$2.60 A Year In Madison ft Buncombe Counties 4.00 A Year Outride These Two Counties 2. 14, 1S51 lOo PER COPY I D. CO 10 PAGES THIS WEEK MARSHALL, N. C, TllVZZDJ Hi SANTA TO BE IN MARSH rirri vvwi CialirJ iij- r i yo Officials Remind Public To Enter Contest; Prizes For Winners . The. Marshall Garden Club Is sponsoring the annual Christ mas Decoration Contest in this community. Prizes en to be e warded in the fcMowing catego ries: x (Beet Overall $10.00; ' est Window or Door $7.50; Best Outdoor Tree $5.00. t QCf ioials of the club announced that judging "wU take place on Wednesday night, Dec. 20, be tween the hours of 6:00 end 9:00 o'clock. ' ' Those outside itihe city limits who wish to participate An Hue contest ere asked to contact Mrs. S. C. Stadtsill not later than Dec. ' 19, ao itihe Judges can go to their : IhotneB. ' . COUNTY SCHOOLS TO CLOSE DEC. 20 FOR HOLIDAYS FOR CHRISTMAS AT PACMC MILLS - Christmas operating schedules 5 for the Hot Springe plant of Bur lington todiustries were announced today by & NeUl Boss, plant man ' ' ager, who also revealed pkms for : the annual ' Children's - Christmas Flirty. V Mir. (Ross tadd Christmas Wii- days at the plaint would be ob- served from the end of the third ,' 'shift on Dee. 23 until the begin- , nimg of itihe first shift on Decern her 26. ' Employees eligible by length of service for Vacation pay will re- Fred W. Anderson, auperin- tendenit, announced this week (that aM county schools would close next Wednesday. Dec 20, about 10 em. for the Christmas Holidays. The schools will ireeume activities on Tuesday, January 2, 1962. Wallin, McClure Added To Walnut School Committee The Madison .County board, of education recently appointed TXTo.11 im. wt .Maimrnm MrifJhrre to the Wtaniit School Comttdttee.'r Other (members oi mne comnuv- tee are A. E.' Leake, chairman); Mrs. Anna (Mae Tipton, secretary; Donald Stiroes, Oapp Gosnell and E. 0. (Burnette. v ir- LEICESTER GIRL CHOSEN ROSE QUEEN ,M,ias Faith - Edwands. dausjhter of Mrs. R. W. Kirkendall of Let- Mukr. amA a business major at the Wonran'e College, Greensboro, has been) chosen Rose1 Quean of of tha Aloha Lambda Chapter TVMji Sicmia PI. xyrofeesional bus- Vtai TlW ILW vw4vm - . - -o ' ceive checks .-during he week off iness fratermaty at the university Demt)er"10-1," tt was annouaeed. Tbe annual Christmas parity for employees cfcildrm be held at 2:00 p. m., Dec-17 to the Times Theatre. V iSanto CBaus will ' be on band and gifts will be dis tributed to all employees cbJldren 10 years of age and younger. There will be brief Christmas program, consisting of cartoons, refreshments, "and Santa daius giving treat tfogs to the children. Approximately 250 persons, in cluding children and parents, are expected to attend. of WotlMXJarolina. " ' The oueen "was selected worn 28 girls .who were judged at am kiiormal tea. ' The eoroneitiion an nouncement was made at the aov- nmal banouet in (honor of new members of the fraternity and at the Rose Dance to ihonor of oueen. A'.- ' Before transfernnfr to itne Woman's . iGolkge, Miss Edwards Santa Claus will make his annual visit to Mar- . shall Wednesday morning; when he will visit the Mar shall school at 9:00 a. m. He is also expected to be in Marshall on Friday, Dec. 22 and Saturday, Dec. 23. All children are invited to come to Marshall and speak to Jolly Saint Nick. ' ' nn Id CHgitg tastt. ategirday MECHANICAL CHECK BEING PLANNED BY SHP SEAL CAMPAIGN IS FAR SHORT OF LAST YEAR Does he family ear's bom blow loud and clear T And how about the brakes, lights and steer kttr mechanism? These wall be auestians (that wiU be settled Wednesday. Thureday, Friday and Saturday in Madison Mrs. L. H. Kent Wins Buick; Other Winners Are Listed Marshall Lions Arc Prc-r;:; Christmas Daskcts For CI:::;1 Local Lions A i d Visually Handiepped People , Throughout Year AKhoutgth little is publicly said about the work of (the iMairahati Laons dub, the local group works year-acound at aiding itbe blind and visually Ihejnidacappedi of iMadr ison County. Hundreds of dollars are sment annually on glasB tmA nfihor inhaaes in aidinsr (the handios.TTed. ' . At iho Disawnt, . tlie Marshall Lions are ipreparinsr ' 87 baskets for ibhe blind. These large bas kets iwill be delivered by (the Lions to families before CDuieramaa. ,: 'Members of the club are task- sntf (the nubile to cooperate in this worthwhile cause by donating $1X0 for (tickets now being band ied by itthe Lions. , A drawing will be held in front of the courthouse .,hf. Mam vtm iCnllAm. ShA a three o'clock. Saturday, lecem was escorted : by Silas Sauls of ber, 23, ait which time a prime 4-H 'Raleigh. (Continued to last Jfage) Christmas Edition To Be Published ' Next Thursday . and fiuneombe counties when) me- cHamical checking stations will be set ut by District 4, Troop t , Ktaite JTicihwav Patrol. The stations will be established n as not t intenfere with normal flow of traffic, accarding ito iSgt Jack CaMe of District 4. fects will be tallowed n tabs their, cars' to the garage of their choice, to Waive the fault corrected. OU tations will not be given unless the defect te a clear-cut violation on the tow, each as no brakes, or no muffler, Oabe said; The stations, here as part of a statewide operation, will be set op between the hours of 10 a. m., and 6 p. m. The annual Christmas E. ditlon !of The News-Record will be p U Jb 1 i s h e d next Thursday. TTe paper ,m".:1 have msnv; Cx r'u tas f -ings fro.-i k.-..-.-lriri..,, .. individuals.' If youWve nof. been contacted and wish to have a Greeting advertise ment : in this issue, please contact this newspaper be fore Tuesday Noon. . . News correspondents are asked to send - in ' their MARSHALL PTA IIEETS MONDAY :;i AUDITORIUM Accordiins' to Mrs. Josie W. Haynes, of Black Mountain, exec utive director of the Western JN. C. Tuberculosis Association, a to tal of only $268.00 had been con tributed by Madison County so tne Chr istmas (Seal Campaign through November 30. This amount is ov er ifive hundred doBurs shout of the moumt contributed through Mia aaime neriodi last year. 'Letters containing the 'Christ inas (Seals were mailed in 'Novem ber and those who haven't yet sent; in their contributions are urged ta Jo SO. .Miadison .County is one of 16 counties comprisiffig the Western N. V.. Tuberculosia Aissocaaraon which was organised in April of tihfe vear in the hope that to- onther the counties would be Bible to accomplish what could not be done as separate vcJiunteer coun- Tlui tmmanirjtiMta OcfieTS to the r. people of these counties a year- round educational program on Tuberculosia and other health problems. Desroite bitter winds and cold weather, the larsrest crowd so far was present for the third drawing here Satuirday afternoon at wree o'clock. The promotion, sponsored by the Marshall Merchants Asso ciation, is still inn progress with the faulted drawing to be held here on Friday, December 22 at three o'clock. Winners Saturday were: Mattress and box springs, Lew is Hemmons, Walnut; Ham, Mrs. C. J. Tipton, Marshall m o 6; $10 Worth Groceries, (Mrs. Fred Kent, 'Marshall KOOJ z; unu. Revis Edmonds, Marshall o; 9.s StmSmaa . Account, Norman Payne, Alexander; Becapped tire, Mike iHaynie, Marsnau Jttnu o; Fruit Cake, Dons Ward, Mar shall; Two wool blankets, Miss Joan Hollifield, Walnut; (spot light, Mira. Jewel Payne, Mar shall; Bicycle, Mrs. Joan Anoers, Marshall; 1951 uick, Mrs. L. H. Kent, iMareUall RFD 1. MBS TAKES. TWIN BILL FROM nOT SPRINGSTUES. "cony" n that th ' DSDST Can 'mailed at die usual time. ntion will meet next dy intifht at Marshall Parent-Teachers Momi- V:30 in itihe school auditorium. ' - Two feature attractions will highlight the occasion.. A fashion ahow' will be presented! by mem bers of the home economics de partment "under the supervision of Mrs. Earl (Robinson. Untt a band iwerrk trM ihe m resented. The LI, CUU Ul I - t m as early as possiblelband Is under the direotaon of Vur- De gi. iauuwi. . , . The public as invited to attend. Robinson Named As A Director Of Asheville A.D.C. D. M. Robinson, Manager, French Broad Electric was eleet- pA m. director of the Asheville Ag '' xjkultaral !; iDevelcpimenti Oouncdl fnr 1962 at the Council's annual meeting in' AsheviMe on December fourth. ' The Agricultural Development - Council operates en 18-county area wwtm North Qarolina, pro- jwnrieultniral .nrosrresa and I ' rural (development. The organfea-I : tion was lormea m i.vvf uuui the furet of sndb area development associations formed in the nation. Its work has been widely publized - by env publications as The Read ers Digest, Farm Journal s and f KJrit and by . televisiort programs , and movies of ihe ,U. S. Depart ment of Agricultural The Oounca is financed by business, industry '. and farmers and ' operates under the theme of a partnership for - progress between town add oian- ; cry. . A major project of the organi sation has been sponsorship with the agricultural agencies of the widespread- .Community Develop ment iProeram fa this area. . , , Named as officers of the Coun- ( Continued To Last Page I :-r!vsJ Plant arsihall High School bas- I teams travelled to Hot Tuesday night and. made t,3t successful venture by if the Hot aprings eagers in both fends of a twin; bill. The Tornadoettes proved them k. ih nninfw better than toe Hot . Springs sextet, defeating them, 52-42, to a fw-scoring ganve, In the ntohtcap, mne xonmuuw fi h road roueh but manag ed to eke out a 52-49 victory, but it required an overtime period to do it The regulation gpme enn ed in a 47-47 tie. GIRIiS' GAME 'Marshall' (52) Frisby 13, Baldwin 24, Ramsey 7, Tipton 8, Woodard, Crowe, McDeviitt, Wor- ley, Payne, Davis. .Wrtfc JWiimena f42l Hull HOT SPRINGS UONS TO HAVE SHOOT SATURDAY A trap, ekeet, pistol and rifle shoot will be held at ne am Springs range on v Saturday, W was announced this week.- ine..e- vent ie being sponsored oy row Hot Springs Lfams Qub wan proceeds to be used to meip n ' The' event "wffl begin at ID a. m., and continue nnitiS dark, ; , , Prizes will include Hams, tur keys and candies. Charter Presented To Mars Hill Grnn-e On Tuesday NiM (Continued To Last Page) Inaumance Co. The : Maira Hill Gramfge met Tuesday night, t Mars Hill Com- nwority -Biuilllding. iPresenitation oE the Charter was made by JJrotner Vergil Settles from Elkin, N. C, to Clyde English,. Miastersv Mr., Settles commended the Grange oil its new members, and gave a brief talk on insurance. .-, , .f.-. .. English stated that he is. now - .f. fnr the N. C State 13, Grange and the National Grange Prizes For Last Brauing Doe. 22 flre'flncopDcd ROBERTS MAKES CnARCOALIN COUNTY IflLNS By HARRY G. SILVER , Three charcoal kilna with a ca pacity of 68 cords ewdb. are now in operation in Madison county. Roy Roberta of Barnard ouwi . . . i j nm Mb in 15M3U ana rompi two more recently. Roy has filled his eld kiln ten tunes and stated tWa ha cot an average of S3 tons f AiAiivriA.1 ifrvm each f IIIIaTj?. It requires 30 days for the d oords of hardwood to be conver.lc J r rnm wood to charcoal. T". a ticw oullot for Isard vwi erea'.4 l-y Hoy w-Ul be l i"? irer year. V."". " Will Be Held On Fnday, December 22; lotat Value,. $867.00 ' AiKKmich the drawings here have been tremendous, the best is yet to eome. WhenT On Fnd..y, December 22 at three o ciock m front of the ' courthouse, mora than $867.00 of valuable mere! i- dise will be given away in J fourth and final draw Irs of ' ' Christmas , Promotion epo; 1 by the MJairshall (Kw!..ir1s J ciatiom lEhoppers are r " " " i i that they are er. " " ' ' & for every $1X3 : on accoar t fr i ; finn ii "- Lr.'-t : " ' L.r---.t of cl C 3." I V- ..I of v.-(. 1 3 9 T Ce i " '

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