1 i t y iw y and a and family of C5w'Um spent Sun day 1v1ii.I1 I.'r. and Mm Damipsey Woody. ,' Vt. tend Mrs. Cecil Pangle, of Meadow Fork," spent Saturday night wife Mir. end . Mwy Lionel Erooks.j "' , v' iMiea Violet Ann Woody of Can ton spent Sunday iwJttlh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Demipaey Woody, v Mr. and Mm Sheryi Young and daughter of Marion epenta few days last week with her parents, Mr. land Mm, Tom Finley, :.' ; J' Mr. Woodson and Ivta Henderson of Balfour visited their father, Mr. I I'r. 1 i....O i .1 f . P ;:,t 'ner.i. n It' '-Mien are vi j l.er i .iionlJ, Mr. and Miis. Verge Keener. Lois Faye Woody 'spent Satur day might wiilih her sister., Violet Ann, of Canton. ' Mr. and Mra. Carl Flynn of Ten nessee and Miss Ruby Weldroup book supper with Mr. and (Mrs. Floyd Waldroup Saturday. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Keener of Meadow Fork and their daughter and two sane of Georgia visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wtaddroup Sunday afternoon. ' ' - , Mir.; and Mrs. OtJa v 'Waldwup took dinner Sunday with Mar. and Mm Floyd Waldroup. ' 7o writ XC UUH21 Year At 11 xisnnv cut ma It is sorm' lines dlfritn'l mlul'.in one's d'itlty. Ii J" it is even hard to do'Ine the w.n t. WW exactly da diganily? The geiierallyHacceii.d ouTiuj- tiort of the word da (that dignity ie a quality of character which wins the admiration and ' .ireapect of others. It is also laeoociaited with being noble. To us. dtendtyde not something reserved for the upper crust, 00 to apeak; ' It is a trait itihat (many uneducated and omvpoverieihedi men and women acquire. It ds always gratifying to see one who has not made to million dollars or who nas not -been fortunate enough to ac- miira v an expensive educataon, nevertheless conduct hnimeelf with quiet dignity, i Dignity is the opposite of loud ness and cxammon behavdor, It la a quality Which prevents . an individual who possesses dt firom intruding.. t u Genuine people do not "affect" dignity. This da pSiony.' Dignity, nnn.7. f , : ANN PAGE ; . BOXES LBS. "SUPER-RIGHT! LUNCHEON Jill 9 -"-.rtt'n 0, f Cu vlJ ALLCOOD BRAND SMOKED FLAVORED SUCED ; : . t A n. MORTON FROZEN : PI EG - , pen fisw w Peach Apple - Cherry . 1 1 F -1-LD.. ) TO I C BF 'n& I , ' 1 RUSSELL VANILLA - nrj MILD AND MELLOW EIGHT O'CLOCK n 1-Lb. 2 nz ii r " 1 . - t -J i k. J . k- ...J - '.-. - ! ! Tlepresenfativ o ' iii'Je office lof dlhe So- i ' y AdTvindBtraition an- i 'ay that their irepire- 1 , D. C IBiuitCer, would :, lanshall an Wednesday, Iv.a.. v Z2, since that day da a 1 " 11 diid&y. ( il.'i'. J . ... hir will oontdhue wWh his' W-. .lay vdaitB to iMiairahall eiuut . o n.4i iMiaron 1, and wui be avi.- Me ait tihe cwurfhouae to help il.l adiisoin Ooiunty iresidento wiuh sunial secuirity matters. ' ONORGE 1 1051 jtlodul lOlwiwrolet, 6-cylin-der car in good condition; new paint job; good itixes , (Used as ladisoBi Oounty Driver Educa pion Car) will be gxAdt ait . (public audtion at 12:P0 o'clock - awon Saturday, Fehnuary &5, 1W1, at courthouse here. - MADISON COUNTY BOARD , , OF JEDUKJATION " , 2-16,230 " ' ' . ' j The onam who was imost influ ential in the successful founding of 'the . United States was, of course, George . Washington, whose birthday amndvarsary .it observed this muomrth. . : A girdait general, a gireait Firesi- dent, a great engineer, rand a great Aimeriean George Wash ington left an imiprdnt which ds visible in .the freedom and enjoy ment of life of every American, Washington not only secured the freedom of ithla country from England, bait (he established ma ny of ithe- principles of govern ment, as our first Piresidmet. 'Hto high standards of conduct, mor ality, etihics, end statesmanship were and. are today am example for Americana in public office, Indeed, this is a proper time to atop and reflect upon the cWatr- aoter, -courage and determination of Wastidmgton - which is sq much iin need in government 'to day. Because Washington had all these qualities, we aire enjoying (he fruits of liberty and strength, -In recent years historians ihiave came to the conclusion that the mors they study George Wa&V itself is not forced or stiff. It cam be osr warm and simple land down-to-earth as people 'them selves. iBut it da readily apparent when a dignified personal an one's presence.. And jit ds always So, then, we anight aHL do weld to keep in mind the diiginity and character which we should like to exemplify. : Whether we be a sim ple (laborer, or a wealthy execu tive, we can walk the streets with head . high, a noble beaming and conduct our ' lives with , dignHfty and principle,' And if we do this, witth faith, ' and dedication to what ' one believes right, - .the stoilms and bitter blows of life will come and go and nothing can destroy that haird-XHdefine- qual ity .the dignity of the indivi dual human, being.' . -'. And, meanwhile, Idfe will have been more pleasant, .' more . will have been acomplisihed and a bet ter example set for ithose around you. Digiinity is worth the effort r 1 iKKniinnciu- WW 4 f 1 SWARMINO TERMITES caD I Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Steps Itch-Relieves Pain ; For the first time cience hai found a now healing lubitanco with tho as tonishing ability to shrink hemor rhoids and to rtllevo pain without surgery. In case after case, while gently relievlhg pain, actual reduc tion (shrinkage) took place. Most amazing of all results were so thor ough that sufferers mad astonishing statements like "Piles have ceased to be a problem I" The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) dis covery of a world-famous research institute. This substance is now avail able in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H, At all drug counters. . A safe investment is a donation to the Rural Fire Protection Fund, Marshall N. C. IF IN fffiED OF ' Letterheads , ; -'N -t. ? ! "' :.) . . . . .'.,..?,:. . f ii'i - . :. -r,:,, .4: -."-" Envelopes,; ' -' . .' , Statements , . Visitincr Cards . Business Cards Prcmiry TMes Chattel I." .'oases Slzxxz..j Deeds ..... f. L- . . 3 , ir I COUNTY' ' ' U. Ijr af.l ly virtue of the power of eu-ie coajitaitiied to a cer 1 1 deed iff trust excwitd by bluett J. tiwJl'ton-, daited tiie 11 d;y of Aiig"t, ISiSS, nd arecord eJ in book 61, pa rte 168, dm, the OHfioe of ithe iBeffiatwr of Deeds of iMiadiaon County, Nomtlh Caro lina, default hawing been made din the paiyment of the dndebtedness thereby secured and Band deed of trust being by ttie tenma thereof subject to foreclosure, the under signed trustee will offer for sale at SWIM-US wucuiun ,110 turn ider for cash at the courthouse door to Marshall, nNorth Caroli na,' at noon, on the 16th day of u&ron, iwi, a properly con veyed in said deed of trust the Same lying land being lia ithe Coun ty or 'Madison and atme of Tsontin Carolina, in Township, and more particularly 1; desoribed' a foXows; $ r-V :-'i:f:-!-''- IBeine nest of the lands of W. R. Sheiton, sold to Noah Sbedton and itramaf erred- to Etasory Carter, BEGINNING on la white pine, the corner of a tract of land bond ed to IBamett Sheiton and runs IS. SO deg. West 11 poles to a white pone; $oufflh 4a deg. West 10 poles with the meanders -of the radxre to white pine, South 34 deg., west 84 ipoiea co a neecn on nine bank of a branch, then South 27 deg. West- poles with tine nidge to a maple, then North 30 deg. West ZU Doles to a doc-wood, then South 86 deg. West 11 poles with the ridge to a cnestnut tree nben North . 47 deg. West 18 poles to a chestnut and oak on -the ridge, tihen with the (ridge to the top of one mountain, unen wuui we moun tain to tne nidge thda begins on. Then down and with, the top of the ridge to the JBEGINN1DJG, containiiing one1 hundred fifteen (116) acres, more or lees. Turn ds an undivided interest in the a bove Ciands, one half to Brother Jimmie. Being ithe same lands conveyed to Delbert J. Sheiton by Carpel OhandCier in 1943 record ed in book 9, page 638, iMtadison County 'Regdetry. - But this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes. - This lath day of February, 1961. . , - CHARLES E. MASJIBURN, -.- . Trustee E-16 3-9c MADISON CCU- . - .Under vA h f the Pwr-of t.e i a r- tin Deed of '1 1 - I 'y Elmer Davis "nl , - Davds, to A. E. U , 'Ii tee, dated the 21st d.'v u. 1 ier, 1969, and recoi. 1 i 1 I in uue umice in iuio 1 ; Deeds for Madison Con 1 y, 1-ortin Carolina, and default l.av 7 been made in the payment of ins in--debtedneas thereby secu" i, and the said Peed of Tnv t 1! by the terms (thereof - y ' ,r" oloeure, and the holder 1 v. in-, debtedneas thereby secured (hav ing demanded a foreclosure there of for the purpose of satisfying ' said indebtedness, the Minders ign ed Trustee will offer for salie at . public auction to he hignest bid der for cash at the Mladaaon Coun ty Court House Door in Marshall, North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, on Monday, the 20uh day of February, 1961, the land convey ed dm said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in, Maddeon ipartioularly desoribed as follows: ibymg and loeang in sso. v i ewn ship, . Mladison County, NortSi Carolina, and in the Town of Hot dngton, ithe greater he actually e merges. Had the country mot pos sessed Washington, ' dt is highly doubtful if ithe Revolution would have succeeded, and itbue the in dependence of the United States today migfht mot have- been" Jts a soldier and la statesman, Wash ington is one of the wooCkTs great men,. No other American .can rank above Mm. He is the father of the greatest nation) on earth, and he made its greatness pos sible. All Americans, and esper dally the young people of today, should be reminded of these facts eadh yearMwhen Februairy 22 rolls aiound. 7m -n r-) BEGINNING at an iron -stake at the - East edge of Lawson Street near a targe power line pole, and runs thence North 61 deg. East 41 feet with new giar den fence to locust post; thence North ' I16 deg. West with said garden fence 136.5 feet to an old post at edge of Railroad Tight of way: thence-due West -with said right of way about 181 feet t the asc sags 01 saad ivawson xreei, thence with East edge of said street, South 41 deg. 'East 196.6 feet to the (BEGINNING. ' BEING the identical ..tract of land eonveyed by i Georgia ' Lance et al to Lelia Moore and .Charles Warren Moore, by Deed dated 29 January, 1948, of record in Bosk 77, Flags. 183, iMaaison Ctounty Registry, to which, reference - is hereby made. .,,., , This aale as above" set forth will be made subject to taxes sub sequent to the year, 1960, and tine highest bidder will be required to deposit with the Trustee at the time of the Bale ten per cent of the first $1,000.00 of the ibid and five per cent of the amount of the bid over $1,000.00. Upon fail ure of any party to make eadd de posit immediaitely after becoming (he last and highest bidder, the Trustee shall have the right to immediately expose said property again to sale. , This the 18th day of January, 1961. ... 'A. ' E. LEAKE, Trustee : v-'i 1-26 2-16c - . ' " EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED , by ' DR. LOCKARD 8 A M to 12 Noon -FRIDAYS THE L." P. ROBERTS BUILDING ' - MARSHALL, N. C. ' O Is K::33-of-Lifa t.!ir.Yc3 0niyI!:Ifa7Csr4:n7 To tons too tired to bo real compank to your hatband T f :M" n'l n "sen r,' "t tf " " x - t ...f ir H H ' '' if ; r I 0" Gnnn Ud. a n a msmu, r UVJ n ,;' n 1 ! Contact :The:News-Recor MARSHALL, N. C. 7 LETTERHEADS STATEMENTS . :r' FORMS V DUSiriESS CARDS TAGS WEDDIICGl AI'aIOUI.C ' r'

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