f':t.?'i,:Ji; A: vcl. Ed r;o. 4i , t ' 8 facis this vnr::- 1240 A Twt In Madison A Buncombe CouEilee $4.00 A Yur Outside These Two Counties 10e PER CC?Y r .,-' ; f it- NEXT THURSDAY IS DEADLINE ON COVER CROPS PAT.E.E. I . L ARRESTS L-iuIY ON YALKUr liTN i , First Drawing To Be Satur day, October 29' At 4 P. M,"' Officials ; in', change ojf 'the s Christmas J Shopping Promotion in , JIarshall announced this roora ingv that sealed fcidi Were opened at '10:00 oWock today, from--the three nartidpating car dealers and that Houston. Brother bad submitted the lowest bid on a 1961 American , Rambler, twpdor sedan with standard factory equip- . envi-i.-.'.'.;.v nm-W.m'rPw - This car will be the grand prize at the final drawing which will . be held on Friday, December, 3 at four o'cloock in front vWv the ; courtihouse. . s . i4 The committee announced", -that three drawings will be held dur- tng the promotion with' the first drawing on Saturday,. October 29 at 4 p. m. The second . drawing will be held on Saturday ,Novem ber 19 at 4 p m: The finaO draw ing will be held on Friday so ii will not conflict with the annual Lions Beef Drawing which will be on Saturday,' December 24;- - , ; - Prizes are now being .secured for all drawing's and will be an- mounced prior, to each, drwuigty-. : For the first, "drawing prizes wUl include' an electric blanket, value f 24.95 (Home ''Electric & Furniture Co.) f pi , silver doUars,- ; ; (Merchants .Association) ; $201n -trade at MoKinney's Pept.ji Store; $10 worth of groceries at Model ; Grocery; G. E, Electric .. "fw& UWild's Radio ,& TV - Service)! $9.00 Watch Band. (Sluder's, Jew- elry), and a $6.95 Fry Pan-(0. C Rector Hdwe.).' ; . ,, The public is reminded 'i that :'. ( Continued To Last Page) Shown Yeceiving their-20-year Sns and certifi-'.j cates Wednesday; in the ASC Offices here, left to right: Miss Minnie Rice, Miss Hattie Jarrett and Miss - Genell Fox.. Mr.' Novile Hawkins, 1 chairman of the, Madison County ASG -Committee,- is shown- present'' . ing the certificates. .i . ' - : -t . - " rU'.r'. rriaff Photo , 20-Vccr Pins - fire Presented : Novile Hawkins Makes The Presentation.; TplendU J Records "i: 'f a lifetime of work but t vouMii't have missed any of it!" .3 T y r j t':e senthnerlt of three ' o.'". e nnployees. ' as "J 2D-year y 'as. and s ii t' s AC!0 orrice in "". y. ? r if " "'. ' s cover-' - ? ( e ' i r : . . ,-' .4- . .f : 1 . 1 ; ' Mi i Rev. Glen . A. Ramsey J" RAMSEY ACCEPTS PASTORATE OF Succeeds 4 D. ; D. . Gross t " ' Marshall Baptist Church Pastor As t The Rev. Glen A. Ramsey . Jr. pf Marion, has. accepted the pas torate of ; the Marshall Baptist Lchuroh . and wilL begin his duties here November 1st. - - ",' JVTr. Ramsey 1 has' served as as sociational missionary of the Blue Ridge Baptist Association in Mc Dowel! County for the past four Continued To Last Page) in charge of the wheat program in the. county office - and, to. quote her "t!ne processing of - applica tions for '"payment" which has beon aepecial ass'jr-ment down through the years. -Wilh the advent-of-the pujx!.8-e ortI;r pro gram, ETiss I.'ce" t n au ' r purdiiaae . orders and vendors' clms-for paymerit. - - ; "Prior to entering AZ0 e ' . -n r.t, I'.'.ss Rice tar-'.t s." . .1 i I r-eets in her w.k for r f.!.uorr:r''s who are n -.- f - ' i- , One of the . requirements 'for successfully .- establishing a good winter, cover crop is that of seed ing it early; enough for the plants to get a good start prior to' cold weather. . According i' to Novile Hawkins, chainmaa. of the county ASQ committee, October 20' is the latest reoonmiended seeding datte to be followed in establishing y winter cover crop with, mixtures other than rye. When rye alone is (Used, jit should be seeded prior to November 10. The chairman explained that these recommend ed seeding dates would be follow- ed in giving A CP approvals for Government cost-sharing on' win ter cover crops and tfiat all farm ers within the county who desire to' secure AGP help with their cov er crops should plan to seed them within these dates. Interested farmers should file their request with the ASC office now, he concluded. 'Achievement Day'i By HD Clubs To Be Held Saturday Here The home demonstration clubs in the county' hold an "Achieve ment Day" each year to give an opportunity; for every club to see and learn what the others are do ing; This wi'U be Saturday, Oct, 15, at 10 a. m., in the Marshall school cafeteria. The displays of canned food, needlework, art pro' jects and flower arrangements are always varied and interesting to see. ... ? ,This year a special project ia being offered to each person who attends; this is the opportunity to learn about lamps and shades and lighting fixtures for the home. This project will be given by the Home , Economist i. front Carolina Light and Power Co. Also' a food and ellectrical , appliance " demon stration will be given by. Mrs. Tipton,, home economist for .our French Broad Electric Member ship Corp. These promise to be very interesting and helpful " ' Plan - to attend your, achieve ment day activities on Saturday: 4-H Club Pullets Bring $2.10 Each --if V. ? ; ;' - Tea 4-H Club boys exhibited and sold their pullets on the Foul try Chain for am average price of $2.10 eaca. - Each member's pul lets were graded and placed either In a blue, red or white ribbon dass. i The CStnens Bank purchased three of the ten pens of pullets. Mrs. Troy Rice bought two flocks for an average of $2.30 each. Oth er buyers were Mrs. L. E. Ball, Hubert Hawkfes, R. H. Lance, Frank Huff and Eari Wise. - , - The Fanners Federation spon sors the poultry chain each year by, awarding a cash prize to each boy and girl who grow out the pullets. ' . . ' , CUccospbingi- Pone Co Gsu3 Lion Meet Gardner Well .At 2:33; Interesting Program , .Departing from tradition, liars Kill Coilege Will combine Homc cf - ' 3 and Founders Day into f '1 t -y of activities at liars Kill : y. f -1 - Ti.r r any years Homecori-i!"" 1 I 1 W.1 01 T, " r. .-. c -- f . Gastonia Man Driving Car Without License, , -Key,' Etc. t " Everything was going smooth ly for carnival roustabout Benny Burks, a 21-year-old lad from lie Sheron Ave., in Gastonia.- ' . Until he ran afouil the sensitive nose of a :' highway patrolman whose curiosity triggered Benny's downfall, i . Benny was in Knoxville, Tenn., Monday morning, but he was sup posed to be in Spartanburg,' S. C, where he the carnival for which he works was pitching its tents. By 10 a, m., Benny's transpor tation tremors spot the best of him, and he elSmbed in a 1964 Chevrolet parked on street The key was gone hut the switch was on. Benny, in car, was ; shortly shaking tiie dust of Knoxville out the tailpipe. " . ' - , - Across Eastern - Tennessee1 and into Western . North . Carolina, Benny came without a hitch. - Pulling up Walnut Mountain a- bout 11 miles northwest of Mar shall, Benny found himself sand: wdched on the upgrade haul be tween a ponderous- coal truck in front and a line 'of, cars behind. Impatiently;' he vtrjed to pass. Un familiar vwith ther car, he 'first killed the motor, , next ground the (Continued To Last Page) - HONS PLAN "SOCK HOP" Proceeds Go To Ambulance Service: P '--n f i The Hot Finn held their regular meeting v . Thursday at the Court Cafe there. One of the major matter of bus iness was the decision to hold a "Sock Hop - round and square dance at the Hot .Springs High School Gym on October 22 In or der to raise funds to assist in re turning the Hot Springs ' ambu lance to service. The club over whelmingly .voted , to do all theji possibly could to help in this wor- (Continued To, Last Page) TORNADOES T.IEET CANE RIVER ON ISLAND FRIDAY . 'Coach Ed Morton's Red Tor nadoes will play host to the Cane River eleven on the Island here Friday night - Backoff is sched uled for eight o'clock. ' , . The local gridders will . try to bounce back from the 32-6 defeat suffered at the hands, of East Yancey last week, m , , 4J w Jr.. of Greenville, S. C, speaking. President Hoyt Elackweil, Dean Jl. M. Lee and the ct" -e choir, un rt'e c"rvt'on cf 1-cmas J. c ;:i t At 11:15 t" 1 1 Ar!s Tu".': r"i:u " :i. 1 " ' cf t i , ' t i i a service. i e wJ I ) a special ' ? c . ..ioiiy at Lea iloore s 1 Tine 1 ' r con- ' s t 2 AUTO STRIKES SCHOOL" BUS; NONE INJURED A rear-end collision of a car with a Madison County School bus Friday afternoon, ' ' October 7, brought damages to both vehicles but no injuries. Both vehicles were occupied only by their dri vers when the accident occured. Pfc. W. D. Arledge of the State Highway Patrol reported his In vestsgation ' showed " the school, bus, driven by Truman Craine, 19, of Wars Hill RFD 4, was traveling north., four .miles, north of Mars Hill on U. S. 23 when it was struck from the rear by a car driven by Arnold William Dean Jr., 16, of Mars HiM RFD three, Arledge said Dean stated he started to pass the bus saw ano ther car approaching ', from ' the opposite direction at a high rate of speed. Dean said re turned in behind the bus and struck it- in order to avoid a head-on collision with the unidentmed third ve- hicle, according to Arledge. The patrolman said a number of eye witnesses - verified Dean's state ment. :.( ' -- .'. ''. Arledge sadd no charges will be filed against either Craine or Dean. , He - estimated ' damage to the school bus at f 25 and to Dean's car at $125. GUIIMARYOF iC:31IARVESTD' BURLEY A ' summary of the' 1060 har vested acreage has just been com pleted according :' to ' Raftph W, Ramsey, manasrer, of the county ASC off ice. i. This report revealed that 2463.7 acres of tobacco was harvested from ' 2894" farms in I960; that there were-7 farms with a total allotment of 30.19 seres on which no tobacco was planted; there was no tobacco planted on . non-aHotnent- -farms, and that three farms harvested tobacco: in excess of flieir allot ment. In 1959, 2490.31 acres was produced on 2935 farms with only two farma being in excess of their allotted acreage.. . . In conclusion, Mr. Ramsey said that as in the past few years, the 1960 tobacco marketing cards would be mailed to producers and that they would be placed in the mail in time for all farmers to receive them before the . opening of the local market. - " t. Day ;o ;; Hill 'Sotordoy season. At haUtime President Black- well will crown Joyce Lockhart, bright-eyed sophomore from Greensboro, Homecoming Queen. She was third place winner i t'.e 1059 "Kiss NorSi Carotlna" cea test . . ' ' : Also during the halftime, Maude Veils of Lexington, tTass., be crowned Fool' Queen ty tie teim eo-csptK'ns Tori TarVer cf a-:"e'ani f ' '7 V."in,"e- cf I. ....:.,n, T...n. T i i '1 ' .-i, I - is a fr " " u ; .t event f t" i I ' : ' a c t r : . ASC AREA WORK BE INpHEVHXE 'tin A The ' quaAerly area work con ference of ASC employees will be in Asheviljn Thursday and Fri day, October 20-21. Attending from Madiso County will be No vdle Hawkins, Chairman of the County .VAiSC Committee, Joel Morgan, (Vice Chairman, Andy Woody,-'. Regular Member, Ralph Ramsey," Office ' Manager, Genell Fox, Hattie Jarrett and Anna Mae Tipton. SJih ,h The - first, day of the meeting will be devoted to a dicussion of the duties and responsibilities of the County ' Committee. Mr. Haw kins, will be1 on the program and will discuss'-the duties and respon- '1 ' l.! . ;t m ry a. ;xi. men ? in ' connection with Acreage Allotments y. and Marketing Quo tas " '.). .The second day will be devoted to a detailed1 discussion of Acre age, Allotments and Marketing .Quotas, Agricultural Conservation Programj'Biidgets and other Ad ministrative matters. ... , ,, CHECK FLUES AND CHIMNEYS BEFORE USING The .season of v year is here when, it L;, .necessary to provide heat in the home. ' Almost every year we read in the (papers about a costly fire in some rural com munity, due to a faulty flue, or some other cause, which could have been prevented if proper precautions," .and ; care, had been used. Many of our farm homes have been built many years; some of the flues and chimneys are m such a condition that makes them dangerous to use. A little time spent -in checking these very im porta nt parte of the farm home wall cut. down on disastrous fires caused by this source. Farm fam ilies may-be faced with the jab of putting out a fire,. Very few of . them ; have done anything in the way of preparation for ; this particular- problem. This should be discussed with the members of the family and a plan worked out, before hand, on Just what to do in case a fire breaks out in ,the home. - 4 . . ' , No Registration Required? . November 5th Is, ,j ; Challenge Day . ' r With the election less than sv month away, more interest is be ing shown in politics by both Re publicans and Democrats..' h " " Marvin Ball, chairman of the Madison County board of elec-' ' tions, ' announced' today that the registration books would be open October 15, 22, 29 at the regular' voting places and all persons eli- ' gible to vote, but who are not registered, should do so. This appffiea particularly to persons who hiave become old e nough to vote and to those who have moved their homes. Saturday, November 5, will be challenge day, which is always the last Saturday before election. The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 8. . 'Men in the armed forces as well as others who willl be out of the county on election day may vote absentee. . Mr. Ball -pointed out ' that application for . these absen tee ballots - could be made by a blood relative who is a member of the immediate family, or by a i wife or husband. .. Fillinfr Station Broken Into Tues. - ''. Night At Ivy Bridge (. Sheriff E. Y., ponder reported yesterday that ' the filling station ' located at the Ivy Bridge on ,US s 25-70, and owned-by Mr, and Mrs. Frank Essick,- was broken into sometime ' Tuesday night And missing were some cigarettes, soft drinks and ice cream. ' .. tha ones who entered gained amjssion by breaking the front dAi glass and unlocking the dvr. N arrests have been madet'as HOT SPRINGS TO MEET E. Y. HERE AT &00 TONIGHT Homecoming To Be Hell . Prior To KickoffAt 7:30 Cplockf The Hot Springs Blue Devils will meet Hhe strong East Yancey team here tonight. (Thursday) at eight, o'clock in the annual Hot Springs Homecoming game. . At' 7:30, Homecoming ceremo nies will be held with the 1960-61 Football Queen to be crowned and other colorful events to be held. ' 14- '-3s, V