OL. 69 NO. 32 10 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, THUrDAY, AUGL'jT U, 1SS0 $20 A Year In Madisoa & Bunoomb Coanttea ' $4.00 A Year Outsid These Two Conatiea , 10c PER COPY 3.4? iMi' 3 D3 ca lit ars Hill Captures County lobe Ruth ChamDionsIiin ill Bennett' Boys Take "Rubber" Game, 14-9, Tuesday ' Bill Bennetts Babe Rutti base ball team i$ the ' 1960 Madison Comity Champions. The Mars , Hill team won the title Tuesday by defeating , Jerry Plemraona' . v strong Walnut team, : 14-9 in the ' final of a two-out-of-t!hree game ' .playoff. 1 ' . ' ' - Doug Ponder had the honor of . being the winning pitcher, al though he needed help from A. - ' Davis who relieved liim in thff 5th Inning after Walnut crossed the plate; six times. . Frankie Thomas started for a Walnut but was shelled from the - mound in the first inning when Mars Hill scored six runs. , He was relieved by Eddit Thomas, . who gave over the mound diores to Jerry Beid in the 6th . Arthur t Davis led the winners with four hits in five trips, in cluding a double1 and homerun. Donald Davis led the Walnut team U with 3 for 4. In the first game of the series, played last Friday), Mars Hill defeated Walnut, 6-1, behind the, five-hit pitching of Doug Ponder. The second game was won by Walnut in an exciting extra-in-, ning game . which Walnut won 2-1, in nine innings, Donald Da- , vis and Jerry Beid had back-to-back doubles in ttie 9th frame which proved disastrous to Mars ' Hill. Frankie Thomas went the . route for Walnut,: giving up only . 'four hits. Arthur Davis was the loser.' i Donald Davis, of Walnut, with 8 hits in 11 trips, was the lead ing series Utter, ' 1 ' , A FARMING NOTE ON GRID SAFETY ft ba Kwn a11et , ta ant ' St tention that too many farms still i ' contain death traps for . little children in the form of water- ing-holes, many of them built with ; government aid. The. watering, holes, which most of ui are fami- (Continued on Last Page) . , Ccr Stolen In Town A 1?5 Tudor Chevrolet seJan, lv to Aldo!phu3 Cook, of i.':-T " :!, LFD 3, was stolen fro" tl.e I - ' 'on r-arklr-r lot here Tu . t" y t." " t i ' -1 11:C) o:. '., r - "f r.:r. '.!. 1' ( r ' 1 n f, "I s-- t". .3 U 1 1 I ' ' . ' , , ii j i . i i i i , I, i I i i I i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i i i ' .' i ; a HOT SPRINGS RECREATION PROGRAM After the first four weeks of operation, the 'supervised, recrea tion program . sponsored by : : the Service Clubs of Hot Springs has been a teal success. This program is being held for six weeks for all the schoo' "age children 'oi Hot Springs, under the direction of the Hot Springs : High School coach, Roy Amnions, and has been enjoyed by all of the children and young people who have taken part. The highest attendance for one day during the first weeks was eighty, : while an average attend ance daily has been around seven t... 1 l.j. -vju -KiJthe Madison County u Selective! tAH mm,nt m- Knj hw activities with the director pres. ent to supervise them. The , prog ram has two weeks remaining and will close on August 19. . . Activities and games that have been held are swimming, baseball, football, softball, volleyball, cro quet,, badminton ping pong, and other games. A part of the prog ram baa been the coaching each day of the Little and Babe Ruth League teams by Coach Amnions Swimming bas been at the iil ver Mine Recreation Area, with competent life guards on duty. The remainder of the program has been located , on the school grounds with equipment, purchased especially for the recreation group -, (Continued To Last Pegs) ASC ELECTION PLANS BEING FORMULATED : Plans are now being formula ted for the election of around 8500 ASC. community committeemen who wifl assist in administering the ASC farm programs in North Carolina during 1961. Each year an election is held in whic& three ASC committeemen and two alternate committeemen are elect ed to serve , in each ASC cem munify in the state. Three ASC County . ' committeemen ' and ' two a' '-''- committeemen are also " ? each county after com- i t!.a community electlotig. . . .. T"-.t '.ows, Cliuic. an tf t' u ru: .; 8 ' C ! r'le Co:::-; : i t.,-r-.:.:.oen-...ixt of t:.: . -, t: U-,l Ct t! a e ' f.r t'-3 J rv a si i l I ' 4-H CLUB ' MEMBERS WIN CAMP HONORS Madison County 4-H Club dis tmguished themselves in, camp last week in several phases of the camping program. Miss Christine Lim from Te-Land, who is visit ing Mr. ; Frank : Shelton's family, went with us to learn about our youth groups so she could 1 write a book on American youth activi ties. She won the honor, of being selected as runner-up for the best campers award for the week. Also as winners in the four groups as best campers we had Xutiher Nix, Max E d m o n d s, Shirley Parris, ICarry . Lee,, Ramsey U and Jthol Meadows. - ' ' K We were very' proud of our club members as they worked in . (Continued To Page Eight) - Draft Board To . Close Monday; To Reopen August 29 v.f Mrs. Myrtle Morgan, clerk ofl Service Office (Draft Board), an . 1 . I i il l. ii nuuucuu nils wew uiai. uie oiiice would close next Monday, August 15 and would remain closed until Monday, August 29. Hot Springs Plant Will Be Closed August ,14 -21 It was announced this week by Gaston Gage Jr., plant manager of t!he Hot Springs Plant, that the plant -will observe August. 14 21 as vacation week. The. plant will close at the end"! of operation on August 13. : ."All eligible employees are to receive vacation . pay,1 based on lehgtih of service," Mr. Gage said. Visitor Spsalss Out Roadside This letter may be a bit out of the ordinary, but after several days of serious thought, '.'' felt compelled to send yon the infor mation, 1 have found 'newspaper editors very effective in getting results, and many times, by stimu lating such action some serious conditions have been corrected,' I hope that this may be true in this particular case. ,r ' '.; ' I'll try to be as brief as possible in presenting the facts and yet give all of the informal: v. kith I fail is pertinent to Ce c: .-e. On J..' .";, t T.'.!;er wl"'. r ? v!3,' 1 O : At V.yj ASO Office Aug. 19 Refreshments To Be Served; . v Public Is Invited ; ' To Attend The Madison County ASC Com mittee and office personnel an nounced today" that "Open House" at the new ASC 'office, quarters is being planned for . Friday, Au gust 19, between the hours of 1:00 and 4:00 p. m. It was point ed out that the main objective of this event ig to permit the farm' m nd tliV MTiPi-ai miWfr. nt Mail. ison County to visit and inspect the ' e quarters lo cated a- iis ;inWw-ttion 'o4 Upijcr Bridge Street In Marshall. a- Office mltnager, Ralph W. Ram sey, stated that any and all per sons who would like to observe the new quarters would1 be welcomed and that refreshments would be served to those who visit the of fice during "Open House." Mars Hill Little Leaguers Take 3rd Championship The Mars Hill Little Leaguers closed out another successful 3ea son on the Mars Hill diamond last Tuesday as Steve Davis shut out Hot Springs with a no-hitter, 3-0. Davis had a perfect game going into the last inning when his in field committed two bobbles, Tol ey and Gentry hurled well for Hot Springs but their teammates gave up two unearned runs. Mars Hill has now won three consecutive Madison County Lit tle League championships. Their overall season's record showed 11 wins and 1 loss. In the past three (Continued on Last Page) Gambliiifif Sometime around 2 p. m., is the afternoon on tlhe 9th we were traveling west on route No. 25 be tween Asheville and Hot Springs when we ran into " a most un pleasant experience. Getting ' a bit hungry, we noticed targe yel low signs (with red lettering) "Kosher" Corned Eeef Sandwich es, etc., wl.ich a-' ea'1! io us and we decided and had a and a col ing we Hi who is sr t a f L.f t' .j'r' to step for a snack coi 1 beef sandwich T. .".s we were eat I t'.ut the woman en employe of ' ! la a partner, 1 (.?'.' in front - t-.rrs! to ". ! t i'.3 V r r to 1 1 Local Merchants To Meet Tonight At 7:30 O'clock W. F. Holland, president of the (Marshall Merchants Association, announced ; this week that the merchants Will ..' meet tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock at the Citizens Bank here. 7 ' beverai vital matters are to be discussed and election of officers wijl beheld. t Ail members of 6 AssocBftaon are asked to be present. ; i ." ASSOCIATIONS COUNTY TODAY The French Broad Missionary Baptist Association, with Wade Huey as moderator, convened this morning at Long Branch Baptist Church, where the morning an(" afternoon sessions will be held This evening's session will be heW with Grandview Church and to morrow's session will be held witt the Upper Laurel Baptist Church The French Broad Free Wil Baptist Association is meoting it its annual session with the Drr Branch FWB Church on Lower Walnut Creek this morning. To morrow's session will also bq'heid at this church. . y Agairist Joint: tried to ' give us . he impression that he was managing the place for someone else, pumped us for information as to where we were from; whether we were visiting in a the - ares or ' just passing through, etc. AU of this should have made some impression : on me, but unfortunately we were traveling leisurely without too many words, and it did not. After we had finished our snack and I paid the bill t" . young, fellow asked my v,'" t try her luck on the daily I . lie ha J a dice g-ime on tl a c er and he told her t" t evc-y who r.a'e a putv's." a v to fite tl.iv -', c ... house! f'-a tvu- 1 s : Uill Increase Employes; To Be Ready In Dec. Announces Expansion WALTER D. NOLTE, Vice-Pres ident 'and Plant Manager of Ham- tnarlund Manufacturing Compa ny of Mars Hill, announced plans for the expansion of the plant which will begin Monday. ASCCOMMUNITY ELECTION BOARDS NAMED The Madison County ASC E Teetion- Bbkrd which is composed of of the County Agent," the FHA Supervisor", he County SCS Tech nicdan and . the President of the County Farm Bureau, has appoint ed the following persons to serve on this year's Community Election Boards in the respective order of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Re gular member: Township 1 M, G. Ramsey, E. O. Burnette and Roy Roberts; Township 2 Dew ey Cook, Roscoe King and Ben Gentry; Township 3 Cory Wal lin, Grant MoDah's and Harry Payne; Township 4 Judson Ed wards, Virgil Metcalf and Grover Tomberlm; Township 5 Will Phoenix, Frank Ramsey & Frank Jarvis; Township 6 . Roy Cald well, Hubert Teague and Tad Gra ham; Township 7 Joe Payne Ted Payne and Columbus Ball Township 8 Jack Caldwell Cerry Edmonson and Lloyd Fish; Township 0 D. G. Church Perry Cowan and Clarence Law (Continued To Last Page) uj ROAD MEETING TO BE HELD HERE ON AUGUST 25 : Residents of , the seven-county area comprising " the Thirteenth Highway . Division will have an opportunity to present ' road re quests, petitions and problems to representatives of the Thirteenth Division at a public hearing here on Thursday, August 25. 3 An-1 nouncement of the hearing was made today by Division Engineer W. M. Corkill, who is in charge of the hearing.' ''-y City and county officials, along with the general public, are in vited to attend the hearing if they have road requests which they feel t'.oulj receive at'-ir.llon. The It ark j v III la' iold te tAetn the Louis cf 13 a. m., J 12 noon, on Thur? r, A:,r- -t I", t v r , " . i c i' k ''' " -oOo- Will Triple Floor Space At Mars Hill; To Begin Monday Plans for a $500,000 expansion program were unveiled Monday by Hamrmarlund Manufacturing Company at Mars Hill. To its present 27,000-square-foot plant in Mars Hill, the elec tronics firm will add 53,000 feet bringing the total plant size to 80,000 square feet The company already has some 10,000 addition al square feet in warehouse space. Contracts were let Monday for the new unit. Hickory Construc tion Co., was awarded the gener al contract. Other contracts were awarded to Haynes Electric Corp., Price Piping Co. (heating), and Moser Plumbing Co., all of Ashe ville. To Begin Monday 'Hammarlund Vice President Walter D. Nolte said construction would start next Monday, with De cember 21 set as the completion date. He said the new plant would provide jobs for an additional 200; to 300 employes, about twice the number now employed. Nolte listed Wachovia Bank V Trust Co., the Business Develops ment Corporation of North Car olina, the Citizens Bank of Mar shall and the civic leadership of the Town of Mars Hill as firms and organizations which had aid ed in planning and carrying out the expansion plans. v- ( , iPhe new building will be brick veneer and will be situated fcf-the west end of the present structure. : ... . .t':' : '....f'. ;..::..;' :'.'. " 'v.1;1 : :' ,.'..v; Telechrome Affiliate ' ' ; ;'.'.''-.yV '."V:v .:;.'i:::..: " 'f- The "50-year-old Hammarlund firm was acquired last March by Telechrome Manufacturing Corp. of Amityville, Long Island, N. Y., and now operates as an affiliate . of this corporation. Joseph Me- . Phee is president of Hammarlund and vice president of TMG Mar tin Koenigsberg is executive vice president of Hammarlund. Fra zer a. Hammarlund la assistant plant manager. . ' , '" The Mars Hill plant maanfae turers communications receivers, electronic components and teleme tering equipment for remote con trol systems. The firm supplies the commercial market as well as amateur and government markets. The new plant was designed by Six Associates. '.' Asheville archi tects and engineers. vv L, Dr. A. M. Ramsey Injures Knee In A Fall Mere Friday Dr. A. M. Ramsey, Marshall dentist, severely injured his h'i knee and right ankle last FriJay afternoon when he turned his an kle while descending steps ra V Bowman-Rector Funeral II: He was taken to St. I '. j Hospital vkliere it was four.l ' ' . tendons in his left knee w s ; - ed and his rirht ankle s bruised. Ills leg will be i. a t for several weeks, it v a j r ed. ' .. . ' die Is expect i-J t j 3 hospital far sev : '. C ret..i-.'r- to his 1. , IS i - i ! Li '. 3 '.