.a 47 8 PAGZS THIS W'ZZIZ MARSHALL, N. C, TIIUXSDAY, 1S31 10c PER COPY $2.60 A Year la (Madison & Buncombe Counties $4.00 A Year . Outsida These Two Counties' r i LJ : Cards Property Of United States Department Of' Agriculture ' : Tobacco marketing cards were mailed to Madison County buriey producers today. In commenting on this, Genell .Fox, acting office ' manager, ' said that - these cards 'lure' the property, of ' the 'United States Department of Agriculture and that tiney are to be returned to the ASOS office' ss soon as (he tobacco is sold from the form for ' Which the card was issued Fail ure to return the card, or other wise properly account for disposi tion made Of the tobacco' consti tutes a violation f or ; which - the allotment next established for the farm may be reduced. : ! In conclusion, iMias Fox ssdd that the best time to return the BEING SHIPPED TO COUNTY i Some disease-free hybrid Chi' nese chestnut trees, bearing-size are 'being shipped- some education committeemen v of Marshall and Hot Springs associated with ithe Southern States ForesMnre Com mission,-, Inc., Birmingham, bama, it is stated in an announce ment sent here by Harold Storey, President of the Commission. The trees grow rapidly and about half the height of the native tree which (furnished car toads of lu scious fail nuts , until the blight struck in 1905 here and throueh cam a just as soon as roe saues Ithe nation, the abatement by iUr. are complete and then it want be misplaced or forgotten. , These cards may be mailed by simply placing a four-cent stamp on ithe back and dropping them in a mail box. WHEAT SIGNUP DEADLINE NEAR In order for the (full benefit to ' farmers and' 'the general public Storey announces. Up ion Surry County, N. C, fanners are refor esting by the acre and have calcu lated the harvest each year will be more profit than pines or poplars, the bulletin avers. These trees should be trans planted in holes (about a foot deep with only black ton dirt, with very little fertilizer, and with an "ash-pan" left around the roots to collect water each rain. They are bi-aexual and should be (transplanted no less than six nor over twelve feet apart, the announcement further adds. The old time inherited that is possible under the 1962. size of the chestnuts end flavor . Wheat -Stabilization Program to are Identical with the be realized, a good percent of eli-' original native iwairiety - ttibOe farmers must partiaipaite in from the Indians here. the program. For this reasow, f The Oxmmissioin, Box 8235, Emory 'Robinson, chairman of the' Birmingham 6,' Ala. will send Madison County ASC committee, If req iikiat rated 'booklets and oth- . m 1 . . 11 . . . . ' 'l "i ... . 1 1 . remirwiea larmers - tooay tnai tees er literature to anyone, mrcerestea i than itrwn wpplnr. rptmAiivi. -dtiirijnfl' 4."wfhach they may file applications to take part in ibhis worthwhile program. The deadline is Decem ber 1, 1961, which means that pro ducers may signup at any time , adds. , (Continued to Last Page) The Commission plans to bring the need afjd value of .chestnut re foresting before some scliool 'as semblies in Madison County in tfhe near future, the memorandum HOUSEHOLD WORKERS IN CENSUS SURVEY j The U. S. Census Bureau will conduct a survey of private house- .' hold workers in connection , with the November Current ' Population Survey, it was announced today. , The survey wJIl cover both em' plovers and employees. Question will be asked concern ing k ind of 'work done, days worked, wages, and related items .' The survey da being conducted by the Census Bureau for ithe U. S .Dapjfc of Health, Education and Welfare. ' The questions on ! privfaite house hold work are in addition to the regular inquiries ' on employment an duaemployment which are ask ed each month in the . Current Population Survey. ' .. . The Cuawent Population Survey will be conducted hers and in 832 other sample areas of the country during iJhe week of November 20. Information wiffi be collected local ly by Ai rs. Edna 1 Hanmon, 61 Wolfe Cove Rdv Ashevdlle. . Cen sus Bureau tivities in this area are supervised by 'Joseph R. Nor wood, Regional '--Field - Director, 212 S. Tryon St., Charlotte 2, JNX. covfaoslt iGi.', L..i) A CORN VARIETY PROVES ITSELF IN MADISON COUNTY ' ' Ck - mm sm 'wsomiml. n "luuiiuuuynd. . i-wewsnnn " -...inaw w m LJ J flcoSIjdr Largo Giro Mon-Js Draning C2ore MADISON MAN FATALLY HURT IN WRECK SAT. BREVARD AND CANTON MEET IN ASHEVELE TODAY A r' from . i - t (.' cow saved Vy r.vn.lHg ly f. L. r " '-y of According to Harry G. Silver, county agent, , progressive Madi son County farmers have found a com they like better than any they have ever grown. A yellow hy brid com produced by Pioneer Seed Company of Illinois was put into the grain -trial demonstration by the county agents in 1966. This variety, , Pioneer 809A, showed promise and wtas put in the 1958 trial. In 1958, iMr. Will Cook of the iShutin community was so fa vorably; impressed ' with Pioneer 309A in the (test he run that he planted 44 pounds in hie 1969 crop. iMr. E. C. Teague of Mar shall' planted 12 pounds of Pioneer 309A. These plantings proved, so successful ifb&t the xtenedon ag' ents recommended a dealer atock some seed for 1960. The 1960 plantings were successful las grain corn and 'or silage. The Pioneer 309 A has an excellent stalk and root system; it carries goo! re sistance to blight and is a good yielder of high quality silage or grain. Vv':"-' '4-.v" -' iMr.. Billy Woody of" Spring Creek and. Mr. Gerald Young of Middle ) Fork' conducted' .'silage tests on seven different varieties of corn in 1961.. After they har vested their (tests both farmers stated that the Pioneer 809A was the variety they liked best Canton's undefeated Black Bears and JBrevatd's Blue Devils, larch rivals from way back, cdLL Mde in Asheville's Metnorial Sta dium Thursday (Thanksgiving) afternoon for ihe Western- AAA championship. Kickoff time is at 3:80. Canton . posted a 9-0-1 recoad for , the season to win the Blue Ridge ; 1 Conference championship while Brevard, defending state champs, were 6-3-1, with 'one of the wins coming over Waynesville BAkj Eifig-e team in the iplayofifs. 'Inolutied an ,, Oaiiton'tfTrcQUi season record was a 28-6 verdict over (Brevard, but that was early in ithe season. . Canton gained to the right to play for the Western title by de feating RetdsvJUe, 8848, " Friday night whale Brevard advlanced to the finals with a 40-7 verdict ov er (Morehead High. The state (this year ruled a- gainst a game for state honors land as a result Thanksgiving's ac tion winds up AAA play for the REMOVE '61 FEED GRAIN GRAZING RESTRICTIONS . Word has' been received that ithe 1961 (Feed Grain Grazing re strictions have been removed, ac cording to Geneli Fox, noting of fice manager of the (Madison Coun ty : ASCS office. Producers who participated in the 1961 Feed Grain Program may : now turn (livestock on the diverted acreage without any vdolatiom -;iof their contract. "5 This will enable any producer to utilize adjoining fields which this acreage is in . without having the added expense of fenc- L'iARSIIALL KALI WINS FIRST IN' TOOL JUDGING , GUN CLUB IS ORGANIZED HERE LAST FRIDAY Officers Are Elected; Club To Meet EveryTwo A Madison County man was fatally 1 injured " .when , his car ran out of control on U. . 19 a bout seven miles east of Mars Hill Saturday afternoon, ran into a paoflm'ng Jot, sideswipe car and flung him out. Event Held At Courthouses Prize Winners Are Announced The second drawing of the Mar shall Merchants Association pro motion was held here last Satur day afternoon with another large crowd present. The event was held at the court house after a majority of the mer chants voted to change the draw ing from the Island where the first event was held. Principal reason for the dhange was said Ralph 'Buckner, 41, of fit. 2, to have been that in ctase of rain. Mtera Hill, had suffered a crush- ( persons attending the event mould ed chest, head and internal in- be forced to remain outside with juries in the accident, and died ; w possibde place to keen dry. It Savings Bonds Sales Continue To Increase In N. C. C25 IIcl Lunches ; C rvcJ Dclly litre 'y c: at 5 h nche.i litre 'ma JC'rh 'a i Lvv.i 1 it iFor the third consecutive month cash sales of U. & Savings Bonds surged tehead of . those for the same montib of last year in North Carolina. Combined iE and 31 sales during October ' were $4,174,800, ' which was a 5 increase over October 1960. E Bond sales wer up 3, while H Bond sales were 24 higher. . ' ' ' The state's 10-month cumula tive sales totaled - $40,216,828. This represen'te an (approximate 2 increase so far this year over 1960 and is 78 of North Caro lina's 1961 goal of 51 million 600 thousand dollars. . "Series iH Bond ealea took - a 7 spectacular jump during October," according to W. H. Neal, Nation al Director of the' Treasury's Savings IBonde Division. The B4 increase in the purchase of Series B. Bonds last month is a tribute to the volunteers and bank ers who serve the bonds program so faithfully and to the ithous ands of patriotic Americans who see in Savings Bonds an important way to serve their country in time of need." ' SSadison County saSes for Octo ber were $7,C55.00. For .the year coumty sales tota!,j l23,r23.0,i v '.kli c'j 74.5 cf a c '. '. Z ; f r 1DCI, f :- ' t (it C L. I 1 Jr., C- i The Marshall Future Farmersf of America. Team won first place in the annual Blue Ridge Federa tion tool judging contest Thurs day at Erwin High School. (Members of the team, which won honors over six other groups, are ' Clarence Davis, (Raymond Norton, Bernard Coates .and James Hensley. North Buncombe team was sec ond; Erwin team copping third. . Other teams in the contest, spon sored . by . Citizens (Hardware of Asheville, ' included East Yancey, Laurel, A. C. Reynolds and Valley Springs. , A Madison County Gun Club was organized here Friday night at a meeting! held in he Sluder Jewelry Shapy'Lee Sluder, certi fied trifle and pistol .instructor, presided. ' . .The cIuk waa onraniize1 at ihe request of the Nlatkmal iRifle As-J Markamanship.r,' The followinig officers were e- lof t i'd : -"t-'-iiLJi.T., Zmie-llunt,! of - Ashe. v'hl?; vice president, Paul Rice, f Tarihall HFD 2; sec.-itreas., Lee J.uder, (Mardhall ; 1 execubive of ficer, Clyde M. Roberts; Instruct or, Lee iSIuder. ... In addition to ihe above char ter members, the following were at 11:45 Monday, Nov. 20, 1961 in an Asheville hospital. Patrolman A. L. iFeldman, who iniveartdgated, said Buckner, who was alone, apparently lost control Of the car. The car sideswiped a dar owned by Grady J. Bice of Rt B, -Mars iHill, parked ini ithe lot of a grocery store ibelonging to Rice's father, 'Fred Rice. After Buckner was thrown from the car, the vehicle continued on through the parking Holt and stopped in the middle of ithe high way, ithe trooper said. Services will be held at 2:80 p. m. Thursday dn Betnel Baptist Churdh. The iRev. Guy West, the Rev. Edward Moore and the Rev. John Huntley will officiate. Burial will ..- (Continued Te Last Page) ,' BRIM LEAVES TRACKS IN MARS mil DUD A bear padded across thai Man Hill College campus about day break Saturday, leaving a good set of tracks and causing a stir of excitement in the convmuiity. iNo one claimed , to nave seen the animal, although several per- waB also explained that in -case of rain, snow or sleet, the large basket of ticket stubs would be soaked and would stick together, causing difdBoulty. Officials of . the : (association termed the drawing here Satur day "highly successful." l It was necessary to draw 43 times before warmers were found for ten valuable prises. The draw ing . consumed one hour, . twenty five minutes. The first drawing necessitated 46 drawings and re quired ten minutes less. Published below are the winners in last Saturday's drawing: : $10 Groceries Paul Hender son, Wataut. F ishing Rod and Reel Jenny Allman, RFD 2. $26.00 Savings Account Mike Talton, RFD 6. Grill and Steam Iron Mrs. Tilson Hunter, RFD 2. ,100 Gallons Gasoline i Dean Cutshall, RFD 4. j . v i OQ Change, Grease and Wlash Job Mrs. Jos Chandler, RFD 4." 12-rC'!-'J Turkey Hevds Ed- .5-pound FiFuit Cake Mrs. John R. Meseer, RFID 6. , . " ' : WaeSiingi : Machine Eugeme -Ward, RFD 1. Oldsmobile Mrs, Charles Par ris, BIFD 1, Marshall. The next drawing will be held at the courthouse at 8:00 o'clock HUGE BALLOON, INSTRUMENTS LANDINWNC Passes Over Marshall; Many ; - People See Object . In Sky , Lenoir, N. C A 10-miHion cubic foot balloon as high as a 41-etorr building completed a coast-to-coast flight near r here Tuesday with scien-tiXic equip ment in a University of Chicago cosmic ray experinn'nt. ' The balloon, called a U. S. Navy Skyhook, touched rr nid at about 8:45 a. mi.", in the I ; h Nation al Forest .Earlier, 's lad dropped a sniaUer packaj- j of i; i lniments near Eoan Moon! ' k The balloon, a' with some 2,200 i vn!r:t, was law; Rector, Wade Arrowood, Earl .sons insisted thbt "a college hoy" ,eu,,,rA.T nm!hr o. it hto nTnons, Jim Mc- did. " -mmw . ASC SAYS SOIL runner, lioaa-i mmans, ymi one- ouo. , 'been announced. Intyre, Fred 'E. Sheltony Bernard! ;: The fresh prints were identified . . . t. . A . ...... . m'. ". .. ' TJ1 . 1 . .A iTI J , meece, lunarjes ;row, jerry ap- uy muouie JTOBecxor uvuymona gmm00iimmmng0mtpm$mmgy ton and Jtoy Race. Ramsey of Man iHill as seal bear The dub is scheduled to meet tracks. He said there is a scar- every two weeks at the jewelry city of food in the woods for the frninmyvrrt Tfl v--rrri shop (here, Mr. Sluder announced, animals -and surmised - that (' 11 IIVIj IN riiriK 'sv, .bear wias searching for something .. ; I to eat I - ' Judging 'by the tracks, the bear' Various methods for determining ' i crossed State Highway 213 and fertiliser and lime requirements passed within 60 feet of the col- are available to Jarmers, accord lege's new Moore Auditorium and " Emory Robinson, chairman ' Fine Arte .Building. ; He appar-! Madison AiSC county com sntly tumbled down a small m-'mittee. Te N. C Dept. of Agri bankment near lan electric trans-, culture has an excellent labora- former station beside the build- i "7 wiucn provides a soil testing LIGHT CHECK TO BE MADE IN COUNTY FRIDAY kbg walked fchrougih a mud hole WKam Ya Snff " ' iiYvA 9usoil Aif svf State Patrolmen will conduct . light check on all automobiles and .. , , . trucks: at some undisclosed - spot disappeared into a wooded area m one counxy naay. TOuth m ; - T.rT7iViT'": Ji Ths news spread through the Patrolmen stated that drivers of ... cars and trucks with faulty lights ha wrt foe cited. The patrolmen also dents .to--. of said they would check quipment such as brakes and mufflers. them skeptical at first, came to view the tracks. y at Br " 1 a t an t 1 was ; i ! pre-'.'c. la g-ondola of equip-s-h.Iawn " - f. It ' r.2,r y to THANKSGIVING SERVICES AT LOCAL CHURCHES The Rev. L. Richard Mellinv pastor of the MarsWall Pre;byte rian Church, has announced '";at a Tnanksgaving service i.i oe held at the church TlnsJay morning. The service v'.ll I 'a at 10 o'clock and end at 10:4 ). There will also be T' ' "v i..g Servfoe at tJie IT r ' ". 1' : V.: i C h 03 V.'.' ' .? ' ' - ' !-' ' ft 7:SD cV ',. I' a t.i -3 cf t- a r. " r C " r c f t Ti e " ,FARM BUREAU TO s OBSERVE, REPORT ON LEAF niARIffiT Bill Roberts, president of the Madison County Farm . Bureau, stated tl.is week 43ie covr'y c!rect ors will l;ave fv" .-,v;, - rwn on the A. " Ernit f : ' '. to t " n la 1 t or 'I' i :.a t' service f or everyone in the state. The use of this service is encour aged. In addition to this service. North Carolina State College each year puhiidhes a set of , general fertiliser recommendations which are fully endorsed by all agricul tural agencies of North Carolina. Only through the use of such practices can the most profitable farming result and only through profitable farming can this state attain "the- balance between agri culture and industry Chat is re quired for a healthy economy. 'In conclusion, Mr. Robinson said that now is the best time of year to send your soil samples to the laboratory and t'.r.t farmers could get soil samilo boxes from their AE-C3 ofHce or ery of t' a ot'.er s -ricullurd tc.' ' s da t'.a -county.

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