J L..J i 1 iv w ... Enters I - Robert' Atlanta I life in in H pica cf '. son It w. k. Henry that on I i!,re it't cam-" ' ' ! : rt - 1VS ! ' lit. , was ed at w ' '" ; .:'(!. -I " (tame, .d.we ily 3a In, '' ire ; - I ; y ' JrV '23, of 1 'v :') soniwmced to .,. Sialic Prison : jie entered a .first degree tor ir C 'Hit Jude i j rev ' m. V 'mi tied t of I i. & 8.e et 1 M': ? on the ' f pe, of v g '0 lpttO3- ,ii ail connection ,-i '.urn and ifc.e O-v- i rter Ki" iy'S lfi' j i-i a j lea of gu.l'y to first ti iiit ,' the.?' ctoapmijory iiv:; down the I.f" n heard evi ; Y. FonJjr, " ' n-!s, Mars Tr. JT-'t a . ,. n Get 'Life Sentence. CiLert Lee IL.ry, Jr., JEALTIIDEPT. - : ' r ;j i( i irt,f,,l . . yx' stii.t Wed., C c; March 1 12 Tioon ' , flier .'f Cn:'J I'.-V'h Clinic IT-alUi Ccn- , ii T!ry tor. . a: only.'.,. ,, Ihn--J:"1 . - ;-''n by . vh 2 r - 1: , 1 El'0i3iiIiViTflIi FRIDAY, LIARCII 3 ''According to'- James ;M; SteW' art, assistant apricultuirtal agent, forestrees can: ibe (made to pay a good - income to their owners. The awmit xf income 'wail, de pend on ith degree of. the mwut RgiimiMit tffie Jorest trees 'recieved. To i 'iint out oaiie'' of the- ifchings v.'.-i. hi t Le considered itt good i ,i" .eiuont of timiiber trees e ' ibeen . echeduled for Faildiay i t'la 3, at It :30 p.,im. This dera'r Oi. .tratiori will !be out a trat'of owned by Cliiwe Wluitt, Jwihlch ! n or Il's'hwa.y 19-23, ne i T. t of iMara 'HH1, opposite Glva " ' ''t's resldonee. To i ' .t -V. v1 'iinonetration, Exfcp, ' j.i, ' ii 1 Speoiallat, Leonard iT ' i ' en, -and- Al 'Cuiry, TViA I t i "1 ."be present. Some of the iU.in3 iwihicih will be covered ait tfie 3 monetiration are haw itree grows, f Halblishimenit and are o a pliairi: i and crop tree selection' a.nd n ' ig.. This, demonatru'" n . '1 ihe con ducted ijih.a 3 j .'! iwl.itc pine "planliJiion ".J "f e - t and return, per acre, ; iv i 5 e miaJe avali'inUe." The t,,j '" fjrma tun f rt will be riv ', rt l'-i-d. ino"' 'ration v, ' 1 i s ''" ' a 1 v "l be 'i ' . i t u j da a j ( ' 'I cdl am hour 4 vaala' ' i Mad! i be on paira " oaipan i. . af the i tlnrou, ' State 1 drivers 1 by ' ipr. tieruta Thia s a'.nwB)-' fee .v aiw'o bu" tu: ed i as i dor'."' I i ' ii -J , bur' y : a : tion ' be g y ilre '.nciut a'ecoim i doctors. ) . . ' i 7 ! .. 12 .noon;-1:00 p. im.4:C!) p. mi- Goneial Lununlzation Clmic Health Oi.T.ter. F.jii., Mardh 10 9:00 '. m. ' (Continued' To Ijast Page) v. .. ... W i 3 .uHonJ'T-i-'uy . Nae Disposed 'To Go AH Out" For Its Abolition " . In North Carolina ' ; Gov. Samfordf said iMonday ithat " generally epenVmsf be does not :' anm ''MnnSflJ Ainuidmient. . .- However, the 'governoar - told 8iia i news itcmfierence he da not , dia- posed "to go all out", and favor its abolition in pforifn Catrolana M the piresent tkne. ' ' ' "I'm convinced capital punish : men 'has not done r-ub to deter capital crimes," E--.ord. said. "I ' think the trend is iaway from dt and it ought to ibe eiway from it." The (rovernor's commenta were GOV. SANFORD ; PROVES IIELP V TO WESTERN N. C Work' To Attract Industry And Highway Building Would Be Pushed in answer to a q The, re porter A;lirr the questkxrti noted 1' ;vt Cie General Assembly to ex p(xtd to ireceive a flill calling for V a t ' oK&ion of capital punjsft mw.t ii,i tlie state. ' i iL-v if jiswer to other questions at Lis news coherence, the governor 1. f id il e ifiws a EcpuS.lifan f ...-j .:; j fir a f ' - t, c ' t' e i -"-"i'y it - a X a C i 1 to ? -. r ..e c Lnurtda if r r, Ralph V. Gov' Sanford aaid Monday h expects; to push for greater, eco nomic development f tme states undeveloped areas. Sanifard's comments came at' lus news conference when a reporter recalled that he had described the western section of tfhe state las a "stepchild" in ,W . campaign last "I don't think the has .been neglected afy more it'ir:l t' e East dm 1 it County in-cici, a i was toff some . that of .19-59. ASQ Office .Hair Raimsey, said thi.t t' e 19C0 pro diwinan data report liioh woi completed this past .v ek eveal3 that' 2894 of he 2970 aWotment farms nuairketed 6.023,138 (pounds of tobacco from "their 1960 crop whereas' the irecords reveale that 568,180 ipounda (Were marketed tram the 1959 orop. Itaimaey fur- 4ihr ointed out ififoat Uownty s vSeOJ iper aflre oni the .' I960 crop waa, 2039 pounds toompairea hq isi 9A rounds (for 1959 which indi- raies a idroo ; of 117 i ipouaids per aicre. iSweiwy-eut aillotimenit (lainms flailed o ;"; (produce ''any -part'of Uieir aJaotted acreage mje iiacx of Jdaiito or1 labor or 6ime othr reason.; The County ;iinideirpiaiBit- A irflid .tA iBJant lus.e acres of its : ailotted acreage; which -if mmverted' to doUairs ambcates Cstab Madison Ooumty lost.aippirox- imateliv ' $160,000.00 of its ipoten taal income from tobacco In, lSbu.i For ' 1960, only three - fammers Ahose ito mot voluntary dispose ol their1 excess tobacco acreage .and pay the penalty of 48c per pouna on the excess acreage. , 1 ne -mount of" excess aorease on these tihrea fanrna was 0.22 acres and the .penalty ; paidl amounted to (Continued To lrt Teze) .ok f Ander.: , the Fa; announ . .Mr. A 000,000 t ed by t' e 1. propiriiitions released to Adminstrat faidemand ;;:Thia move S.':"ilepairtn UtAel B '-t t i farmei i lio ne ryi to c iT.y oi i Mosatiw i, Wi I-- suip' '-visor f ji ne Ajdaiiinstraition or the Nor "But they 1 the Jtate of ; seen, in tt e C ureas of i t:.i:.'. 1 1 to ff 1 ' t me 1 II' i said that a $35, ,ncy f und provid 1 Agmoulturial Ap it hae just been :e .Fanmers Home ,to meet IJhe grow r credit. as taken by iftie U. t of ' Agrioulture, ... L i Mr,': Andrsou sand, uni ami. eitora. to make terfctin, within the uth- and if 'ftda lavailaWe, tnai no . qualL'lel faimijy-type (fammer will be Tequirod to ive wp lamiii intr hecauise cf his inability (to fi- namee his 1C 01 operaitioins. . RivMiiiRfl of Jncih . operaiang eoats and unXavorable imargine Of nrofits musny fanmers have ex hausted tl.tjir iregular sources farm operating . credit . The (Continued To Last Fge) To f -es!c Tuesday r f i ii . i , j. a:.e iu- i a .ecutrcd wKUe Garner q f roe on Ibond ini the North C W.iina case and figihting extra II is charged m the .Sept, as, 19v5, robbery of Orsoni Jjbiwsot in the Laiwson home amd etoa-e 4n the community of. Bhutan to Uttaa ison County, ' , v , v . n n D.IuTino Group At Mart Mill -... ' Tuesday1 - of bulletin : 'CASE CONTINUED - At : ti reauest jof itfie, defense counsel, Judge W. K. MoLean this morning continued mne - na.rji case, to Une May term ox vrmuiw court here.' . , TKa iNUMnn for the continuance wa due to- ipsTjfficient tame for the defense to preparevone u. rniiH! adiourned at noon.waay ..." : i.r?s. imj wiUl resume nomorivw .v-- day) morning t: 9 :00 o'ciocx. , Speaks Ti BROADCAST ' VILL FEATURE SPIRITUAL KiiDS TI Jrfnm Ddtunno, of Hot Springs, mi the: principal epdak- w a4 the cegiulair anoneny nwi- lina- of the Madison 3oumty Mea- kal Society Tuesday v evening at the Maira HiiU echool caiieterja.-'- Dr. Ditunno spoke on prospeots of, the eition of a county no': pdtal and tpged the gronp (to sup port the tnovement.' s' Wnl rtOBilM' BMS. VBtUS.. ' WTO. niwu,nihTvraii!4W 'voted to .endorse ntwrni for a wuwty hospital This knonitiiif movement . was Snitnated by the Marshali Chamber of Com' Dr. W. O. Duck, "of Mairs, HiU, mwaiinnt. Twesided. ; , . J Attndinn" 1he meeti'niBr Tulas- kdav night were Drs. Duck, Ernest Poweld, Charles FoweH, W . a Rams. Lawrence Spninikle, of Wea verville, J. C.' Bradley, of Wea verville, Lawrence MjuEJroy, H. E. Bolinger, ; Bruce Sams, Ed NUes, P. ff. Dimwiddie,, William A. Whitson land Dr. John Ditun- no. , . ' . s 1 1 si: hi rs .T.Turs- How one of the mlation's largest wiT8 mieets the spiri tual meeds in the Uinited States wl'J be broaJcaet at 8:30 featur- 1 c r '1 - i. ' J U.S. Savinss Dcnds Qirta- Fo --State -,-. .... - .at .. Ii"C3IfCC3,C:p cover 0 a C. Izn-Tl. . . news tfroia ti' . j t--. , we feel tiit t'.,a re.i- both the Cibiaen and tl.e T regard to tfiie fire on 41ie .a College ' cannpus gave ti e Wiiill HWYummnatv and it-.e College some unwarranted and ad- verse "uVtiiuiy. There are two thin, 3 , . e feel thatithe readers of, tie C i- Tianea should know im regarj t fflwis puMioity. :. il) The tern oal non-stu.oent3" wina'cn w ; ed in the articles does mot rr (heicMizens of ttihe town f 1 Hill, 4u refars to I flrom outlying cwmmurr The terms "trouLle m al,. 1 " 'dialbrii 111066, greatly t.- ated the aotuai epnions," - was also reference to tixni..- itween students and local s dents. We feel tl.at 1' N r grossly es.ifrgerativl i ' i ' " ditions. The- x-r-' non-students mv 1 t i! ' sponhlMe S r tl.i i OUt fiU'l, ' ' ' ' wan : - 1. "e ' in tr.e 'rs tl:e any s . - . r. r T-" Ai. f . Tail A. ': to S 3 :) : 1 Thell. St -Treasury-. r,i .rh-l ' i' lias as-' c :..a f -?:i. :0,CC3.'to (, ,- a ; r T 1. 1' i s ,f; ovtr 1- t 1