u -. 4 8 PACES THIS WEEK , JAN. 25, 1S62 10c PER COPY ... .... $2.50 A Year In Madison & Buncombe Counties - $4.00 A Year: Outside These Two Counties'. h t ? 3 0 1 - f m ' m Ilica Dy '07 HE ' I Mavi w. .rMi Population Growth I ; Exciting Story j While itihe exact time la.tunpre- j ,. tiictable, North Carolina's popu- i datum is expected to. hit the 5 mil- ( - ' Hon mark to 1966 or 1967. ' "Certainly, it should be no later , than the first half of '67," (Says Or. Sola C. Mayo, head of the De partment .; of Rural Sociology at North Carolina State College. ''incidentally," (Mayo added, "NortJh Carolina's pop iul at ion " phould reach 5 million (ait about the same time as the Nation's popula tion reaches 200 million.'' North Carolina had.' 4,656465 people tine census of 1W50, : or 12.2 per cent (more than in 1950, Mayo bases bis estimates for fu ture growth on these figures. ' 'The growth of North Carolina's population during the past cen , tury land a half ia an exciting sto ry," Dr. Mayo said. In 1800, leas than a Jiaif mB tlion (people Jived in the state. By the census of 1870, the population was up to one million. The second million was recorded , in the census of 1910, the (third mnllaon in the census of 1930, smd the fourth million of 1950. , While the number of Tar Heels is increasing1 rapidly, Mayo (points out that the- 'State's rate of growth fas considerably under the (national average daring de cade of the '50s. . . This 'was (because .the state bad a net loss (from (migration of 330, 0D0 people. One fcrameddata tangi - ble result of this Migration was . the loss of one conErressman. i - To make North Carolina's pre- sent growth patterni more imwn- PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR HERE Presbytery At Erwin OK's Call; Installation In ' February It was ammounced this : week that the Presbytery at Erwin had approved, the anil , of the Rev. Charles R. Heier as pastor of the Marshall Bdtesbyterian. Church. This .was the result of ; action taken in - which ithe . Marshall Church onemmously called Mr. Heier and the Holsfton Presbytery of which MarshlaJl is a member, concurred in this oaM. ' By calling Mr. 'Heier, the Mar shall Church also becomes a mem ber of the (Madison County Lar ger Church Parish, of which he is director. This Parish includes the Presbyterian churches at Al leghany, Allenstand, Hot iSpringa, Hurricane, Glen Lee, White Rock, Walnut, and now Marshall. Mr. Heier, previous to coming to North Carolina, has served church- in the censuses in Pesnmayt'vania, Alaska as a missionary pastor, and New York. He received his education at Ny ack Missionary College with grad uate work at New; York Univer sity, ind continued study at the University of ; Washington and the Uirfveraity of Oregon, : , - Installation services, for " ; Mr. Heier will be held Sunday even ing, .February 4, at the Marshall church at seven ' clock. The public is invited to this service that will include ' guest .ministers from Greenewille, Term., speail to Lie:;. HERE WAY Bob iBarnea and" Ed Miohlael, members i of the West Asheville Lions Club, were guest speakers at the : Marshall Lions meeting here Monday night. ' Lion 'Barnes ie International iCoumiselor . and Lion Michaels . is Past District Governor. Both visitors spoke on Lionjam,, pointinigi out Ahe Lions participa tion in the eye toamk and other phlasea of aiding the blind and visually handicapped. In the absence of Lion Presi dent Harry Silver, Lion vice pres ident Ed Niles presided. 17 members - amd two . VMBitore were present. SEMINARY cnont TO BE AT IfflC THIS WEEIt-END ;ffa "T .J An II' "i : i ;i held i, ( Ocxm,le Cu The . Blue ra tional A traoted t C. Rej i A. Einwin ,1 tMemb&M were Vei " Lean, ( Payne, T' . erett Jtliu o. visor. Hi OWEN .a from Marshall 'ijiursnlay aftamoon e m the ritual end v procedure oomitesfc ; High Sdhool in Bun- t, sponsored hy the i Federation of Voca- icultiiTe Teachers, et- ni3 from . IMarhali, ' A. , Mars Hill, and Clyde ' h schools. - . of the winning ieaim v Coates, lEdmjaiid Mc ciice Davis, ' Bamett umd Norton' and Eiv Jadk C Cole is ad- The touring choir of Southern BaipUat Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., will give two con cerrts at Mars EM this week-end (Jan. . 27-28), during its anmual tour. The 37-voke mixed chorus .di rected by Dr. ; William Bushnell, will perform in Moore Auditorium at Mars HiJi College at 8 p. m., Saturday. .: The public is especial ly mvited to this performance. The singers, some of whom are Mara Hill graduatesr will remain on the campus overnight end give another concert at the Mars Hill Baptist Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. j. The musical program, entitled, "Sacred !ur.ic of Aimeirloa,'' is divide-1 ;'''- rr H J K : TAIN '. S:2:j7 DATES J.5-:,1AROI30 The s', 1 i'P period for corn, and crain 1 'im crone -under . the 19G2 f . J r-n, program will be irn -Ft' i i ry 6 and will run throurh T rth 80, Emory Robin son, :'.:' ti of the. ASC county comtrtl.k-e .mounced today. The ' -p period wifl apply1 to 1962 or f-oreages of -com and grain s -wheat e J sigWMl !;) V mg it! a ; t Vi.'. r ' nnson briiir I ' neoi'i 1 - : Mfly Eiaslliette I!q U Ikm Febo 10-14 11 COUNTY MEN ARE INDUCTED INTO ES. ARMY ' ii:ns. . Fall . seeded .1 arley acrciages were sulcr the program dur iol ended December. 1. a .two programs, Rob farmers help ' i into line "with feed graini aore i i'Tmserving uses, ""-wiill give dindlus ' e ear- The following men were sent to Charlotte, Tuesday for induction into the IT. S. Army: Carl .Herman ColKna, Harold Van Prof fitt, Ronald 'Eugene Gun ter, Bobby Richardi Worley, Vin- net Judson Willis, AJionno Dennis Fore, Leroy Alien, William James Caldwell, Cnste SheMon, L. D. Roberts, and Donald Jackson Ramsey. - The board also sent 26 men for pre-dnduction physical examina tion on the same date. IN-SERVICE TRAINING CLASS BEING HELD HERE More ithami 20 Madison County teachers are taking ''in-service'' training every Monday night from 6:30 to 9s80 o'clock at the Mar shall school. The class is prima rily for Adachera who wish to im prove and enrich their teaching techniques and v scope! V Credits may also be obtained if desired.'.' The class started January 15 and will continue through March 19, it was stated. Professor Randall Duckett, prin cipal of EwW JIi""h fWhnol, is PISGAH COUNCIL WILL CELEBRATE SCOUT FOUNDING The 50th anniversary celebra. tion of the founding of Girl Scout ing in the United Stiaites will be officially opened at the annual dinner and meeting of the Pisgahi Girl Scout Council at 6:30 o'clock tonight (Thursday) at Battery Park Hotel. The program will be based on the theme of "Serve the Future from .the Springboard of the (Continued To Last Page) ASCS ANNOUNCES 1962 FEED GRAIN PRICE SUPPORT Support prices for the 1962 crop of feed grains should be ap proximately the same in North Carolina in 1962 as they were in '1961, according to A. P. Hassell, Jr., Executive Director for the AfepricuJ&urel . Stabilization and Conservation State Committee. This prediction, he said, ie based on the fact that the feed grains for 1962 will be supported at ithe following national average sup port level. J Conn, $1.20 per bushel averag'( for all- grades; banW, 1 cw Junior Varsity And Varsity Are Combined; Four Games Nightly The annual! Madison County high school baaketball tournament,, will start in the Marshall gymna sium on Monday night, February 19 and continue for five nights with the finale elated for Saturday night, February 24. The Junior Varsity ielaims will clash each might with the girls' game scheduled to start at 6:00 o'clock and .the boys game at 7 o'clock. The varsity girls' games will stiart a 8 o'clock with the boys' games starting as near 9 o'clock pe possible. 1 It is durmg this week that moat everything else is- secondary and people from every section of the county head for-the Island to get choice seats for the four games nightly. ' .Regardless of the regular sea-i son games, the main interest Is in the tournament games. The al ways possibility of an - "upset" keeps the interest at hot pitch and the gymnasium, is expected to be crowded throughout the tourney. Last year the Mara HiU teams, all four, walked away with the championships.' In the finals, the Mara Hill girls eked out an ex citing 39-87 victory over Laurel fo : ithe crown, rfe. The wildcats downed Walnut in the finals, 58 81, to cop the boys' title. ' ,- In the Junior VUrerity ibracket, - the Mara Hill girls defeated the Laurel girls, 84-18, and the Mars Ilill boys downed the Laurel boys, Commanded By Son Of Well Known Madison County ,it Minister And Wife ,T - The U.S.S." Roberts, one of two Navy Ships operating wiUi Balti more reservists who were activa - ted laet October, entered fleet service January 22. 'i She ia one of the first reserve ships to have successfully com pleted her refresher training pri or to being authorized! to partioi Her (patrols will be out of Nor folk where he .is based as a mem pate m " regular naval duties. bar of Escort Souadron 12, Amiti Submarine Forces, Atlantic Fleet. The 180-man crew " contains more than 70 .Baltimore area reserv ists. The rest of the men are in the rpiiriklair Naw. .. .' '".. . The Roberts, designated as DE 749, ie corwmtemded by Comdr.. Ja cob S. Zimmerman, of 605 North OhaneTijate lane, a Baltimore in surance man in civilian life. Satisfactorv Test After its 1 activation by Presd- ( Continued to Last Page) n: !rirtGO? "! ! ' 1 :i 1 t P. ,T . 1 1, Ship Commander ! J Cmdr. Jacob S. Zimmerman1 r.IOUE DONATIONS r.IADE HERE FOR i'LiiiiiUU LuOat jr.its d,rst.in rnve been ma!e I.iu. ' i:;G r.-;,t Vi '-; for the fi- ( i at V. .r ' :i f ht:se. At a .r' -rn-i'o ! ' r l''"t n---V. a rrp.ivt vs. "'vi on. d- it; JONES REMEMBER WHEN? Gen. Al fred M. Graenther reminisces a bit in.Battery Park Hotel Monday nhlit with Gen.' Harris Jones of Ashevu a the man who instructed hi:"i m mathematics at West Point almost 40 GUUENTHER years ago. Gruenther, president of the American Red Cross, was speak er for the annual dinner meeting of the Asheville Area Red Cross Chap-, ter, of which Gen. Jones is treasurer. ' ij V J ' v. ... - -1 , fr--fc . -i'rrry R. C. TrC ' f - j V- '.'try rrsinft EU.ltn, .d wiU Ma . t i,.3 j.::." tic- noreasi pafe--C.3il For Allotment Increase f. ' Con. Roy A. Taylor Ucp. Taylor Strongly Supports Increase In Allotments Washington Twelfjh is.trict. Congressman Roy A. Taylor has advised the Dept. of Agriculture of his Strong eupport oa f1"" posed 6 percent (increased im bur ley tobacco " allotments for ' the 10G2 crop. ' Rep. 'Taylor, who rewj-s ( i ui...- ' hsvilcy belt, 5Tl'- ;" " i ' 1 T!iur,':'V, J.-,'i. r- ' Madison County Reaches, CO. vo Uf uoia v " . $150,064.00, 11 . -'. ' - ," ' " .TWwk . 'Protpram has just .concluded a .most wugxeer f'ul year in North Carolina. Bond seiles in the state during the month of December, were, over r 13 per cent above DecemiDer w io previous year; E Bond eaJes were up 11 per cent, land H Bond, sales were vep 40 per cent. , Oumulatave sales for - he 12 month iperiod of 1961 were 4, per cent above trie prevoouo jw. amid iH .Bond combined ealee total ed 48.5 million dollars, imis as ap proximately 94 per cent of the 1961 anmual quota assigned to ' North Carolina..".' ' . "The IBond Program bias just finished a most successful year in the state. It was one of our better peacetime performances of vu.i.h every citizen can take pride," f 1 W. ill. Andrews Jr.', Slate Chair man, U. S. Savings Bonds- Com mittee. Bond sales in Maoison County were $150,064.00. This is 83.1 per cent of the county s q .'o , a r , yosr. In r'.- t'.is rr t ! C. L. T J '1 Jr., - ' Volunteer CUirw-.n, e-; ' anrc'i- 11 '" -made GUI

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