, VOL. 61 NO. 20 8 PAGES THIS WEEK i V MARSHALL, N. C, TIlUl Y, MAY 17, 1962 10c PER COPY $2.60 A Tear In (Madison it Buncombe Counties $4.00 A Year Outside These Two Counties Convention Here Saturday H.aKQy To ; Agate o'i?d0Gir:-Seated- Over 200 , Attend; Leake , Endorsed For. State , -- , Committee . more wan zuu maaison bounty ' Democrats attended the county ') ';, convention held In the courthouse 1 here Saturday bight ' : LiBton B. Ramsey, former chair man of the Madison County Dem ' ocratie Executive Committee and .-.f present representative of Madison y. ' County in , the General Assembly, "was elected as -the new chairman v: vt -the' county organization. Ram- :. ! f .-I .... . . . r sey -wiu assume--r tne duties as ' chairman on' May 27 one day s . after the ' primary election. Ramsey succeeds Hilliard C. v Teagpe, register of deeds, who re- placed Mr. Ramsey recently . to i adhere to the State : Democratic - Plan of Organization and was ful filling Ramsey's unexpired term. Zeno H. Ponder,' secretary of the county organization, presided . atj the convention in the absence of Mr. Teague, who resigned as party head. , It was pointed out : that Ponder wouhj act as interim i chairman until -, Ramsey assumes the chairmanship on May 27. - fl ITftOF nTTI AoM AT f HA M11ie-w AW . ecutive committeed elected are! '"' First ivce chairman,' Mrs. Earl Endorsed For State Comm. : . i , - S . - I !" n, tt' ' ' M A , - "' - i I. f s, Si1' i , ; HOTOT:i&.,Mt!ilaaainaal ; . a. e. Lwjki'-f:.:-:: JfflS STUDENTS ARE HONORED AT BANQUET THURS. Wike I a Speaker; Future, Captains Are Named; Athletes Honored Miss Carole Sandlin Is Presented The 'Teenager Of Year' Miss Minnie Carole Sandlin, 17 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Sandlin of Jacksonville, N. C, and the granddaughter of Mr, G. Roberts of Marshall, and Players were honored, captains named, athletes given trophies and entertainment featured the 1962, Marshall Athletic Banquet held, last Thursday night in the school lunchroom Coaches Ed Morton and J. C. Wallin and Principal B. L. Ed wards gave the welcome to stu dents and guests present Principal speaker for the occa sion was Gene Wike, well-known humorist and owner of The Sports Mart in Asheville. Mr. Wike kept the audience laughing as he told, one joke after another. Entertainment was furnished by the school sextet, Richard Wilde at the piano and a comical piano selection by Harry Briggs. Next year's captains were nam ed as follows: Football: Clyde Candler and Danny Henderson ; Girls' Basket ball: Judy Frisby and Judy Wor ley; Boys' Basketball: Clyde Al len and Clyde Candler; Baseball Dwight Cody and Cyde Gander. It will be noted that Clyde Candler will captain all three MRS sports, (Continued To Last Page) DR. E17 SPEAKS ATCCuSTING HERE1UESDAY Willing To Assist ;s Planning Hospital For County Robinson; second vfce chairman, iate Mrs. Roberta, was pre- werrjr jmhboii, Wliru vice cnair-, ,mtA annual r..n nf man, Mrs. Jennie . Lee Buckner secretary, Zeno , H. Ponder; treas- uwr,;lrs. , TmiIa"Nbrtoc Hillard Teague, ex-chairman, is automat- . jcally a member of the committee. . Delegates to the State Demo cratic Convention were named and , A. E. Leake, Marshall attorney . and . former representative, was endorsed . as a member of the State , Democratic Executive Com mittee. He was nominated by William T. Moore, , tax collector, who made a nominating speech in behalf of Leake. ' " . mm ' ia . in oiiiciauy seating .the pre cinct chairman tdm . was nnTv one official protest Township 4, Ward 2 (Middle Fork). This . contest involved Jack Fox and J, G. Gardner,, who both contended a rifrht fA Ka maatoA It was voted by the convention , to, let the chair appoint , a seven member sub-committee to hear ev idence from both Fox and Gard ner and determine .' which one would be officially seated. , ' A spokesman for the sub-committee then announced that from , available, evidence ; a majority - of the sub-committee had ruled that J. G. Gardner be officially seated as a member of the executive committee. '' Fox promptly appealed, to State) Chairman Bert Bennett the deci sion of the- sub-committee. -v How ever, Gardner was officially seat ed as a result of the sub-commit tee's- findings and an overwhelm ing "aye" vote from the entire (Continued To Last Page) the Year" .Award Friday, April 27. i.atthe Jacksonville High School's annual Junior-Senior Prom. Miss, Sandlin's mother is the former Miss Marie Roberta of Marshall. ; This award is given annually by the Jacksonville Junior Cham- er of Commerce. ' Two Changes In Precinct Officials ? Two changes have been made in seating , precinct chairmen and ice chairmen in addition to the seating of J. G. Gardner in No. 4, Ward 2. The . two other changes are in Township Two, Wsrd 2, where Mrs. Glenwood Franklin replaced Crea sy Gahagan as vice chairman; and in .Township 10, Ward 1, where Mrs. Lena Mae Thomas replaced; Mrs. Emery Wallin. Shelton Laurel Man's Trial Set In Liquor Case Eurlas M. Johnson, 89, of the Shelton Laurel section of Madi son County was freed on 1500.00 bond Monday following his Moth er's Day arrest on a, charge of operating ah illicit moonshine still. Johnson was arrested Sunday by two federal. Alcohol and To bacco Tax" Division ' investigators aided .by Madison -County Sheriff E. Y. Ponder and - two special deputies. The raiders destroyed two 60-gallon stills and four bar rels of mash. Trial was set for the' November term of U. S. District Court in Asheville by U. S. Commissioner Lawrence . Stoker after Johnson waived preliminary hearing. LHS Baccalaureate Service Sun., May 20 Laurel High School Baccalaure ate Service will be held in the school auditorium Sunday. Mav 20 at 11 a. m. The Rev. Charles R. Heier, di rector of the Madison County Larger Parish, will deliver the ad dress. Candidates Invited To Giue Uiens TJejitlTuGS. IHS '.ALUMNI-. DAT.'dUET HERE SATKIDAYMGIIT The annual Marshall High E'iool Alumni Banquet will be held in the school lunchroom this Sat- ur'-y r.:ht . " ' retinsr wi'l tepin "with a I; t at 7 o'clock and a musical r 1 'il lis rrc?pnfed fol-l f ' a banquet enj lusl.;... Object Of Meeting To Better inform Citizens On All Public Matter 1 t 8 I- A Candidates' Meeting, in which 35 candidates for public offices have been invited to - participate, will be" held in Madison' County Cuorthouse Tuesday, May 22. at 7:30 p. m. Every resident of Mad, ison County is invited to attend the meeting, to meet the candi dates who will be present, and to hear statements from ; some : of the. candidates who have been in vited to speak. Sponsored by the Madison County Women's Good Govern ment League, the Candidates' Meeting has a dual purpose. . It is an effort to bring all of the candidates before the public in one meeting so that the citizens of e county will know the men v.ho are 'seeking ofXice, and be be" r l?n they cast e.c-lr 1 I- t ii f e Trv'y-nry nct'on, I.' j ' i: -., ft i.i i ; i r.-1 t- .' z f "' ! t" . r-. .'; ' , : ' ' 1 r i Dr. A. P. Duff, member of the staff at Greer Hospital in South Carolina and prominently associ ated with several hospitals, both as a surgeon and planner, was guest speaker ... at the luncheon meeting Tuesday at the Marshall Chamber of Commerce at Plem ons Restaurant He was accom panied by his wife. Dr. Duff was ' invited to the meeting through his association with the Rev. and Mrs. Grady Brldwell, pastor of Enon Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bridwell also attended the ; meeting as Iguests of Wade Huey. Mr. Bridwell introduced Dr. Duff, stating that he personally knew of the excellent and devoted efforts of Dr. Duff in helping es tablish numerous hospitals in ru ral areas, .r iV -' '" ,j j . Dr. Duff told the 20 members present that "your county seat and Madison County is desperate ly in need of a clinic-hospital and I will aid in any way possible to see that your county gets a hos pital Dr. Duff went on to say that he would even be will ing to move to Marshall in order to be of assistance in establish ing a hospital. . ' He told of ' his experience in planning hospitals "in much small er places than Marshall. Mixed with lively humor and serious ad vice, Drr Duff said that M . , you have everything In your favor to. realize a hospital . '. It will re quire devotion and all-out effort both locally, Ftate and Federal, perhaps, but it can be done stand ready to assist," cIuded;:,:li''fTr?;Tt C E. Mashburn made a brief re port on the current Labor Survey which is most important and im perative." Mr. Mashburn' urged, full cooperation In getting 'the la bor survey sheets filled not and stated, " . ... industrialists re quire a labor survey before locat ing anywhere and if we expect in dustry to- locate in our county it is necessary that the survey- be made immediately.' - Jim Story, president of Chamber, presided. mm mv h to nfjmm -WrpBrnM Ssfe'Uciy Did qqdouv NOTICE TO POLITICIANS Next week's edition of this newspaper wil be the last edi-t tion before the Primary on May 26. All political advertising most be contracted by 3 o'clock next Wednesday afternoon if assured publication. Your cooperation in early preparation of copy will be appreciated. The Editor? Young Receives Conservation Award This Week Gerald Young, of the Middle Fork community, this week re ceived the Conservation Award for outstanding work on Soil con servation. The honor was bestow ed on Young last Fall when he was declared top Madison County win ner. - The award was made possible through the North Carolina Wild life Federation and was sponsor ed by Sears, Roebuck Foundation, The inscription on the award reads: "This certificate is presented to Gerald Young as a token of rec ognition of outstanding service to the community in the field of Soil Consiervatiom , We, the 1 citizens appreciation tin this manned to those wLe efforts are notable in the conservation of North Caroli na's natural ,' resources.'. -, The f Madison County soil con- servatioa district assists in the practice which leads to such hon orav.-vr:Wf .ss'V'-?'-;. i' included , in his practices are strip-cropping, contour cultivation, sod waterway, cover crops, pas ture fertilization, pasture mow ing and tree planting. Young is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Young. LIONS INSTALLED IMiEONMON.; LADIES ATTEND Lion Official William Shull of Canton instlalled new officers of the Marshall Lions Club at a La dies Night celebration, Monday evening at the Rock Cafe. 33 Lions and Lionesses attend ed and participated in a contest of "Name the Tune." Top win ners in the contest were Mrs. O. A. Gregory, Mrs. Walter Ramsey and Mrs. Joe Eads. Each lady present was given a corsage. WEEDKILLER IN CORN HAD BETTER WORK lie. con- the i "OPPOSITION" GROUP ISSUES STATEMENT in the Primary Elections have been invited to speak briefly, and those candidates who will not fcae opposition until the November e- lection have been invited to be present for introduction" and to meet the public following the pro gram.-" '--V'VJv.-;- ,."(Ki';::;-:iJ ' Candidates for U. S. Represent ative have been invited to speak for ten minutes each. Candidates for State Senator, State Repre sentative and Solicitor have been allotted five minutes each, ' and candidates for county of f ices have been invited to speak for three minutes each, f . At the time this paper went to press, tne Good; Goovernment League had not received replies from all of the 35 candidates who were invited, but those persons who have stated that they will be present include: Dan" S. Judi, of V.'e t Asheville. EenuLlican crn- '.9 for U. S. I prcsoi.' ; .i n. r -i, 'rs i:::i, t-.-J. Last week's issue carried a front page statement by Zeno H. Ponder concerning Precinct meet ings held Saturday, May 6. " This week, the opponents of the "Ramsey-Ponder", slate of candi dates have issued a statement which can be seen on Page Four of this issue. MARSHALL seniors to; PRESENTPLAY To Present Recital Fridajr, May- 25 The piano students of Mrs. Blanche Houston will present a recital in the Marshall ' High School auditorium, Friday, May 25, at 2:00 o'clock. That new weed killer, atrazine, had better do the job or there will be an awful unpopular county a gent. in Madison." This casual re mark was heard by a farmer who is trying the May laying by of corn suggested by the county a gents, says Harry G. Silver, County-Agricultural Agent He expects results, and he should get them if he does his job. What is his job? No weed killer will give better results than it la applied. Atra cine" and simazine must be applied evenly in the recommended amount of water over the area on which it is used. V y No plowing is to done after at razine is applied. The treated sur face must- not be disturbed or weeds and grass will grow.' , No guess work on the amount of chemical applied per acre is as ac curate as being correct. A spray should be operated at the pressure and speed and the revolution per minute on the p. , t o. at which it was calibrated to treat This as sures the correct volume of chem ical per acre.1'.' No skips should be made in the spray pattern, the chemical does not scare weeds to death, it kills by contact What assurance do have that atrazine will work if use it right? (Continued on Last Page) Questionnaire Form Will Be Available To Citizen Age 17 And Up Madison County is taking a step forward for industrial expansion and general economic development with the beginning of a labor sur vey that is to be conducted by the Madison County Planning Board with the cooperation of the Bu reau of Employment Security Re search of the Employment Securi ty Commission of North Carolina. The type of information gained from a labor survey is essential for a successful industrial or eco nomic development program. Ma ny counties of the State have pre viously made such surveys and have been using the resulting sta tistics to attract new industries, to develop recreational and tourist facilities, and serve local indus tries considering expansion. A survey was conducted in Mad ison County several , years ago when Hammarlund Manufactur ing Company - of Mars Hill was considering the area for plant lo cation. The present survey will cover all of Madison County and portions of Yancey County v and Buncombe County that are, in commuting distance to Mars Hill, Marshall, and Hot Springs. Questionnaire forms will be a vailable to be filled out by citi zens ,age 17 on up, whether they are - employed or ' unemployed, if they want jobs with new manu facturing or service industries that will be considering Madison Coun ty for location of their business es. It is anticipated and. hoped that many people living outside of the county's borders will fill in and return the questionnaire as well as those Jiving wi" 'n V t county. Also, . the ojpi,o. . should be especially appealing in the county to those who commute long distance ;,. to - jobs in other counties, since this could eventual ly lead to their finding a job near home. ' Of extreme importance is the fact that' information on these questionnaire forms will be kept strictly confidential ; One of the questionnaire forms available in - today's issue of this newspaper, and will appear again next week. Also, reprints of the questionnaire form will be distributed throughout Madison (Continued To Last Page) is Roberts Recognizes ted Of Frosh RoprGsentation Members of the senior class of Marshall High School will present their annual - class play, "How Green Was Her Boy Friend," a farce in three acts by John Nash, Friday night May 18, at 7:30 o' clock in the school auditorium. " If you are looking for a riot in dramatic capsule, don't miss "How : Green Was Her Boy Friend." Cast of characters includes: Sheila Rice, Luther Nix, Tarnett Payne, Harry F ' Clsarles VS'ilJe, Shirley Per: , J ; 'y Eall, Diana McElroy, Ci . " i : , Tar bara Buckner, Ji: I " J. rro-.l-jcir-staf-: ' 1 lan- l, I Nav--, r-- -, r i i ( '., "si ; an, A . , I : ii Native Of Madison Gained Many Honors At Walnut High School New to Western Carolina Col- leee and the Student ; Senate is freshman "senator Nick Roberts. A native of t Walnut, North aCro lina and graduate of Walnut High School, Nick gained i many honors - before his graduation. His presidential qualifications en abled him to maintain the office of president of his class both his freshman and sophomore years. He later served as vice president of the Junior and Senior classes. Maintaining a high scholastic record during his freshman and sopho more years, he was inducted into the Beta Club and served as pre sident during his junior and se nior years. Ke Held otner scho lastic honors in fceinjr a j'.ir.l r marshal and si member of the Se nior I - 'T Group. . TunU.j I art in avii. -3 i- " "- t;,-s and c'-'.s, x... v at Walnut Alumni Ass'n To Meet Saturday In School Cafeteria - The 15th annual Walnut Alumni Association meeting will be held Saturday, May 26, in the school cafeteria at 7:30 o'clock. Invitations are being mailed out but it was announced that anyone not receiving one and wishing to attend, contact , Miss Joan Holli- field, Walnut, N. C Handicraft Camp For HDC Women - lanned In Llay Each year women interesf' learning new crafts ' -.1 estern District llaH." ( at Schaub 4-II C:" j ' i have ILia c; ;.; C3 and Gl 1 e 1 1 in t- ' 1

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