ' CSaroleen Johnson, who had been ' with them at their home in Colam , bia, S. C, for two weeks, return ed at that time. And Miss Mar garet Stdnes, iwho had spent sev eral weeks here, went back with " them and on to her home in Cam den. ': . '. V' Mrs. Bruce Sprinkle and Mr. Frederick Anderson, students . at ASTC, were home over the Fourth week-end. - Miss Elizabeth Vann and her roommate, also students at ASTC, visited Mrs. L. L. Bann at that time. And Miss. Mary Huff Bpent the holiday here with her mother. Mrs. Frank Yandell and little daughter, Linda Lee, are here this week visiting her parents, Dean and Mrs. R. M. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. . John . L. Savage and ( little daughter and son, of Canton, Oho, . are guests of her sister, , Mrs.' D. M. Robinson and Mr, Robinson at their home here for a few days this week. Mrs. John W. Huff is spending a part of this week in Greenville, S. C, with relatives. : Mrs. W. K. Anderson was host ess to a luncheon party : for fif teen guests on Wednesday of last week, ; honoring "her niece,- Misb Elaine James, of Asheville, bride elect of Jesse O. Barbour. . Mrs. Locke jRobinfcori, Miss Patricia Robinson, and Mrs. 0 -M. tjarvis were among the guests.' ', . I.Ir. and Mrs. Ja. 1 t'iie following chili! i a ut for Sunday dinner: I'.r. fir ! Gordon Parker, Jerrell an J J of Hot Springs; J'r. tuid : , Paul Parker and Johnny of C! U tanooga, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. EJ gar Parker, Anna Lee, Jimmy, of Springport, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. El mer Parker and two daughters of Muncie, Ind. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Parker i of Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trantham and son, Teddy. One son was absent, Mr. Delmar Parker of West Virginia. All enjoyed being at home to gether. . . - - Mrs, Ed Foster of Cincinnati, Ohio and four children are spend mg sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allison; al so Mr. Foster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Foster of Meadow I Fork. V ' ; I Several neonle of this -section attended the celebration of the 4th at Hot Springs Monday site of last week. They enjoyed the fireworks very much. ( ' Mrs. Hattie Suttles of Shutin is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gardin. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Gardin and Son, David' Wayne,' visited her . ;,n late Ealur-uy, ( . luUaa Pangle called on i t Gardin Sunday. She visited by Mr. and Mrs. i :'n and Elaine, s . i;j Foster and children , E iturday nljtht with her 1 r and family, Mr.' and Mrs. r y Allison. ' . I Ir. and Mrs. Sidney Brown spent a. few days last week with r,:r. and Mrs. Jackson Ebbs of Eonnie Hill. f T. ilson Payne, Spencer and Lat- tie Kollins and Dud Shetley call ed on Cecil Pangle Monday night (Mrs. Clyde Stanley and children and lady friend of Asheville spent a few days the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown. They were also visited by Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Ebbs and two grandchildren. ' Emma Jean Allison and Jackie Shetley visited Laveonia Pangle Monday. , Larry Pangle visited Gary and Stevie Frisbee Monday. Mr. Emmett Pangle of Spartan burg returned home Saturday af ter spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Pangle. Mrs. Lucy Parker is visiting her son and family, Mr. and Mrs TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS IN AND AROUND MARSHALL rJoavorvillc Lau: nrnt.i. Mi-. n Mr. MotiiU Jl Pngle of Tennessee, Spring Creek Sunday., . , fr'' andM5"' Wors of v l wvuuauu otuus : njouege, ienn., The Bethel Christian preacher . spent Saturday night with Dr. and and wife, Mr. and Mrs. , Larry Mrs. Kimberlv of ? Bluff. Thev Works. of Johnson Bible College, had supper Sunday night with Tenn., took the young people on Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Paiurle. a picnic to Silver Mine Branch at Mr. and Mrs. Lon Parker, Mr, O o Your Social " Security Q , Q v Some household. workers in Mad ison County are not receiving so cial security credit (for their earn ings, according to Mrs. Lucille M. Riokman, field ' representative of the Social Security Adminstration. . The law makes the employers responsible for reporting for so cial security purposes the cash wages they pay to workers in their household, eaid Mrs-. Riokman. Household workers who receive $50 or more in cash wages during a calendar quarter have earned so- Hot Springs 'Saturday night, They were accompanied by Dr. KimberJy, Mrs. Homer Plemmons and Mrs. Warren Gillespie. All enjoyed a good supper and a nice time. , Mrs. Buena Frisbee and sons, Gary and Stevie, called on Mrs. should make sure that their em ployers report their wages because social security credits - are ; based on these reports. . The law requires the employer to ' report cash..-wages "paid to household workers to the District Director of Internal . Revenue,, to gether - with the social - security tax due on these wages. The re port must show : the name, social security : account number of the worker, and the amount of t'ne wages paid. ' 1 The Viekt quarterly report is due July 81. ! Mrs. Rickman emphasized that all household workers should keep a record of their cash wages. At least once every three years, they should check their social security records to make sure that all cash wages have been correctly report ed. Mrs. Rickman will be in ttie courthouse in Marshall on the first and third r-. Tuesdays eacn month, beginning at 9:30 a. m., to give information . and ; assist- cial security credits for that peri od. This might be as Jittle workance to Madison County residents as $4 per weeK.. These workers on social security matters, and Mrs. Bob .Anderson of Kings port,- Tenn., and . daughters visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker Monday. ; air. ana Mrs. uiiirora Allison, and family ; visited his parents, Mr. and i Mrs., Thomas Allison Sunday. Mrs. Eula Mae Davis and Mrs, Vina Foster and daughter visited Mrs. Buena Frisbee Monday. ; Mrs. Carolina Pangle and Cecil. Gary and Stevie Frisbee Called on Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown Mon day. , ' ; , ; r ' Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Kent re turned home Tuesday of last week after , spending ; several months near Wavnesville. ' Mrs. Kent was a patient in the hospit al several months. De ccr&Uon Planned. For Freeman Gap Sunday,; July. 24 . , i'- .v. S. C. K...erts, 89, of 6 iCiiiup Ciound Kl, Asheviille, a retired Captist minister, died Saturday imorninj:, July 9, 19G0 in an Asheville nursing home follow ing a long illness. , Mr. Roberts had served church es in Madison and Caldwell coun ties for many years and was a member of , the , Oteen Baptist Church. - He had retired . from ' active ministerial work . about 25 years ago and had resided in Asheville for the past 20 years. ; A native ef Madison Countv. Mr. Uioberts was a Bon of Amos A C 1 r-U.'M.M and Pollv Marlor Rrfnt, "wwmwu, " - i, ;r- I . mmmm . , Surviving are the widow. Mrs. raSSeS 1 liursday i SSJ-JS- fneral Saturday f iwvticu VI Una r r,,, "e Johnson, of Mrs. Ella Robinson, 84, J died AsheviUe,' Mrs. Billie Miller f -r-i. j., ri n Zn . i. Greensboro, and Mrs. Sue -R ddlek-v M...'trri- ran o oi.- M, b . i iawaia-a vu- uul0 UUa AM' i M ,: mbv Vl wncmnau, vnio. . ' lorn ta vMnv if R V Rn. Also one eon, Noah Roberts, of I a ,t. ; - j. Griffin. Ga.: four rinri.h!Mn.n . Inr. ' .'' ... i naiier luninn: xnree sons:, uui.. seven s great-crandchdldren nnt av.. li. I son of Mars Hill; three stepsons. G. S. Robinson of Asheville, . W S. Robinson of : Newbridge, 'and John L. Robinson of Inglewood, Calif.; a stepdaughter, Mrs. A- lonzo Robinson of Alexander; two sisters, Mrs. Phoenia Metcalf and Mrs; George Allen of Mars Hill; two brothers, .Willie Dodd of Burnsville and Charlie Dood, Mars f f Iv ASTIEIA DR. EDGAR LYNGIIOLM CHIROPRACTOR 886 Merrimon Ave., Asheville ' Coil AL 4-4711 Collect , one great-great-grandchild. NCWO from the Sorvicoo Oak Harbor, Wash. (FHTNC) james jk. udom. aarmkn- an- prentice, USN, son of Mrs. Patsy 11111 SSFD e' 3 grandchildren; 12 A. Kooerto of Walnut, is serving bvbi-uukuiiuiwi. ; with Heavy - Attack Squadron Services were held Saturday at Eight at the Whidbey Island Na- 2 P- o.,-t Bethel Baptist Church. val Air Station, Washington. Oak Harbor,j The Rev. Everett Sprinkle and the , Rev. Guy , West officiated, and burial was in Chandler Cem etery, Holcombe Funeral Home was in charge, of arrangements, Mrs. Eliza Payne, 75, Passes On Monday; Funeral Wednesday Decoration At Shoal Hill FWB Church Mrs. Eliza Redmon Payne, 76, of Marshall RJFD 8 died at 8:10 Monday, July 11, I960, at the home after a long illness. Cemetery July 1 7 There will ibe a decoration and homecoming at Shoal Hill Free Funeral services were held , at Will Baptist Church Cemetery, ,p. m., Wednesday, at the Caney the third Sundav. Julv 17. Da. Fork Baptist Church. The Rev. coration WtmiW . ift Mwv D. Gross, pastor of the Mar- nd siniriwr in the afternoon. ; All shall Baptist , Church officiated, aincvr anH Ht.tn0r ir.tt GROUND STEAK PLATE . with-- . -MASHED POTATOES Choice of TWO VEGETABLES COFFEE or TEA 65c v-' r INCOCK'S RESTAURANT - 8 N. PACK SQUARE ASHEVILLE, N. C Mrs. Malinda Rice Passes On Monday; Funeral Wednesday A decoration observance; will be held at Freeman Gap on Suw n t l .. .... . . -' uiy m bui ruling at 1 :UU D m. ; On , Wednesday, ; July 20, the cemetery will be cleaned. All speakers and the public are invited to the decoration services Son July 24. . " si 1 1 is I M TT or mm iimim , W u M M mm '....mm nn w mmw 1. mm 4 48.474 SOLD IN JUNE!-" ""m:..t , f -' f r r acfc' -fr ' ' 1 "3 I Burial was in Dry Pond Ceme tery. t t - . n . Pallbearers were Coleman Wor-I ley, faney Ramsey, Burder Payne,! Ernest Snelson, Wayne Roberts, hnd Kenneth Bowman. Surviving are -three sons, Fred and Os Z. Redmon of Marshall, and Jerry Redmon of Winston-Salem; three daughters, Mrs. W. H. Hens-1 ley of Indianapolis, lad., Mrs. Joel iFrady of Abbeyville, S. C.,; and Mrs. T. P, McKoin " of Winston- Salem; four brothers, C S. Tread- way of Union, (S. C, Charlie of I Hendersonvllle, Zack of Hot! Springs RFD 1, and Hez of Ai ken, S. C, sixteen grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren. - Bowman-Rector Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. L. J. BROWN cg::37lti7io;j v;oizg : Now you can end your constipa- , tion worries one and tor all. Put ' side chemical laxatives, oils or bran- like roughage that may upset your -system. Instead, take Sbutan in a glass of water tvery day. Sesutan is an all-vegetable laxa , . tlve aid that nrovides the Drorer moisture, bulk and peristaltic stimu- lation you may need to promote daily regularity. This is entirely different . from chemical laxatives. Prove kl Take Seiutan daily to end your con stipation worries. Introductory Offer! - send this ad plus luc with name and address for J 1.00 size to Seiutan. 'Bo 740, New York 19, N.Y. v yU,:llxmW Mrs. Malinda Rice, 85, of Mars Hill RiFD S, died Monday after noon, J uly li, law in an Asne villa nursing home after a short She was the widow of rV W, Rice and was a life-long resident of the Upper Xaurel section. Services (were held Wednesday at 2 p. m.T in Laurel Metfhodist Church, of which she had. been a member 62 years. " The Rev. James Thurman and the Rev. Ebb Jenkins officiated. Burial was in the Justice ceme tery. 'Surviving are two 'daughters, Mrs. Mattie Ponder of Mars Hill, and Mrs. Ethel Justice of Erwin Tenn.; three sons, Spence of Mars Hill, Alfred and Hubert of Ashe ville; 21 'grandchildren and sev enteen great-grandchildren. .: Grandsons were pallbearers and granddaughters were flower bear erg, t?u -v; . ? - Holcombe Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.' ' FOSTER CREEK CAROLYN HONEYCUTT '. " Correspondent The Laurelton Chapel Church was proud of its attendance Sun day and Sunday night. ' , Wilodine Fender ate dinner with visiting friends in : Weaverville, Wilodine Fender at dinner with Tootsie Fender Sunday.. Alda Lee Honeycutt ate dinner with Marie Gardner Sunday. we ae rsorry to hear that Lear We are , sorry to hear that Kenneth Fender, Woody Brack- ins and Willard Edwards are on the sick list 1 - . ' l ' Mr. and Mrs. Stepp Fender visited relatives m Asheville Sun day. ' Marie Gardner was visiting her parents and friends over the week end. , .-. , ' - ' .- iMr. and Mrs. Case Fender had as their guests Sunday, the Rev. G. Y. Burgin and son, Howard. -oOo- "fl" f cf ! nm I Located Vi mile from Mars Hill 65 acre in 2 tracts; 0 acres open in crops t alfalfa, tobacco, corn and permanent pasture. All under good fence and cross fenced. 2 barns, 2 bouses, tool sl.ed, dairy barn, trench silo, and other outbuildings; gravi ty iwater; 1.3 tobacco allotment; 24 rnllch cows, 17 year-old heifers; 10 artificial heifer calves; IC3-al. bulk tank; hot water heater, !s Laval m"'. crs; 17,2! 3 milk base; 33 Fcr J tractor, j baler, sUe' delivery ..1 t t . r ; jws, t.jc f rtvr r irrows, rrj'wcr, t.

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