THE NEYC LID' CP- PAG3 TIVE :a n. a, ii Ay n, 1001 1 PERSONAL and OTHERWISE Diah 3261 Sp4 Howard Banks, . of For Bragg, ' spent bhe week-end with hia mother, Mrs- Wdliard Aniflio ny and Mr. Anthony and family. iMt. and Mrs. J. Moody Chand ler ' spent Sunday In RnoxvdJle, Tenn., with their aon nd daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Chandler Jr., and two children. Then -were acGOinnaftlerl hama bv their randaon, ?i Jed!if , who ia children, Casey and Bryan, spending this week here with Ihia grandparents. r Mrs. Daivid McKlnney and two (Mr. E. E. Chandler of Port Huron, Mich., ' spent Saturday night with his mother, Mrs. J. C. Chandler, of Walnut. He was ac companied home on Sunday by has wife and two of itheir children who had spent several weeks here with Mrs. Oiamdler'a fatlher, Mr. Claude M. Sawyer, , . x have been in Kaisersalutern, Ger many for the past two years, re turned tore Monday. Her hus band wiM return in September. He ia in the U. S. Army. Mr. and Mrs, 'James 'Story land Roger iHaynie, son of Mar. and Mrs. Pascal Haynie, "" (returned Monday night f rom Greenville, N. C. where thev spent the week-end as cruests of Mr. and Mrs. D. D.' Gross and their son John, and al so visited Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Holt and family. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gross and' Mir. and Mrs. Story went to Tanboro where Mr. Gross was 'the guest minister at both the morning and evening worship services in Trinity Bap tist Church. Mrs. J. N. White returned home Monday .from Asheville where she spent a few days with her broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Windsor Jr., of Burlington spent the week-end with their parents, the Rev. and Mrs. R. D. Windsor and family and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wy att and family of RFD 6, Mar shall. . 51 ew Arrivals At Memorial Missio To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cald well, Rt 1, Marshall, a son, May 7. Mr. Caldwell is ithe son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Caldwell, of Marshall. To Mr. and Mrs. Hobert M M. Edwards, Rt. 1, Mars Hill, a son, May 3. o 1 HEARD 11 AND JjEEN By "POP" o 9 Court Of Av To Be Held Tuesday, Ms To Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Franklin, Rt. 2, Mars Hill, a daughter, iMiay 4. To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holt Jr., Rt. 2, Hot Springs, a son, May 4. To Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Robin son, Rt. 1, Mars Hill, a son, May 10. Mr. and MreLandon Davie and two sons, Donald and Ronald, of i Camp Lejeune, N. C, aire epend ' Ing this iweeto -irtthTMft'' Dm4s w parents, the Rev. and Mlrs, Jack C. Davis of Marshall . - Mr. G. L. "Doc Burnetts, of Atlanta,; Ga., ; visited bis father, EnSheriff and Mrs. C M. Bur nette, of tlhe iQrand'vdew section, Alexander R-l and his sister, Mrs. Jerry Rice and .family of , Mar shall for the ipaait few days. They had planned to visit bis brother, Mr. E. 0. iBurmette of .Walnut, When he (received word of ithe ill ness of his daugjhter-in-law, . Mrs. Ray Burnette, of Jacksonville, Fla. Mtr. (Burnette left Wednes day to join his wife who was. vis iting her sister, Mrs. . Lawrence Brown, in Asheville, where they left immediately for Florida. At St. Joseph's To Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jerry Meadows, Rt. 1, Marshall, a son, May 10. Lvnn Duckett Is Honored With Party Monday ; Mrs. Allen 'Duckett honored her daughter, Lynn, with a party Mon day afternoon at her home in cel ebration of her fifth birthday. Game? were played nd lunch was served by Mrs. Duckett Those attending the (party in addition to ithe honoree, were: Sammy and Woody BoHnger, Les lie Mashbum, Byron Chandler, Chipper and Debby Pearson, Don Wilson, Cheryl Reeves, Jobie Sprinkle, Sabra Sprinkle and Cyn thia NUes. Have you made your do nation to the Rural Fire Protection Fund? If not, please do it now. After a peaceful, quiet and en joyable week-end to Greenville, N. C, where my wife and I, P3 Roger Haynie, visited ithe Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Gross and John (land also Dr. and Mrs. Robert Holt and family), we returned to Mar shall Monday mUgthit just in time for the action Tuesday and what action! about 11:30 horns began to blow as 100 cars from Mars iHUl drove slowly down Main iStreet, later parking on the street students and adults piled out waving placards and chanting later assem bled in the courtroom TV and press from Asheville 'hurried down everybody excited but, fortunately, orderly some V.ail .taara itn it.llAir Arvfn Rt file sight of such an event others appeared ready to explode still others were jubilant, hoping for their dreams to come true Anderson and Ponder spoke as did Rex Allen (who also kept or der as best he could) - others spoke on tfhe spur of the moment others waited patiently for permission to speak it was a rare scene in the usually quiet county seat after an hour and a half, a stalemate was reach ed and the Citizens for Better School started back to Mars Hill with the hope of meeting with ffljeir local school committee later this week regardless of the gravity of the occasion, I got a big laugh at the salesman' who was handing out sample headache powders ias the 'people left the courthouse 1 told him need some and I Iguess others felt the same way I final ly -managed to eat lunch at 2:30 o'clock with June Glenn and Jay Hensley for a while I wish ed I was back in Greenville even though Bob Holt "ate me under the table" at ia wonderful restau rant in Washington Saturday night a feat I didn't 'think possible - Roger and John really had a wonderful time to gether even to loosing each other '.. .if ..ll'1 ''' . : V..' ou wina-wara planus : , on The Count of Awards of the Marshall and Walnut Girl iScouta, Troop 96, will be held Tuesday, Mwy 16 in the Marshall school cafeteria. The Brownie Scouts will par ticipate wifih refreshments, Ball Cemetery To Be Cleaned Wed. May 24 The IBall Cemetery, on Bailey Branch Road will be cleaned on Wednesday, May 24. - Those with relatives and friends buried there are asked to bring tools and help dean these graves. Walnut PT A To Hold Final Meeting Of Year Mon. Night The last meeting of ithe current . wv J ...a: J- vear for tjie waunui Brent- Teacher Association will be held Mondav nkrht at 7:30 in the school. Mrs. Otto MlcDevitt, president of the PTA, (urges all parents to attend this meeting and back their school. Firemen's Auxiliary Met lues.' Evening Members of tha Marshall Fire men's Auxiliary met Tuesday eve tiling in the Fellowship 'Hall of the Presbyterian Church. ; Mrs. Allen Duckett, president, presided. The devotions were giv en by Mrs. Ed Niles in the ab sence of the chaplain. Mrs. Ron Wilson,t chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, gave a report of the oruimnvage sale held last Saturday, and it was announced that the sale would be continued on Saturday of this week as there are several items still to be sold. The sale is being held in the buiWinir on Maim Street which iwas formerly occu pied by Model Grocery Those attending were Mrs. Duck ett, Mrs. Niles, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Bernard Reece, Mrs. Charles I a ' -s? " i ' 1 u I - ! II 3: m Hi JSIII ! m - ' - 'illllll .'yiWlSP' llllIF" illliif llplllillf ;mm mm; L . J ; ' - VV SENIOR HONOR STUDENTS at Marshall High School are (L-R) : Hazel Norton, Charles Adams, Katherine Cody, Sandra Ramsey, Mar garet Corbett and Jolene Clark. Absent were Jerry Ricker, Pearle Ramsey and Barbara Henderson. All had averages above 90 for the four years in high school. Girl Scouts Make Appeal For Funds To Complete Camp During the month of May the ilhirteen-county Piegah Girl Scout Council, of which Madison Coun ty is a part, is making an alll-out appeal for funds to complete its established camp at Brevard. The Pisgah Council now serves ap proximately 2,300 girls and the camp can only accommodate 260 girls during ia sumimer. This means that only one out of ten Girl .Scouts can attend camp. The Pisgah Camp Development Project in the iMaddsani County area is being headed by Mrs. Lis- ton Ramsey, Mrs. Overton Grego ry, Mrs. Dean Shields and F. Ray Frisby. 152 girls and 14 ladullts in Madi son County are now being served by the Pisgah Council. Money earned by the Girl Scouts from cookie sales the past five years made .the beginning of the present campsite possible. Murrays Attend Car Dealers Meet Mackie Succeeds Dr. W. A. Sams As G. P. Of Year In N. C. ADIOON DRIVE-IN THEATER LOCATED BETWEEN MARSHALL AND WALNUT Show Starts Each Evening At Dusk f Friday Saturday Double Feature "SHANE" "BELLBOY" Cartoon Sunday Monday , "NORTH TO ALASKA" " Oartooo Tuesday Wednesday s "GIRLS. OF THE NIGHT" ';- Cartoon 1 . . Thursday Only "ZKSMY GEriERAL" f toor Comedy : i free if aeeotrrsiJai fcy pareiits. i f t t'J iimes d'wJ? 4'. a e'.ow, serv- -- cqt rcrccrT, ecu) Crowe, Mrs. Fixysvisf Mrs. our return riA Monday w (lBiU, Craig .JS-udlaBI Jr., Mrs. Robert Roger and l stopped in Rialekh vaa, and Mr: James fctory. where ' we took. ' Roger on a tour of 4he Capitol and the museum plus dinner at 4She SAW. 9fr 9fr 9fr 9fr 9& 9$ Qfr 9 With The Sick Mr. A. E. Cole is a piaibient in St. Joseph's Hospital where he will undergo surgery on Friday. Mrs. ReUiie All man of Hickory, who underwent surgery in Memo rial Mission Hospital, Asheville, Tuesday, will go to rtihe home of her sister, Mrs. Ed Fagan, today ,( Thursday) where she will spend the week-end before returning to her home Sunday. Marshall Book Club Met Monday With Mrs. Walter Ramsey Mrs. Cecil Sprinkle (returned home Tuesday from Aston Park Hospital where she was patient for a few days. Mrs. W. F. Deaver (returned home Saturday from Aston Park Hospital where she has been un dergoing treatment for the past three weeks. She is due to return to the hospital May SO for sur gery. Mr. R. W. Zink is a patient in Aston Park (Hospital where he is undergoing treatment. RENEW YOUR Subscription To - to ; The NEWS-RECORD The Marshall Book Club met Monday, Miay 8, at the boms of Mats Walter Ramsey. Mrs. John Corbett, president, appointed an arrangements committee to as sist her with plans for ithe July meeting at' which time members will invite guests for a supper meeting. Mrs. W. T. - MoEinney gave brief commentaries on sever al new books preceding the pro gram. Mrs J. L. MbElroy gave a delightful review of "The World of Chippy Patterson," a true sto ry of a famous Philadelphia law yer written by Arthur IH. Lewis, The book tells of ithe life of iChris- topher Stuart Patterson who was born into the Philadelphia aristoc racy but the world he chose bad its hard core in City Hall, its spir itual and physical suburbs ' were Skid Row, Chinatown, and hang outs of notorious gangsters of the area in which he. lived. Ghippy died n 1933. '-7 j Nine members were present. Zer.3 Greet fcr wwi 4aSlaJfVM : Zerno, a doctor's formula, liquid or ointment soothes, helps heal 1 minor burns, cuts, bruises. Family ' antiseptic eases itch of surface lashes, ecsema, teen-age pimples, athlete's foot Stops smtchinft, to aids faster healing. For stubborn czn otmtgth Zemo. The 26th annual convention of the North Carolina Automobile Association ended Wednesday of last week at the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst. Key figures of tihe automobile industry from Maine to California are scheduled' to ad dress the business meetings. Gov ernor Terry -Sanford and Con gressman A. Paul Kitohin from North Carolina's 8th district were featured luncheon! speakers. Over 600 Tarheel dealers and their wives were scheduled to at tend the tWee day meeting. At tending from Marshall were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Murray of French Broad Chevrolet Compa ny, Inc. Sleepy Valley HD Club Met May 3 With Mrs. Roberts COMPLETE :incz:3v espu:2S ; Pick-up and Deliveries , " ON - " .'1 ' TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS IN AN'D AHCUND MARSHALL The Sleepy Valley home dem onatnation dub met at the home of Mrs. Jeanette Roberts Wed nesday, May 3 at 2 p. m., with 8 members present, and one visiter little JJebbie Holt, who never misses a meeting. Mire. Ella Mae Gowan gave the devotions, and Mrs. Nova Trollinger led in pray er. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Dossie iHolt, Mrs. Seva Fos ter read minutes of the last meeting. Dues were collected. After announcements of Camp Craft by Mrs. Walton, business was transacted. Plans were dis cussed for our annual picnic to be held in July. We urge all members ito be present at our June meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs. Etta Rath bone. Mrs. Ethel Wallin, home econ omnsT, giave a demonstration on ''Dress Colors and Patterns to fit ithe tall, slender, large and short figure." This demoxwtra tion was very interesting and in deed helpful. uehcious refreshments were served to the group by Mrs. Rob erts. Families Move Mr, and Mrs. Willard Anthony and family recently moved to the Mrs. Flossie Gahagan house . at Hopewell and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crows and dlamdly have moved to the house formerly occupied by the Anthonys here. . ' t nnn -"- 1 ' ' ! s Tif faster, ears easnplet relief of j,p-j srh, neiira'fia, neuritis pains, ? SW'SACK Tablets or Powders. ' t.. LACK'S S. A (Synergistic Action) ' t s rimbined action of several r " approved ingredients in r r v-.o-tuka dose-eases anxiety ; i i. .-,X starts qrinjifif. relief I. t .'. f " . r - 1 - . 1 George C. Mackie, M. D. of Wake Forest was today selected General Practitioner of itihe Year by the Medioal iSociety of the State of North Carolina. The selection was made by the House of Dele gates of he State Medical Society during its lOTth annual session im Asheville. Physician, professor, human itarian, community, and devout Christian, Dir. Mackie has served the people of Wake Forest and surrounding areas for thirty years or more. He succeeds Dr. W. A. Sams, of Marshall, who wan' the Award for 1960. 27 Men, Boys At Brotherhood; Fred Brown Speaks 27 men and boys of the Mar shall Baptist Church attended the Man-Boy Brotherhood meeting Tuesday night in the Fellowship Hall of ithe church. 'Fred Brown, of the Mars HiH College Public Relations Depart ment, was guest speaker. His topic was "Personal Stewardship, A delicious meal was enjoyed prior to the meeting. 40 Marshall High School Students See "Main Street U.S.A." About 40 students from Mar shall (High School World History Class visited the Ford Museum's "Main Street U.S.A." exhibition which was stationed on the rail road siding alongside Meadow Road in the iBiltmore section, Wed nesday, May 10. The exhibition is valued at more than one million doUnrs, and con st rue ted to represent a street of 19th century shops. In each ris play there is authentic merchan dise drawn from the Ford Mu seum. ; Mrs. Lew Alan Rice Is Honored With Shower Saturday iMrs.' Lew Alan Rice Was horn ored with a household - shower Saturday evening at ithe home of Mrs. John O. Corbett Jr. The shower was given by Miiss Mar i garet Corbett The following attended: Mesdames Guy Rice, (Barbara Henderson, J. 0. Corbett Jr., A. W. Whitehurst, Lew Alan Rice; Misses Sandra 'Henderson, Judy Tipton, Jani Woodard, Sandra Ramsey, Pearle Riamsey, Pat Red man tand Jo Ann Henderson. THE SECRET OF SLEEP Without habit-forminc drugs A mw technique combiner, hundreds sr uny Dma at nwaicauofi in a psuie. capsu Half of tins dissolve to Indue sImp quickly. The other half Is araduallv ralaaiwf to sustain and daapan your natural slssp. Talis nns-nasx tonigm tot sars, unintsr rupted slssp. WsKs up rsfrsshsd You sJesp soundly or money back. NO PRESCRIPTION REQUIRED Moores Pharmacy MARSHALL, N. C other's Day Special Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays $15.00 COLD WAVE. $7.50 $10.00 COLD WAVEL S5.C3 -! ATTENTION, LADIES ;: - v . ". - . - , "" ..' v.. - - y..- St. - ' . '.'-.'.''.' - ' - We now have a ccntrlcio cf FRUIT-OF-THE-LCOn IICCE formerly sold jxt Ll-rcI.-Il Dc; I. C era We also have nev J-rHr. j llzli cf r.y j