if ' i r 1 fl i r .V v 1 . - -H. .I..... ........ - . .,.,.. .... ...,......... . 12.50 A Yur In 'Madison Bomeomb OotmtlMi $4.00 A Tear Outaide Theae Two Omuittf 8 PAGES THIS,WEEK MARSHALL; N. Ci,-Ti:u 10c PER COPY TV 'n'cric! Crctil ;Uat6rslictl ! ; DAIRY MEETING; JL .-J n TO BEHELD HERE is'iio;;; SATURDAY NIGHT coutl: fin linn ' 1 1 ii - ,i i i it i. i i - i iii ' L . I 1 .' '. 1 'I 1 , 1 ' H oCie ff :S'fcr tot icn -J a-viar isv tCs .iMow Authorize J To GiV efaad jpilaiD for the 231,141 tycre 4$. per iTMowft liroad Riyvw ibaaiq.iwll FRSNKlAMSEY announced 7upsiav. "M Taykr Said t 'tT. S. Soil Con- fiemooA iseriw is; tamubbint a diamnnitinri (program cxpeeitea to uw- sul jn conerm?tioif of (wMwtBter dtm. ofiffwng flood Tpdbecticoi to ; Oedc(pBin qof : ttm plan. efc- pected Ip v require to nine moatV. Jk oordl)iated with (3 V fewfr ferod t Watershed iyviit -fitonl iid Water Oonerw.tia! Dtotriot, Eidrvraml H. Mclc7vvf ' Penrose , ftwimv Tmflyl(MWi5 WateraW Imqxrove mettt itAatriot, M. Boyd pf Ore varti, ohairnwui; ann JHadeion Sod! aod Water Conemitian Dis ' teiot, X3eaff A. Hovtmm xt "RL 2, HiWii)viIler dt1ajmmt Tj4rlid the S03 tnow as u thocdmj to Jve teahrocal and ff naaclal fleiatance,'tJiroA9i' Wioee oitgtmiteMctim, o lvelofBnrrt of watershed, XMWgMunr. ' ' f Once WW r cfpletd, Ty lor aaM, ie a ubmit V the Budget Bum ad fee request at fund needed for Che program. , Estannaitfia of theroat for IVenoli Broad tieadwhiter dtme1 Win not be avaflaWe nHitil tudie ara .com l be w , : lUluai lMitil'il r, Hi.- 0.... ! 4o te. iUkeo toWMxT' otuJ devel opmeni of ,optroi"p3am ud con atroeticMi of flood demis,' -dedared Tagrior wfca Mai bean nahinr Kit program. ; . Lai Jane, lWnyJvanta reai amm weed mve to one for a wa ter control pfognain. Henderson , voters went agjnet a BmiKar propoeal few days be fore -die TVaneylvamia vote. At issue dt both counties wa the as seaekia; of property taxes for main tenbince of tM ieadwater dams. Frank Ramsey, of Mairehall RPD' 6,Maidfison County Auditoor for the paat 14 imonitihe, has re Bdt;med Ms qpoet due ibo ill 'health, it was &unoutyd (here 0m weeJ. In epeoiaJ tmeot&rw of the coaiontoeionera ' "WedneBdiay, lihey accepted hie ireaigTiation which be came effective immediately. . . In addition to, bemv radotor, Trt 'Ramtsejr iho eerved e tax eu- perVtsof, deJinqwen tax codleetor, county ipurdhaaing Agent and sec retary to the board of commaiS- sioners. Bill Roberts, chairman of the board of comirussiioniera, stated tfhia (Thwraday) mornine tJitat Mrs. 'Mary Rutrwiiiom, who has been serving as aaawtant ito iMr. Rain sey, -would assume Mr. Ramsey's duties, as Acting Auddtor. Duiningr the first ihalf of 1961, t(he combined net profit of iron and ateel companies was 61 per cent lower than an the firat half of I960, according to reports from companies (making (about 03 per cent of the total cited. ACP YET OPEN TO INTERESTED FARMERS The County Agraoutoiral Con servation Program through wmdb the Govcrrnnent eharea -. 'toit, with farmer ki perfonmW need ed, fanm practices t) coneerwe out ott - and Trtefr"wiuwW' "U yet o n .eiiaiitel S&mmmbo f, i'J 4d;-fw,tlhelr:iaojieat,mrto(r ary 10-25, edye Eanory Robinaon, ahauntan f.,h Madisoa vCouny ASO ocanmittet. Atmwnad crr&c- twea fnemdar the establishment of a vegetative over for oaatart or Jtayr Hh eippladaition of litne atona to fannland; the planting of trees; the improvement of ex isting vegetative cover; tile drain age; contour eMporonping; for est improvement and farm ponds. The ASC chairman eeid that the A OP is one flamm progiraim in which all farmers are eligible to partioiipate, if they ihave a farm problem which can be solved with one or more of the approved coun ty practices and urged those with need -to contact the ASOS office at Marshall for the details and the .filling of their request. He also stated that those who made their requests during the initial (Continued to Last Page) February Term Of Civil Court To 'Start Here Mon. AH Biltmoret Produce? Are Urged To Attend At, CdurtluHise , H ?, An important '' sneebin, of, all Rilitmore cooperating Jiroducerrs will be held at ' tha coartbouse here Saturday night at, 7:30 oV clock. . Tlhe 'following letter has i been mailed ito Ht . Baltimore producers whikih ia eeJf -explanatory I ' ; Dear Da&rjnnen : , -fnf. The - two Bitonore iprodmcers representing you on tiie Htmorf cooperating produce re orgjanuss tion have attended a directora' meeting In. AaheviUe and are In a position, to sit down wrah you and idiscaaa iSm detail the tnarket mg aStoatioin; tae it pertain to you; foiikt .' ... : ! I feel that it w of utmost im portanca that 1 rge each of you to pamtictpate in tihis verrsttei- portamt' , tneeting . affecting- ' the marketing of your milk, the dairy. economy of our county ands'off course, more , important to yon, your own pocketbook. There is little doubt in fny mind but that the State iMSlk Commiseion will make nriinge .(affecting all fijflit more (producers in the very near future. It is .imperative that your directors be given benefit of you thinking after you have been- ad vised as 4 the present sibuation as lit affesUr you. t "'. ;V "I ;tTeaUt ithat Saturday A$4 i not the best time to cal) err (Wit&Q'i hedulea ; tr imposaibl f orfoje and jr"' memfaeni 'of your present'et ' Mmoei " nglit befor tt ul for tht'dlreoto.r t-' f 'ha met"l.iIl?,, 7:30 p. So., Saturday, Febapuairy 8 Voura very truly,.. . HARRY I. SILVER -. County Agricultural Agent.. ceceivea tovc; Badge" Ic t f Hi 1 "Thanks voted.- . "... 0J , i I Cregory; of StaV- bv.p T.ded the coveted 'Thanks Badfee" at the tfirat an ual dinner meeting of the Pisfeafti Girl Scout ' Councul, Ihcld 'Con jawtotion' with the 50!Jh anniversa ry of Jin1 Scouting last Thursday nigh M Battery Park Hotel.1; 1 Other special tawaavla were pre sented to Mrs. . V. . Thorpe of Afebeytle, and Mrs. Tamia Rollitnao of Wayioesville. ' :Donald H- Denton, president of United iCamimuiuty Service f of Meddlenburg County, addressed the-. 125 Girl Scout foadexa .nd friends on eonawu iiinyeadeTislhipi . fllr.-jt?regory, &it t ice prea- dent, - gave Plai a . r h Pree- ;(CntinM To I . rage.ii t ARJ " ft 1 by TELEPHONE CO. SEEKS CHARGES. RATES ' Western Carolina Telephonei Company .today filed am appltea ttan with the North Oaroikia Util ities Commission for authority to inoreas rates and chargea jv all of ta North Carolina Excnanges, The application requests Author ity to establish rote group for its local exchange service, to. ad just xatee for local exchange teleplbdine aervice in ; tacoordance with the (pwipteed grouping, : , to make adjustments to (rates' !s ,' charges for uniaceUaneousi quip- ment, aervice oonneetion charges, and to provide extended area ser- ii; . ,!. a i . A . . . ,1 . ..... A t -tj . vice Desman -uuuawoee anBayi- va, Brveon City and Cnerokee, and between Mutiphy and iHayes- Western brolina Telephone Company serYea a large geographd cal area in "Veatern Nonth Caroli na with eacfhangea located at Ba " (ConttTvueii, to test Page) e 4 A I irirT , i of NEGRO STUDENT ENROLLS AGAIN MARS HILL Mies Oralene Graves, a Negro described by Mars Kill College President Dr. iHoyt PJadtoweU aa "a. very attractive girl with' the I.Q. for college work," has re-enrolled at the college and is lWiing in a dormitory. Miss Graves registered at Mara Hill in September to become the firat Negro to enroll aa a full Hedged omdergradnate student at a Baptist college in North Garo lint.' Illness forced lier to drop out after a month. ':, iMiss Gomes , jived with her gindmotiier and comrmrted dur ing the firat month of studies, but moved into a dormitory to make ii easier to attend classes this semester, Dr. Biackwell said. - "W haven't had one word of criticism from our local commn-i nity or our student body," Black weU said. "We've bad a very nice Congressmen From 6 States Ask For Increase To Meet Increasing Demand experience. . , He said the aohool blae received some MoutsideM critic iam, ohWly jncreaee was oieceseaiy to keep irom . other states. ... (Continued to Last Page) The 1962 Iburley tobacco acre age aUotment has been increased six per cent, Sen. Sam Ervin, D-N.C, toOd the Aesociftted Press Monday in Washington. The increase culminates a long fight by farm and tobacco or ganizations to get the acreage al lotment raised. 1 Congressmen from . Kentucky. North .Garodtina, Virginia, Indi ana, Tennessee and Qfcio Recently asked the Agriculture Department to boost burley acreage i4 order to meet increasing dwnand. The requests: for ;. increases ranged between 6 and 7 fcWosnt and meet, including the Western North . Carolina delegation, had requested the 6 per cent granted Monday. rt; , past year's aliouneot of 829,095 acres was baeed on a national marketing quota of 638 snlliou pounds. The 1962 allotments are baaed' on a quota of 671 million poandB. , ' . The 1961 allotments htad been increaeed 6 per cent from the?.. year before -and spc&eemen for the burley; states said e foribat REFERENDUM ON BURLErKSET FOR FEB. 20 '.'V' SchedOled Judge James C. Farthing To Preside; Several Cases On Docket fU February term of superior coorrfor the trial of civil Oases, will begin 'here Monday mornang with Judge James C. Farthing, presiding. The (following motions and cas es are scheduled: Motions Nate Heneley vs Gains E. An derson, et el; Glen Sick Whitt vs Gains E. Anderson, et al; . -; WaJter (BHaail ys Lucille C. Mc Devitt; V.., . .Woodson W. Ray ve Haasie B. Lamb, admr-2 . Charles Davis vs Donald Shel ton ta all; vFaye P. Kent vs John F. Kent; . V' Bulah Rice et ox vs Edney Rice, et ml; , , r Lawrence Reavis et al va Ralph Reavis et aL , - .v. - 4 . , ,t , . ? . " Case . J. B. Ramsey vs Otto Helton; - Luke Guiffio et al vs Edhey Rice et al; Wayne Norton Vs Roy Stamey; Myrtle Coward et al va Hayden Meadows et al) ' ; ' ' . i Z ' Crawford Mace vs Clinton Fen (Continued' To LaarPag " vi COUNTY BURLEY REFERENDUM GROUP MEETS The TeguiJatioms igoverning ."fhe acreage anocmenx, mamceung. quo ta and price support program- on tobacco provides .that all produc ers shall be given an opportunity of deciding in a referendum whe ther they are for or agiannet such prograon. As a general rule these referendums on tobacco are held every three years. County ASCS office manacrer Ralph W (Continued To Last Page) A meeting of business men, bankers, farm organizational leaders and county atgrrculiturpl workers was held ini the county ASCS office on Monday p. m., for the purpose of formulating plans to .be followed in. the forthcoming Burley Referendum. The group named a committee to spearhead a drive to inform our burley pro ducers, business people and other citizens of the importance of the Burley Referendum which- will be conducted on Feb. 20. Persons named, on this cosnmittee were Htary Silver, chairman; -P. R. Elam, John M. Anderson, Leonard Briggs, Jack.Payme, W. B. Shel ton, and Reeves Church, members; Jn releaading this announcement, Ralph W Ramsey, ' ASOS, office manager, said that IMr. Silver and his eonmnttee will be calling on mjsirvy people at the conimunlty level io assist m getting' out the largest county , vote possible, on Fbernary 20. " . i . , Slight Error In Basketball Tourney Dates It was published in iast week's edition that the Madison County basketball tournament would be held here February 19-24. The correct dates are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, February 20-24. ed, Ao? ly tf'preoiated,'' Ramsey i hyone wishing to Utmate may no so by seeing a fflremm or mailing vouryontiutkms Io1 yt. B. Ranwy. Mawshall N,. C.,. A Jdat of additional donor dur- big .the past fer. days M'lowsli . Mrs. Vennw Runnion, sHafry Silver, Mrs. Iknery WaHin, ' jMi. Aaron Reese,' Mrs. Thula Norton, W. T. Moore, Boyd Baucom, iMrs. Jennie Lee iBuckner, Mm. . Fran ces F. Btanisey, Halliard Teague, Dr. H. E. Boliinger, Miss Stella Carver, Mashiburn & Huff, Frank Moore, Mjrs. Retha Ward, Mrs. Gale Silver, Miss Faye Adams, MisSi'Mae Fleminig, Mrs. Ethel Sprinkle, Miss Judy Bucfaner, Mrs. Mary Etta dark,' Ed Sams, John Chandler, J. J. Ramsey. Miss Graves was an honor stu dent at Stephana-Las High School hf Aeheville, where she waa grad uated" Sast'year. - ' iKjt ' Some other JJaipttiat eoflep-ee' in the state are taking Negre stu dents on a ipart-Tjne itaeis. - The -fonliaptii i. .o wei-iion, meewr.- rJkst F mber, urred the. colleges '(to u; ft f"" ' 'y possl'le" STHATYBERRYfg DC PL Id v BRUCE ELMORE FOR CONGRESS? Asheville Attorney Bruce EJ- more apparently is the choice of certain Democratic leaders in the newly-created Eleventh Congres sional District to oppose Rep. Roy A. Taylor in the May primary. Whether he laotually enters the race wiJil depend upon events in the next few weeks. However, .he (Continued To Last Page) . it Fou. presenbid tie -a. in Sneed's Restaurs. i fak :the citation, Enfcohwta Credited for his work-in the build ing program of Bryson CUy (Meth odist Cburoh, his aervice foar JO years as director of public wel- fare, tt&s originatingj the idea of setting up a home for the aged in Swain County, his. arrangement, working through the Lions dub, for three eye clinics for the indi gent which have eerved1 ISO per sons and for his work to 'bring a bout a better understanding of the civil defense program in the county. Mr. English is the youngest son of Mrs. Grace English of Mar shall and the late Guy English. N. C. Doctors Back Care For Aged Plan The North Carolina Medical So ciety announced Tuesday it backs an American Medical Association Aw medical care for the aged through iBlue Shield insurance. The plans calling for uniform, ' nationwide Blue Shield benefite for physicans' services for older persons, recently was released jointely iby the AM A .and the Na tional Association of Btkie Shield lb p-! tliv'v Oil Church Street ' r ilants 1)9 or- - iSome people are ust naturally h)dkyf What would be ypur dhances of finding a handbag con taining more than $300 after los ing it on iam AsheviUe street for more than four hours? Well, that's exactly what hap pened on a recent Tuesday might to three Marshall people. It seems -that .Mr. and) Mrs. Page Brigman and Mirs. Brigiman's mother,' Mrs. Kate Reed, rushed of f to AshevilQe where Mrs. Reed attended an Eastern Star Meet ing. They ihad intended deposit- ( Continued To Last Page) tMuoMim. ..v.j .'A have i r r tunity iliis year to place for Jt.., oe Eeauity jpU. the noniiinal price of ninety-five fteote per--one hundred. All points wiU be inepeoted ; prior to being, puled and miU be 'tracked inr .tot. insure good "fresh plants. Fresh,' or frozen strawberries are one of the best fruits available. The lo cal supply of good! strawberries is short. There is room for as good acreage just to satisfy local de mands. Last year, almost nostra! berries- were sold in roadside stands within the county. Few farmers have enough berries for home use. Camirneriioail strawberries offer (Continued To Last Page) (lot Springs Development Corporation Gets Charter adison's Inoome doubles In Decade Still Lags Behind The North Carolina, National . : "-Averages' ' Per capita income in' Madison County has more tHaw doubled ia the past 10 yeara '. " but. ieWl ;s behind ' the i North .Camilfeia. average and. H.Jess than two- thirds of -the national average. In 1950 .the per capita income fox the county was ' Only.; $434. In 1960 the- figure had risen to $1,013.' 'cotupared to' 'a' '; national average of li.868.-.?? i; '.?; -;:-;;! A survey of a, county pknning body says that in past years "the county has participated fully in the kng "run economic depression and underdevelopment on Western North Carolina." iPiincipal- reasons, listed . were lack of good roads, slugged terrain and the high number of marginal farms. Underemployment in the county is chronic and about 10 per Cent of the total work force was unem ployed daring the past ye&r Qut migration has been Severe tin- re cent years, with .the pouJation dropping from 22,522 ih-O to 1717 in 1960 a net of 505 persons. Estknated Vgitosa out migration from the '.- county during the aame period was. esti mated at 11,300. - ' " fixA; ' Although Hammarlund - and Brarlingtoia iMils have, iodated' in the county, and v service employ ment has increased by 40 per cent since 1960, gross employment has dropped. Smaller businesses tike r.ivco at Mars I.-l and the three arcMl kilns in the county nave helped relieve the situation-. Many workers commote daily to Bun combe County for work. . Current unemployment is esti mated kt 600 persons and'; jobs must be found for them, if econo mic decline is to be halted. . 1 There are a total of about 700 persona working in Jobs Covered by unemployment insurance. .Their average weekly pay is more than $50 and. total payroUs In the coun ty last year came close to $2 mil ton. ' : ' ' : . ' . . The potential, for tourism, re ereational actavity, health resorts and iretirement eolonies is great in Madison Oottotyi V The Basnmst Report hem jpre'ed that tourism will increase 30 old by 1968 and Madison leaders are . hoping , to share in the bonanza, . . ..: . , (Continued To Last Page) . LOCAL FIREMEN TO START COURSE HERE FRB)AY PJtt. Allen Duckett Will Be The Instructor In 14-Weeks' Course Hare Objects Of Corporation Are Cited; Planar Are Continuing W. B. iRamsey .Marshall Fire Chief, announced thte week that a course on f irefSgtbtring Would be- . . i . ' - if.ttA gin mere rinaay- ngm en j.av o'clock at the fire house, with for mer Fire Chief Allen Duckett be ing the inBtruetor,.r.$-..'y--V'-'-'l' , Duckett has recently qualified as an instructor, in the rigid course and local firemen are looking for ward to the course. Chief Ramsey said that the course would consist of 3-&our sessions every Friday for 14 Weeks., 'fy':!-' Tl.K- He urged aU local firemen to be on hand 'or - the .start of the 42 hour course JViday night here. '.. ""It 4a a - ' splendid opportunity for the firemen and 1 hope that a many firemen, as possaiie. wiii take the entire f course,", Cliof Ramsey concluded. A Oharter has been granted setting , forth the incorpoaiation of the Hot Springs Development -' Corporatkm, it was .' announced ,. this Weak,' With the latest action plana will conttnus for the deveJop- menc of uoc springs, j ; 'Mtany meetings have been neces sary to get the plank formulated v and the many technical "(processes tat such planning to 4ecome ef- -fective. .Working htemd- in-hand with the Madison County Planning Board, the (Hot Springs Planning Board is now in a nosttaon to make further ', stepar4 toward ' re development -tww 'that the charter ' has been grar.te.1. -.'"' . Main objedts of the corporation -are listed .in fflart as foil .-.vs: To develop the natur 1 e-.l 1 i mari resp-irvfs of the T 1 .' area; to fonr. jects T r r ' r c pron"'. -i r. ; 1 " ' Uiw . .'a i. . and bUi.'j-. -., t exi. i:.r3 -i " '. . . -eno 1 t r i (C : ' . i Jf-"1 is'

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