I $2.60 A Year In Madison A Buncombe Counties . 14.00 A, Year Outside Tfaess Two Counties y 10c PER copy VOL. ,3 NO. 10 8 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, THUHID.". CII , 1SS1 -v- 1 Girl C::3lpc3S:.TpDp C::oruj arch 12-10 Marshall A od Walnut , Troops To Participate j , , Urge Cooperation, - . , Girl Scout Week will ,be cele : bruited from 'Sunday,, March 12, i through Saturdays March. 18, by the Pisgeh Girl Scout Council. Local . Girl.' Seonte will jodn 8 million girls' and adults across the country in observing the 49th Anniversary of the found i img of Girl Scouts of the U, S. A. March 12 marks the formation of the first Girl Scout troop in Sav annah, Georgia, by Juliette Low in 1912. ' ' ! . v ' In announcing Girl Scout Week, Mrs. Chanles U. Culmer, preai ' dent of -Gorl Scouts of the U. S. A. cited ,.the ;organiaation'e :hirthdey ' years theme, "Honor the iFaat ' Serve the Future." "We do" mot only encourage girla to become 'familiar with their own "heritage and the orlg of Scjouting" she said, "but we help Ahem' to : prepare forN their, future roles as homemakera, .citizens and (profes sional workera. We wra nroud to " see 'how many former Girl ficouts Sieve distinguished' themeelves in all of these areas.' "Through oinr - many Senior aide programs we offer girls an ffnnaritunaittr to explore and. test : their abilities in a broad , variety of fields," Mrs. Culmer explain ed. "In edditkwn,' we plan youth forums land "vocationa : guidance 'conferences to - interest, . such as foreign service 1 and the sciences, designed to as sist gkia of Senior' Scout age to select their life woTk and avoca. tions." . ' ' ; , During 1961 Girl Scout Week, the Fisgah Girl Scouit Councjf da : out career women in its Own com nuinitj ia. an. effort to, evaluate what Girl Scouting has meant to f them, and to enlist (their laid - in Girl Scout program. : f Qualified women will be in vi ' ted to work iwith the gonls as lead- era and troop consultants . ' Participating in; the observence ; in Madison County are 46 r irJ , , members of the Mairahail and Wal nut ( Troops, "whioh, ' include one " Brownie. 'and ; two" Intortnediate ; Troops; -11 " adults are also parta- cipaittng in Girt Scouit Week. ' FEED GRAIN ; . ACREAGES NOW BEING RECORDED i Farmers '' in ,'Madison County who snay be interested in a posai (Continued To Page Eight) T 3 Suits Filed Last November s. ; By Zeno H. Ponder ,: ,; . And 2 Others ' Stats Republican ' Chairman .William 'E. Cobb t of Morganton fcias asked that three label, suits filed against him in Madison Coun ty - Superior Court be ; dismissed and that the threev men who brou.t the charges be taxed court cc- 'i. The snrts ask dama ges tv,:, ,". z $aoo,cco. ' ..Tt--!. Tl.o si:''- were f'lod last No- r 1 y Tonv :er, reg ing .pre- r .1 C. C. Graham Is Killed Accident! v -",' ..;.,.,. i Last Thursday Native Of Madison County Killed By Accidental , Gun Blast A 'iirunslhot iwound took the.Bikfe Thursday afternoon, March 2, 1961." of a, 85-year-old Candler furniture lesnianr Br. John C. Young, ..coroner, said C. -C. Graham was apparerrt- Iv killed insUunftly about 12:0 p m. when a oaMbre rifle aoffl- dentlm discharged senddng a bullet into hie head. Graham's body was found about 3 p. m. beneath a fence in the backyard of bis home on Orowell road, the coroner eaiid. Dr. 'Young-said Graham, who had been at borne alone during the lunch bour, apparently w s seairohinnr for animals which re portedly bad bothered his He was carrying an automatic rifle when he attempted to crawl under the fence, Dr. Young said. Graham was irtative of Madi son County and wlas a son of the tote C. & and Betty Sober ts LGraham. He was a member of r Eidgewood IBaptist Church. Graham was a Navy veteran of World War ir and 'had been salesman for Candler Furniture Co. for 15 yeara. He ia survived by the widow, ' Mrs. Miildred Greene i Graham; a daughter, Brenda.'and a sister, Mirs. Jose phine, Payine of Alexander, Alcvan'l' fy -cwlu "Servlces-",wet ucted a t 4 p. m. Saturday, in tlie E4t,re wood' Baptist 'Church by the Revs. GNen Short and Hobart HcFalls. PaBbearens were Bobby and Gra dy .Hawkins, Dean , pearson, ' Leo Meadows, x R. G. Moss Jr.. ; and Fred' Roberts, .Burial was in Forest Uawn Cemetery. RABIES CLINICS ARE SCHEDULED Dog ' vaccination . clinics . ' have been scheduled for many areas in Buncombe County. Dr. Margery J. Lord, .Madison. County Health Director 'has obtained a ' schedule of .the clinics for the information of Madison County residents who may wish to utilize them.'. ; .' The followdn T schedulLe ; lists f t (Continued T" Last Page) - . ssal LVIULaJI WOJIEN MEETING IN WORKSHOP ON PICTURE; FRATiffiS Women from our xounty are meeting today and (Friday for , a special ; workshop , ' on picture frame refiniehdng. i Frames that are in need of ref inbhing could become one of your most priaed possessions vi'.'h a little effort on your part Do you have family oortraits in 'these frames? Would you 1-e to d'T'jy t'-emt bnt j ; .- :t l--.-,r to Itk t t'9 f t" 1 "j iJ 8'"9 C':'9' c our r ? ' 1 to aiUiul i t ' " r I f.'f- ', c' 1 CIIORAL CLINIC AT MARS HILL THIS WEEK-END A choral clinic for high school students, orgdneilly scheduled Feb. 8-4 but .postponed ' because of enow, wall be held at Mars Hill College on thus Fridey and- Sat urday. Approodinrntelly 200 vatudents from 25 high schools" throughout the (western half of the ataite will attend. ' . Dr. Lee Poser, : music profes sor and durector . off choirs ; a Marshall College . in Hiuntington, W. Va., wiffl conduct the two-day workshop, which has been spon sored annually - by the fcaptiat junior college hers since 1949. Among the sdhools which have made reservations are Marshall and Mars HdM, directed by John Lackey and Henry Clay Edwlairds. FIRE WARDENS ATTEND MEET AT HOT SPRINGS The Annual Fire Workers Training Meeting for Fire War dens on' the French Biroad Ranger District .was held at the Ranger Station in Hot Springs on Thurs day March 1, 1961. A very inter est imv program was arranged by Mr. William A. Tuttde, Assis tant District Ranger and pre. sentei' bv the regular j .French Broad Ranger District personnel Topics discussed were , Fire , Pre vention, Sbftey, The Job of The Grew iBoss, Fire Line Constructs ion, Mop-up Standards and Time lweninff. Mr. Moodv Chandler, S,'e Fire Wairdon 1 rom J'ir-hall, f avft,a 'ood' tfv n I f ' ment. . lcr. Don f.lj-ua.;, i. Manaigdment Biologist fin tlie Supervjlsora Oiffiice dire , Adlieville summarized the meeting and made the dosing remarks. - Fire War dens attending the meeting were Fred I A. ' Bamett, : Cfaurence B. CutohaV, W. C. Outshadl, Martin S. Gosnell,! David R, Noland, Har dy W. Phillips.: (Roy. JRoberts, Grant Shelton and Waymon Wal- droup. . 3 FACE TRIAL EN ROBBERY y': Three teenagers, Monday were bound over for trial in Buncombe Superior Court under $500 'bonds each on charges of highway rob bery, stemming from the allleged robbery Friday night of. $24 from a 74-yeswsold Leicester man. r Robert -Clark, 19 of Alexander, waived prelimprJary examfinatkln in AsheviUe Police Court. ' " Probable " cause'.' 'was 'found aginst Lewis M. Hafeail, 17, of Leicester, and Andy Capps, XI, of Rt 6,' Marshall. The ' trio was . taken into cus tody after Clifford H. Mears, 74, of .Leicester, had ; reported to Defc Sgt. J. D. iBtaker and J. W. Silvey Jr. that be bad been rob bed.''. . ---j , HONOn JME P SEuVE::THE.;FUT" Dclnl X (More than 40,000 people are ex pected to attend the Better liv ing Esposnaon dwrtag mis iout days Aan vills Ci t y. Auditoriurn, . starting Wedinesday, March 15, J 'According 'to sthe officials of the Exposition, there wiU be,' 137 booths and '. flpeoial exhiiibiita dis playing hundreds of new ideas, inventions end products, valued at isj quarter million dollars, con ceived for the promotion of bet ter h personal and commiunlty life throughout outt -Western Nortih Carolina region. . Many products on display will be seen by the pub- lie for -.the.'' first tame and "ma prove interest provoking! and in trisudng. ' It is stated .that 79 ' Ashev&Ue and regional bueinesa fMims wmU participate i m the ' Exposition wibh eshibits of services amid products for .which tfhey are deal ers or distributors. Counting the decorators, ipersonnel of partioi- panta, auditorium and newspaper employees, over 1,000 people are involved -in the project. - An added attraotrion" for . visi tors - wiU be numerous vtaluable prisses totaling mors than $6,000 that Jwill toe given away during the four-day- event. v Taking part in the gala opening of the Exposition will be the May or of Asheville, Earr W. Eller, and dignitaries from various com inuindities and countieis of Western North Carolima'. Pulchritude will exert its shture of attraction in the presentation of MAas D;f Miss. North CaTO!!'na, .Miss 8, Crrolina amj M!"-i I " 'l'nln of North C:.-' ' .. ' 1 of levity winl sunn , u..t ions antics of Linnu 1 Kelly 1 Jr, America'e 'famous cW eiik tainer. j, .'..- ' i , ' ' The .(Better Living Exposition will be open to everybody inter ested in n richer, ' fuller way of life. - There - wdffli' be a nominal charge fox Udmission '. of fifty cents per person. '',,.. BAPTISTS TO MEET AT MC; TO MAKE PLANS ' iBaptists - throughout the west ern half of the state wil be in vited to "a special . conference at Mars .Hill College on vApril 6 to help bem prepare for la called sesskn of the Martlh iCarolina Baptist - State Convention in Greensboro on May 4. . ' -... At . the . Greensboro meeting North Carolina Baptists will be asked to launch a campaign to raise $45 million for the seven Baptist cof-tegee in the state and for .the' Baptist student work on other campuses, - . -J, The meeting here xwill provide opportunity for discussion of the proposed campaign and give Bap ( Continued To Last Page) ) Stbdipg FIVE JAILED, ONE SOUGHT IN. ASSAULT CASE ' 1 C 'T ' Sheriff Laurence E. Brown of Buncombe County reported Mon day that five Madison County youths were being held in Bun combe County -jail without bond on charges of raping: a as'-year-old widow ' at knifepoint last . Friday, ' The five were identified as L. D. -Buokner, .19; Bruce Ramsey, 18; Oyne iRobineon, -21, of Mars Hill ; ChartoS Randall, 21 and Lar ry : RUndall, 19., The latter wo j are .brothers, the sheriff said! i One other man ds being sought for questiomng and investigation in - connection with the . incident which allegedly occurred at . the head of iBaird's , Cove, Deputy Flake S. Moffitt said." .Raimeey reportedly met the wo man, a. MSitcheU County resident, at a night spot land ; persuaded her to Heave with hikn on the1 pre text of driving 'her 'home, Moffitt related. -. - ' ' ' I'-jiiv Ramsey then is alleged to have picked vgf the other five youths and to have driven to the bead of Baird's -iCove, Afoffitt said. Three of the men have admat ted that the woman was threaten ed with a' knife, officers stated. .The woman, attends a school in A&heviile, has three children, and lost her husband in a drowning accident about four yeara ago. v Sheriff .Brown said Charles wdnJl was sentd to a ipins- i . itnA" .R. ' I. pCumy in 1951 (for kuuku z inio a 'guk' dornutory at Mara Hill College, and escaped about 18 months ago from a prison camp at Troy. BRADM , HEADS NCEA C : Wayne Bradbuirmi of i the Transylvania County school sys tem and former coach kit Marsbaill High School,' has been elected Western district president of the North Carolina Education Associ ation. ' Donald D. ' Jones, (principal of Lee H. 'Edwards High School in Asheville was, elected vice presi dent and lOharies "A. Pearee Jr., of Transylvania County was elect ed secretary. 'Results of the recent election were 'announced by the NOEA board of directors foUowing the canvass of the baHots. . Dr. Lloyd - Y, Thayer, assistant superintendent of High Point city schools, was elected state NCEA president and Dan S. Davis, ' Un ion County school superintendent, wlas elected vice president. Thay er and Davis were both unoppos ed. . A "Western district delegates to the , National V Education - Assn. convention in Atlantic City, N. J., in June will be (Clifton An drews of Asbeville ' city school system and Sallie Green Allison of Henderson County schools. gAud:sinai,ied TO BOARD 07 ED.; TEnn gi;.;:i:d J, G. Gardner was named succeed Owen TZson on tT.e I " ism County Board of .E.!u -in a bill it 'rodjceJ We.'. .' T-p. Luton iB. Eajnscy cf Z' ..: :l . r 1 ' to fall -r r o ::. iv ' r i r. .:. : MM iairgG Dnoireas MADISON CASE MOTIONWILL BE HEARD LATER A hearing in' U. S. Middle Dis trict Court in Greensboro on a motion to dismiss a law suit started as the result of a Durham law student's arrest in Madison County last fall has been contin ued. ' f James R. Vosbnrgh, thindyaair law student at the University of North Carolina, contends be was maliciously , arrested while ob serving activities at Utpper Spring Oreek precinct in Madison Coun ty last .November. He asks $500, 000 damaiges. ; A consent order setting a new date for the bdaring will be sub mitted to Judge Edwin M. Stan ley, the Associated Press report ed. - .' The hearing was originally set for Monday. Defendants m ne actvon are Madison 'Sheriff E. Y. Meadows, B. K. Meadows, registrar in Up per Springs Creek, Wayne Payne, Wayne Norris land Vestde Worley. DITUNNO GIVES HOSPITAL FACTS AT. CO. MEETING easibility Of County Unit Is Discussed; Study - - To Continu.p- 7 TSi. n ir. John F. DauiAiO. idoiah ilot Springs phyioiatij prosen i,. . .pertinent facts obtained from tine North Carolina Medical Gouttmh- sion concerning ithe erection of a county hospital at the Chamber of -Commerce meeting here . Tues day. Groundwork was started at .the meeting to further study the feasibility of a county hospital to be erected near the center of the county. ' In addition to Dr. Ditunno's re marks others heard at the meet ing included Dr. Margery Lord, Madison .County Health' Depart ment; ,Mrs. iFrances Ramsey superintendent, Madison County Welfare Department; Col. R. F. Hill, Engineer, State Sanitation Department; Dr. W.' A. Sams, who introduced Dr. Ditunno; Gaston Gage, manager of Pacific . (Continued To Last Page) LG3?uing ! Mars Hill Red Cross Council To Sponsor Bloodmobile, Mar. 23 The Red Cross Council of Mars Hill High School will sponsor (the Community BloodmobiJe visit on Thursday, Jrarch 23, at the First Baptist Church in Mars Bid from 12 noon (urtU 6:00 p. m. Tie i. 'I l's B-ointed. the ft eonww.; . T- r o j ec t 8. Sales Of Crops And Live stock, Milk Products Have Increased Madison County farmers have ishown a steady increase in farm sales for .the past several years. Sales' of crops land livestock have climbed liked steps as follows: 1966, $4,493,627; 1957, $4,857, 624; 1968, $5,526,796; 1059, $5, 466,087; 1960, $5,773,364. Income from forest, govern ment payments, and miscellane ous farm sales are to be added' to these figures to give the grand to tal farm income on 1960 of $6,- This .increase in volume was ac complished with a decreasing number . of flamms and people liv ing on farms. Some of the more interesting changes jin farm saka from Madi son (County are ae follows: k - From . Tobacco : 1966, $2,966,- ; 657; 1957, $3,064,766; 1966, $3, 25796i 1969, $3,11948; 1960, ' $3,27723. ' . T-tf - From Milk: 1956, $405356; . 1967, $463,692; 1968, ' $49750 ; 1959, $546,480; I960, $665,380. - . The tobacco income $312,166. This represents only . 12.2; : This increase was ie re sult of a slight increase in yield . and price (per pound. The increae- ed price was tt result of decreased surpCue of tobacco and a alight Increase in demand, The demand picture may be ejqpeoted to re main a bout the same if cigarette consumption continues to increase. The recent increase in allotments by 6 couibi possibly create bur densome surpluses egmin, especdal ly if the 1961 and 1962 tobacco seasons -i -faivorable .for good production. y Madison . farmems tJiould do fwek ':, best to 4roduce good crops of the best quality to bacco they can if hey expect to gain maximum cash benefits from -the 6inorease., 1 . The increase' in" income from ' the sale of milk of $169624 rep resents a Z9J6 increase. This in-,' ,. (Continued To Last Page) ' . PRESBYTERIANS TO HOST SYNOD; TEAM SUNDAY The Marshall . Presbyterian Church will be. host to the Synod Presbyterian Team for the North Carolina . Church this -Sunday (Continued on Last Page) - CD Uco!i ' iBoys ' and girls In Madison County are joining, . other 4-II Club members throughout the na tion this week by observing Na tional) 4-H Club Week. The first full week of March is set eskie each year for the observance 1 recognition of some of the w..k 4-H Club members tare & iMamy of the 4-H Club nv are continuously work;. g t jects wlich require it . . y . of kbor to complrte. - f "9 of uitere: t f 5 pit mr,g iiey 1st if; 4 " x. . I.:' : . '"I