ml THE NEWS.:," ' ?"P- faczs envEN ... :.i C V O International Sunday School . ' , , for. ' , r" . . ; APRIL 23, 1961 Vfae gotwitmti or bossd V the International S. S. Kio Outlines, copyrighted V by the International CouneU ; ReKpfots ffduoaMm, USA, V and d oy permission,) V WHEN HUMAN WISDOM FAILS Memory Selection: "The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil it understand ings." i (Job !8:S8.) Lesson Text;-John 1:1-9; 8:1 10; 11; tl; S7; U-$t. for today, each adult among us should ask ourselves 'this ques tion: "la our idea of Good too amaU?" In the early days of Christiani ty God was, primarily, ifihought of as being a tribal deity, (rather than the God of the whole Uod- versa. Ha was Joeal God, in volved only in the affairs of the tribes of Israel. , He was pictured as toeing concerned 'with intertrib al Justice, ."with.' family afdtairs, with fJoclai of anamala and the simple Industries of tent-lwell-i, wandering people. When they were at war with an enemy tribe, God was thought of as lighting with them against the enemy and the, enemy's god. The victory of one side proved , to both aides which god wiae Uhe more powerful. Eventually, however, through the rising of the prophet Ajmoa, the Israelites' idea of God ex panded; and tit expanded still fur ther, two hundred years Hater when rtfhe Israelites were captur ed and carried off to Babylon. There they found that God 'was still with them. Audi at this point it would do well if we were to piaiuse and ask ourselves this question: "How large is M!Y God? Do I have a childish tribal idea at some points? Where does my idea of God need' (to grow? The friends of Job had the question neatly settled. Their God was not a problem to them, for he was made to fit neatly into their short-eighted views. They were religious (men, devout and pious, but with' emafli idea of God. God (had fceen cut down to size the adze of their own, ideas. Job found this to be wonflriess to him. As he strove to understand his suffering, he held firmly to a View , of God which finally ties beyond human understanding. Job's God was too big to be un derstood fully, hut this larger God turned out to be the real comfort er to Job. Job's decision to trust God ev en when 'he could not understand why such affliction had come up on him in such great measure re minds us that such am attitude is productive both of character and of inner peace. When overtaken by adversity that we do not de serve, we must do more itihan ac cept it without self-pity and re bellion. We must believe that God in his mercy is with us and will help us use it for 'good. A world that makes possible the growth of human beings requires freedom. And a world that per mits freedom makes suffering, NO LIMIT AT YOUR FRIENDLY A&P! GOLDEN, PUDDING PERFECT nn POUNDS FOR 1 , m JANE PARKER LARGE 2-CUT POIDCM 25-OZ. SIZE 4i GOLDfOR r.lARBLE! "SUPER-RIGHT THICK SLICED li) Dacon End Slices 29c LB. PKG. Seasoning Dacon LB 19c w,,ole cut"w 0, rra n c 3 nil nn .uwu "supcn-RiGiir' rmcrs in this d rrr. rJ -: 12-02. CANS 'n 1: day wrnv Tr:' r1"-:- - "' 1 '' -'''''-''''i.-' "y:'!'r-i.-.!t -..v--rf.''1.'1 ,:-X-.lJ;.;i;',,-'-,.-.: 4;,'5 ;':li:Si:v..',1! i i -i" ;1!'".-'i:J,,,.'." 'vif'v0'-. i "!; I llil'li SVHV' 1111 I,-, -v y: .f I - - I l fpl I' ' ' ' a V, I , 0 -,- ,, -Jz&szim&i LIONS INTERNATIONAL Charter Night program principals for French Broad District Lions Club Saturday night in the Clyde A. Erwin High School Cafeteria were (L-R) : John Self Sr., president of the new club; Hugh Monteith of Asheville and Sylva, an international counsel lor, the guest speaker; F. Gudger Cabe of Candler, District 31-A gov ernor, who presented the charter; and G. D. Roberson Jr., president of the sponsoring Woodf in club. Mr. Self is Well know in Madison County, being the distributor for Phillips "66'; 'products. , Cut Courtesy of Asheville Cxtxzen-Tvmes. even the suffering of the inno cent, inevatable. It M vwtually impossible to thave a safe, snug, comfortable world (that shuts out all! possibilities of trouble and pain, and lat the eame tune have one that provides human beings with opportunities for growth to wards maturity, fulfiMnient, and all that is meant by Jife as ex emplified so magnificently by Je sus Christ iBut, as the memory of the cross reminds us, suffering need! not have the last word. : ' It can be made a servant for good, even our greatest good. The problem of aufferinigs, es pecially that whkh involve. the innocent, is a Wg, thorny ques tion. There can be no easy, sroooti answers. We can be sure of tib&e, however: When ' suffering, trou ble, and afflkOoii !;ifo':whkfl:'iW can find no Just reason come to us, at least we can know we 'are not .being punished by W wrathful God. Slven whenw sufferTVe can believe,, as Job did, that God is alive, that We have a Redeem er, and' that in the end we will bnow he has been serving our good. More than that, we' can , ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY The undersigned, (having quali fied as Administratrix of the es tate of Dave Phillips, deceased, late of Madison County, this as to notify all persons Waving claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or be fore the 20th day of ApniL, 1962, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will' please make immediate payment to dine undersigned. This the 19th day of April, 1961. (s) DEROTHA C. PHILLIPS, Administratrix, RFD 3, Mars Hill, North Carolina 4-20 5-2&C Send in your donation to the Rural Fire Protection Fund NOW. turn to the assurance of the cross and realize that there is with us a God of love who will' help us use our y suffering for great good. Therefore we understand what James . meant when h" : wtote "Pleased is itSie mam who endures trial, (for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him." (James 1 :12) a 3366 Send in your donation to the Rural Fire Protection Fund NOW. GROUND STEAK PLATE with MASHED POTATOES Choice of TWO VEGETABLES COFFEE or TEA 65c HANCOCK'S RESTAURANT 8 N. PACK SQUARE ASHEVILLE, N. C .NOTICE CARS FOR AUCTION Tlhe foUowiiur four automobiles will be sold at public 'auction, un der G-S. 20-77, to. satisfy etorage liens wad wrecker service on Sat. , urday, May 6,' 1961, t 12:00 o' aWV Noon t Anderson Motor Gales, Hot Springs, N. C: One 1953 Cidsmobale - Tudor; Motor No. R498747; Serial No. 638M70O3; 1960 Team. License 78-T493. One 1948 Plymouth Coupe; Mo tor No. PJ5-S546115; Serial No. 12006616; License No. DL7276 Indiana (1957). One 1962 Budck; Motor No. 67777964; Serial No. 66673733. One I960 Pontiac; Serial No. and Motor No. P6TS36002. 4-6, 13, 20, 27c TERMITES SWARMING? Ifcrthessfceeiyowhewe NOTICE OF SERVICE OP PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA MADISON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK ED THOMAS, ET AL, petitionera v. SALLIE P. THOMAS, ET AL, Respondents TO IRENE T. PRINGLE AND HUSBAND, GLENN PRINGLE, AND J. C. THOMAS AND WIPE, BARBARA THOMAS: Take notice that a special pro ceeding seeking Telief against you for partition of read property by sale has been filed in the above entitled (natter special proceed ing. The matter of the relief be ing sought is for tfte saSe of the lands of (the late W. E. Thomas in No. 11 Township, Madison Countyl, North Carolina for par tition between his heirs as tenants in common. You are required to make de- foniaa ,a mmIi .mvMWAHriiljCPII mtit. 3At- .than Mia OArA AmxT AfMav. 19A1. and upoa your.. uluce to do eo tme ffaany - eeeumg veiaei agaansn you will apply to the court for tSie relief sought. This 12bh day of April, 1961. (s) HERBERT HAWKINS, Clerk of Suoerior Court. 4-13 5 -4c oiliiiria HI r SO MUCH VARIETY! SO MANY VALUES! COME FIND THE ONE FOR YOU! " - A ; , '" "Jrtr"'J1,L ' , svs sV ;K : i i :piiiiiiiiit I ! Xz. ! .1 cr!ANYl!A::ZS, ODELSAKD COLORS! PiliCED LOVrariADY TO r.CLL! TfcarJa to Grvalrs for sale tiht 1 dealers broke ill czlzs records in '60, and now at real fcarua frices. I - ce ia new. car, sales Tin J tha ssooi-nriqlrj ursJ czt C :'s 3 r:.:zzs &a Gbevy ; j t r: -!-t for j ca-c-s vlh Ictscf' ! ' Cz-i csed caa and dies left ix it f:f yz-zrC.'.'" f A j tr: hs "oai? new ; Vizi it u." !r tl 2 f r "Z r C '"1 1 ; ! they're setdes aila His yc: :z'.::s Lave 1 : : ycui local auz.z 1: i c:::v 1