Pick-up and Deliveries ON . TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS t tffcaverville Laundry r-"-fp"tHP Sf lm0mg lvaJ LmwiJ) Ztms liquid or ointment- loc :. tor's antiseptic, promptly relieves itching, stops scratching and ao : helps neal and clear surface skin rashes. Buy IiMw am a Sfrenpta Zerao for 7PT i tubbora canal Mi Vlll V liavjnjr qualified as Executors of the estate of Jamps ICamsey, deceased, late of Madison Coun ty, North Carolina, this la to no tify all persons having claims a gainst said estate to present them to the undersigned at Marshall, N. C, on or before the 8th day ox September, 1961, or this notice wiu be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the under signed. t This the 8th day of September, HENRY, RAMSEY and' ' '" i .. v EDWARD RAMSEY,1 ' ' Executors. 9-8 10-13e ' 1 , v , , WHY fTot Send The Home Paper to Your Abteat Son or Daughtec ? 1 II Helps T Que Ho dekn JUST UKC A LB-rm. 1j room -( MOMS JANE PARKER LARGE 8-INCH TASTY PMC plnllc EACH OfJLY BUT PIES "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY THICK, SLICED nn ' 1 t J t 4.' f - ' 1 ,.1D) VV, 2-Lb. PKG. BACON END SLICES . PKG. . SEASONING BACON 1-Lb. PKG. 29s 19g HEARTY AND VIGOROUS 5c OFF LABEL OUR Ol"JW TEA 8-Oz. PKa YOU PAY ONLY 54 MEL-O-BIT PASTEURIZED . SUCED i nn p AMERICAN , I Tj ) , o-swiss ; f ; 6-Oz. PKGS. O PIMIENTO IK , -" " T ( . . . I I : h ' 1 i w 1 'l -VH ' I.J t - r , OLD TIME : rt " r 3 u w u n ... It. IJ t, . 1, t -a CAKS mini i v. r N ) I: i3 Pvt. Donald Wade Hunter, son of Mrs. 0a E; Barnes, of Mar shall RFO 6, completed his eight weeks of training at" Fort Jack son, S. C, Sept. 23. At the con clusion of, eight weeks training, he was awarded the medal for ex pert riflem&n. j - Pvt. Hunter left for Governors Island, N. Y., for bis Additional training and duty in the Occupa tional specialty of Data Process ing wiflh the office of the Adju tant General. : - He spent his 14-day leave with his mother ,and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. WalMn. Pvt. Hunter is a graduate of Marshall High School and Gard ner-Webb College and was em ployed as an installer at the Air Base in Pensacola, Fla.; prior to his induction. vote novemeeh 3 rou JIM Ft CRAINE; i : COUNTY COMMISSIONER ' "' -Madison County Republican Age, 49 1ifekmg Citizen and, Resident of Madison. County General Farmer Member of Walnut , . Free Will Baptist Church. ' Mason "I BEUEVE WE CAN HAVE GOOD GOVERNMENT AND AT THE SAME TIME REDUCE TAXES" . i-Pd. Pol. Advt. ' " ( i v O BLOODSHED BOX SCORE iNorfolk, Va. ( FHTNC ) Ralph C. Metcalf Jr., USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Metcalf of R-2, Marshall, is serving on the staff of Vice Admiral. Willlliam L. Bees, Commander ' Naval Air Force, U, S. Atkntnc Fleet with headquarters at Norfolk, Va. v Ha reported to Norfolk, Aug, 10 from the Naval Air Technical Training Center, Memphis, Teran. Before entering the (Navy in June 1958, Metcalf graduated from Marshall High School. - (. Goppingen, Germfr A TTTNC) Army Pfc BoWy JF bi cH, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black well, R-6, Marshall, recently' par ticipated with ' other , personmel from the 4th Aumored Dtivisiom's Mth Infantry in Bicycle II, a nine-day field training exercise in Germany. The exercise was designed to test the ability of the infantry to maneuver under simulated com bat conditions. . , " Blackwell, an assistant machine gunner in the infantry's Company A in HeiDbronn, entered the Ar my in Apr.il 1959 and completed basic combat training1 at Fort Jackson, S. C. ON N. C HIGHWAYS I - f& ' V Raleigh The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 a. m., Monday, October 10, 1960: Killed to date 889 Killed to date last year 884 News for Veterans q q Some 250,000 veterans are ex pected to be in training this fall under the Korean GI Bill, a 40 per cent drop under last fall's 400,000, the Veterans Administra tion predicted. . At the same time, enrollments of disabled Korea veterans under VA's vocational rehabilita tion training program probably will drop to 7,600 this fall from (last fall's figure of 10,000. However, a smaller, newer pro gram admmiatered by VA, War Orphans Education, is expected to increase its enrollments from last fall's 9,000 to around 12,000 this fafll. , This program is for the sons and daughters of veterans who died of service-connected con. ditions. Well over half of the 250,000 Korean GI Bill trainees will be in the1 nation's colleges and universi ties, the VA said. - The rest will be is ' schools below the college level, and in on4foe-jbb and on-the-farm training, , i The ; Veterans Administration expects flil nroUments; tpfon tirvue to -decline until ,1966, hem the GI Bill program comes i to an end. Vocational training' for disr abled Korea veterans also is ex pected to drop. But the War Or phans Education program most likely will continue to go up for several yeaTs; this program has no terminal deadline. Madison County Farmers Will Get Free Pine Seedlings How Usa Of Water May END YOUR CONSTIPATION WORRIES At you grow older, your system be gins to dry out This is true of your digestive system, and it may lead to constipation. Seiutan, taken daily with plenty of water, produces a smooth gel tbat provides the proper moisture, bulk and peristaltic stimu-' iauon to help end your constipation worries. ;v- . Sekutan is the all-vegetable lax- auva aia mat moistens hard, dry food wastes and forms it for easy, regular .' eumuiauon. Sesutan is entirely dif- . ferent from harsh chemical pills,' salts, bran or oils. Take Sesutan : idaily-with water and cnioy regular . elimination or your money back, v THERAPY PAYS OFF ( For the second year, free white , tllTl o anoftlinkva will h. nyaAct availl. able to Madison County farmers, Says James M. Stewart, assistant agricultural agent. The Champ ion Paper and Fiber Co., will make available, white pine seedlings to Madison County farmers in a- mounts of 600 to 4,000, seedlings per farmer. Most Madison County farmers have land that could, and should, be planted, in white pine seedlings. Nearly every farmer in Madison County can find use for, at least, 500 to 1,000 white pine seedlings. The ASC Office offered, last year, assistance of $12.00 per acre for four acres planted in pines with sufficient survival for a good stand. Farmers who would want assistance of $12.00 per acre should contact the ASO Office prior to setting. Where can white pine seedlings be obtained. Farmers can obtain white pine seedlings by con taotnng the County Agricultural Agents Office, ASC office, Farm Conservation Service, Vocational Agricultural Teachers and the U. S. Forest Service in Hot Sprinfrar. Madison County will be com peting with ten other western Carolina counties for the highest percent increase in the number of pine seedlings set during this .' planting season. IN T1TR FUrrriOt CO' ?.T BEFORE TUB CLERK STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF MADISON , CHRISTINE D. CLARK - WENDELL CLARK ' ' , : Under and by virtue of an or ; der of the Superior Court of Mad-, ison County, made and entered in : the above entitled 1 actipn, made by the Clerk of .the Superior HAnaf n njt a. . a rl Hi n rl lit undersigned ' Commissioner will on Tuesday, t(he 18th day of Oc tober, I960, at 12:00 a. m., at tha , door ; of the courthouse . in Mary . shall, North Carolina, offer for k sale to - the highest bidder 1 for cash upon an opening - bid of $1,836.00 (EIGHTEEN HUN DRED THIRTY - FIVE DOL. r LARS), but subject to the con firmation of the Court, that cer tain tract of land, lying and be ing in No. 14 Township, Madison County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a double white oak stump on the N. bank of Grapevine Road and runs S. 65 deg. 35 min. E. 100 feet to a stake; thence S. 77 deg. E. 170 feet to a beech at the end of a rock; thence S. 49 deg. SO min. E. 33 feet to an ash stump in a hollow ; thence S. 2 deg. 20 min. W. 419 feet to' a hickory in Wayne Gosnell's line; thence with said line N. 66 deg. W. 109 feet to a beech; thence N. 51 deg. W. 102 feet to another bee A; thence N. 11 deg. 30 min. E. 137 feet to a white oak standing on the bank of Grapevine Road opposite the intersection of Wayne Gosnell's driveway; thence N. 54 deg. W. 34 feet to a point in the center of Grapevine Road; thence with the center of said road N. 30 deg. 100 feet; thence N. 15 deg. 30 min. E. '60 feet; thence N. 7 deg. W. 86 feet to a point in said road; ttience leaving the road and running S. 62 deg. 50 min. E. 64 feet to the beginning, containing 1.9 acres more or less. A ten (10) per cent cash de posit will be required of the high est bidder. This 30th day of September, 1960. ' JOSEPH B. HUFF, Commissioner. 10-6, 13c Pine seedlings for your farm can mean increased farm value, improve the looks of your farm, erosion and increased future se curity. These are some of the benefits you derive from plant ing' pines on your farm. : Remember, orders can be placed for pine seedlings through - and agricultural agency in Madison -County. - ;i r . . ' " r HE'S GOT IT I ' - OUR . DID r r . r , i ......... 4 V f - , f-. V . . - -.... For t e f rut ti'n n idmIm 1 " t 7 B y to I I to r pv i t 1 9. In ; '.: .:-::: Dallas, Tex. Three years ago Linda Burr, a semi-invalid, took up swimming as therapy. She recovered remarkably; Recently, t!he 12-year-old rheumatic fever suffered pulled a , drowning boy twice her size from a pool at Dal las. i , c GROUND STEAK PLATE . - with MASHED POTATOES - - Choice of ' TWO VEGETABLES ; COFFEE or TEA ,v65c'.; HANCOCK'S v RESTAURANT 8 N. PACK SQUARE , , ASIIEVILLE, N. C " Advertise. ' Want a clerk, Want a partner, Want a situation, ; Want to sell a farm, Want to sell sheep, cattle, Want to ieH groceries, drir, Want to sell clothing, hats, err, Trr-ttoflnieustomrsforrr:' Adrerf '-3 wZl gain eusV tv A j 1 -s c'i c 1 - 1 . T '" ' 7, '1 l( " f is IT w,i: j.-. 0 (a) 1 1, " . Contact The News-Record MARSHALL, N. C. iPronptt Daljuory;; LETTERHEADS: V STATEMENTS ! f;" FORMS ' : BUSINESS CARDS T. - ': TAGS ; vedding rAr;ou::cs- :z::xa i -, , , . , ..... i-