VOL. 60 NO. 52 Preview by Governor Terry Sanford The chief emphasis of this ad ininiatration oa behalf of itibe peo ple of North 0roJin in 1862 will be a better chance to make a bet tor living. We seek more jobs for, more money for more people. We seek move profits for ifarwi- pro ducts, more trade ifor merchants, more economic opportunities for aW our people. We will do these things ia several ways. . We wdU continue to ''work to translate farm research and ideas into doilaro, pushing the wellio eeived ; "AigricijituraJ - Opportuni ties" program deadened for this administration by el farm agen cies and oiganizaitions. - North Carolina was second do Ohe nation fat irate of increase to (term in come in 1961. We can mprove Che rate of increase. . We will excel our 1961 record ; of creating new Jobs with new and expanded commerce and industry. In the first 11 months of 1961 we ' exceeded all previous full-year . records in new capital investments. We vM do better in 1962. - - ' These .things he everybody, the .' ' housewife r "i:l-tJie warier, -H3ie ' ' mt-rw.aiui:, barber, the medhan ic, he jsujesmani -the repairman, . the deader, AH citizens share " injthe new j dollars which come - "Vrom fanning and industry, - ' ' Indeed all twe do is related to a 'fuuuUv Aiwwruim'ir mmA m KnldMP Ufa. Rdads, porta, water conservation, cultural (pursuits, the Research , Triangle, tourist promotion, all play their important pant , We dnAend to ependf appioxi mfately $66. million on interstate yiad primary roads an 1962, about 10 percent above ithe aveflage of the last two years. And we intend , : (Continued To Last Page) Lccal Lau Firm Aids In Yale Law Sohcsl Program Mashburn & Huff Cooperate In Request For Legal Data EDITOR'S NOTE; The case below involved a motorcydleJbua lac- : oident end subsequent appeal to the North Caroline Supreme Court. Mr. ' Huff informed this newspaper that materials had been sent to the Yale Law School and -that the firm da cooperating fully. ' , This is 'the first time any law firm in Madison County bas bad ; such request , Tbe Moot Court of Appeals YALE UNIVERSITY - LAW SCHOOL "New Haven, Connecticut -December 7, 1961 v Mr. Joseph B.: Huff MJashbuim & Huff . . Citizens Sank Building, Man-shall, No. Carolina Re: Pack . (McCoy, & Queen - , City Coach Co. 112 S.E. 2d 118; 261 NXX Cou-t of rra13 01 ? ' --. v-v ' 1 like C 9 ti 1 it. '.If 12 PAGES THIS WEEK ' For 1962 HOT SPRINGS TO HEAR PROGRESS REPORT JAN. 2 A Progress Report on (dans for economic development of Hot Sjprdngs will be beard next Tues day night, January 2, in itihe Hot Springs high adhool auditorium at 7s80 o'clock. John Hampton, of Ahe WNIO Re gional Planning ComnnsBion, will apeak as weD as D. !M. Robinson, chairman of the Madison County Planning (Board; C. E. IMaahburn, and others. , : In order to cooperate San the meeting, 4be Hot -Springs Parent- Teaohers Association da relin quishing its regular meeting nagtht. Tbe (public is cordially Jnivated to attend tbe meeting. ' Wife Of Judge . Huskins Passes In Burasville-7 Mrs. 'Mary Bailey Buskins1 45, wife of JSuiperier Court Judge J Frank iHuekins, of (BurnavUle, died at 5 a. m., Monday, December 26, 1961, do Yancey County hospital after a long illness. Funeral services were (teld at 2 p. m., Wedneadby in he First Baptist Church of Burnsvilie. COUNTY SCHOOLS TO REOPEN TUESDAY AM county schools will reopen Tuesday. Jan. ' 2. if allowing the ahristnira Holidays. WHEAT PROGRAM SIGNUP IS HEAVY IN PLAINS STATES Preliminary reports on farms signed .up under the 1962 wheat stabilisation 1 oroeram show that the signup was purticularly heavy in the 6 Plains States. iEmory Robinson, Chairman, Agricultu ral ; Stabilization and Conserva tion Madison Committee, said to day. :;i;"?;Vf These states Kansas, Oolorta. do, .Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Tex as nroduced about 60 percent of the V. S. wheat crop and about 80 (percent of the bard red winter production. Wheat acreSge on signed farms to date amounts ' to about 90 percent of the acreage planted to wheat in these States in 1961. :;';: '; .In the o-tate area, about 6.8 million acres lve been s'jned for diversion from 12 mtet pro duction on 274.1C5 far'---'. "-"2 farms. TIJa ia eual to bit ZX 5 (percent of Co 1JC1 t- - -',.-1 to Ll i" i.r ' 'L.l-iV '-yn f f ""l ' f- Uu -J MARSHALL, . ' . .,. ' STORES, BANKS, AGENCIES TO BE CLOSEDMONDAY Practioaly all places of busi ness wall be closed here next Mon day New Year's Day.' In addition to ithe stores, ene baniks, cotmthouse, postoffice and tbe various agencies wiU be closed on 'Monday. , 1 j iBusmess iwill resume as usual on Tuesday. Associational WMS To Meet At Mars Hill Sunday, Jan. 7 The quarterly prayer meeting of ithe Aswaiationa! Woman's Mis sionary Society will be held in the Mars Hill Baptist Church Janu ary 7 at 8:00 o'clock do the after noon: Everybody is invited. Pas tors have a special invirtiaitrion. The guest speaker is the Rev. John MoGee, (Missionary from Liberia. His subject wil .be "Prayer." MRS. L. L. VANN, Assooiattonal Prayer CI Kennedy And Father Show Improvement President Kennedy , got cheer ing reports Wednesday on his own back and bis (father's condi tion. Dr. Prestoit : Wade, New York specfelist, gave the president's back a checkup. Press secretary Pierre ' Salinger reported after ward that as' a result of exercises carried on the past 2 months tbhe President's back is stronger than last summer. "K will be several more gnontihs however, before the President can resume 'vigorous pfayeicall activity ; (Continued to Last Page) : CrntlMg H friends tftrjubert. 4fpritLti9 J N. C, THURSDAY, DEC. 28, ."':'. .". E & BECK WINS FIRST PRIZE IN UONS DRAWING M. H. Beck, of Mbrahall RFD 3, iwon ithe itirst priee a 4-H Paftne Beef ait the anlnual MansHbll lions drajving, held Saturday in front of nhe court house. Although 4t was not necessa ry to be present in order to win, a large crowd gathered for the drawing which was held at 3:00 o'clock. i , u Eugene ' Laws," of iMarehall RFT) 4, won the .22-aliber rifle. r rHon." of - Marshall J , . o-son j;! Walnut, won the wagon. t V " "We w.Uh to thank everyone who made donations to this wor thy cause," Lion (Harry Silver, president, said. " ' COoog County Covered With)0 Bond sakT" Snow This Morning dtiaens r of ; Madison County awoke this (Thursday) morning and found a soft, beautiful snow Outside. Although : roads were slick and hazardous, no accidents have been reported. iBy cnidrcnoming much of the snow bad meltedY T?t Iki i: " ' a ' . : a in 1961 Savings Bonds Total $11,334 In County During Nov. U. 'S. iSavings Bonds dales in, North Carolina continued at a high rate in November, being, 20 per cent ahead of the correspond ing month of a year ago. For the month, E iBond sales were up 18 per cent, while H IBond sales jumped over 38 per cent. The com bined cash sales of both Bonds fox November amounted to $4,829,450. For the yetor Series E Bond sales are 3 per cent ahead of 1960. Series R 'Bond! sales show an in crease of over 10 per cenit ; Total combined -E and H sales for the first 11 nwrnthV moumitM-- J EiUdi- of hi Madie Rwife' the best month Wtw olina in sevoi during November were , . ..0. The total bond sales in tbe coun ty for the year, through (Novem ber, are S138.160.00. This is 81.1 per cent of the county's quota for 1961. 1SS1 Year Of Progress For Public Uclfare Of State JOHN JAMES, 90, FORJIERCOUNTY EDUCATOR, DIES Wat Superintendent For 4 Years; Funeral -Today . John M. James, a member of (he Suncome County (Board of Ed ucation 17 years until his retire ment in 1955, died early Wednes day, December 27, 1961 in an Asne vdlle hospital. Mr. James, who had been 111 only two weeks, was 90. He lived on Ben Ljtfpem (Road. During his leaching career, which began in Madison County, Mr. James .taught S5 terms, most ly In Buncombe County schools. Twenty-two new edtot4 buT.d ings were erecttvl dsv T ncombe County durina his tenure on the Eoard. A native of the Turkey Creek section near Leicester, Kr. James was a of T' 1 mon 3i i r i'.a.Tr 1 1 10c PER COPY Mrs. Wade Rice Wins The Living Room 'Suite; Other Winners iMrs. Wade Rice, of Marshal RFD 2, was winner of ithe Grand Prize, a 8-piece living room suite valued at $205.00, at die final ddaiwing last Friday of the shop ping promotion sponsored an nually by the iMarehall Mer chants Association. Other winners were: , $25.00 Savings Account (Citi zens iBank), Florence Turner, Leicester IRITD 2. $50.00 in cash, Ralph Barnes, Marshall RED 6. Electric (Blanket and ' "Fruit Cake,' ' Mrs. Hay Crowe, Mar shall. - Shot Gun, J. P. Fortmer, lMar- """"lin cash, iMrs. Lon Rob- hall, RFD 1 ' ";. 1 Set $10,. Ehcila taliali; RFD 6. I Wagon land $10," Mis; berts, Marshall, RFD 5. . ; I Tire and $10, Jeane . luXan&hall &FD 5. ootric Stove, Garen ChanidV iMarahaii RFD 8. 1950 Dodge Sedan, Mrs. Ball - 195 ilunter, Marshall RFD 6. ;.jmamm of na uaniiau juer cfllaats -, Aasoriation expressed gratibuda to everyone who hop ped in : Marshall during the Chriatmas Season (and (thanked the pub1ic for its v cooperation during the drawings. I Major Stride Are Made In Strengthening Overall Services In 1961 , : Major strides have been made in 1961 in strengthening tile over all) services of public welfare in North Carolina, . according to St)ate Public Welfare Commissioner;-EUen Winston. As a result of legislation enact ed by the 1961 General Assembly, the hospitalization program for h..V.1u ubIXMa MwninfMufiai' tarn extended to provide for hospital isation of persons who meet the eligibility requirements but who : are not eligible for a monthly as sistance grant. This has made it possible to secure Federal funds for payments to hospitals for Ahis particular group of medically in digent persons. Beginning July 1 the State Board of Public Welfare could pay $16 a day for bos; Itali zajtion of both a? ' tance red; 'i entt and persons c" " 3e Br r t .- row program. 'T! " ?13 L i r? cf re!,r,.l, V i, c I Mils. I-CW!" 1 " " "" '" t:. c i -

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