f2.60 A Year In Madison & Buncombe Jounties $4.00 A Year Outside These Two Counties VOL. CD HQ. 41 10 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C. THURSDAY, CCT. 12, 1S81 10c PER COPY Deflate Highway 25-70 Main Topic; Letter Sent To Bennett, Commissioner - In an effort to get the section '-'Of ..Highway 25-70 from Ashevdlle via Weavervfflle which will link on to the Marshall 'By-Pass set up for ' earlier construction ' and ' also 'in an all-out effort to improve Che link from itihe-north end of the (Marshall By-Pass to the - Tennessee Line, meeting of the minds of several influential dti tens was 'held in lAsheville Tues day and Wednesday. . . Included in the -urgent appeal : were James Stikdleatiher, Lamar Ctodgerr Weldon "Weir Robert S. Swab), Coke Candler, Bruce El : more. L. E. Parker from Bun combe Ooumty and . Iiston B. Ramsey, Zeno H. Ponder and E ' Y. Ponder front Madisoni County, A letter was eent to Tates Ben nett, m member of the N. C. High . -way Commission, -who is chairman of this district and a carbon copy to Governor Terry Sanford. The letter follows: . - - - t - ... October 11,' 1961 Honorable Tates Bennett . Member at iflie N. C. Highway Commission Burnsvdlle, North Carolina , Dear Sixi ' . . ' - We understand that the North - Carolina , ffighw at their next meeting' wall estab lish priorities In the various high? . way districts for the construction of (primary .roads, .We are ex tremely ttnfterested An : the eoav Continued To Last Page : ULL B. RAT.ISEY "1 Succeeds A, L. Duckett Who ' Resigned Last Friday f , , . Night Will B. Ramsey, who has ser ved on the Marshall Volunteer Fire Department since 1942, was . unanimously elected as Marshall Fire Chief by the members of the department last Friday - night - following : the , resignation , of Chief A. L. Duckett - ; iChief Duckett explained ithat he wias resigning because he and his family expect to move from Mar; shall in the near future. -, s Duckett, who became Fire Chief in December, 1955, has rejuvenat ed the fire department which now has a Rural Fire Truck in addi tion to the truck used primarily jn (the corporate .Brndts,-'?- ,y- ,v .. In offenimig his resignation, Mr. Duckett expressed hie appreeta tion to the (firemen and others who have cooperated in the im provement of fire-fighting equip ment, v. . - .i . " In turn, he firemen expressed r regret that he is going to move from Marshall ; and commended fwm highly en the splendid Job he has done as chief. ' Ramsey, the newly-elected chief, stated hat the same ' of facers would remain with 'Don West re placing him '(Riamsey) as Captain. James Pen! and is the other Cap tain. Other officers are Jim Story and T. F. Sams, Assistant Chiefs; and Joe Fisher and Char les Crowe, Lieutenants. . Chief Ramsey stated that the fume schedule for drills, every Friday might, would continue for the present. Gccd Government Lr--.3 cf Vcrncn To :!::t Tuesday .' U. 't of the Good LesTiie of Women u- ' -y t ;vt, Oct 17 inoy ... Dcprovq'pa.. COBB GRANTED MORE HIE FOR APPEAL State iBepaiblican Chairman William E. Cobb has been' granted more time in 'which to appeal , a jury's verdict that he libeled' three Madison County election officials. The State Supreme Court Tues day said the appeal 'will be heard during ' the 1962 spring term of court -which opens February 24. The exact date 'has not been set for Cobb to file hi appeal.' 'The ease had been docketed for hear ing at the current fall term. The high court also denied a motion to dismiss Cobb's -appeal on grounds that the did not meet the legal deadline. k. A Madison County Jury decided that Cobb libeled Zeno Tender, Frank Rumnion and Oreo Race when he accused them of election irregularities in a statewide bond election in October, 1969. The jury awarded Ponder $40,000 damage and token damages of $1 Wo IRua tvhm and Xiice. PROMOTION IN PROGRESS ; Merchants Gfving Tickets-; - Many Prixes To Be -4 ' Given Away The annual, Chnmrmas Promo tion, sponsored byV"he Marshall Merchants Association, is in full swim? here with practically ; all local merchante .participating. Tickets are being given with each (1.00 purchase or paid on account and six drawings aire scheduled -to be held between Oct 28 and De camber 22 r - - - .Officials . of : the , Association will announce first drawing prises probably next .week, .'. '." ; COON HUNTERS CLUB TO HOLD FIELD TRIALS ". Accordang to a member of the club, the French Broad Coon Hunters Club wMl have Field Trunin Saturdar. '. October 14. at the Enneet Teagua farm on Hayes Run. . , , r " "Bring yeur dogs and test them for the opening of the coon hunt ing season," (a member stated. Everybody: ia invited.., REYNOLDS BLANKS MARS HILL HIGH 19-0 The Reynolds iRockets soomed to a 19-0 victory Friday night over a IMars Hill eleven thalt rA la nick us only three first downs during the contest Playing on the Reynolds field fullback Joe Snyder put m a one man sJiow as he scored 13 of the Rockets' 19 points. He broke (the ice in the first qmaxter wtih an 80-vard run ana fol.owed at up In tlie -second period witTi a. 13 yard !i-h whivh he ffo'.liwed v.: '.1 an extia point run. Sum -Ti--: ' -r t 1 t'' f " 1 Rocket ivnl m f fvu. rmarter ci a -'-y 1 ; FUND-I PLANS MADE BY MARS HILL PJ3ns for a financial campaign to underwrite the cost of convert ing Mars HOI from a junior to a senior college . were announced during Founders 'Day exercises at ftie Baptist institution at 10 o' clock this (Thursday) mornnng, Dr. Perrv Crouch, ' pastor of First Baptist Church of Aeheville, is Chairman of a trustee commit tee which has been studying the financial needs of dfre college, and planning m ffund-raiemg drive. He disenssed the : committee s work and introduced key persons who Ihanre agreed tto assist with the campaign, The 1,055-atudent school, iwhidh has ' been a : jrantor college eince 1921, will add the junior year next fall, the senior year in 1963 and will award its first bacca laureate degrees Un itihe spring of 1964. County Schools . To Close Friday For NCEA Meeting Superintendent Fred W. Ander' son announced this week that all county schools will he closed on Friday due to (the 39th annual mmrention of the Western Dis trict of the North Carolina Ed ncation Association which meetsi in Aslheviile Friday, ' Envy is punisTunent meted iout people for heing inferior to their neighbors. ' GOVERNOR TERRY SANFORD Fire, one of man's greatest allies when property controlled and properly utilized, is at the same time one. of the great dan gers to man when uncontrolled. -Each year in our State and Na tion men, women and children lose Hheir Hives because of care asesness in handling of matches and inflammable " materials. Bach year molliane upon milEars of dollars worth of damage fig done to homes, to businesses and to forests due to poor fire prevention pTaotices. . ' , ' . ' In a program, to eurtail fire losses, the Piresident of llhe United States has asked state and local governments, and civic, business and (Labor organizations to join dn observing Fire Pre vention "Week. The ebject of this week As ito ttetach lessons orj fdre prevention that will be practiced the year around. Therefore, I am happy to designate the week of October 8 -14 as , - ''- " Fire Prevention Week in North Carolina , GOVERNOR -llil HCLDaAFi'C'lL HIGHEST SIHCE WARlKO?iEA Wlaehington A draft call for 20,000 men in November was' is sued Wednesday, All will go in to the Army. , Raleigh . North Carolina's draft quota for November will be 770 men highest snnce the Ko rean War, , , . , , . This was announced Wednesday by Col. Thomaa-H. Upton, state director of selective service. Col. Upton eaid the state office is now preparing quotas for local -daraft boards throughout the state. Marshall Men, ' Arrested For I BSeE, Larceny : J'''; - '':'' "il' ' ' Wvv 'V': Jerry . Webb, 24, son of Mr. and Mm Joe - Webb, of Marahau and AIcArthur iShelton, 20, eon of Mr.of 'Madison County. and Mrs. Aries Shelton, also oi MairahaU, are in the . county jail following their arrest - Tuesday nig-ht, Sheriff Ponder stated this week. , i - ' v The two men are dhfcwged wath breaking and entering, larceny, and asaauJt on a female. . Tne incident took place m the Hayes Run section Tuesday night Miss ing from the home were a banjo, guitar and 22-caliber gun. Dennis Cantrell Suffers Gunshot Wound this Morning Dennis Cantrell, 17, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cantrell of the gpillcorn section, was accidental ly injured in the right leg while, hunting this (Thursday ) '. lie .ij!,no(r jja... JM rial Mission Hospital.. STATERiENT By( . TERRY SANFORD New Auditorium At Mars Hill Dedicated Buying; UgqgDg8 BnuolluGJ Surplus Property Officers To Study cdison Status 11 STUDENTS ESCAPE INJURY IN WRECK WED. Eleven 'Marshall - High School students escaped injury Wednes day morning, when m school bus and a car collided in a narrow curve on an unpaved rural road in the Sandy iMush section State Highway Patrolman C. W. Pearson reported the accident occurred at 7:30 a. m. when the school bus, operated by iRom Hensley, 55, of Marshall, met a 1946 Ford convertible in heavy fog. The convertible was operated by iBobby Lee RamdaDl of Mar shall RPD 1. IBoth drivers also escaped in jury. Damage to the car was esti mated at 300 and to the bus $50. No charges were made. PUBLIC MAY HELP CHILDREN AT CEIMIAS V: Mrs. Miane Roberts, manager of the Marshall Recreation Park, announced Mhia. -vPeek that anyiine who wishes to jhelp fill baskets for . needy children of Madison County ds invited to contact her. Mrs. ' Roberts explained that many of the young people who frequent the Recreation Park will fax bas ket for the children land need help from others-.. . , . . "Have a part in making some child happy on Christmas morn. trig by filling the baskets with toys, fruits and candies. Giving toys (new or used), clothing, food and donations will go a long way in making many children happy, Mrs. Roberts stated. Send your contributions to the park or call 3174 during the day and 3646 from 7 p. mi. to 10 p. m Arrangements will be made to pick up the articles. Don't call yourself la fool your friends may suspect you have in side information. Today i hip i Cites Letter From Thurman Regarding Vehicles And Titles A state surplus property officer said Monday he will look into questions raised by a Madison County group concerning surplus federal trucks obtained hy the Madison County Board of Edu cation. "We are reviewing the record1 now on all property issued to Madison County and if the result of this review warrants a further look, we will certainly go back (to Madison County) and check at the earliest possible moment,' said Col. R. W. House, state sur plus property disposal officer, House said he received ft letter Monday from the Rev. James M. Thurman, secretary of the Mwrs Hill Citizens Committee for Better Schools. Thurman had written House saying tnat me Maciflon tsoara of Education had not completed the transfer of title on 13 vehi cles obtained between March of 195S and last July 1. .' , Thurman said if the transfer of title was not completed and license plates were not obtained the trucks could not legally be put into operation. He wrote:, "If (these vehicles are not in use currently andAppartent- ly never have been licensed and put in use, this would? seem to in dicate there was no ekecifiic need for these vehicles in '..Madison County when they ' (were pur chased." : Col. House staid some of the vehicles ' obtained by Madison County . were in such . condition that they were: likely used only to obtain spare parte and tires for other vehicles. He said units receivine- .'surplus vehicles fre quently did this. House also said it was possible that the 'Madison County schools were using some of the vehicles only on school earn. puses and not using them on the highways so that it would not be necessary . to obtain license plates on them. POLK CENTRAL DEFEATS HOT SPRINGS 26-0 Undefeated Polk Centitall ran and outpassed visiting Springs while coasting to a out Hot 26-0 victory Friday night at Harmon Field at Tryon; The winners ad ded a touchdown in each ouarter. Quarterback '. Johnny ridges counted for three of the Polk scores by hitting Marvin Pack for t!he 'initial score and finding Johnny iBiedler in the clear be fore running around left end for the final score from the three yard line. Ronnie White account ed for the other score with a 3 yard xun. Bridges added two ex tra points. Aiding the Polk cause with out standing line play were Bran Gregg and Bob iCJjmpion. IV.k Central has now won its J'rst five games. i: rc i i First (i'wns I''- .; i- - 9 HQ Decision Made After Visit Of Mara Hill Group The Madison County Board of Education has called a halt to its participation in the surplus pro perty procurement program. The action was taken Saturday night af ter what the board, in a lengthy statement, called harass ment by news media, especially television. u ,. (Singled out . as basis for "ad verse publicity" was the Citizens Committee for Better Schools, a Mars Hill organization , formed during last year's bitter school dispute. Ait issue is the disposition of a number of vehicles and machinery purchased as surplus equipment. Included, according to School Su perintendent Fred W. Anderson, are 13 vehicles including trucks' and weapons carriers, m cement mixer and a generator set. Anderson said a Mars Hull group had written Col. R. W. House, federal property officer, and that House had sent an aide to faquire about the vehicles. , .Anderson aaid he. showed House's representative the titles, that a group from Mars Hill came later and asked to see the titles and where the vehicles were. An derson said he ds in the process of determining the location of each of the vehicles obtained by him ' self and bis predecessor. t After a bliaat a t "narrow- minded" mnd . "biased" criticism which the board called politically inspired, the statement issued Sat urday read as follows (motion by board member' Zeno Ponder, sec erned by B. K. Meadows) : y I S feel Blrongly tliat for - the best interests, of the Madison County public ' schools, notwith standing that the anticipated ac tion will cost the schools of f.Tadi son County, the supeaintendont's (Continued to Last Page) U. N. Study Tour To Again Be Made By H. D. Club Women (- - '.-"I- :-''';' i;V -aMUMSSSBMMM -'' '".' 1- ' Ag&m (this year -the H.D. Ckib women will have the opportunity to go to New York on the U.N. Study Tour. The dates for this tour will be Nov. 6-11. The wom en - will leave ; Asheville Sunday afternoon, and travel by train to Washington, and by bus to New York. They will spend two full days in the iU.N. and come back to Washington for a mgnt ana day of touring there. Then they will return to Aiheville Saturday, Nov. livk'i'Kv. ' - The package rate for this tour is only $61.00 per person, and in- y eludes r ail expenses of travel, rooms, tips and sightseeing tours. No meals are included. Many of - our. Western North Carolina .women have been on this trip and say yoni cam' get by on 1100.00 for the total trip. ' If you desire more information, please contact Ethel T. Wallin, or come by the Home Agents of fice. COUiJTY 12 J i i. v