'3 7. .'.. 4 VOL. 61 8 PAC3 TIIJSIWEEK 6. if MARSHALL.' N.'C ' TIIUH - -' $2.60 A Year la Madison A Buncombe Counties ' " R00 A Year Outside- These - Two Counties' i"" p . ' '"in ) r 1 ! ,- nnorr :. .. iJU. UUU..Utjri j t 1 t l '-. : l. 1 ip-' I i t jr ill ftS .-!..: .1 QUAIL . TESTV. FOR.S J . ; Judge Hi fafcle Mates Decision After Appeals ,n v ,Ey Attorneys- 'A one-day term. of - gupenor ' Court here was adjourned Tuesday . afternpon following . he granting , ox motion to transfer two oases t o - Haywood1 - County; Superior ...Courv S v - ,' , One was, ihe case of J. E. Mc Intire, former 1 vocational ',. educa- - tioti te-rher at ?Har : Hill , High School v ho is charged with tteal ing s t $2,000 worth of tools, and 'pqti" t from the school, t ot Her was the retrial of 1 L. Hodges and Mrs; $urlie Gosnell, ?The retrial was ordered, by,, the . btate bupreme Court after they appealed convictions; of second de gree murder and ' manslaughter, reppectively. -",j .,. Both cases have attracted, wide spread attention in Madison Coun ty and attroneys. for defendants argued that their clients would be at an unfair d;-n-i vantage if their cases vt-nre tr! 1 in I'adison. "t'." . fji:. "-t.. r.oLert Swain,, and si' -f.I lomi attorney A. E. Leake Case., Transferred ol sti-'iously when ! . 1 Ashe- r 1 rBIADKON HAD, A BUMPER CROP 01 TOBAOCOIN 1962 , J. ' E.- Mclnttre Metal Guard Rail Is Deing Installed UpTrisby Branch 17- 1 Bennett made ve i,.e Mclntlre i ' .The- State -Highway Department rrl re'-" !rm f as now jht the proteis ot r "1- t new f t r 1 i Burley producers in 'Madison County received more gross money from their 1961 crop than ior any yeir on record, according to Emory Robinson; chairman of the County ASCiComniittjie. A summary ' of 1 . " ' 4 .v. '.'ib ..'..I-'. 'fl-"J S Ve pounoage marKetea reveals', a production of, 6,768,168 pounds' pa 2695.0$ i.'.sjtSres, ' which - gv the ounty;an averag ; yield of ?169 pounds per ';ncxetThe;M9 jrteld exceeded the county's 1960 yield of 2039 pounds by J30- pbonds per acre -Theyulume niatketed from the, 1961 crop, exceeds all annua) records since 1954. The 19B4 crop amounted to approximately J,000, 000 pounds ,'. which was v produced on 8167'acres.; As to the. gross re ceipts ffoni last year's crop, Rob inson said., it probably; exceeded that , anjr previous year by ap proximately a hlf million, dollars. nverage Per V crop out ' Applications . for' r Service 'College Qjiu' to be -Tgiv'erifon Apj ! ol. :u e e u' i on . 17 ttJ .i available to. college si !. i SefecfiveS Service ' local I throughout North' C;. ol ; na, a i Ing ,tO- Mrs. Myrtle I.Iorgan, to the local hoaTd. Tne"ie,st will be given at more than 500 Colleges in all 50 s' tes. Nearest place to,' J I liaon Cv ity students Will 'be" in Asl.evlllj at Davjd Millard Junior High Scores made ?n te t provide iotaX bnar(' . ih t of. aptitude for cot 'inucJ graduate Jd grad. a si scores, .will not of tVjrir-' tenjiiae, ellz'. Uity f hut are considered v. h (. formation - by, the boar ' , termiaing wf!'''!er to (' dual regisU s for f ,Applicatio -i fur r - be .poetmai1 i not 1 night, Tuep " gible studct formation t' local hoard. The,' test, i local boards i ftions of stiu' (Continue 1 ? fir Based. on tT.e i:It market price c " pound, '- te c rosed I s. '' . ., y, I'j Mfty I, 1he t defer V I mm, Piiii nHbii Outstanding T roplij 33 Must Resign 1 , " m a ' fy- A"1' 1 :"- V'M; " Mars Hill JVf Teams Winj, Largest Crowd In Hist9ty t ""in a tTrt ..i,i.,..iAIii3 LCJALLIASONS;?; Meniliers of the Marshall East ern Star Chapter entertained Ma sons of -the, French Broad Lodge Monday, evening in the Masonic Temple. ' ' ". v ',' , Mis Aldeen Waldrup, worthy ma tron of the Eastern Star presided and welcomed the Masons.; Tha re sponse waai given by Jack Guthrie, a memDeri uie liOdge ano; also associate patron ' of the Eastern Star Chapter. A' program was pre eented by the Eastern Stars, in honor-of the Ma'sons. ' ' Albun-, Buckner, worshipful Was ter of the Lodge, -spoke brieflVand introduced J J4 Bailey who, 'made the main address. Bill Silver, dis trict deputy grand master, also spoker s- ' 4 ;.' , ' " $ ' v In the absence of Clyde H. Mc Clure', worthy patron of the East ern Star, who was sick," Kelly Rob s of Asheville and a native of rl - . V r v , ' REP. USTON RAMSEY,, Dem BVup UJ1 BUIUB I A.4( ,...j.4. ..4.1..U. .e aims s-d goals rf t.- Ma-,trt6 Hous 0fpotfl. der to make throw-in" balls pos T; wpwwwifli WUB .'HIBV .UIV '"Vsit along the sidelines with Vrs. standing in fhs hall- "rance of the fcoutt. "NV the Official a; - i By POP STORY Five nights of exciting basket- . ball drama ended Saturday- in the Marshall gymnasium ,witH the,' Marshall girls dethroning the . Mars Hill sextet for the county Championship, 31 4 to 27, and the Mars Hill boys t retaining- their championship by downing r Mar- shall, 43 to 36. . " ,v Tension , increased each night and the largest, crowd, in tasket-,'. ball liistory was on hand for. the ,v finals Satarday.So! large was the crowd that officials were forced -to delay play in the varsity divi- ' sion as spectators, unabl to-find seats, stood four and five -deep" at each end of the, court. A tem porary end sone line was made . at both ends of the court in or- -ell and for the-the. unveil-', ackets" , -sters ," var", ' et-v f"v- n . system . ? ! .. -i 1 i tO SUP- i content; i t .,t tUe ease . i ( y related to tl.e Liar Hill 'CJ 1 fracas in' -which Mclntire too", aa active part. 1 '. r Jldntire was not given' con tract for this year and he moved to Lich Square to teach. He claims that all;' the - property recovered Continued To. Last Page) have been there for years were either knocked, down or, rotted out,. - making, -driving - extremely dangerous. , ,.K:si ' The new rails art firmly con structed with solid metal rails on steel posts, making driving much safer. . "It is one of the finest improve ments we've nad in years,"., one citizen stated. V 7 , ..'.I. . Thursday, March 3 "s "S" vi ico Developed In . 6. UJill Get Test In Claiti TB Death Rate In Haiti 60 1 Times That Of The ; : . United States 1 ' : Chapel Hill A group of North Carolina scientists and the Repub lic of Halt) .have - organized Haitian-American -Tuberculosis Insti- .- tute to carry out an unprecedent ed largescale human study of two vaccines against tuberculosis. -. " Dr. H. Mac Vandiviere of Chap ' el Hill is the American co-director of H.A.T.L' The , American 'spon sor is the, N. C Tuberculosis As . sociation,: an agency supported by Christmas Seals. . The two- vaccines to be tested are the Rl (pronounced R-One) and . the best'' of . ' several ' widely used ' : anti-tuberculosis - vaccines known as BCG. k ' I? f ., . The" Rl vaccine , was ; developed in the research department of the N. C. Sanatorium System : Th scientists -who developed Jt : 'and compared it with the BCG vaccine think it may offer about 80 per ' cent protection 'against -tubercu1 losis. . " - . I Tuberculosis is the- most deadly health problem in Haiti. The test area in the District of Jeremie, Haiti, has been virtually witliout public health or medical facilities. . Both vaccines to be tested have aire.. ' !'n proved to . be safe STEWART NAMED COUNTY AGENT OF CHEROKEE and 3 f ' t t berculo..is. i to Ld a"- "red t ft' 'y i.i II;ti are: " wtion do the vac rr vn"t;"e l" r xl , r .a tf t' e . JIMI. James M. Stewart, Assistant Farm Agent,' has accepted the post of County Farm Ajrent in Cherokee County and he and his family ' plan to move to Murphy about , the first . of March. ' Mr. Stewart has held the assist ant, agent's position in Madison County Jot more than three years. "It is with deep regret that we lose Mr. Stewart but we hope for him : and, his family much success in his' new '.location," Harry' Sil ver, county, farm agent, said this week. -k t ' According to Mrs. Peggy Thorn as, . president : of - the'; Madison County N.C.E.A., there will be a very important meeting of the N.C.E.A. oh Thursday, March 8, at 4:00 p.m., in the Marshall High School auditorium. "I urge all teachers to attend," Mrs. Thomas said. The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers for the coming year. It is hoped some, or all of the new officers can attend the state meeting in Raleigh. is to as J at performing 1 L uncially in jved'- farm in g practices 'v.hich will hetp them ,t4 solve1 the -soil and water conserva tion pre' ...ns cr their farms in an extent tyond which il'jey are able to. perform them on their, own in itiative.. Madison County's annu al' ACP statistical report for 1961 reveals '. that more"- farmers per formed conservation measure! through, the, program' last year than '-usual, according to county ASCS office manager Ralph W, Ramsey. Through this ACP cost- sharing program : the Government bears about, one-third of the total cost of performing- the approved practice, and the farmer bears the remainder of. the cost. The pro gram is considered: a partnership between the Amercian public 'and the farmer as a means -of assur- ( Continued To Last Page ) 1 err. deve!, Count To Increase it, jacxi XT 1 With the bedinning of, the New T lt(J.LJ..J...- ... J. . . xer, uria bafuunians conunuea to increase their purchases of U. S. Savin ea Bonds. During January there were pur chases Sot Series E and H Bond a mounting to "5 million 100 thous and dollars in North Carolina. Sales ' ere ;up , 7' above January a year agb, Series E Bonds show ed ah increase of over 1, while Series HVPonds! showed an in- ( Continued To Last Page) An Appeal j. - the When aa avalanche struck home of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Wor ley and family last Friday it -de stroyed a ' refrigerator, washing machine, electric stove, pots and pans plus a week's supply of food. It will be remembered that Mr. Worli-y was in a serious wreck some;, e ano and only aLle to work i J-;u!irly at a BawmilL In !,'Itioit to Lis wife, there are two ',vters, one an 8-wee's-c' f. ' ' e, T'' "rator. wsrh. 'ill '.en cte" "a i '1 woi'l be r& j- ' - !- 4,. . ,, 1 Payne of . Marshall .. D 6, has been appointed to the .ocal Board of Selective Service. Mr. Payne will.be sworn is at the meeting on Thursday, March 22, at the office in Marshall. . easier t.... . j t j i, , . ing the Laurel qiu.t, 43-2 to win the JV Championship. ,, 4 . Varsity jTinalt , ,1 A?t i ,The Mars Hill-Marshall girls' (Coatinded To Last Page) : llili District Republicans Fcil To Agree On nominee GBise RURAL ROUTE 3 TO BE ADDED TO HOT SPRINGS ' if - 4r"MT rrr n-TTT-t 'ttj-ti t h rotial ra:qi-lh'' day r:;ht, I'. 3. Evan ori.y cn a t'.re 'd.it poured ir.to t' 3 I :h-n ( tern lrxa fr"Tt t 1 scccr I fYxds cc . J . ! : j 1.1 4 Hi. tor- Ilr. and t. -3 l"r".s cf -it I 'r-i.- Tons of ' 'i cf I' ? house was 3 t- . -ir-i. The c f.U cf c-rtli, en- Bill Whitten, postmaster at Hot Springs, .announced, this week that effective i March 3.; Hot Springs will have a Route 3. The new route will serve .the . communities of Shutin, SleepyValley, Paint Rock and to the State Line. The new route will serve pa trons formerly ' served from the post office at French Broad, Tenn. BL00DM0BUE TO BEATREABLDG. HERE MARCH 19; ' J- - - , v , ' -ap--e: ..1. ... y. . .t. The Red Cross Bloodmobile will ba at the REA Building here on MondayMarch 19, it was announ ced following a meeting of Red Cross officials at the REA Build ing, here this week. The urgent need for blood was stressed sr.d "the public, is sV.I to make plans , now to vi I t bloodmobile when it is in I,. . and give a pint cf l lood. a i. " t t i. i ; i " Clyde Roberts, Of Marshall, Reads Resolutions : Report Eleventh District Republicans got into a hopeless wrangle over the selection of a nominee for Con- , gress at their district convention in Waynesville Saturday and end ed up by, leaving the issue to the,. May 26 primary. , i Efforts of the Haywood, Hen-, derson and Swain delegations to swing the convention behind Ashe-'' ville's Dan Judd was blocked hut only after an hour and half of con . fusing motions' and almost endless: debate. More than anything else,:: it was opposition within jthe'.big - (123) Buncombe delegation - that stopped, the-power play. Included in the district's mem bers of, the state - executive com mittee were Loy P. Roberts and R S. Rice, of .this county. Ex-of- flcio members include State Sena- . tor Clyde M. Roberts.. , The convention, in ' resolutions ; submitted by -Chairman,- Clyde . I.I. Roberts, denounced the central: -tion ot government- in F..i!.' ', criticized the state Deniocr' ' ' - ' -ministration for what it t" failure to build roads in V North Carolina t ...1 c:'" i ' s t' e voters to f-' t I ' ' k I'