. ... .. (j n econd-cUM mail prlvilea auUojlie at Mrhl M. 0 go ' - H. L. STORY. Ounter and Publisher . t. Storf, Mmnaging Editor ' Lrel Set :rclay EDITORIAL PROBLEM WITHOUT SOLUTION, ' 1 The TV A report Outlining flood problems on the French Broad River in the vicinity of Marshall was presented to' approximately 40 interested people Mon day .afternoon at the REA Building here. The meeting brought together some of the top brass" of the TVA, including Colonel Harry E. Brown, director of N. C. Department of Water Re- -sources; James E. Goddard, Joseph E. Enloe, and Marvin S. Shadel, TVA specialists. Also present was John Hampton, Director, WNC Regional Planning Commission. Representatives of CP&L, French Broad Electric Mem. Co-op, and about 20 interested citizens of Marshall made the meeting highly informative and interesting. Splendid and comprehensive booklets recently ' published by the Division of Water Control Planning, . TVA, were distributed and proved most informative. -a Data and pictures also make the booklet' highly en- ,. , tertaining and valuable to keep. " Much credit for this splendid report is due Reed y A. Elliott, Chief Water! Control Planning Engineer; Albert S, Frye, James Smallshaw, James W. Bever age, Myron O. Jensen, Joseph S. Enloe, Margaret C. Longmire, Elizabeth G. Breeden, Robert Forbes, and many others. ,' Mr. Goddard explained the purpose of the data compiled as those present reviewed the booklet. Other top men spoke briefly and then questions were asked concerning a possible solution to our dangerous location in regard to past and future high waters and floods. No Immediate Solution ' ''V,.' . . . - .. It was agreed that Marshall is situated in a most vulnerable location in regard to floods. Our people are well aware of this, having seen the town destroy ed in 1916 and almost washed away in 1940. A high wall along the right edge of the river was one sug- gested solution which would lessen the chances of the town washing away but would not protect, the tj Island or the far side along the river. This, however, t would demand a cost which is prohibitive. Another suggested solution is to build retaining dams up- ', stream above Asheville.v This would hejp, of course, but no immediate plans for such dams are being ' -made. Building a dam on Ivy River would tielPv but where is the money coming from to build it? More - , land conservation would help, but would ; this be sufficient "flood proof ?" . 'ti'f Ail these suggestions were aired but Mr. God dard just about summed it up by saying the safest ; way was to "keep man away from water and water away from man." But how? He also suggested that the surest way to protect the business section from washing away was to "move pn the hill; perhaps to the by-pass." ' . Until something more feasible is advanced, we ,T . suggest that we continue to pray that the river doesn't 1 ." wash us away. Manager J. C Wallin announc ed this week that his Laurel team of the Madison County . Baseball League would meet the 1940-60 team of Revere in en exhibition game on .the Laurel diamond Sat urday at two o'clock. Wallin stat ed that the Revere team would have1 euch ' renowned players as the Adams boys who starred sev eral years ago. Wayne Adams will manage the "old-timers." On Sunday the Laurel team will host the Camp Creek team from Tennessee in a game starting at 2:80 o'clock. , . Hot Springs Forfeits . .Manager Wallin announced that Hot Springs forfeited the sched uled Madison County League game 'last Saturday at Laurel, failing to arrive for the game. The records will show a 9-0 vic tory for Laurel. This gives the Laurel team a 7-won, 2-lost record in the eounty league and an over all record this season of 8 wins and 8 losses. Sleepy Valley 4-H Club Met July 5 With Mrs. O'steen it The Sleep Valley Community 4-H Club met Tuesday night, Ju ly 6, at the home of Mrs. Max O'steen. Emma Kate O'steen, club president, called the meeting to order. The club them stood' and said the 4-H Club Pledge. Hilda Rathbone had devotions after Which the club repeated the Lord's Prayer. Junior Lovin, club sec retary, read the minutes of , the last meeting. A business session was' held and a discussion of painting mail boxe of the Anti ch, Sleepy Valley, and Pairview communities was held. We met -Thursday, July 7 and cleaned up churcn grounds at the Salvation Army Center. We then practiced some sing ing, led by Mrs. Mae Clapp with Emma Kate O'steen at the piano. We had as ' visitors' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lovin and Brenda Els iwick. ,m ;.- . ' .Refreshments were served by Mrs. O'steen to the 24 members We again want to invite all the boys and girls in this community to come 'to our meetings. We are sure you will enjoy them. LIBRARY PROSPECTS BRIGHT 'j From, all present indicatiohs, the main branch of s ,; the country library will be moved from Hot Springs to Marshall, probably next month. ,; This comes as good news to many local citizens who realize the value of a library. It has also been t indicated that branch libraries will be maintained at Hot Springs and Mars Hill. This is also encouraging news for citizens of these two towns who have shown .unrelenting interest in the ..library, (service. . t In last week's editorial an 'appeal was made for ' 1 ' a suitable building with low rent so that the niain , library could return to the tsounty seat. Indications at that time revealed little chance for the transition. , However, considerable public spirit has been shown , . during the past few days which makes it now almost certain that Marshall will have a library. - r t Hajor credit belongs to Rex Allen, chairman of . the Library' Board, -and Dr.J. iA-McElroy. Dr. Mc- . rircy has offered the building, on .Mam Sweet now hou : '3 the ASC 6ffices at a reduced rental for a li- ' : trary. In a talk with Dr.;McElroy ,this week, he stat- ed that he would be glad to reduce the 'rent in 6rder . to l ave a library here. He is a firm belieVer, as is his ' t1-"- a library in Ilarshall could be invaluable.' . " , v;ted r : -cr.tration should be loudly, " v i li'ifj! ; - J that others will be a3 en--, ' - i I r. " rcy and Hex Allen, who has ' ' t f ' oa in hi3 capacity as commis-' ; ; ; ; . . I'j d::'rc3 for the. library. . ' t ;' i ly-formed Veterar.3 of For , t j.i ::s:-:.ball have al.o sbown - 1 c ' :-i i'-i tLa lllrary by i', . '. v j jrovivlid the '. "x . '3 rrcrp cf ktcres t?d " ,: fro" vvL;a the i i.::..;,...h:u f HURTINO YOUT wv. hamt&ah tt OUTOHO&Vfctf tllMll mtntfawpia T kurrawa uS. ma lMMlh.MBl.h.riiiiillliiftlM b mlithkt tfSttnm ammtmm. i .-w attended Sunday f ' Hnmiland last Sunday du ; rain which lasted all day. John Gahagan taught t'ms Bible Class, as their rt'jvii. ! uher was absent -. Jlr. ..!ler Cosnell was taken to a Givoneville.Tenn. hospital last week for surgery. He is improv ing and is expected home by this Weekend. Mr. Woodrow Wallin't small son , who was struck by a car last week, is able to be out aigain. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Boy E. Styles of Candler spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Birchard Shelton.' " " . ' Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hunycutt and Mr. John Gaftagan were in Marshall 4ast Saturday on busi ness. -, ! t j k t 1 , r PAINT FORK KENNETH BAY, Oorreeponden t rWe have been bavins some rains for the past week. Work in now being done on the Paint Rock Road. . -' Jim Ward, Jonnny Ricker, Al ma and Kay Lamb and the Rev. Marvin Wall attended one week of Bible Camp in Pennsylvania. They reported a nice trip. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward and children lave returned to Plant City, Fla., after spending 2 weeks with : their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ward. Agnes Ward return ed home with them to spend the remainder ' of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Clell Ridley and children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lamb. The Ridleys are from' Pennsylvania, BRIGMAN CHAPEL DORIS GOSNELL, Correspondent 'Rev. Bill Foulks will preach at Brigman Chapel Friday nigiit. Mr. Walter Gosnell, who was a patient at a Greeneville hospital for the past week, returned home Tuesday. 1 , -. ' The young people of the Belva Bible Church and Grace Chapel Church enjoyed a week at the Menonite Bible Camp in JPennsyl- vania. We are all thankful to the Rev. Majrvin Jlxialja it possible for ; usjto attend , camp. Those attending camp were: Kay and Alma Lamb, Wanda' Thomas, Frances and Doris. Gosnell, : v Jim Ward, Johnny Ricker,' Douglas Hammit and the iRev. Mr. Wall. They returned home Sunday. Leon Williams is recovering from a head injury. Dianna , Kay Gosnell has . been on the sick list for the last few days!. .. J r i Landing gear for Jets among patents. J. ' f ' 1 1 Anlicc!i Cl.urch' ' The Sleepy Valley . Development Meeting was held July 7th at 7:30 p. m., at the Antioch Methodist Church. ' - tl 1 , ' The meeting ' was opened by the Congregational , Song. 1 De votions i were given by Mrs. El bert Goode. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Man ley Holt ' ' .','' " : Business discussions '. of this meeting was the agreement of our Development J1 ub furnishing paint and paint brushes for the 4-H Club to paint.fhe mail boxes and posts in the Antioch, Sleepy Valley,- and Fairview communties. Mr. James Stuart, Assistant County Agent, ; showed a short movie about various insects that attack gardens and other crops and recommended different ma terials to dust and spray for con trol of these insects. There were S3 present at this meeting. The next meeting will be held at the Salvation Army t Center, August 4th, 7:30 o'clock. Everybody Is welcome. GETS OFF WITH A BANG Muncie, ' Ind. Quick results were obtained , in a new traffic safety campaign being conducted in Muncie. ; Two policemen were suspended for three days without pay by Po lice Chief James Carey. They were involved in minor traffic collisions. i '. Shown above are members of the Bull Creek Home Demonstration Club at Biltmore House, recent ly. The club enjoyed an all-day outing including a ' picnic at' Rhododendron Park and a tour through ' the Biltmore House.' ..fhey also visited the gardens and baby calf barns. . - . ' - Those attending were Miss Ethel Townsend, sHome Ec: Agent; Mrs..W. C. Silver Sr., Mrs. Jake Brown, Mrs. Charles Hunter, Mrs. Zeb Edwards, Mrs. H. G. Scott, Mrs. Hardy Merrill, "Mrs. Don Edwards, ; Mrs. W. C. Silver Jr., Mrs, Clifford Bates, Mrs. Al . burn Buckner, Mrs. Evelyn Silver, Mrs. Gay Merrill, Mrs, George BroWn and Mrs. Fletcher Kuyker. , BIB BABY! Kankakee, 111. Gigi, a Mexi can Chihuahua, wont go to bed at night until she has her baby paci fier. Gigi was only six weeks old when she found a home' with; the Rene Raymonds, and she whlnned for her mother at night To keep her calm and happy, the , Ray monds cave her a pacifier to chew on. ' v Walnut L. L. Defeats hot Springe, 15-12 I ' '':if-? 'The Little Leagurers of Walnut outs cored Hot Springs,. 15-12 in a fame played at Walnut Tuesday.'. Micky Tweed had 4 for 4 for; Walnut Ronnie Meadows pitch ed all the way for Walnut wbilo Shelton and Tolley toiled for Hot Springs. i 1 Wool being spun at the high wheel just as in pioneer days. The spinning lady always draiws a big crowd at the Craftsman's Fair in Asheviile, which opens Monday. Other old-time handicrafts which fascinate visitors are vegetable dyeing, weaving;, pottery basketry, whittling, mountain chair making, shuckery, metalwork and quilting, .v.,--.- ' Photo by Fred Maroon. aibaDIGpartraQiiDt mm s my " i i i ' J -' V .. v , " - . . ft .. . J , I K ( i 6cnt:::3 :UJiSE :Doro' T.MirBbiifDs! 3 Men's Curlee Last call'on all Ladies' Entire stock of Men's" Wash & Wear, Drip-Dry . One couhter of Ladies' ,:;m;;wl ' sumlieu . . ; summer ,.. , FABRICS - DRESSES . - ;f summerweignt . ; rf? ...TROUSERS ! Values to 89c yd. Tand Children's Better - r SUITS 1 f ; Wash and Wear t , ; Now 50c yd. " v -'DREESSS t iiArr 'ak Art - ; 100 Dresses In wool and dacron 9,Iv frti5l n " -J Values to 8.S5 - - ez. 45.00 ; t mently oU &t t Keg.. 895 ; 2 ydi. for ylXO ; JJ(iw C2X3 lo r3X3 , IWC-J.C0 ; 9:S5-15.C3 ,KowCS.CO ... N0K3 HIGIim " Boys' and lien's W J i:rN'3 ' V$J? "Ma Vn lTr" n' nATin t-ti r eu:.:: ::::: iiats .saldals D:rrz. Li::.:rz UAliili iwUiukw . , D IGood elcc'".-n to choose Approximately-SCO pair " " Uat C'.cc.J Vl: J 4.CD 1 In Cole I : fcn ; All sizes (but not all siz: ' ; ; All z'?'i Xv- " 1 which j - I - Vflaca to 4.55 ' , In each style , Kcj. 5.C)